View Full Version : Happy Chanukah !!!

DR Owl Creek
12-16-2014, 01:20 PM
Happy Chanukah !

I'm not Jewish, but I wanted to wish a Happy Chanukah to everyone who is. I think we must stand with Israel and the Jewish people.


12-16-2014, 02:28 PM
Israel is and has been our one true friend in the middle East; the rest have proven that they're there for the handouts.

12-16-2014, 02:33 PM
I am a Christian who has been to Israel many times. My first time there, the first person I saw upon leaving the airport was a Jew who extended his hand to me and said "Welcome home!" Israel is indeed the spiritual home to all Christians and Jews no matter their nation of birth. I will support it and defend it just as strongly as I will Texas.

12-16-2014, 05:03 PM
The Jews are the only friend we have in the Middle East."o" is a muslime terriost and he would like to see Israel fall to of the muslime contries.

12-20-2014, 11:25 PM
Dr Owl Creek,

Sorry for being away. Many thanks and Gut Yontiff to you and yours. A very Merry Christmas to you!

I'm confused- always been- that a small holiday like the Festival of Lights has been attached to the most important (as I understand it) Christian holiday. Of course, there's the calendar relationship. Festival of Lights will forever be linked to Christmas because of the time of year ( I just lit tonight's menorah before I came upon your post). But....Chanukah (or the myriad spelling varieties) can't hold a candle (ha- pun) to Christmas. Jesus Christ was born on Christmas. Chanukah celebrates the Jews shedding oppression cast upon us by the Romans. Kinda seems to me that the Christian event trumps the Jewish event in spades....if there ever were such a competition! And I promise there is no such competition in the hearts of most American Jews.

We live in a Christian United States. G_d bless us all for being so fortunate!!! That we recognize- and tolerate- each of our differences makes us special. If we look around the globe at the intolerance that is inherent in most societies, we can quickly see that the US is TRUELY among the most benevolent of countries. Yes, even though our own media would like to portray us as bigoted, ignorant and backward, I beg anyone to find a more accepting society- in law and in personal behavior. I thank G_d for being a Jew and an American.

Blessings to you and yours!


12-20-2014, 11:35 PM
Sorry, a side note. Many question why we (Jews) will type "G_d" as such in emails, letters and such. Traditional Jews do so because of the reverence we have for Adonai (the Hebrew word for 'lord'). We feel it inappropriate that such an....I dunno...whimsical?...unimportant?...informal?... message such as an email or web post does not warrant the reverence of G_d's name. Does that make sense...can I explain it better? Maybe this....G_d's name should not be so easily tossed away.......

Merry Christmas to each of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-21-2014, 12:10 AM
Happy Chanukah !

I'm not Jewish, but I wanted to wish a Happy Chanukah to everyone who is. I think we must stand with Israel and the Jewish people.


Aye. I too stand with Israel.

12-21-2014, 02:37 AM
If you will not stand with Israel, what will you stand for? Oh, wait, the presidential elections of 2008 and 2012 answered that question. The low/no information voters will align themselves with whomever is paying their way. The eligible voting people, by not voting, have aligned themselves with the low/no voters. I, for one, support Israel.


12-21-2014, 05:01 AM
When I was a very young boy my best friend was Jewish. When I worked in a machine shop in 1987 one of my coworkers was very Jewish. We always ate lunch together. Told him one time that I dickered with a department store sales person on the price of a rocking chair. He said, "I've never heard of dickering on a price in a department store. Ya know, you'd have made a good Jew". I said, "Of course I would! Jewish was my second choice."
I was raised in a Christian household.

With the exception of muslim, I've had very good friends representing most other faiths.

Happy Chanukah


12-21-2014, 10:08 PM
Sorry, a side note. Many question why we (Jews) will type "G_d" as such in emails, letters and such. Traditional Jews do so because of the reverence we have for Adonai (the Hebrew word for 'lord'). We feel it inappropriate that such an....I dunno...whimsical?...unimportant?...informal?... message such as an email or web post does not warrant the reverence of G_d's name. Does that make sense...can I explain it better? Maybe this....G_d's name should not be so easily tossed away.......

Merry Christmas to each of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I, as a christian, wish my brethren would show half the reverence that our jewish brothers show for our Lord's name! I have seen the reasons from scripture that such a reverence should be shown, and wholeheartedly agree.

Rick Hodges
12-22-2014, 10:40 AM

12-22-2014, 10:45 AM
This Scots-Irish Christian wholeheartedly agrees!!!

MT Gianni
12-23-2014, 03:20 PM
Listened to Itzak Pearlman and a great orchestra playing with a good singer lots of traditional Jewish songs last night. Happy Holidays to all, Christmas and Hanukkah.