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11-22-2014, 08:58 AM
Here in Southern WI, it rained last night and the temps were in the high 20s. Old retrobate was in a rush to go deer hunting and tore out the front door.. and right onto the wet ice on the front steps and the sidewalk.

I grabbed a flashlight, went out the side door (no steps), and gingerly walked to the front. Day-um! He slowly got up and hobbled inside. Moral of the story, low temps plus rain equals bad mojo.

He's on the sofa now under a blanket. No deer hunting today, most likely not tomorrow. Belle is next to him. Should have gone bird hunting in the afternoon. Sign from Gi-od that he should quit leaving Belle home and go bird hunting.

11-22-2014, 09:05 AM
We have freezing rain this morning. I'm not typing this on my tablet, that should give you a clue where I am. Hope you recover fast.

11-22-2014, 09:08 AM
We were supposed to have freezing rain but fortunately it didn't happen. Good luck to him.

11-22-2014, 09:42 AM
Hope you recover fast.

Supposed to rain tomorrow as well. Appreciate the kind thought for the old retrobate. He usually wonders why I over-plan preparations and safety measures. Window scrapers just turn him on. There is nothing wrong with trying to set everything up to give one every advantage before departing.

He's on the phone right now, telling one of his un-indited co-conspirators on what happened. Geez, it is not stopping him from talking about a little buck near our house. He ain't dead yet...

No indications of symptoms other than bruising and oddly enough, sensitivity to moving.... Will obviously be alert for other symptoms. I do not play a doctor on the internet, but I did go through CLS. He had better not ask for an IV, because my technique left much to be desired ;)

11-22-2014, 10:13 AM
Been there done that! Landed on my butt, pulled a neck muscle that connects under my shoulderblade which still flares up from time to time.

Life will teach you to slow down and be careful, but it isn't pretty to watch nor fun to live through.

11-22-2014, 11:28 AM
Driveway is still ice - you can see the smooth surface over the gravel. Not leaving for groceries quite yet.

Belle does love butter, though. Made up some Jiffy Mix Raspberry Muffins. She licked the butter off, then looked at them... Oh well, squirrels, chipmunks, and the birds will eat the muffins just as well...

11-22-2014, 12:17 PM
pulled a neck muscle that connects under my shoulder blade which still flares up from time to time.

Huh. Before anyone goes wild with Physical Therapy suggestions, consider that limberness (aka stretching), muscle tone (hold things in place), and range of motion all work together. PT has limits. In my case, PT did not knock my issue down. It helped, but I had to suck up some discomfort and USE the affected area...

WARNING! Just because sucking it up worked in this case, it might not in others. There was no bone or ligament damage, just low muscle tone around my shoulder (because it hurt to use it fully). As Ghosthawk knows first hand, we are assembled with Bungee Cords. When they get too loose, the bones can impinge on the nerves that go under them.

PS. When my PT therapist started the first deep massage, I thought she was trying to jam her elbow through my scapula. But the massages and matching stretches loosened up the antagonistic muscles, and eventually (half a year) it is almost entirely gone. Day-Um...

11-22-2014, 01:02 PM
Fell out of the pickup yesterday, in the garage, hit the concrete floor butt first.
Feels like a 'hot knot' in the core of my right cheek.
Sitting makes it harden, and walking makes it loosen, so I know it's just a bruise that needs 'exercise'.


11-22-2014, 01:43 PM
He's on the sofa now under a blanket. No deer hunting today, most likely not tomorrow. Belle is next to him.

Isn't it wonderful how our four-legged friends always know when we need them, and do everything they can to comfort us when we do. Scratch Belle behind the ears for me.

11-22-2014, 06:43 PM
Thankfully no falling down here but when i went out it was 27 and raining warmed all day 37 now at 5:45 PM . About 10 am a few marble size pellets of ice fell even with 2 inches of snow on the blids metal roof they made a bit of noise.

