View Full Version : Holy ****!!!!!!!!!!!!

Art in Colorado
12-10-2014, 09:23 PM
Walked into Cabelas (Lone Tree Colorado) today and walked back to the ammo area and was almost surrounded with 22 ammo. Winchester 333 boxes, Federal Auto Match and a large stack of bricks of Remington Golden Bullets. Rem was $25, Win was $17 and Fed was I think $18. Only one box per customer so I took a box of the Winchester. Have not seen that much 22 ammo on shelves in years. I asked an employee if this was now normal and he said no and that I just walked in at the right time. Wish you all were here today.

12-10-2014, 09:57 PM
so here's whatcha do when ya find a stack like that. First box you buy and walk out to the car. Put on a jacket go in and buy the second box and a hat. walk out to car. Put on hat with jacket and go in and buy third box and a T-shirt..... You get the idea. You can get a lifetime supply but you may have to buy several new wardrobes in the process :p


12-11-2014, 02:59 AM
Doesn't the wife count as a customer there. The last time 2400 came to town, I bought my 2 pound limit and came home, got the wife and went back to get hers, but there was only one pound left by then.

12-11-2014, 05:05 AM
Walked into Cabelas (Lone Tree Colorado) today and walked back to the ammo area and was almost surrounded with 22 ammo. Winchester 333 boxes, Federal Auto Match and a large stack of bricks of Remington Golden Bullets. Rem was $25, Win was $17 and Fed was I think $18. Only one box per customer so I took a box of the Winchester. Have not seen that much 22 ammo on shelves in years. I asked an employee if this was now normal and he said no and that I just walked in at the right time. Wish you all were here today.

You close to Lone Tree? I'm in Parker.

Art in Colorado
12-11-2014, 09:13 PM
Went to my gun store in Lakewood Colorado today and they had bricks of CCI Quiet for $33 plus change. Was tempted but with my present supply of 22 ammo decided aganist it. This is the most positive sign it is getting better that I have seen.

12-12-2014, 12:43 PM
Hey there ... (waving). I work a couple of miles from the Lone Tree Cabela's. Close enough that all my lunch hour excursions thru the store are getting a little dangerous to the budget. Something ALWAYS seems to follow me out the door.

12-12-2014, 02:21 PM
If Frau and your kids are with you, have each buy a box.Robert

Dan Cash
12-12-2014, 03:36 PM
I am surprised at the ideas for exploiting the supply system.

12-12-2014, 03:47 PM
The way I see it, if wife or kids shoot it is totally legitimate. If not it may be exploiting.

Some of these guys have dependent a that shoot them faster than they can load them.

12-12-2014, 04:47 PM
When I discovered a stash similar to that at WallyWorld here in Tn a few weeks ago my wife and I both picked up a couple of boxes of Winchester (333) and the guy behind the counter said it was perfectly ok, the limit was two (yep we were allowed TWO) per customer not two per family. These were to be Christmas "stocking stuffers" for her brothers as I still have a decent stash but it still felt good walking out of the store with FOUR 333 rnd boxes of 22 rf, it's been a while since I could do that!

Baron von Trollwhack
12-12-2014, 04:55 PM
Remember the days not long before bozo began deconstructing AMERICA and you could call anyone of a few dozen suppliers and buy all the ammo of any kind you had the wallet for? Or stay local and clean out all of Wally's Federal Auto Match, and the clerk would tell you "We'll have plenty more day after tomorrow".

There is no real meaning in HOW MUCH a vendor has, with a ONE BOX LIMIT OPERATING.


12-12-2014, 06:41 PM
I sure do miss my 22's!!!

12-12-2014, 09:26 PM
There is no real meaning in HOW MUCH a vendor has, with a ONE BOX LIMIT OPERATING.


Actually there is, at least now it's becoming a lot easier to find a place that has enough stock to offer even a one box limit!

Of course what really matters and what will be the real change is when people quit buying that one box JUST BECAUSE IT'S THERE AND THEY CAN! There are MILLIONS of rounds of 22s stashed away and the same people will often still buy every one they can get their hands on and until that stops the manufacturers and suppliers will never meet the demand. Since manufactur of ammo has been going full tilt since the panic began the fact that supplies appear to be becoming more available everyday is a strong indicator that the buying frenzy is starting to die down, hopefully that will start to snow-ball as the hoarders see more and more on the shelves and lose interest in adding to their hoard.

Art in Colorado
12-12-2014, 09:39 PM
I live in un-incorporated Jefferson County with a Littleton address close to Ken Caryl ranch area.Art

12-13-2014, 01:31 AM
22s...what do they look like again??? The sales staff around here have not seen 22s for years. The delivery truck must not make it this far south.

12-13-2014, 01:54 AM
Scalpers are not the problem because the same people who buy from them would have bought it from the stores, maybe even more if they could have gotten it off the store shelf because the store ammo would be a lot cheaper! If you are talking about wholesale middlemen scalping/price gouging that would tend to ease the shortage by slowing demand due to higher prices. Scalpers or just hoarders, it makes no difference what happens to the ammo after it's bought from the store or WHO buys it the fact remains it ended up with SOMEONE who bought it and either shot it or hoarded it or re-sold it because the scalpers are just another layer of middlemen. They are not sitting on all that ammo because there would be no profit in that and they must move it, no matter at all if it goes through a scalper first it STILL ends up in the same place with someone who would have bought it if the scalper had not.

