View Full Version : 15 Min , 8 Shots and $3000 later

11-22-2014, 09:12 PM
Last Thur I went to the Doc for my 3 month shots

Every ( about )3 months I get Botox injections in my forehead to help with the Migraines
Yes it helps .....about 50-60% reduction in number and close 50 % reduction in the length of those I do have
They realy help the first 2 1/2 months

First off I have a 11 AM appoitment and the Doc normaly BS's for 20 min , before a Inturn(sp) gives me the 8 shots in the forehead

Doctor has a problem earlyer and is running late and not a happy camper
I get into a room around 1 PM :veryconfu :veryconfu
Give a list of my meds to the nurse and get ask the normal 50 questions
1:10 PM the Doc walks in with the Inturn
Doc asks me a few questions and tells the Inturn to start
1:15 the 8 shots are in and Doc says he has to go ....( what no 20 min BS after the shots ???)
Another Doc over see's the rest

I am ask what meds need refills and he hands me the paper perscriptions for the pain pills that can't be called in

A little after 1:30 I am walking out the door

I found out 11:30 is the normal last appoiment on Thur.
The Doc normaly is at the Hospital by 1 PM
But someone had a real bad reaction to a med and he took over a hour with him / her

Oh well
At least the shots help me
As you may have guessed , the 8 shots cost $3000 + the office visit


11-22-2014, 09:48 PM
Hope you have good insurance.

11-22-2014, 11:40 PM
I had Migrains as a kid, would not wish that on anyone! I havnt had one in about 25 years now but still remember how painfull and debilitating they were.

Glad you found a way to help you with yours..

11-23-2014, 02:03 AM
Ohio WorkMans Comp. is picking up the whole tab
Can't work because of a fall onto my forehead at work

At first they were quick in OK'ing help or treatments...now not so much

That is why a good lawyer is worth their weight in gold
