View Full Version : Lock-N-Load Case Feeder

12-09-2014, 11:17 PM
Was considering one of the Hornady LNL Case Feeder. Done some research and there seems to be a 50/50 split?? People seem to Love them or Hate them!! Lot of money to hate it! So I was wondering if any people on this fine forum had any opinions!! I shoot 9MM and 45 ACP.


12-09-2014, 11:57 PM
Yeah, $340 is a lot of money to spend, but you get the convenience of not having to feed cases by hand. You will more than likely need a small pistol plate and a large pistol plate to go with the feeder. The prices I found with a quick search were from Amazon.com. $310 for the case feeder and $28 per plate that goes in the feeder. If you shop around, you might find a better price.

I have a Dillon XL650 with case feeder and case collator. I've gotten spoiled not having to feed cases by hand that I don't care for presses without case feeders. Most problems with case feeders are just adjustments the users haven't figured out.

12-10-2014, 09:18 PM
I have the case feeder for the LNL AP and I really like it. There are a few things I had to tweak to get it to feed reliably, but after that it works great. Do a search on google for some of the mods done to the opening at the top where it feeds in to the funnel. A small piece of sheet metal or even a business card is a huge improvement and it eliminates the "brass rain" issue that I had. There is also an inherent problem with 9mm case falling off when fed on to the carriage. Easily solved with a piece of properly sized pvc or, in my case, a cut down 12 guage shot shell. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another one. It is one of the luxury items that I think is worth it. PM me if you want some greater detail along with some pics of what I've done to it. I also made a very easy mod for .38 special brass that stops the double feed issue I was having.

12-10-2014, 09:35 PM
I had a miserable time getting it to feed 45ACP. Had to constantly tap the shells to get them to go all the way into the shell plate. I even sent the shell plates back for modification, but didn't totally fix the problem. The Dillon 650 I replaced it with did.

12-10-2014, 09:52 PM
It works. As noted it can take some tinkering. I don't hate it at all.

12-10-2014, 10:05 PM
had a miserable time getting it to feed 45ACP. Had to constantly tap the shells to get them to go all the way into the shell plate. I even sent the shell plates back for modification, but didn't totally fix the problem. The Dillon 650 I replaced it with did.

Using different V-blocks can be the key. I use a # 6 V-block for 9mm even though the manual says to use a different one. Solved all of my 9mm case tipping issues. If, for some reason, the carriage won;t push the shell all the way in to the plate, it is usually an adjustment issue. If all else fails, a little felt "bumper" if you will, glued to the v-block easily solves the issue.

12-11-2014, 01:56 PM
Using different V-blocks can be the key. I use a # 6 V-block for 9mm even though the manual says to use a different one. Solved all of my 9mm case tipping issues. If, for some reason, the carriage won;t push the shell all the way in to the plate, it is usually an adjustment issue. If all else fails, a little felt "bumper" if you will, glued to the v-block easily solves the issue.

I'm glad you got it to work. The nice thing about the Dillon is that you don't need felt or glue to make it work. I don't mind tinkering, but you shouldn't have to.

12-11-2014, 02:03 PM
I love mine and would not load without it. A little tweaking and tinkering at times to keep it adjusted correct but its great. +1 on using the correct V-blocks, which are the small aluminum pieces that push the brass into the shell plate

12-11-2014, 02:55 PM
I'm glad you got it to work. The nice thing about the Dillon is that you don't need felt or glue to make it work. I don't mind tinkering, but you shouldn't have to.

I've never met a Dillon or any other press that didn't need a little tinkering here and there, and I have experience with many. Some people just have better luck with some brands. I'm a tinkerer, so I don't mind. Some people just don't know how to work out the kinks or they don't have the desire, and that's OK too. I think if we could take some of the Dillon features and some of the Hornady features and make 1 press, we would have perfection.

12-12-2014, 05:42 AM
Unwilling to spend that much on one. I'm gonna see if I can DIY one using the lee feed tubes and collator.

