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12-15-2014, 06:59 PM
Well it looks like I will be picking up another pre safety 45/70 this evening. Now the problem is the only time the guy can come to town and meet up, is during my better halfs christmas party, so she will definately know about it. lol
This one has a williams sight on it, and my other two don't, so I'm thinking I can just tell her I need to try the site out, and this way I can without haveing to buy one. What do you think, will it work, without her using it on me. lol

Dan Cash
12-15-2014, 07:27 PM
The truth, old man; only the truth.

Chill Wills
12-15-2014, 07:49 PM
Which is more painful?
The hard time your wife gives you about getting a new rifle?
Getting hit with a rolling pin for lying!

12-15-2014, 07:52 PM
Nah, with guns, the truth can be twisted by------Monkey Math!

I totally agree with the 'I won't have to buy the sight" viewpoint. Anytime I can let my wife know that I came out ahead on a deal, the happier she is--this results in a much greater happiness level for me.

Monkey math scenerio:

You see, I bought that gun for 750 dollars, and it already had a Leupold VX-2 on it. This saved me 350 dollars right there. Since the gun was a deal at 750, I really only paid 400 dollars for the gun--which is an even better deal. Not to mention, the guy gave me two boxes of shells and a sling. Did I mention that he let me have the Plano gun case? Don't worry, If I needed to sell it tomorrow, I could get 650 for it and I would have made 100 dollars, got to keep some brass, and I can use the free Leupold on your hunting rifle next year.

I think your idea is terrific--It is the truth. You are getting a free Williams sight! If you wanted to really push the envelope, you might even say it is a nice old one made of steel, and not aluminum. Then you only have to hope she doesnt get out a magnet.

12-15-2014, 08:51 PM
You were going to surprise her with a Christmas gift, but it wasn't up to her high standards and you felt sorry for the guy as he needed funds for his kids Christmas! See, easy :evil:

12-15-2014, 09:30 PM
Not trying to hijack the thread but sometimes these situations get out of hand. Years ago I stuck my nose in a gun shop and there was one that clearly spoke to me. It said," I'm going home with you." So I was filling out the yellow sheet (told you it was a while back) and asked the clerk what day it was. "June 2", he said. "That's my wedding anniversary", I said. "Well, you are pretty much dead", says he. That thought had already occurred to me and I was working on my plan. When I got home I said, "Hi sweetie, look at the cool gun I got you for our anniversary". "That's nice", she said, "you're getting pearls". That is the moment I knew we were going to make it. I still have those pearls somewhere, she knows where they are and I know right where her gun is.

12-15-2014, 09:53 PM
Ha, it doesn't work that way around here. I got my wife a 10/22 for our first anniversiry and she still thinks it is hers. To give you an idea of how long her memory is, that 10/22 was 69.99 new. lol
Year before last I had bought 4 or 5 guns in a week or so time. She mentioned that I didn't need anymore that month. I had already called a guy that had a near new 357 blackhawk, and left to meet him a few minutes after she had told me no more. When I walked in with it she ask what is that (not exactly in those words lol) and I said it is for you. A week or so later I was taking it out to shoot, and she wanted to know what I thought I was doing. lol

But I lucked out tonight, no excuse needed. The guy called and said he was coming to town an hour earlier than expected and since I wanted to go fill the pickup up before going to the party, it worked out perfect, new marlin got in the house with out her seeing it. lol
That makes 2 in the last 2 weeks, these guys need to start selling 35's or 375's, so I will have a legitimate excuse to buy. lol

12-15-2014, 11:31 PM
You're married?????


Jerry :violin:

12-16-2014, 01:34 AM
The truth, old man; only the truth.

Always, but not mentioning something is not lieing.

12-16-2014, 01:36 AM
Which is more painful?
The hard time your wife gives you about getting a new rifle?
Getting hit with a rolling pin for lying!

Her rolling pin is made out of marble, I would as soon get shot. lol

12-16-2014, 01:38 AM
You're married?????


Jerry :violin:

It has been pretty good so far, but then we are just getting started. lol

12-16-2014, 10:44 PM
Same bbl length as the others?

