View Full Version : Price of Lead

02-18-2008, 02:52 PM
I wasn't for sure where to post this, so if it needs moved Please do so.
What is happing on the lead price? I told a couple of weeks ago, that it was going down! The most I have ever paid is 30 cents a pound and I thought that was high, but I heard a lot of people saying $1.00 or more. i don't remember (Old Age Thing) what forum I saw this on, but I guy in Witcha Ks had some lead for sale, no price listed. I live in S.E. Kansas and it is about150 miles or so out there, and they have guns all the time so I emailed the dude, and ask him how much he was wanting for it. This has been about 3 days, and he emailed meand said he had a deal pending, but if it fell through he would sell it to me for a $1.00 a lb :twisted:
I am glad my wife was still home to call 911:mrgreen:

So i just wanted to hear from you guys, is it at a $1.00 lb?
Just trying to get a heads up, my machinist Bud almost has my moulds done and as soon as it warms up a little, I was going to fire up the Master Caster and get with it! But if lead is going to stay in the price range, I am only going to cast for my self.
Thanks Greg

02-18-2008, 03:34 PM
hello: where are you located? I am in fort scott, the tire shops in chanute are
getting $1.00 /lb for ww's. the tire shops here in fort scott, are not letting ther ww's go.
the last time i got ww's, I paid $20.00 for 5 gal bucket full, should have kept buyilng
it, but thought I had enough at the time. I paid .50/lb for linotype at that time,
should have bought more of that also.
Ted Kelley

G. Blessing
02-18-2008, 03:50 PM
Most of the listings I see on auction sites and forums, it is generally running $1 a pound for pure and ww... has bee for the 8 months or so since I bought 50# at that price... been watching for a better deal since...

I've seen lino at around $1/lb and as much as $2/lb... .50/lb would be a steal..(shopping for lino right now...)


02-18-2008, 06:35 PM
The WW/Lead prices are all over the place from my expierence. I have found places that want .15 cents/lbs, another place that wants $30.00/5 gallon bucket, and another place that wanted .75 cents/lbs, and yet another that wanted $1.50/lbs. Needless to say I didn't buy from the last two places. I have also been lucky enough to find a couple locations that gave me a few WW for free, but I cannot rely on these places for a steady source. I also thought/heard that the prices would be coming down, but as of yet it hasn't and to be honest I don't think the price will come down any time soon. I stopped by a scrap dealer a couple days ago and they were buying WW for .25 cents/lbs but when I asked if they had any for sale the guy told me that they were not selling any at this time.

It get a little discouraging at times, but I just keep my eyes open and keep looking. You never know when you will get lucky and find some and then it makes it all worth while.

02-18-2008, 07:57 PM
Here you go:


Lead had been trending down, it appears to be heading back up again.

02-18-2008, 09:18 PM
Remember that the prices seen on the above site, which is one of the best sites for tracking metal prices, reflects the spot price. A lot of people (casters) bought their lead at the higher prices and they aren't really going to start dropping those bullet or bulk lead prices to reflect the spot market. they are not selling on the spot but having to buy on it.


02-18-2008, 09:39 PM
I thank you guys, you have gave me what i wanted to know. The last tire shop in my time just shut there doors, and they always gave me there (MAN THAT HURTS) maybe it will get better!
Thanks again Greg