View Full Version : Question on Lee rifle Dies

12-18-2014, 11:34 AM
Ok ... Question
Is there any difference in the .308 Winchester dies that come in the various different colored plastic box sets?
There is the Green? RGB The Yellow ? and the Red pacesetter
Are the dies that come in these sets all the same?
I have a Red set and need to replace Decap resize.
Seems I can buy an RGB set cheaper than just the the individual die itself?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

12-18-2014, 12:21 PM
Die Set ExplanationsPacesetter die setIncludes a full length sizing die, bullet seating die, factory crimp die, shell holder, powder dipper and load data.
This set is recommended for assembling ammunition for hunting purposes as the finished rounds chamber easily and can withstand rough handling of the firearm action.

Limited Production Pacesetter die set
This set consists of a two die set which includes a full length steel sizing die(requires case lubrication), bullet seating die, shell holder, powder dipper and load data.

Collet die set
Includes the Collet neck sizing die, dead length bullet seating die, shell holder, powder dipper and load data.
This set is designed for assembling the most accurate ammunition but is not recommended for hunting rounds as the case is neck sized only and the bullet is not crimped in the case.

Deluxe die set
Includes both the full length(requires case lubrication) and Collet neck sizing dies, dead length bullet seating die, shell holder, powder dipper and load data.
This is essentially a Collet die set with the addition of the steel full length sizing die so that one can prepare newly acquired cases for the first firing in the rifle.

RGB (Really Great Buy)
Comes as a standard two die rifle set that contains a full length sizing die and a crimper / seater die. This set is designed to meet a tight budget and contains only the dies.

Carbide die set
Carbide handgun dies contain the carbide sizer, the powder through expanding die, the seater/crimping die, a powder dipper, shell holder and load data. The seater/crimper die applies a modified taper crimp and eventually a roll crimp negating the need for a separate taper crimp die.

Lee Deluxe Pistol Die Set
Includes our popular three die carbide handgun die set explained above plus the addition of our Lee Carbide Factory Crimp Die. This additional die has a carbide ring that post sizes your case ensuring that your loaded cartridge will fit into the chamber of your gun. Additionally, the degree of crimp is determined by the finger adjustable crimp knob on top of the die. This die is meant to work in conjuction with your bullet seating die as it has no provision for seating the bullet itself.


12-18-2014, 12:24 PM
Some have load data, others don't. Some have the shell holder, others don't. Some include the FCD, others don't. Some have two sizing dies (FL and Collet) others just have the FL die. You get the one that best suits your needs. All of the .308 dies make 308 ammo, some die sets just offer more options depending on if you use a bolt gun vs a semi auto.

It gets a bit confusing, so best to check the Lee catalog or Lee online to make certain of what's included in each package.

12-18-2014, 12:42 PM
Well that's not what I was getting at
I want to know is there a difference in the dies themselves between the sets?

12-18-2014, 12:47 PM
No same

Gillie Dog
12-18-2014, 12:48 PM
Well that's not what I was getting at
I want to know is there a difference in the dies themselves between the sets?

There is no difference in the dies themselves, just different sets and packaging.


Wayne Smith
12-18-2014, 03:24 PM
The only difference in the dies is the difference between the pistol FCD and the rifle FCD. The pistol FCD has the carbide sizer that can undersize your boolit.

12-18-2014, 04:39 PM
Also different is the seatng die, some have a crimp shoulder, others (the so-called "dead length seaters") do not. Sizing dies, though, are all the same.

12-18-2014, 05:23 PM
Another thing is the collet neck sizer dies. If you want full length sizing don't get the neck sizing die. That one is for firing the same brass in the same rifle. They don't recommend it for hunting loads, only target shooting

12-18-2014, 07:50 PM
Another thing is the collet neck sizer dies. If you want full length sizing don't get the neck sizing die. That one is for firing the same brass in the same rifle. They don't recommend it for hunting loads, only target shooting

But if you are firing the brass in the same rifle the neck sizing die can extend the life of your brass by not pushing the case shoulder down every time you reload which weakens the brass at the shoulder. Some cartridges such as the 303 British get a lot more life from only neck sizing. And because the brass is already formed to your chamber from previous firing and the neck sizing leaves that fire forming intact it yields brass that is custom fitted to that gun. That is why you can only neck size if the reloaded bullet will be fired in the same gun it might not fit another chamber if only the neck is sized.

Factory Crimp Die = a squeeze crimp not a roll crimp. May not be what you want for cast bullet.
Dead Length Seating Die = no crimp. So you need either Lee Factory Crimp die or a die that does perform a roll crimp.

Some of the Deluxe sets have Carbide dies that do not require case lube. I think the RGB (green box) dies save you money if you have a crimp die in that caliber already. Different calibers may have a different dies to perform the operations. E.G a .38 special set may have a bullet seater with a crimp while the set with the same name (Deluxe, PaceSetter) in some rifle caliber may have the factory crimp die and the dead length bullet seating die.

William Yanda
12-18-2014, 08:06 PM
I believe the Lee site has a box to check for "parts" for the die set. Are the part numbers for the sizing die in different sets the same? I'm betting that they are.

12-19-2014, 09:16 AM
I ordered a new RGB set in .308 for $18 The replacement body alone on the sizing die was $13
Not much debate there.

12-19-2014, 10:46 AM
id get the 3die set inc fcd & add a expander die for loading lead,all bases covered

12-19-2014, 11:00 AM
I have the 3 die set already
Stuck a case so bad that.... well the outcome is I got a new size die in a RGB set

12-19-2014, 11:05 AM
I have the 3 die set already
Stuck a case so bad that.... well the outcome is I got a new size die in a RGB set

Try using Imperial Sizing wax and you will/should never stick a case in a die.. ;)

MT Chambers
12-19-2014, 06:30 PM
They are all made with the same amount of precision.