12-16-2014, 11:09 PM
Forgiveness...permission...they seem about equal. Lol

12-16-2014, 11:33 PM
This one is the same as the one I got last week, except for the williams sight, but this one doesn't need refinishing. I hear these called 22 in barrels, but by my tape they are close to 21 and 3/4 measuring everything you can possibly call the barrel. lol The one I have had for a while now is a stainless guide gun, iirc an 18 in barrel.

12-18-2014, 01:20 AM
For some reason I think I want a 22" 1895 even though I have a perfectly good Guide Gun. Maybe someday. I could hunt from now on with that GG and never need another rifle but we all know there's something wrong with that. ;-)

12-18-2014, 01:47 AM
I say tell the truth! Always. Better to be upfront than get caught behind, hahahaha. But I am extremely lucky in that the last 2 guns I absolutely talked myself out of buying have been my Christmas present two years running now. Seems everytime I talk myself out of one, she either talks me into it, or just buys it later!

BTW seems to me thats how I got myself into this mess of 308AR parts on the kitchen table! Or better yet, how SHE got me into it!

12-18-2014, 09:52 AM
Sometimes being single makes times like this easier. I don't need an excuse to buy a levergun but on occasion I'll try ;-) to find an excuse not to buy one. Goodness knows I suck at that!

12-18-2014, 11:07 AM
In all fairness The wife has mentioned that I have bought enough for the week or month, but will call me if she runs across a good deal herself. lol She knows the way I usually buy one, that it could be taken to the friday evening auction and come out ahead. She also likes to help shoot them. lol We also usually give some at christmas pretty much every year, it makes for nice presents for the kids without spending a ton of money at christmas time. Besides she likes it when I am happy. lol

12-18-2014, 02:04 PM
only let her see two at a time. then you could have a hundred and she would not know.

12-18-2014, 02:34 PM
Mine claims them all and I find myself making lame attempts to talk myself out of buying the next one but that don't work out so well. I may have created a monster.

12-18-2014, 04:54 PM
Tell the truth and obey "The Shiny Rule" that we have in or house, I buy a shiny(or blue)-- She buys a shiny(usually jewelry). Keeps the house happy, although 2 of her last 2 shiny's had to fit in my gun safe. Just be careful if you package it. I recently bought a pistol and "accessorized" it with a mold and some brass, so she got a necklace and "accessorized" it with a pair of earings. At least that was what she told me when she got home from the jewelry dept.

12-18-2014, 06:51 PM
My wife collects vintage costume jewelry so we constantly have little packages coming in. As long as the essentials are paid for we give each other free rein to buy what we want. My wife also doesn't know how many guns I have, just like I don't know how much jewelry she has.

Geezer in NH
12-21-2014, 07:32 PM
Man up, Geesh :bigsmyl2:

12-21-2014, 08:09 PM
My wife's attitude is, you know what our finances are. If we can afford it, go for it. She's been like that with fun cars, motorcycles, etc. I've never been in a situation where I've deceived her. She's talked me into buying things when I've hesitated. lol

On the other hand, we live within our means. The credit card is paid off every month, haven't paid a penny in interest or late charges in I don't know how long. If I can't afford something, who am I kidding? I don't buy it.

12-21-2014, 08:16 PM
I do not decieve her, I may/do forget to tell her about a few, but that is just because it slipped my mind. lol
It must not bother her too bad, she doesn't know I know, but she has me a lead sled for christmas, and I know she has done some dealing on a 45/70 pistol, but I don't think she got a deal made. I may be surprized though. lol

12-21-2014, 09:39 PM
It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. that's my story and I am sticking to, and she ain't here right now to read this.

12-21-2014, 09:54 PM
THE EX WIFE complained about me saving my allowance money for guns, reloading gear, and components. But she had no problem handing out money over her equal allowance or babysitting that she was supposed to get paid for but never did for my ingrate step kids. 8 months after I retired, she had the gall to file on me trying to intimidate me. "After we get divorced, we'll reconcile" were her exact words.
I'm divorced now, bought a house and have a girl friend who understands how to look up a gun on gunbroker and recognize a bargain AND not complain. Got an 1894 MARLIN 44 for $400; a UBERTI Schofield for $600; and there's a JM Guide Gun in transit for $580 since September.
I've got an 1895 Cowboy and 1895 LTD-II, but been lusting for the JM Guide Gun for years. I had one of the early straight stock 22 inch guns that vanished in a burglary.