View Full Version : any bets.

12-01-2014, 10:26 PM
A guy just posted a marlin 45/70 for 350 bucks, supposed to be in good working order, just ugly.

I called him and told him I would take it, he lives about 15 miles away. He told me he would meet me at 8, and I told him to call me when he leaves.

Now it has been my experience when someone has put me off, they usually get a better offer and don't come through.
Any bets on whether he completes the deal or not. lol

I had told myself, no more till after the first, bbbut I have this uncurable disease.
I happen to like cheap ugly marlins. lol

12-02-2014, 12:00 AM
Well are you the proud owner of another Marlin? I won't call another man's rifle ugly, BTW. No bets from me, folks like me keep the light bills paid in Vegas.

12-02-2014, 01:09 AM
Ha Ha but it is a project, hopefully. The bolt face has a chip out of it. Other than that a refinish job would make it purty. lol I brought it home anyway, it at least is pre safety. It is not rusty or pitted at all, just a lot of blueing is gone and the stock could use some spruceing up. The bore looks good. I don't have a clue what it takes to put a new bolt in one, but with that it would make a dandy truck gun just like it is.

12-02-2014, 09:56 AM
A lot of them will keep their word. Of course that does not have anything to do with the next one.

A few years ago I saw a 357 mag Rossi lever gun listed for a reasonable price. I called and liked his description and agreed to his price. and headed for his location. I called when I was about ten miles out and he apologized. the calf he was raising for a new herd bull was injured and he was helping the vet. "The gun is in the Ford truck in front of my barn. there is a box of ammo in the glove box and you can see my range from there. try it out and put it back if you don't like it. If you do leave the money under the driver's side floor mat."

It shoot great. It is nice when you get to do business with gentlemen.

12-02-2014, 05:16 PM
A lot of them will keep their word. Of course that does not have anything to do with the next one.

A few years ago I saw a 357 mag Rossi lever gun listed for a reasonable price. I called and liked his description and agreed to his price. and headed for his location. I called when I was about ten miles out and he apologized. the calf he was raising for a new herd bull was injured and he was helping the vet. "The gun is in the Ford truck in front of my barn. there is a box of ammo in the glove box and you can see my range from there. try it out and put it back if you don't like it. If you do leave the money under the driver's side floor mat."

It shoot great. It is nice when you get to do business with gentlemen.

That is a rare thing that doesn't happen a whole lot anymore

12-02-2014, 05:35 PM
That is a rare thing that doesn't happen a whole lot anymore

It was his, right? You could be in possession of stolen property and not even know it. I'd of waited until he was available. At least then I could pick him out of a line up.

But in reality, is probably on the up and up.

12-02-2014, 06:04 PM
Ha Ha but it is a project, hopefully. The bolt face has a chip out of it. Other than that a refinish job would make it purty. lol I brought it home anyway, it at least is pre safety. It is not rusty or pitted at all, just a lot of blueing is gone and the stock could use some spruceing up. The bore looks good. I don't have a clue what it takes to put a new bolt in one, but with that it would make a dandy truck gun just like it is.

Umm, open action, remove lever screw, remove lever, slide bolt out the back and catch the ejector as it pops out, reverse for installing new bolt? Brownell's used to sell bolts for some calibers, but stock is spotty, not sure about the 45/70 bolt. ETA I just looked and don't see any assembled bolts for the 1895. Might try Numrich, I've had good luck dealing with them.


12-02-2014, 11:46 PM
Well I feel like a real dummy. The bolt is not chipped, or anything else wrong. Last night I was tired, at least that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it. lol
It was dark where I met the guy and I shined a light on the closed bolt, looking through the barrel, I could see light. I had never noticed you can see light through one before, but I just checked my other 45/70,a 35 rem and 30/30, and you can actually see light if you get the light in the right place, in all of them. I had never noticed that before, and my guide gun is pretty low round count.

12-03-2014, 12:02 AM
You must have been tired to put the muzzle of someone else's rifle to your eye with a closed bolt! You can see light through the extractor cut in the barrel tenon. Sounds like you got a winner there, probably the most horsepower-per-pound you can carry in one hand, those little rifles are flat awesome if your shoulder can take it.


12-03-2014, 12:16 AM
I wasn't to tired to check it first to make sure there wasn't a round in it. lol Yea the light is coming through the gap for the extractor, but actually has to be shined just about perfect for it to go through. lol
I already have a guide gun, so know about the horsepower.
This one has, what I usually see called a 22 in barrel, but my tape measures 21 3/4 with a straight stock. My well used, new to me cheap truck gun.

12-03-2014, 12:49 AM
Well, I figured that, I know that tired or not you ain't dumb but I just had to jerk on yer chain anyhow.

Something that's fun is to take 45 Basic brass, FL size it in a Lee 45/70 die with the top chopped off so the excess can poke all the way through, load it per .410 shotgun data with a .410 cushionless finger wad, squeeze the "nose" end in a .44 Magnum sizing die until it will chamber, fill with your choice of shot, and roll crimp the mouth over a card wad using the shoulder part of a WSM sizing die with the decapping rod out.


12-03-2014, 01:06 AM
I have a well used pretty much brand new to me lever action single shot 410 for that. It feels right at home in the bunk of the log truck, now it can have company. lol

MT Chambers
12-03-2014, 05:02 AM
When peering down the bore is also a good time to check the trigger pull weight.

12-03-2014, 11:01 PM
Congrats, I've been thinking my GG needed a big brother for awhile now but I keep resisting the urge to actively look for one. You're not helping, lol.

12-03-2014, 11:25 PM
I was not looking for one, and really had no intentions of getting anything new till at leat after the new year, but for the price I just couldn't help myself. Truck gun, loaner, just what ever I want to do with it, they just don't get much cheaper anymore.

12-03-2014, 11:40 PM
Yes, I stumble across nice leverguns from time to time but an 1895 may require an active search around here. Pretty sure I'm all done buying guns for the year, even so it's been a banner year for leverguns following me home.
For the price and condition you can't go wrong with that rifle. I understand about the "loaner" and other justifications for adding to the flock. I bought a sister gun for Ol' Ugly awhile back, Even Uglier is my "loaner" gun. Damn fine rifle, actually, but I've never loaned a rifle in my life. ;-) I even have a "bad weather" rifle that has never been hunting but goes on almost every trip, just in case. It's going this weekend and just may see some action.
"Truck gun" is an avenue I haven't explored. My vehicles have assigned shotguns but for awhile after 9/11 my patrol rifle found a home behind the seat of my truck along with my other PD gear. Never had a permanent truck gun....sounds like an interesting project.

12-04-2014, 02:26 AM
Winter cow season started a week or so ago, and the last 3 miles or so of the logging road I'm hauling logs off of, just happens to be in that unit.
I have only seen one moose in their, and didn't get a cow permit, and probably won't, but it is something to think about. Our bear season is open year round, so anytime I am out and about running logging roads in the pickup or 4 wheeler I carry one.

12-04-2014, 10:53 AM
My possible uses for a truck gun are very limited, mostly social unfortunately. Four-legged varmints are a possibility but almost as remote as the possibilty of the two legged variety. Some days I think a beater 30-30 should find a home behind the seat but it hasn't happened yet, even the beaters are a bit pricey these days.