View Full Version : Accurate Mold

12-21-2014, 01:50 AM
Holy beautiful boolits Batman! I have several Lee molds, two NOE and just got an Accurate. NOE is a great mold but is a bit temperamental. This Accurate mold dropped beauties just as soon as it was at temperature. It's a 32acp mold for a gun I don't shoot a lot so I just got a single cavity mold and I was able to drop 100 in about 20 minutes at a very relaxing pace. I can't afford to replace all my Lee molds but I'll be saving for NOE or Accurate molds from this point forward. I have been spoiled! The ability to custom order for boolit diameter is sweet. Coupled with one of Buckshot's custom push through sizers my 32 should be happy, happy, happy!

12-21-2014, 01:55 AM
For me, Accurate is the best.

12-24-2014, 09:19 AM
Yes Accurate Molds are works of art. I just got one in 460405VG and now I glance at my mold box wishing they were all made by Tom.

12-24-2014, 09:38 AM
Yup, I only have one Accurate mold for my 38-55. It is brass and the first bullet it ever dropped was perfect. Heated up on a hot plate to 350 degrees and away I go. A joy to use!

After the holidays I plan on replacing ALL my molds with Accurate and selling all the LEE, Lyman, RCBS, etc.....

12-24-2014, 09:43 AM
yep they are the best IMO

tomme boy
12-24-2014, 11:13 AM
They are good. But I have had bad moulds from ALL of them. Including Accurate. He replaced it instantly. So it can happen. You just don't hear of it like others. Same way with NOE. Replaced instantly. Lee, tried having them replaced but their tolerance is so large that it would have to cast a 358 bullet in a 45 cal mould before they replace one.

Tar Heel
12-24-2014, 05:05 PM
Accurate molds are very good molds. I have a multi-cavity mold for the 32's which throws different bullets from each cavity. That is real nice.

12-24-2014, 06:13 PM
I've got a few of them and like every one. I do wish he made a nose pour since that is what I'm looking for next.

12-24-2014, 06:21 PM
I have two .382 dia Accurate molds and got another 314-200L on order.

No regrets so far.

12-25-2014, 05:36 PM
Yes Accurate Molds are works of art. I just got one in 460405VG and now I glance at my mold box wishing they were all made by Tom.

I've been eyeballing the same mold only PB.

35 shooter
12-26-2014, 12:00 AM
I do like his options like having a mould with a different boolit in each cavity. If you choose carefully you could have everything you need for one caliber covered in one mould.
With the semi custom and custom mould makers we have today it's a great time to be a boolit caster!
I've got several noe's now and love em, but think i'll try one of Tom's next. Come to think of it i don't have a brass mould...hhhmmmmm!

12-26-2014, 02:37 AM
Tom is a class act all the way around. I've been fortunate to meet him in person. The first time I met him he took 2 hours out of his way just to explain the why's and how comes of what works in his experience. He also he a shooter not just a weekend blaster the dude knows how to shoot and I think being a shooter himself he has a good handle on what works in guns why and why not certain bullets work. He also is a very humble man that doesn't act like he is the mold maker god. But for me he may not be a god but a year round Santa Claus that is fun to shoot with and spend a Saturday hanging out with. We are indeed lucky to have him not only on the board but as a class act mold maker

12-26-2014, 03:28 AM
My vote for best mold goes to Tom as well. Only complaint is that he does not offer less than .30 dia and round nose. Otherwise I'd never buy from somebody else. So, Tom, please work on that.

