View Full Version : How tricked out is your house for Christmas ?

12-24-2014, 12:44 AM
The homes in my neighborhood run the gamut, from no decorations at all , to completely over the top displays with multiple strands of lights, lettering and huge air filled Santa's and reindeer that require a pump running through the night to keep them filled to puffy perfection.

I can't say my place has one of the better displays, my next door neighbors giant frosty the snowman alone dwarfs my single strand of lights. But I still feel I am doing my part, I don't complain about his little motor next to my window that breaths life into frosty and sucks some of the sleep out of me.

Anyway, I couldn't help but wonder if castboolit guys go all out with the decorations or prefer a more modest approach to holiday cheer


12-24-2014, 12:49 AM
I hung a powder horn up that's about as close to Christmas decorations as I've had time to deal with lol.

12-24-2014, 12:53 AM
We have a modest display on our postage stamp lot with a dozen strands on trees, bushes and poles. I like to at least set something out and let my daughter help, which means none of it goes higher than about 5 feet up anything(as far as she can reach). You should see her method of winding them up a tree trunk running round and round it like only a 5 year old can do.

12-24-2014, 12:56 AM


12-24-2014, 01:10 AM
We do a little outside decorating with the puffy blow up things but our neighbors are far enough away that it doesn't bother em. I was tasked with decorating the tree this year and everyone thought I was nuts but it grew on em...instead of tinsel I used pins to shine up brass culls and put them on the ends of the branches. Merry Christmas and God bless

12-24-2014, 01:17 AM
You can't see our house from the highway, so no lights outside. One small, cat-friendly tree inside.

12-24-2014, 01:36 AM
none inside or out [ever] as I recall Christmas is a religious holiday not a light show.

12-24-2014, 01:49 AM
I gotta ask, what is a cat friendly tree??? A short one. lol

12-24-2014, 01:56 AM
Yes. It is up on a small TV tray/table, just big enough for the base of the tree with skirt, no room for kitty to be sitting there while planning the attack. And all-plastic ornaments, so no sharp things when they do invariably get knocked off, and oh yes.... a very small nearly invisible wire going from tree tip to an eye-hook in the ceiling joist as a backup to keep said tree upright during all assaults. 8-)

12-24-2014, 01:56 AM
I was wondering also lol. I'd put kitty outside, my dog likes to lay under it.

12-24-2014, 01:59 AM
Ha Ha, that's what I was thinking about to, cat friendly! I'm also set up to keep the little stray cat that I befriended safe indoors. She never wants to go outside anymore! Jay

12-24-2014, 02:30 AM
I am afraid if I had a cat, it would be frozen by now. lol

I had some friends that had a cat (outside) in NM. I drove by their place and noticed it sitting on the edge of the roof. Later on I drove by and it was still sitting in the same spot, so I stopped. The cat had sit there and with it's tail in a couple inches of water in the gutter until it froze solid. lol We had to use an ice pick to free it up.

12-24-2014, 02:33 AM
We put up a tree, a wreath and a couple other inside ornaments.

I have a friend in town that goes all out for ALL holidays. Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween, 4th of July, St. Patties day, Valentines day and who knows what all. I mean a yard full of stuff for each holiday. Almost a full time job setting up for everything.

They have won the local Christmas competition and been runner up several times.

12-24-2014, 03:50 AM
Starmac, My little cat is even reluctant to go out on a perfect sunny day. When its cold (even California cold) she puts the brakes on 10 feet from the door and will not budge. she went from tough, all weather, master hunter/survivor cat to being a curled up on the bed/only gets up to eat type cat in about 8 months.

reloader28, You are like me, pretty basic stuff for Christmas. My neighbors and your friend are completely out of my league!


12-24-2014, 08:00 AM
Does a handful of trip wires with cow bells attached to keep my neighbors degenerate teenagers from cutting my water hose out front (AGAIN!!!) count as a decoration?

12-24-2014, 08:14 AM
My SO does a string of lights on the bushes, and has two small trees lit up. Wreath on the barn hay loft door. Subtle and nice.
Inside however is another story. She collects little Christmas trees and has probably 30 or more of them scattered throughout the house, in addition to the regular tree. Lots of small Christmas decorations all over the house. She loves it....I don't have to do a thing.

Wayne Smith
12-24-2014, 08:19 AM
Just a tree and candles in the windows. Mom started our cat friendly tree and we continued it. It consists of a lower level of metal bells as decoration. Cats are facinated by them.

