View Full Version : Coronary bypass surgery

11-21-2014, 01:28 AM
For the last 5 months I've been having some angina exactly like I had back in '01, leading up to having a stent installed in my LAD. I told my NP about it, she referred me to the cardiac unit @ the Milwaukee VA hospital. They ordered a stress test. That came back "normal". Next came a consult with a cardiologist at the new Green Bay clinic. His take was the stress test missed something, he ordered a cardiac catheterization.

That was done today, it showed that I have 3 arteries blocked to some degree. The worst one is the one with the stent in it, blockage on both sides of the stent, plus one further down. The only fix is to bypass it entirely. The second one is on the bottom of the heart a difficult location to place a stent. The third is a much smaller artery that is too small to graft a bypass to and too small for a stent. It will be left alone.

Looks like the 18th of Dec. or maybe later that week. Getting my chest split open is of great concern, but I witnessed my older brother go through it back in 1984, he's still kicking, all the bypasses are still wide open. Much support from our large family, lots of prayer and the healing grace of our savior Jesus Christ.

Guys and gals, listen to your heart! No pun or saying, I knew something wasn't right, it took nagging by my son to get me to the doctors. I was afraid I was hitting the panic button for no reason. I was heading for a heart attack left untreated. There's always a risk of crying wolf to find out nothing is wrong. But if you really do have a problem, recovering after loosing heart muscle to an attack, there's no going back,,--that's IF you survive it!

11-21-2014, 01:45 AM
Wish you the best.

11-21-2014, 01:55 AM
Been There, Done That, Got the Scar. Had CABGx2 Friday 13Aug06, had a couple of complications, but have had no problems with the surgery. Hold your Heart Buddy close, especially when you cough - they don't mind if your chest goes out, just don't want to to bend, putting stress on the sutures holding your sternum together.
I was getting angina when I walked out to the mailbox & back. Couldn't finish my stress test, they did an angiogram, found 3 blocked arteries, 95%, 85%, and 40%. They elected to leave the 40% alone, but the 95%'er was on a knuckle that couldn't accept a stent, so they decided to take a chain saw to my sternum, did so, and I haven't looked back. No problems now - and I wish the same for you.

11-21-2014, 03:10 AM
Prayers for a speedy recovery!

11-21-2014, 04:58 AM
You're on my prayer list snuffy.

11-21-2014, 07:41 AM
Saw a family member through a quad bipass in '94. Surgeon never stopped his heart, quick recovery. Your lucky to have a son who cares so much about you. You'll do fine. Keep us apprised of your situation. Prayers will be said for you.


11-21-2014, 08:26 AM
snuffy, I have two stents that I received in 2000. I have one artery blocked that they claim they cannot get to. They threaten me yearly with talk of a bypass. I'm still kicking. As to the possibility of problems with surgery.... they are extremely well trained and versed in what they are doing. If your in doubt you can get a second opinion. I live with Angina on a daily basis. As to the blocked stent.... both of mine clogged up within 6 months of getting them and they went back in a roto rootered them and they have been clean for 11.5 years. If it were me I would talk to a second cardiologist and see if both are in agreement.

Best of luck to you and remember you will be fine.

Wise Owl
11-21-2014, 11:40 AM
Gray wolf and I hope and pray all goes well for you.
You are a good friend and we care, as we do about/and for everyone.

Please get well soon

Julie ans Sam

11-21-2014, 12:11 PM
snuffy, I have two stents that I received in 2000. I have one artery blocked that they claim they cannot get to. They threaten me yearly with talk of a bypass. I'm still kicking. As to the possibility of problems with surgery.... they are extremely well trained and versed in what they are doing. If your in doubt you can get a second opinion. I live with Angina on a daily basis. As to the blocked stent.... both of mine clogged up within 6 months of getting them and they went back in a roto rootered them and they have been clean for 11.5 years. If it were me I would talk to a second cardiologist and see if both are in agreement.

Best of luck to you and remember you will be fine.

6b, this is the VA, but I WILL request a second opinion. It just so happens that the cardiologist in Green bay is the same doctor who installed the stent back in 2001(he was in private practice then). He's the one who ordered the cath. I will go up there again to consult with him prior to the surgery. He can get the digital pics of the blockages and give me another opinion.

I could see the entire session on a monitor as they were shooting the contrast dye into each artery, I saw the one with the stent and the blockages myself! Completely untrained in X-ray interpretation, even I could see that! When that came on there, I said holy cow or some such comment, they said "we're just looking at your blood vessels", not admitting it was that bad! But they viewed it from 3 different angles!

