View Full Version : Part ID

William Yanda
12-10-2014, 11:11 PM
Since I have not mastered posting photos here let me describe what I have, it is:
*a brass cylinder, diameter=1.07 inches, height=1.1 inches
*one end marked 10S, with two .035 inch holes, one at 4 o'clock the other at 10 relative to the 10S
*one end marked 10L, with two similar holes at 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock relative to the 10L
*two holes in the side of the cylinder, 0.340 in diameter, 0.63 and0.86 in depth

I suspect it is a part to a powder measure. The question is which one? It is in my possession, therefore it is probably safe to assume it is not unobtanium. But on the off chance anyone here can use it, please feel free to make an offer.
That is unless it is something that will make waiting for Social Security irrelavent. I would hate to throw it in the brass bucket if it could be of use to anyone.
Thanks for your kind assistance

12-11-2014, 12:22 AM
Lyman Accumeasure rotor. A more common one that came with many of the measures, but any rotor seems to be hard to find.