View Full Version : pistol magazines....what works best?

11-21-2014, 09:05 PM
i have several mags in 45- 9mm - 40 s&w - .380

i noticed that some have a flat piece that pushes the round upwards ...some have that piece with what looks like a stair step in it...some
have that piece that is domed shaped.

which works best?

11-21-2014, 09:59 PM
I think that the "stepped" followers are used in double-stack (12-16) round magazines. My single stack (7-8) round magazines have a flat follower.

11-21-2014, 10:21 PM
Which ever one works best in YOUR gun. Follower design is meaningless if it they don't work for you. I have used them all at one time or another with success, but that doesn't mean anything.

11-22-2014, 12:14 AM
All relative to design of the gun....been argued for years with 1911's. Have examples of all those follower designs in 1911 45 mags. Some guns like certain designs. Magazine and spring length have a lot to do with the success of follower design.

11-22-2014, 08:44 AM
Good springs are very important in single stack 1911 mags.You must also look at the feed lips as there are different types.The feed lips determine at what point the round leaves the magazine and engages the feed ramp.The shape of the bullet determines what style lips work best. Craig

11-22-2014, 09:03 AM
Which ever one works best in YOUR gun. Follower design is meaningless if it they don't work for you. I have used them all at one time or another with success, but that doesn't mean anything.

I will 2nd this

Silver Jack Hammer
11-22-2014, 11:47 AM
I use Wilson Combat mags in my 1911 specifically 7 round mags only, never the 8 rounders. The 8 round mags have shorter "legs" or "runners" or "guides" on the follower, the 7 round mags hold the angle of the top of the follower more consistent for that ever so critical last round feed and slide lock back. Also the springs for the 8 round mags have to be different than the 7 round springs. So I stick with the 7 rounds has I have been advised to do by those who I believe know what they are talking about. So far their advise has proved true with reliable 1911s.

11-23-2014, 09:36 PM
Mozeppa sometime when you have some free time go to Google and type in "1911 magazine analysis" and see if that takes you to a website named how-I-did-it.org. There is a (long) and fascinating read there on just this topic. Then take the time and read his how-to article on building a 1911 from scratch. Wish I knew how to do the link thingy but I don't. Maybe someone here can help. Audie...the befuddled Oldfart..

11-24-2014, 11:24 AM
thanks to all ....specially old fart!:bigsmyl2:

11-24-2014, 02:10 PM
Mags for different model guns work differently. Many mags for the same design
are made differently, frequently work OK, but not always.

Original 1911 mags, as designed by John Browning, are quite different than is offered
everywhere - with the sole exception of Checkmate - today. Many 1911s are fine with
the different mags, many are not. I have one that is very much happier with original
mags than any of the new, short release style mags.

I have some Argentine 1911 mags that will not feed ANY ammo in ANY 1911 that I
have tried. Free to a good home. :bigsmyl2:

No generalizations are possible across the board, barely possible to make sane comments about different
designs for the same gun design.


11-24-2014, 03:12 PM
I have to ask is the Argentine 1911 mags work in their guns.

11-24-2014, 04:32 PM
If you are talking about 1911s I really like the Tripp Research Cobra Mags. I have a set of them for my .40. Only complaint is the metal follower which can spin in the mag if the spring gets out of wack but i have heard that is pretty common. The flex follwer works good but is only good for 9 round mags.