11-22-2014, 08:15 PM
We had no rain in east central part of Wisconsin until about 2:30 today, had snow on ground for gun deer season and everything was froze. Son & I each shot 8 pointers in late afternoon, barely made it out of hilly/steep woods with 4x4 truck as everything turned to mud where the sun had warmed things up. Good day overall!!

11-23-2014, 02:19 AM
Hope he is going to be okay! I hunted one year in major ice, why I do not know. All of face planted a few times and landed on the rear a dozen or more. Deer holed up and you could step on one before it would move so it was a worthless hunt. Guns froze up from the drizzle, my 870 was so iced I could not even pump it but I did get the only deer for that first weekend, a nice little spike buck for the freezer. Gravel roads were even sheets of ice, we slid the Suburban off the road 3 times.

11-23-2014, 12:30 PM
Old retrobate is able to sit up, stand (with assistance), and walk. He's starting to think of going deer hunting on Tuesday... Still hurting on the right side.

My mom calls Belle her "Little Nursie". Yesterday, Belle was on the sofa, stood on the old retrobate's stomach, and possibly popped something back into joint. Old Retrobate said it hurt (a lot) when she stepped on him, but the pain from his hip subsided soon after. Go figure...

11-23-2014, 12:34 PM
He won't complain again about ice melt and/or sand on the steps....

11-23-2014, 01:33 PM
Belle was on the sofa, stood on the old retrobate's stomach, and possibly popped something back into joint. Old Retrobate said it hurt (a lot) when she stepped on him, but the pain from his hip subsided soon after. Go figure...
What breed is Belle ... chiropracterrier?

11-23-2014, 11:45 PM
Tigger my big tabby cat is 22 pounds. Woke up today to him walking on my back, up and down for about 15 minutes. Relaxed something because I felt something pop back in by my right shoulder

11-23-2014, 11:55 PM
i suggest dig up the drive and side walk install water lines attached to solar powered heater.Happy Thanksgiving.Porch and front steps would'nt be to bad to doo?

35 shooter
11-24-2014, 12:06 AM
Hope the healing goes well and quickly. I know how it feels as i took a fall a week ago while working and banged some ribs up. Just in time for deer season here lol! I'm ready to go after a week of it and hope he will be too.
Belle sounds like a unique dog and likes to hunt too...doesn't get any better than that.

11-24-2014, 03:41 PM
Belle the magical Brittany. If she had thumbs, I'm not sure that we would be necessary..... She has been with the old retrobate during his convalescence. We did go out for a run this morning, and it was cold rain, 37 degrees, and winds @ 15mph... Then after we got back (and she ate breakfast), it started to rain/snow @0900. Put down sand and snow melt, and the snow was thick enough to collect on it... Had to go into town @1100, 32 degrees, and it was all heavy snow, not thick coming down, but the flakes were wet. Nasty driving in, stayed on the secondaries, and took advantage of the intersections with stop lights. Very cautious in the store parking lots....

But it was worth it, got Belle the 32 count bag of Large Dentastix and a bag of puffed popcorn for the old retrobate.

He got up by himself today, went down into the basement by himself, hardly any screaming when he lies back down. Used my Giraffe extendable pole and aluminum snow blade to pull the solidifying snow off the porch roof before it stuck... Scraped off the front steps and sidewalk. Refilled the front feeder with sunflower/cracked corn, spread more in the lee of the vehicles, spread more out back. Tonight might be a beach with frozen limbs and high winds...

11-24-2014, 08:59 PM
Ummm is it just me or should it be "REPROBATE" ???? Just asking, my spelling isn't as good as used to be, but I know what you mean......:kidding:

11-24-2014, 10:28 PM
Ummm is it just me or should it be "REPROBATE" ?:kidding:

Why can't you celebrate outcome based education? It is a deliberate choice on my part. Just like czech for check, manuel for manual...

11-25-2014, 04:18 PM
Old retrobate was able to go upstairs. I was right behind him, since there is nothing sure in this world but death and taxes...