Scalpers are not buying nearly as much anymore anyway, as I mentioned earlier a few weeks ago I discovered a rather big stash of 22 ammo that had just arrived at a WallyWorld here in East Tn (I even posted a thread about it in another section at the time). I didn't buy any at first but the next day my wife and I decided to get her brothers some for Christmas if they had any left, they did in fact have a lot of it left even the next day. This same shipment would have disappeared in hours only a short time ago and probably in minutes the first months after the panic started but there it was still there (a lot of it anyway) the next day. I had asked the guy behind the counter the day before how long he expected that to last and he said it probably would last several days now since it was not selling as fast anymore, it still sells out fairly fast but people don't line up for it anymore like they once did. The interesting part was when I jokingly asked the clerk "where are all the vultures" and he just laughed and said they don't come around anymore because they can't make any money on it now and stopped coming around "a good while ago" as he put it.

12-13-2014, 08:38 PM
Buddy went to a local (Kleblend Ohio) area big time gun show today, 12/13/2014
.22LR for $60 for a 525 round box.
Rolled his eyes, went no further than that.
In some states the gougers still haven't got the message...............
P.S. Now it's $6 to get in the door. I'm in the wrong business! :violin:

12-13-2014, 10:05 PM
We can agree to disagree Old Red. I've seen it first hand here, could and probably is different where you are. We had an ammo supplier at the shows that was reasonable. When the shows were being set up other dealers bought out all of their ammo and marked it up up twice as much. Show after show. Then at walmart and other sporting good stores I'd see the same ole dealers there as well. Walmart restricted sales to 1 or 2 boxes because small lgs's were buying all they could and reselling it in their shops. I know dealers that bought 50k + for resale, some of which made up to $100.00/bulk brick. As to your assertion of normal people buying as easily as the middlemen. Few people want to show up 2-3hrs before the store opens and stand in line in hot and cold weather. In speaking with a walmart clerk, he said the same people always show up and ask for them to break down the freight. It is easing, but not all locales are the same. Our lil store down the road was cleared out of 100k in about 2-3 days. I've been an advocate for the stores to set limits, at least it does afford the average joe some liklihood of picking up some.

You're right and I don't and never did disagree with that but you are missing my point, even if the scalpers didn't buy a single round someone else would and the shelves would STILL be just as bare! The point is someone is going to buy every single round that hits the shelves and if a scalper beats them to it then they or someone else will buy it from the scalper but either way it's gone from the shelf, scalpers don't cause the shortage but they influence price IF you buy from them. The scalpers are obviously moving this stuff or they wouldn't be buying so if people are willing to pay their extortion prices for it why on Earth would anyone think it would sit on the store shelf for far less money? Scalpers only add another layer of price between the manufacturer and the user, the shortages are caused by the people who buy this stuff and either hoard it or shoot it. The causal buyer who won't get there early or stand in line will still find empty shelves even without scalpers, the shelves would be emptied by the same people who otherwise would buy from scalpers. Scalpers don't cause the demand they are only able to exist because the demand is there!

12-14-2014, 05:24 PM
22s...what do they look like again??? The sales staff around here have not seen 22s for years. The delivery truck must not make it this far south.

You should try this far north. lol I am glad to see some down south are getting it in, in quantities large enough to last longer than the line that is waiting for it. It at least gives one hope of seeing it. lol

The stores here have had limits for a long while. I have mixed feelings about it, it actually gives people a better chance of actually seeing it, but sure screws those that have to drive a hundred miles or so for the chance of getting a box of ammo. lol
The stores here have to keep it behind the counter when they do get some in, because with the limit, people were stashing (hiding) boxes around the store and coming back later for them. lol

12-23-2014, 08:38 AM
I bought 2 boxes (store limit) of Remington bulk ammo at the local Wal-Mart at 4:00 PM last Friday. This is the first .22 ammo I've been able to purchase in the last 4 years. The guy behind the counter said that shipments arrive early in the morning and until recently lasted only about an hour on the shelf. Now it sometimes lasts a day or more.

12-23-2014, 09:12 AM
I bought 2 boxes (store limit) of Remington bulk ammo at the local Wal-Mart at 4:00 PM last Friday. This is the first .22 ammo I've been able to purchase in the last 4 years. The guy behind the counter said that shipments arrive early in the morning and until recently lasted only about an hour on the shelf. Now it sometimes lasts a day or more.

That's the kind of thing that's encouraging and we are seeing it more and more lately. I was told the same thing at a local WalMart here in Tn, he said there hadn't been lines for a long time now and the "regulars" that used to buy as much as they could as soon as it came in are not there anymore and haven't been for a while.

12-23-2014, 09:55 AM
I was at Cabelas in Hazelwood, MO on Sunday and they had no 22s to speak of. Shouldn't have given my last 2 bricks away a year ago LOL.

10 ga
12-25-2014, 12:07 AM
In the last 3 months have found some CCI and WW bulk/bricks at regular prices and bought the limit of 1 bulk/brick each time. Grandpaw will have some really happy children and grand kids this year. Merry Christmas to all. 10 ga