Gray wolf and I hope and pray all goes well for you.
You are a good friend and we care, as we do about/and for everyone.

Please get well soon

Julie ans Sam

Thanks Julie, I've been worried about Sam, don't see him posting, is he alright?

Thanks to everybody else as well. The reason for waiting until the week of the 14th of December is because winter break from college starts on the 14th. That means my son can be down at Milwaukee to sit with the family during the surgery without missing classes! That's one great son I have there!:bigsmyl2:

I actually feel relieved to know whats wrong and that it can be fixed. I really don't fear the surgery, like 6b said they pretty well have that procedure perfected. I also tolerate anesthesia well and recover quickly. I have type 2 diabetes, so that is a concern keeping glucose levels under control. The entry point for the catheter in my groin is felling fine, I'm supposed to change the bandage today, but is pretty well pain free.

11-21-2014, 12:40 PM
Best of luck and God bless you snuffy!

Tn Jim
11-22-2014, 01:01 AM
Hey Snuffy, I had a x4 bypass in March of this year. Had a Widowmaker (main artery 100% blocked, everything else 70-90%). Caught it with a stress test so no heart attack. 11 weeks off work and no problems since. Coughing and sneezing will sure get your attention for the first couple of months afterward. Just take everything slow and easy.

I have Type 2 Diabetes also. They gave me insulin shots while in the hospital for 5 days. I kept telling them I was type 2, not type 1. They said they used insulin on type 2's after this surgery. Glucose levels were fine, in fact, maybe a little low. A1C 7 weeks after the surgery was 5.1. Relax buddy, they have this stuff down to a science now.

11-23-2014, 02:26 AM
I had 5 by-pass surgery 8-4-10 and have not looked back since. 4 of my 5 younger brothers have also had by-pass surgery since and we are all still going. My dad was the second such surgery done in Abilene, Texas and lived for 17 more years and died of complication of parkinsons disease, so the by-passes were sucessful. All that to say you will do well and to say get it done before you incur major damage.

11-23-2014, 11:13 AM
Prayers sent

11-23-2014, 01:42 PM
Hey Snuffy, I had a x4 bypass in March of this year. Had a Widowmaker (main artery 100% blocked, everything else 70-90%). Caught it with a stress test so no heart attack. 11 weeks off work and no problems since. Coughing and sneezing will sure get your attention for the first couple of months afterward. Just take everything slow and easy.

I have Type 2 Diabetes also. They gave me insulin shots while in the hospital for 5 days. I kept telling them I was type 2, not type 1. They said they used insulin on type 2's after this surgery. Glucose levels were fine, in fact, maybe a little low. A1C 7 weeks after the surgery was 5.1. Relax buddy, they have this stuff down to a science now.

Jim, my diabetes has gotten worse over the ten years since being diagnosed with it. I had to start using insulin about 5 years ago. It has now gotten to needing 88 units a day,(NPH), along with metformin and glipizide to somewhat control it. My last A1-C was 9! They had me come in to talk to my NP's nurse, to get on a better schedule to monitor 4X a day and inject insulin twice instead of once. It feels like I'm a pin cushion. They will closely monitor it after surgery. It would help if I could loose some weight, but that's really hard for a diabetic. I'm not all that fat, but according the BMI, I need to loose 50 pounds! @ 242, that would be 192, I haven't been that weight since I left the Air Force in 1969!

I will have to be very careful over the next 23 days, not go for ANY long walks or something like shoveling snow. My neighbor will work for some cash, a habitual gambler, he heads for the casino as son as I pay him for cutting my lawn or raking leaves.

Thanks for the prayers and kind thoughts, you all are great people!:bigsmyl2::mrgreen:

11-23-2014, 08:51 PM
Snuffy, I had a triple on the 4th of this month, just 3 weeks ago. Lota good people here and family praying then and now. I'll keep you in my prayers until I here you're recovered. You have family and support for after? Make sure you do the walking and exercise afterward.

11-23-2014, 09:06 PM
Snuffy, you are in our thoughts and on out prayer lists.

11-23-2014, 09:27 PM
Pa-in-law had a triple 15 years ago and he was running beagles this AM. You'll lose a few pounds on hospital food! Good luck and prayers to ya.

