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View Full Version : Oldies, but goodies

Love Life
12-19-2014, 09:37 PM
So there I was, larger than life, when I get an email from a friend of mine. Enclosed in the email was this old photo of us. This was taken at 29 Palms in 2006...yeah it had to be 2006. We were going through our work up prior to going to the real sand box. I enjoy old service photos and thought I would post one.

Anybody else have any old service photos they want to share and a/the story behind it?

12-19-2014, 09:42 PM
Not too far from my house. It do get a little hot there. Great picture, hope others add many more.

12-19-2014, 11:23 PM
Our ship was tied up at subic bay P.I. and we had a ships party on Grande Island '66-'67 during our westpac cruise. Grande island had at the time two 10" disappearing rifles mounted behind thick concrete walls as part of a coastal defense system. Pockmarked with shrapnel and bullets. After I got out the Nationnal Geographic magazine said both guns were going to the Smithionan museum in D.C. And thats the last I heard about them. Was on gunboards and one poster had pics of two 10" disappearing rifles out on the west coast. Made copies and sent them to a gunboards member who posted them for me. A little, well ok a lot of dective work and some forensic work matching the stampings on the muzzles and comparing the shrapnel markings prooved these were indeed the two from Grande Island. Frank

12-19-2014, 11:54 PM
Here's a picture of my unit's patch I painted on the barrack's outside wall. It was just over the mess hall. The company commander loved it!