12-24-2014, 08:56 AM
We're pretty low profile this year. Work has been crazy and my Wife has been busy hauling both of our Mothers back and forth to Dr appointments. Just a Tree and stocking hung on the mantel. A reef on the back door.

When we first built our house, the neighborhood went all out and so did we. Not so mush anymore. Lights outlining the flower bed and porch rails. A replica of my company truck made from a sheet of plywood and painted, complete with Santa riding in the bucket. Large reef on the front door, fake candles in all of the front windows. Inside, about a gazillion Snow Babies, a few Manger Scenes, a large overloaded tree, tinsel and ribbons on all the deer antlers. Even the Bobcat got a scarf! It was a lot of work, and fun. But the kids are grown and gone and I guess the same with the neighbors. Merry Christmas Everyone!

12-24-2014, 09:15 AM

we don't do much outside other than a Christmas wreath on the front door. We haven't put up outside decorations or lights more than a half dozen times since we built this place 20 years ago.

Inside...now that is a different story. My wife and 20-year-old son go all out decorating the living room and dining room every year. I do the heavy lifting...I go along to pick out the christmas tree and carry it in the house and set it up. They do all of the rest of the decorating.

Some of the neighbors do some outside decorating but it is fairly restrained.

My wife does her part to help the economy this time of year...the amount of gifts that girl buys for family members is enough to dwarf the economies of several Third World countries combined. She also bakes cookies, fudge and assorted goodies to give to family and friends.

She rolled into the driveway a couple days ago with all the gifts she bought for the five grandkids. Her Jeep was so full of stuff, I was surprised she could see to drive.

Combined with what gifts will be exchanged between family members this family is apparently full of Christmas spirit and the desire to give. No doubt there will be a noticeable uptick in the nations GDP this Christmas season.

12-24-2014, 12:50 PM
My son and I decorate outside, with me still going on the roof to do the two windows (cape). Inside I put up the tree and my wife and daughter decorate it - special treat as my daught lives in Philly. My wife goes crazy with her decorations, especially the "chotsky" elves that she loves to collect.

12-24-2014, 12:53 PM
Digitally controlled inside and outside. Mostly tons of LED's now. 4 BIG blow-ups.

And ½ life size Nativity scene with the wooden manger, Mary, Joseph. ..........and the 3 Republicans! [smilie=w:

12-24-2014, 01:33 PM
No decorating here. Won't be home for Christmas anyway and with all the stores all decked out before Halloween all the commercialization gets old by Thanksgiving.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas spent with family & friends and a most prosperous, healthy new year.


12-24-2014, 03:25 PM
We use too put up decorations on the house.Now we don't because I never did like doing it and now I am to old and have bad knees to get on a ladder any more. We are to far off the main road for any body to see them anyway so it doesn't really matter.I guess the deer might miss looking at them.........

Here is a photo of the last time we had lights on the house...........Terry

http://i755.photobucket.com/albums/xx200/TCintheOzarks/Misc%20photos/DSCN4804housexmas2003.jpg (http://s755.photobucket.com/user/TCintheOzarks/media/Misc%20photos/DSCN4804housexmas2003.jpg.html)

12-24-2014, 03:34 PM
In June, my place looks like an old Bachelor lives there.
Christmas...same thing :holysheep

12-24-2014, 03:43 PM
One Christmas tree in the corner of the living room and a single LED candle light on the window sill.

William Yanda
12-24-2014, 03:54 PM
My brother told me of a gentleman who lived next door to one of those million watt wonders. He hung a 5 letter string of lights that spelled D>I T>T>O.
We have electric 4 watt candles in the windows and this morning I hung a couple of dozen 2 inch balls on an evergreen in our lawn.

UPDATE; Got up this morning to find most of the ornaments on the ground-We had wind and thunder and lightning last night.

12-25-2014, 03:10 AM
We use too put up decorations on the house.Now we don't because I never did like doing it and now I am to old and have bad knees to get on a ladder any more. We are to far off the main road for any body to see them anyway so it doesn't really matter.I guess the deer might miss looking at them.........

Here is a photo of the last time we had lights on the house...........Terry

http://i755.photobucket.com/albums/xx200/TCintheOzarks/Misc%20photos/DSCN4804housexmas2003.jpg (http://s755.photobucket.com/user/TCintheOzarks/media/Misc%20photos/DSCN4804housexmas2003.jpg.html)

Good God! How many packages of cotton balls did it take to make it that white all over??? :kidding: