View Full Version : Momma Doe

12-13-2014, 12:53 AM
I was sitting in a stand six days ago with a nice spike buck in the cooler and a little time to kill. Thumper was in one corner of the stand, my bad weather Ruger 77 was in another. Was hoping to see the huge boar I'd seen twice already but always too far, always too dark or foggy. Feeder went off promptly at 5P and less than a minute later a mature doe tiptoed out into the sendero and without hesitation, busted me. :shock: She looked directly at the stand, made eye contact with a stern look and went about feeding on the corn my brother had spread earlier. I had to chuckle, I was here for the show. :popcorn: Less than a minute later a very light colored yearling doe came to join her. I'll call her the teenager, the mature doe I've named Momma Doe. They both fed on the corn in the sendero but at every little noise Mamma Doe would raise her head and would never go than a minute without a hard stare in my direction. [smilie=s: The teenager was oblivious and kept feeding. After the second or third time that Momma alerted and teenager kept feeding Momma Doe reached over with her hoof and smacked the teenager on her forehead! :bigsmyl2: I was watching thru my binocs and had to stifle a good belly laugh. Momma Doe didn't catch me laughing but she kept an eye on me, nonetheless. Then an adorable pair of twin fawns came out to join their mom and older sister. One was a button buck, the other a doe fawn. They were very attentive to Momma Doe and stayed very close to her and each other. Teenager eventually hopped into the pen around the feeder to continue to feed. I watched this sweet little family for awhile and enjoyed the show for over 25 minutes. I'll give the teeenager credit, she alerted on something west of her twice when Momma Doe didn't. Momma Doe did, however, keep me on my toes. She would whip her head up and stare at the stand every minute or so, also in the direction of most any unusual sound. After about 30 minutes something to the west of them spooked Momma Doe good and they all left quickly.
About 10 minutes later they returned. First Momma Doe...busted again! Then the teenager and finally the twins. I got to enjoy their company for another 10 minutes, with Momma Doe keeping a close eye on me. I finally found out what they were alerting on when a threesome of large sows came out into the sendero between me and Momma Doe's little clan.
I figured it was getting dark, show was over, so I reached for Thumper and busted the lead sow.
Goodnite, Momma Doe. Until we meet again. Does like her are why I only shoot unaccompanied or "dry" does. Momma Doe is obviously a good mother and will hopefully raise many fine offspring.

12-13-2014, 01:06 AM
That sounds like a great outing

12-13-2014, 01:09 AM
It was indeed, I'll remember Momma Doe for a long time.

smoked turkey
12-13-2014, 01:21 AM
Good on you for letting momma take care of her off spring. Nice successful hunt I'd say with a good sow down.

Bad Water Bill
12-13-2014, 05:23 AM
A very good story.

Thanks for sharing.[smilie=s:

12-13-2014, 10:56 AM
I've watched that same show minus the feeder a few times. Always makes the hunt more interesting.
Over the years I've shot several momma does. I nearly always regret it a little. These does are proven performers and taking one out will take several deer out of the equation a few years down the road.
I had a set of four just like yours bed down 40 yds in front of me this year. The three little ones laid down, momma stayed on her feet. I didn't know deer dozed on their feet like a horse but while I couldent see her head she stood stock still for near 30 minutes.
While watching I tried to add up how many deer this small group could turn into a few years down the road. They finally got up and went on about their business.

When back at camp and telling my brother about it he said if you start doing the math you won't ever shoot one.
True enough but I'm a meat hunter and I prefer doe meat over big rutting buck meat. Young bucks are good but I usually let them walk just for the buck hunters.
Dont get me wrong, I don't pass a shot on a good buck I just don't prefer them to eat.

Scenes like this is what makes those days you don't see anything worthwhile.

12-13-2014, 12:13 PM
I prefer the meat of a young buck or a doe over a mature buck any day. As a guest on this lease I feel I should shoot cull bucks and dry does so that suits me just fine. The management efforts of the past several years have resulted in some exceptional deer this year, my brother killed a very tall & symmetrical 20" eight point last weekend and two exceptional 10 pointers have been taken as well. The latest was taken just last night and it's not the trophy that has showed up on game cameras so this little lease has some heavy hittters for its size.
I'm single and I only kill as much as I feel I can eat or give away so I'm done for the year, going to concentrate on my Dutch oven cooking on the trip this coming weekend. Freezer simply won't hold any more meat at this time. :-) I'll spend a little time in the stands, would do my heart good to see more scenes like this one.
I've been hunting this blind for years because of all the activity, feeder is new this year. Not sure why they put a feeder at one of the most active blinds but it had a role in the show that I truly enjoyed.