View Full Version : 7 X 57 mm

12-15-2014, 07:47 PM
I have a Ruger 7 X 57 mm.
It is a nail driver with the Lee, 132 gr. ( Soup Can ).
Sized .2863 ", gas checks are my own .014" Amerimax aluminum checks, loaded with 10.0 grs. of Alliant Unique.

A lot of people say there is something magical about 10.0 grs. of Unique. Maybe they are right ...... ? ?

http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p545/Ben35049/004_zpsc381de43.jpg (http://s1155.photobucket.com/user/Ben35049/media/004_zpsc381de43.jpg.html)

http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p545/Ben35049/001-1_zps6452f6a9.jpg (http://s1155.photobucket.com/user/Ben35049/media/001-1_zps6452f6a9.jpg.html)

http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p545/Ben35049/004-1_zps15b4b8cd.jpg (http://s1155.photobucket.com/user/Ben35049/media/004-1_zps15b4b8cd.jpg.html)

http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p545/Ben35049/012_zps44d61087.jpg (http://s1155.photobucket.com/user/Ben35049/media/012_zps44d61087.jpg.html)

Soup can's below that are lubed with Ben's Red and then rolled in Ben's Liquid Lube :

http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p545/Ben35049/006_zps2a39f430.jpg (http://s1155.photobucket.com/user/Ben35049/media/006_zps2a39f430.jpg.html)

Can you tell that I like this cast bullet ?

http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p545/Ben35049/005_zpsd64ebf2b.jpg (http://s1155.photobucket.com/user/Ben35049/media/005_zpsd64ebf2b.jpg.html)

12-15-2014, 08:00 PM
I always enjoy your post Ben.

12-15-2014, 08:03 PM
No 1 :

You're kind with your words.


12-15-2014, 08:25 PM
I'll have to try this out in my No. 1
Only shot a few jacketed rounds through it so far. This gives me a good starting place. Thanks Ben.

12-15-2014, 08:34 PM
Keep us posted with your results.


smoked turkey
12-15-2014, 09:42 PM
In looking at your nice Ruger and seeing those tiny little groups makes me see why you like the 132 gr. Lee soup can boolit. Very nice. Ben I may have missed it in an earlier post but can you enlighten me on Ben's Liquid Lube and how you go about applying it? I am already a fan of Ben's Red and am well into my second batch of it, and thinking I need to whip up batch #3 before long. Thanks.

12-15-2014, 10:04 PM
In looking at your nice Ruger and seeing those tiny little groups makes me see why you like the 132 gr. Lee soup can boolit. Very nice. Ben I may have missed it in an earlier post but can you enlighten me on Ben's Liquid Lube and how you go about applying it? I am already a fan of Ben's Red and am well into my second batch of it, and thinking I need to whip up batch #3 before long. Thanks.

Here is the thread explaining how to make Ben's Liquid Lube :


Once it is made, put your bullets in a plastic bowl ( similar to a cereal bowl ) I usually put in about 50 ea., 7 mm bullets, put in a light squirt or two of Ben's Liquid Lube , swirl the bullets slowly around and around in the bowl for about 15 - 20 seconds, put them ( base down ) on wax paper to dry as you see in the photo below :

http://i1155.photobucket.com/albums/p545/Ben35049/006_zps2a39f430.jpg (http://s1155.photobucket.com/user/Ben35049/media/006_zps2a39f430.jpg.html)

smoked turkey
12-15-2014, 10:44 PM
Thanks Ben for the link. I totally missed that. So glad I happened on this information. My question concerns getting Alox in some larger quantities other than the small Lee bottles of LLA. I have a small bottle or two but that is all. Seems one needs to buy in quantity in order to save some money on the LLA. Once I find that I will be making some of Ben's LL. Thanks for another good idea.

12-16-2014, 01:53 PM
Great writeup/results and pics. (As per usual)

12-16-2014, 03:19 PM
Thanks Ben for the link. I totally missed that. So glad I happened on this information. My question concerns getting Alox in some larger quantities other than the small Lee bottles of LLA. I have a small bottle or two but that is all. Seems one needs to buy in quantity in order to save some money on the LLA. Once I find that I will be making some of Ben's LL. Thanks for another good idea.

How about this, 32 oz. containers ;


12-18-2014, 06:54 PM
I think there is something magical about 10 grains of Unique (pronounced U-nic-key) I've used that in lots of rifle cases, from 30-30 to 25-06 to 308 to 45-70. I wish I made this line up, but I once read an article where the author wrote, "Ten grains of Unique will make anything go bang". I shot a spike buck once with a Lee 405 cast of pure lead pushed by 12 grains of Unique, he was right tasty. I'd hate to be limited to one powder, and there are powders that will deliver higher velocity performance, but few of them equal the all around use, performance and yes, accuracy of Unique. If a rifle won't shoot groups with cast boolits like yours at 50 yards with 10 grains of Unique, my bet is that the rifle won't shoot cast worth a hoot no matter what load you try.