John Allen
11-23-2014, 09:44 PM
Good luck Snuffy. Keep a good attitude and I am sure you will be fine.

11-23-2014, 10:16 PM
I've had 2 ablations for irregular beat, a pacemaker and need an aortic valve.
We just need to keep doing what the Doc's tell us.
One day we won't, but that is in the future!

11-23-2014, 10:22 PM
zablocki isa fine hospital.wish you well.

big bore 99
11-23-2014, 10:27 PM
The best of luck on recovery and prayers sent to you.

11-23-2014, 10:48 PM
Will add you to the prayer list.

Hope it goes well and the recovery will be total and quick.

12-16-2014, 09:21 AM
Headed down to the Milwaukee VA hospital today for the pre-op tests. Got a call yesterday from a very nice nurse that answered a boatload of questions I had come up with. I'll try to get on here from my smart phone, possible on Friday to let ya'all know how it went.

Any and all prayers will be welcome. Thanks in advance!:bigsmyl2:

12-16-2014, 09:44 AM
Good luck Snuffy!

12-16-2014, 11:28 AM
Wish you the best.

Will fire of a prayer Snuffy.

12-16-2014, 11:40 AM
We'll be keeping you in our prayers snuffy.

12-16-2014, 12:02 PM
Good Luck, Snuff Man!

mold maker
12-16-2014, 12:15 PM
Cheat the devil, and we'll be waiting on ya right here.
Prayers on the way.

12-16-2014, 12:18 PM
Good luck, snuffy. Prayers for you, your family, and your doctors!!

12-16-2014, 02:43 PM
Hang in there Snuffy. Second opinions are nice, sounds like you got one good doctor willing to dig to find problem. I'll be thinking about you, hope all goes well.

12-16-2014, 10:34 PM
Good luck and prayers for a speedy recovery! I have a CT Myelogram coming up next Monday, no fun either!

Buck Neck It
12-17-2014, 12:39 AM
Don't pull your tubes and try to walk out. My Dad did this. Fortunately, the nurses caught him in time.

12-17-2014, 01:01 AM
THoughts and prayers!

crazy mark
12-17-2014, 01:11 AM
Hope everything goes as planned. The strides they keep making in heart surgery are amazing.

12-17-2014, 08:38 AM
Good advise and I appreciate it.....I pray that your surgery goes well and I pray that God holds you, you surgery team and your family in the palm of his hands......Amen

12-21-2014, 03:36 PM
I, m doing well and the surgery went well. Thedoctors were able to graft all three arteries, so I WILL have good blood flow. I should go home tomorrow, so I can write better than this damn phone.

12-21-2014, 03:38 PM
So glad to read this, merry christmas!

12-21-2014, 04:20 PM
Outstanding! I know how good it feels to be OUT of the hospital before Christmas.

12-21-2014, 05:38 PM
Snuffy that is great news. Merry Christmas and be smart and follow all directives. We want you around for many years to come.

12-21-2014, 05:47 PM
Seems like Christmas once again brings blessings. Awfully happy for you Snuffy.

12-21-2014, 06:23 PM
Snuffy, It is good to hear....sounds like Christmas will take on a special meaning for you and your family....may you have a blessed and magical Christmas....your Cast Boolit Family does care not only for you but all of our members and our families!

12-21-2014, 09:45 PM
Great news. Get strong. After 2 heart procedures and a pacemaker I'm a believer!

12-21-2014, 10:53 PM
Great news and home with family too!

12-22-2014, 12:15 AM
I am glad too hear that your are doing well... Follow the advise of your Doc!!!. And take the follow-up Physical Therapy, it will do you good... I wish you well in your recovery.. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family!!!!

Some of us are hard-headed when it comes to taking care of ourselves and listening to what our body is telling us..

I had 2 previous minor heart problems, stints took care of them.... those were 15 and 18 years ago... Then in early Jan/Feb/Mar of 2013 I was having some minor chest pains off and on, kept saying it was nothing to worry about.. My wife made an appointment with the cardiologist ... Went straight to the hospital from the doc's office, checked in and did a little testing and up to the operating room I went... 16 hours later I woke up with tubes sticking out of me... Night nurse asked how I felt and told her I feel fine.... Had a quad-bypass (4), all 3 major arteries on the front of my heart and 1 on the back side of my heart... I feel great today and have followed the Doc's advise mostly... Doc tells me that I am good for another 30 years at least, just don't know about that, 98 years old sounds really old to me..

Take care of your self, spend good times with family and live each day to the fullest.

