View Full Version : My first Elk hunt

12-09-2014, 11:35 PM
Last year I did a tag along with my brother on his elk hunt, didn't get any but it got me so enthralled that 5 months later I moved up to La Grande Oregon to start a new outdoor power equipment business with him and was able to hunt the 2nd season spike tag hunt from November 8th to the 17th.

I had seen some elk on a ridge last year and decided to hunt there opening morning and was set up sitting against a large pine tree with lava rocks around it for cover and could see down to a open area on both sides of me before day lite.

20 min after sunrise I saw movement to my right and 2 cows and a calf were comeing toward and to the right of my position and then I saw more movement in the trees where the cows had come out.

There were 2 Bulls at 170 yards slowly walking and watching the cows cross the open area with a third elk that I couldn't see very well behind them. When they decided it was safe to cross the opening the 2 large bulls walked out and the 3rd elk came out and I couldn't believe it when I looked at it thru the scope it was a beautiful spike and I positioned myself for a shot .

They started to walk strait at me with the largest bull right in front of that spike and I was just praying for it to move to the side so I could get a shot at him. It seemed to be several minutes the lead bull moved to the left several feet and I fired from my Tika 308 a direct chest shot and it drooped in it's tracks.

I know this wasen't with a cast boolit but I did load it my self with help I learned here on the site.

Thanks to all on the forum for your help and hopefully next year I will draw a deer tag and will be using Cast Boolits for it.124055

12-09-2014, 11:46 PM
Nice job...even with a j-word.

Now, just go get one with a boolit.

smoked turkey
12-10-2014, 01:43 AM
Beautiful animal, good hunting story. You did good with that .308. I see why you moved there.

12-10-2014, 02:56 AM
Gee, you picked good eating, over antlers! Go figure! Good job.

elk hunter
12-10-2014, 10:50 AM

Good for you! Nice spike but, now you've gone and done it, you are now infected with elk fever, recovery is nearly impossible. From now on you'll be counting the days until the next season. The only balm for this affliction is spending more time looking for sign and scouting for other areas to hunt. Another problem is you're always thinking about what rifle and caliber would work better, the one that will be perfect for every condition and area that you want to hunt. You'll buy that perfect rifle only to discover that you need another and another, it's never ending. Tis a sad end awaiting a man with elk fever.

Here's hoping your future is full of elk, they are indeed a grand affliction.

12-11-2014, 01:49 AM
Nice looking freezer filler there. I have a question, you actually have to draw a deer tag in oregon. The reason I ask is I have several friends that hunt deer every year in or, some in the La Grande area.

12-11-2014, 11:17 AM
starmac, Yes, deer tags are by drawing only for mule deer on the eastern side of the state. Blacktail tags are sold over the counter on the west side of the Cascades Mtns.

Your friends probably have access to private land with reasonable amounts of tags available, to get drawn every year.

12-11-2014, 11:48 AM
Well done, well done
Thank you for sharing

12-11-2014, 11:55 AM
Good job! And yes, doing it with a CB is even more satisfying.

Idaho Mule
12-11-2014, 11:57 PM
That's great BACKTOSHOOTING!! That elk will taste much better than the vermin in your avatar. They can be an addiction though so just beware of that. The 308 will serve quite well for elk, and you shoot it plenty well so don't worry about anything else. Those young spikes are very good eating. JW