View Full Version : Shot my Single Seven today...and gauged the chambers...

12-01-2014, 05:00 PM
Well, since I picked up the Single Seven this morning I went home for lunch and just had to shoot it. Fired about 12 rounds. All I can say is...Wow, that was fun. H108 loads and no leading with BHN 24 boolits.

I dropped a pin gauge down the bore. There was no apparent thread choke.

I was a little surprised when I gauged the chambers though. All chambers will allow a 0.315 minus gauge, but there appears to be a constriction of the chambers at the cylinder gap. The 0.315 passed all the way to the front of the cylinder but would not exit the last few thousandths of the chamber. It's as if the chamber mouth is burred, but it can't be by much at all since a 0.314 gauge will pass through.

Not sure if I should try to hone the last bit of burrs out or just shoot the thing. I suspect that they will eventually go away with plenty of shooting. Again, the good thing is no leading of cylinder, forcing cone or barrel.

I did not get a chance to slug the bore. I might not trouble myself with it since the 0.314 boolits with Ben's Red showed no hint of leading.

Anyway, just wanted to post an update and get an opinion about the size of the chamber mouths. I saw where someone posted similar info but can't find it now to compare.

BTW, I did not have any issues with the loading or unloading of the pistol. Mine may have an enlarged frame cutout, but there is maybe 1/16-1/8" of cylinder play where I was able to easily load and unload 32 H&R ammo.


Green Frog
12-01-2014, 09:31 PM
The little "constriction" at the chamber mouth is the end of the reamer cut I would guess, and should actually be there. And if your barrel is shooting so well without leading it will probably slug to at least .314 as well. Sounds like the stars were all in alignment when your new Single Seven went down the line! Congrats.


12-01-2014, 09:44 PM
There shouldn't be any narrowing of the throats. The pin gage should go through the throat from the front, -and- from the back. I would hone it out. If you don't trust yourself doing it, I will be glad to fix it if you want to send it this way. It sounds like they barely need kissed and that's about all. Nice to hear you got a good one!

12-01-2014, 10:53 PM
Thanks Green Frog and DougGuy. It does seem like this one should be a good one. I didn't shoot for accuracy today but functon and lack of leading is very promising. The only possible fly in the ointment is that the base pin latch might be cut a little shallow.


12-03-2014, 12:32 AM
Thanks Green Frog and DougGuy. It does seem like this one should be a good one. I didn't shoot for accuracy today but functon and lack of leading is very promising. The only possible fly in the ointment is that the base pin latch might be cut a little shallow.


I sent mine back for that reason, they repaired and had it back in my hands in 9 days. Their customer service is outstanding, which is great, because their quality control absolutely stinks at this time. I have a second one in firearms purgatory right now as I wait for the 10 day waiting period to lapse. I hope that it is right out of the box, because this is getting old, shipping brand new guns back for repair.