View Full Version : Won Me A Medal Yesterday.......

12-08-2014, 01:23 PM
We had our monthly black powder muzzle loader match yesterday and it is the second time shooting off hand since my heart bypass surgery. I ended up tied for second and was beaten in a shoot off by about 1/4 inch so I was pretty happy. We had several gong targets of various sizes and the far right one was painted red. One of the guys could not hit it no matter how hard he tried and even took an extra 4 shots after everyone finished their runs!? He and the rest of us could not figure out why as he was hitting smaller gongs on his first shot with no issues. He was shooting the same loads, same hold, etc, etc but could not hit it? Anyways it felt great to be better than I was a year ago!

12-08-2014, 02:37 PM
Congrats on the good shootin'!

12-08-2014, 02:46 PM
Glad you're on the road to recovery, oldracer. Taking 2nd Place in an offhand match ain't nothin' to sneeze at either! Btw, I didn't do badly myself yesterday in a local woods walk, but I handicapped myself by using a smoothbore trade gun (first time in competition with it). I hit 9/14 targets, but missed 2 relatively easy ones. ad a good time though and even managed to win a 12b. turkey as a door prize.

12-08-2014, 06:09 PM
I go Friday to get my right eye done with the laser if it works out the way the left did. I mite be able to shoot again in the matches .