View Full Version : scrounging for startup smelter parts

compass will
02-15-2008, 08:20 PM
I found a free turkey cooker :-D But I was looking for a dutch oven.
I found one (several) of them but they are alunimum. Should I take one or keep looking? I think alunimum melts around 1500 deg F.

02-15-2008, 09:11 PM
Aluminum has a record of catastrophic failure, no warning, just a river of dangerous molten metal.
Hold out for iron.

compass will
02-15-2008, 09:17 PM
Aluminum has a record of catastrophic failure, no warning, just a river of dangerous molten metal.
Hold out for iron.

thanks, I got nothing but time so i will keep looking.

02-15-2008, 10:07 PM
harbor tool has cast iron kettles cheap.
also Agri supply has 12 qt cast dutch ovens for under $20.any hardwear store has duch ovens.also cast iron muffin pans for ingots.-:coffee:---[smilie=1:---:Fire:

compass will
02-15-2008, 11:00 PM
Thanks Catt! I was going up there to get some welding gloves , thermometer and a face shield anyway!
Things are really coming together, wouldn't be long and it will be warm enough to turn some of these WW's into muffins.

edit: wife needed me to take her to furniture store in my truck (to bring stuff home). Harbor freight was not that far out of the way coming home. I got a set of welding gloves and this leather apron for $12 and a 14 qt cast dutch oven for $18.00, plus a plastic splash shield that covers my face for $5. (wife don't mind spending money when its for safety stuff)

Now all I need is Muffin pans and some "cooking" utensils.

Do I need to wait until its hot outside? or is the mid 30's OK?
I only got 130 lbs of WW so far, but I got a 3 day weekend and looking for something to do.