cajun shooter
01-06-2015, 10:59 AM
Several years back now, I heard about a mold maker that was doing some great work but was not known in many areas. The first time I spoke with him and discussed having a mold made, we spoke on Monday and I had my mold on Friday.
I did a write up about him on this forum and the rest is history, now I wait for weeks sometimes for a mold.
I was having all my molds made by a custom maker in New Mexico at the time, his molds were very good also. I found that I liked the varibles that Tom offered and have been with him ever since.
35 Shooter, the brass mold is something to behold, I had Tom make my special 44WCF bullet in 3 cavity brass molds, they were the 43-210B in his catalog. Be careful with them as they will warp if allowed to become too hot. They are also heavy too use.
I always use a two mold method to pour bullets with my lead at 750. I preheat my molds on a GE one burner Hot Plate while my lead is reaching the proper heat.
I also order a 3 cavity made in a 4 cavity block regardless of material used. At my current age I find that the aluminum blocks serve me well. This extra material allows the block to better distribute the heat.
I fill mold 1 and set it aside and then fill mold 2. I then pick up one and empty the bullets and refill that mold. Then I pick up two and empty it and refill it. This method allows me to continue at a steady relaxing pace that does not overwork my molds. It does require the purchase of two molds but this method keeps your molds in great condition and allows them to be used for years.
Before we had Tom, everyone on this forum was making group buys from Lee. If someone needed a special mold made and they had at least 25 others sign on, Lee would make the molds for us. The problem with this was that we waited as much as a YEAR OR MORE to receive our molds. Then the quality was not always there and you had to wait another months on end to receive any help from customer service. The newer members should be thankful that those days are gone.Take care David

01-06-2015, 11:37 AM
Just been thinking about it lately, and came to realize that most of the mold makers we have on this site in the Vendor Section make custom molds at near or just a little above the price for what Lyman and RCBS molds cost! And they offer better selection and diameter options!

Sometimes it takes awhile for light bulb to go off in my head!....:Bright idea:....ah ha there it is!!!

01-06-2015, 04:13 PM
I have two of Tom's molds. They are great, I would not hesitate to recommend Accurate to anyone looking for an affordable, quality bullet mold.

01-08-2015, 02:48 PM
As I have said I've been fortunate to meet Tom in person and also shoot a few matches with him. He is first class person then a first class business man. His patience for dumb rednecks like me is unbelievable answering every dumb question even when I have over stepped my bounds and asked while he was shooting. Sorry again Tom. He also is a shooter and a caster so he knows what we feel when we are looking for just the perfect bullet. He also knows how it feels to wait months for a mold that he spent months saving for and designing and the day it arrives how it feels like Xmas. He spent a lot of time and money just trying to stream line his process so we don't have to wait for months. So it doesn't matter if you design a bullet from just your thoughts or go thru his catalog and say I want this body with a red head instead of a brunette and make it weigh x amount ant x diameter or you find just what you need already drawn up rest assured your mold will meet your expectations and be a thing of beauty made in America by a true American that really cares if you are happy. Just don't expect him to read your mind if you want it your way you need to tell him

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot
01-09-2015, 01:55 AM
Well, I have had a couple molds from LBT. Still have a 310gr mold for my .44. Good molds, but not the quality overall of Tom's

My 45/70 mold is from BABore (Bruce) here on this forum.. To bad he no longer makes molds, as they were HIGH quality.

I think the reason I prefer Tom's molds to those of Veral Smith's (LBT) is the sprew plate hold down is just soooooo much better.

In fact, I have at least 3 Lee 6 cavity molds which I am thinking strongly about finding a new home for and replacing them with more Accurate Molds.

Likely in 5 cavity versions for the .38/357 and 45acp.

Also have a number of Lyman and RCBS molds, but Accurate Molds get my nod!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot

A pause for the COZ
01-09-2015, 06:28 AM
When I got my Single 7 in 327magnum. i decided I needed to increase my volume of 32's
ordered an Accurate 5 cavity. I love the thing.



01-11-2015, 08:38 AM
I don't believe that I can add anymore accolades to the Accurate mold and Tom. I currently own 3; a 2 cavity 41-190W for the Ruger SBHBH in 41 Mag, a 2 cavity 45-220W for the S&W 625, and a true custom designed by my self, a 2 cavity 41-325B for an original Winchester 1895 Deluxe TD. All of them cast excellent bullets from pure COWs. I am also considering selling off some of my Lymans, RCBS, and others for the same in an Accurate mold.

41-325B Mold with bullets:

41-190W sized and lubed bullets:

41 Mag, SWC and WC comparison:

01-11-2015, 03:31 PM
Recently had the pleasure of using my first Accurate mould, probably won't be my last. I needed something a little unusual for a vintage rifle because the boolits designed for more modern rifles wouldn't work. Tom had a design in his catalog that looked like it would work, all I had to do was specify alloy and diameter. Sure enough, this boolit feeds fine on my old rifle. Will give some to a shooting buddy who is having the same problem with his old rifles. Can't wait for some decent weather to try them out.