12-12-2014, 09:44 AM
Love mine, 9mm and 40 s&w by the bucket full. Didn't have to tinker much with mine, but I do believe I use different v blocks than recommended. I have mine marked with caliber now and set up and go so I'd have to go and look up what I should be using to be sure.

12-12-2014, 11:16 AM
I rigged up a bullet feeder for $25 (9mm) on my LNL. I do not believe a case feeder would speed my production much if at all. While cranking the handle with the right hand the left hand grabs a case and feeds it when the shell plate comes around.

John Allen
12-12-2014, 11:50 AM
I have one myself it works well. The only thing I thought about doing was making invididual v blocks in the shape of the actual cartridge. I have issue sometimes with the taller cartridges like 357 and 38 special. It feeds fine but sometimes sticks when pushing it the last millimeter into the shellholder. Saying this for pistol cartridges you can not beat it.

12-12-2014, 01:57 PM
I rigged up a bullet feeder for $25 (9mm) on my LNL.

Can you explain how you did this?



John Allen
12-12-2014, 02:09 PM
DSbock, they have a new bullet feeder coming out this year. It is on Hornady's new for 2015 video. It involves filling a tube with 40 bullets and I am guessing using the die from there automated case feeder.

12-12-2014, 02:16 PM
Case and bullet feeders really don't add much speed unless they are collated. The 650 somes from the factory with the case feed but without a collator you still have to handle each and every case by hand and drop them base down, same thing goes for bullet feeders without collators.

12-12-2014, 04:40 PM
Case and bullet feeders really don't add much speed unless they are collated. The 650 somes from the factory with the case feed but without a collator you still have to handle each and every case by hand and drop them base down, same thing goes for bullet feeders without collators.

I agree with JM, I never understood why guys thought that they really had something cool with a bullet feed tube system. You're still doing basically the same amount of work.

12-12-2014, 04:46 PM
Speed/volume increase comes from a case feeder. If you need the speed, then nothing but a case feeder will do. The LNL can be a PITA, why I recommend the 650 instead for guys wanting a case feeder. Cost of the two systems equip the same, about $75 more for the 650.

12-12-2014, 05:03 PM
Speed/volume increase comes from a case feeder. If you need the speed, then nothing but a case feeder will do. The LNL can be a PITA, why I recommend the 650 instead for guys wanting a case feeder. Cost of the two systems equip the same, about $75 more for the 650.

Yup...I wish I had done more research before buying the LNL.

12-12-2014, 07:22 PM
Yup...I wish I had done more research before buying the LNL.

Research will always yield mixed results with anything. I would say that both systems are great. Blue works better for some and red works better for others. I wouldn't hesitate to buy either one despite people who drink red or blue kool-aid.

The LNL can be a PITA

Anything can be if not set up properly, I've certainly had quirks with both red and blue. I have also had to make minor tweaks to both to get them running 100% reliably. It is possible to get a mass produced product such as a press, or anything else, that has issues. What matters in the end is how the company handles the issue. Both companies handle issues very, very well.

12-12-2014, 11:47 PM
I got to say I've been really happy the Lnl case feeder. Once you get the little bugs worked out it works awesome. Now I load at a smooth pace of as fast as I feed the bullets.

01-05-2015, 01:54 AM
I really did a ton of research prior to buying my LNL I wanted a Dillon but couldn't pass up the deal I got on the LNL $185 after all the credits and discounts at Cabelas!! I couldn't go wrong!! Would like the case feeder but might check into the bullet feeder?? Did Hornady ever work out the problems on the bullet feeders for feeding cast Boolits/Lead?? I know that there were some modifying them to work for cast Boolits. That may be the way to go?? I would like to eliminate one more manual step I feel this would really help load faster? I shoot 9MM and 45ACP in IDPA at my local club and run between 75-120 per week plus a couple hundred practice and fun!!

01-05-2015, 10:55 AM
I would like to eliminate one more manual step I feel this would really help load faster?

Even if it doesn't speed up the process (and it will) it allows loading with much less effort.
