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View Full Version : Thanks giving

11-27-2014, 10:38 AM
Well its almost 630 on the west coast ,my Miss has been off to work slinging hospital chow and I'm sitting watching mind numbing kid TV with my solar baby and the dog rilling up the cat wondering where the Happy Thanksgiving posts are .

May you have your fill of food drink and family.

I'm thankful every day for all the trials that have come my way ,they've made me stronger and smarter (most of the time sometimes they just gave me a tender groin and an aching head)
I'm thankful for my kids , vets and a truly gifted artist that isn't afraid to work real jobs so as not to be a starving artist.
I'm Thankful for all 6 grands ,proof that life goes on.

I'm thankful for all the folks that have picked me up out of despair and depression whether they know it or not (Sometimes it's that swift kick that a guy needs).

That is all ,now go get that turkey going and the silver polished so you can egg on the inlaws and watch in awe as your team drops the ball ......again.

11-27-2014, 10:45 AM
Amen amen. I too logged on and saw no posts on thanksgiving yet, but you beat me. I'm thankful for my beautiful wife and daughter, who are still snoozing. Thankful for the freedom we still have in America, even with all the doomsayers. Thankful for family, good friends, and plenty to eat and drink (mostly coffee). In a couple hours we will be headed to the inlaws, hope to try some clay pigeons this year.

11-27-2014, 11:05 AM
Work started at 3 am, I might get dinner at 9 tonight.
monday is everyday here on the cold prairies of North Dakota...

11-27-2014, 11:14 AM
A Happy and Merry Thanksgiving to all here at Castboolits.

Family going out to eat here shortly, done it this way the last few years, no getting ready, no clean up, and good food to boot. And YES I tip the waitress generously for working on this holiday, usually what the price for dinner was.

That's why I buy $6.00 knives. LOL

11-27-2014, 11:20 AM
Happy thanksgiving everybody, I'm gonna work mine off taking the gun for a walk.