View Full Version : New Lyman 45 ...Do I save it as a museum piece ?

12-13-2014, 10:41 PM
...Or fill it with Lube and use it ?

So I seen a listing on Fleabay a week ago for a "unused" Lyman 45.
The listing had real poor photo's, but I could see some rust, and what appeared to be lube stains by the installed top punch (turned out to be rust stains) and there was almost no description.

I suspected in wasn't NIB. So I asked a posted a few questions to the seller, about what came with it, any Dies, and is there lube in the reservoir?

I got answers like: "I dont know", "I dont know how to take it apart", "what does the "dies" look like"

So I took a chance and bid on it, and ended up winning it. Now that I received it, I think it really never has been used. Except for some spotty rust, everything looks "crisp" and new. No wear on the bluing where parts are moving. I love the case colors on the Chapman wrench ...and a full tube of Lyman old lube. I guess I got lucky :)

http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu127/JonB_in_Glencoe/everythingincluded_zpsd60b10c7.jpg (http://s640.photobucket.com/user/JonB_in_Glencoe/media/everythingincluded_zpsd60b10c7.jpg.html)

http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu127/JonB_in_Glencoe/label_zps96dc7806.jpg (http://s640.photobucket.com/user/JonB_in_Glencoe/media/label_zps96dc7806.jpg.html)

http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu127/JonB_in_Glencoe/insidereservior_zps6e9b99fa.jpg (http://s640.photobucket.com/user/JonB_in_Glencoe/media/insidereservior_zps6e9b99fa.jpg.html)

http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu127/JonB_in_Glencoe/labellinkagemount_zpsab88fca1.jpg (http://s640.photobucket.com/user/JonB_in_Glencoe/media/labellinkagemount_zpsab88fca1.jpg.html)

http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu127/JonB_in_Glencoe/closeupofdiearealinkagepressurenutchapman_zps8f1cb 3d9.jpg (http://s640.photobucket.com/user/JonB_in_Glencoe/media/closeupofdiearealinkagepressurenutchapman_zps8f1cb 3d9.jpg.html)

12-13-2014, 10:46 PM
Good score!

12-13-2014, 11:06 PM
Nice! I would put it in service since it isn't pristine. Just enjoy using a nice new one!

12-14-2014, 12:34 AM
Why own it if you can't use it? I'd put it into service.

Don McDowell
12-14-2014, 01:01 AM
Mine has been working well since it was brand new 50 someodd years ago. Will squirt a little lube out now and again around the die, but that's no biggy. That old Lyman lube ain't much to write home about even when it was new. Best to get something a bit fresher. The new lyman and rcbs size dies and top punches still fit just fine.

12-14-2014, 01:06 AM
She's a beauty. Use it.

12-14-2014, 09:32 AM
Excellent ! ... love these toys ..
Have a soft spot for the older pieces and that one fell into the right hands, with all your experience , it found a good home.

12-14-2014, 09:56 AM
Some people buy guns to look at. I'm not one of them. Are you? My reloading stuff looks great ready to do it's job!

12-14-2014, 10:59 AM
Some people buy guns to look at. I'm not one of them. Are you?

It surely didn't start out that way, but the older I get....

12-14-2014, 11:39 AM
I realize your a big fan of the old Lyman 45 and that you do sell parts for them.

Might be a good idea to use this unit as a "model" for pictures and such for those needing instruction for use or replacing parts.

It'll just look Better without the lube and wear, just my thoughts.

12-14-2014, 01:19 PM
If I did not need it then I would put it together and display it. At one time I had 12 old powder measures across the top of my reloading table on and shelf

12-14-2014, 09:06 PM
Fire it up baby!!
Lube some lead....


level Joe
12-14-2014, 10:42 PM
I would put it up till I needed it. But because it is not 100% , it wouldn't take much for me to put it to work.
If it was mine, I would see it as "extra".

12-17-2014, 11:38 PM
with the sticker ....you have one that was made just before they went to the aluminum cap ( what i call a late model gen I :P ) ermm i mean it'd look sweet next to my crisp gen II lolz , i cant recall if my chapman wrench is case hardened or not tho ( and slightly unable to look atm ) so i guess what i'm saying is .... i like it !!! good score amigo ( but ... you already knew that ) oh and i lightly oiled mine and returned it lovingly to it's box [shrugz]

12-18-2014, 02:32 AM
I was watching that one, and considering bidding on it, but it was more than I wanted to pay for one at the moment. I got one of the same "generation" that need a good dissembling and cleaning, and wrench. I then found an original wrench like yours, looks case hardened too, stamped "Lyman".
These are nice looking little pieces. I love the wood handle.

12-20-2014, 08:22 AM
I've been using the same Lyman 45 for almost as many years (45). They are rugged, reliable, and function perfectly. The only word of caution is don't force the lube into the sizer chamber, this will put undo pressure on the "O" rings and the lube will seep out and make a mess. I use a heater (I use HiTemp Carnuba Red) and let it sit for 30-45min before I put any pressure on it, then it works. Tink after 40+ years it's paid for itself and still has many thousands of boolits to lube. As for replacement "O" rings, go to Home Depot, they sell them in packs of 10 for under $3.00, and you'll need Danco #35's and Danco #15's. A pack of each of these will last you for years

12-21-2014, 12:18 AM
My 45 looks close to yours condition wise & I use it regular..as well as a nice No.1 (Patd. 1893)..though I don't size over 6mm for that oldie.

12-21-2014, 10:01 AM
my theory with anything is if its not being used why have it
you made a good score and its a useful tool....

12-21-2014, 10:11 AM
Wait a year and put it back on EBay as "vintage" and "New in box". Those words seem to drive prices up.

Wayne Smith
12-23-2014, 08:47 AM
I don't know about you, but I don't have a museum!