12-22-2014, 10:25 AM
Thanks for the best wishes, everyone. Got some great rest last night, talked them out of using that darned compression leg squeezer so I slept well. Still deciding if I can go home. My son will be down to get r home care. , then take care of me till I'm able to do it for myself. Nephew will also help. Son is a paramedic so he's a plus for home care.

12-22-2014, 11:13 AM
Good news, Snuff Man! Hang in there...

12-22-2014, 12:32 PM
Outstanding!! Merry Christmas.

12-22-2014, 07:21 PM
Snuffy in 93 I had 5 bypasses since then I've gotten 14 stints couple about every 2 years most are in the bypasses. you will be all right either way. youare in my prayers

12-22-2014, 10:48 PM
Good news Snuffy,

12-23-2014, 12:35 AM
Home at last! Left Milwaukee at 4:00, about a 1.5 hour drive. Feel pretty good, I tire easily, mostly out of breath. Thanks for all the well wishes and especially the prayers. Just in time for the birthday of our lord and savior, without whose comfort and healing grace I could NOT have gone through this.

As for the procedure, wow, just WOW. To say it is painful is a vast understatement. Especially mine. The surgeon said my chest and ribs are unusually thick, so spreading the brisket was more hard to do. This caused muscles inside the left ribcage were torn, reacted by spasming, so it hurt very bad to breath. They had to go with 3 powerful pain killers and an anti spam drug for the first post-op day. And a mist mask with 100% oxygen, he had operated on one other barrel chested men, they had the same problem. The operation took 7 hours, it was supposed to go a max of 4 hrs. The small artery was a challenge, he termed it "marginal" as to the possibility of doing it at all.

The leg vein used on the 2 bypasses was harvested via endoscopic surgery instead of open vein harvesting. The incision is just below the knee on the right leg, about 1.5 inches long. The endoscope has a tiny camera on the tip, the PA follows the vein up the inside of the leg disconnecting the perifial branches, then cutting it loose from the upper leg. It is just a bit sore along where it ran under the skin. Others have said the open vein harvest cut was more painful than the saw cut in their sternum. For me that sternum is fine as long as I don't move! Coughing, laughing,reaching out to grab something all are hard to do. My heart shaped pillow is my best friend when trying to cough up the flem and **** that accumulate in the lungs. It'll be 2-3 months before it's heale.

12-23-2014, 01:32 AM
I still have nerve damage on my foot below the bottom incision for vein removal done same as yours. I no longer notice it for the most part. Much less pain that way in comparison to what my brothers experienced ( four of them). They all had open incision.

12-23-2014, 11:32 AM
Great news and Merry Christmas!

12-25-2014, 04:19 PM
Well a bit of a set back. Getting up to go to an appointment at the Appletown clinic Wednesday morning, I had a stroke. Rushed to the local community hospital by ambulance got me treatment fast. A small stroke evolved only the right side arm and vision. Speach also. Recovery is almost complete, just waiting for doctors to say its ok to go home. More tests to go for tomorrow, another cat scan. Maybe another mri. Pt as well. A hospital is a lousy place to spend Christmas!

12-25-2014, 04:29 PM
Glad to hear you are going to be better and that you are in amazingly good spirits.

Prayer will continue.

12-25-2014, 05:08 PM
Just a minor setback to test ya snuffy. You got what it takes so keep going and give it the good fight.

My prayers are with you and they have never let me down.

12-26-2014, 12:16 AM
Speed bump on the road to recovery! And yes hospitals are no fun at Christmas, I spent Christmas 2008 there with a massive leg clot.

12-27-2014, 12:59 AM
Sorry to hear of your setback Snuffy. This too shall pass. Hang in there. I know that transient clots are not uncommon following surgery; particularly leg surgery. Thanks to blood thinners and anti-coagulants, this problem is short-lived.

12-27-2014, 09:47 AM
Merry Christmas and listen to the docs. Take it easy during recovery- I was getting stir crazy after my 5 bypass surgery. Sorry to hear about the setback. Hopefully you will be at home recovering in no time.

12-27-2014, 05:46 PM
They kicked me out of the hosp. today, early afternoon. Beginning a blood thinner regimen, coumidum (rat poison).

The stroke was a TIA. Minor in that it only affected my right arm and vision, (double vision.) Minor in that it has completely reversed, I was lucky. I DON'T believe in luck! I DO believe that the Lord was teaching me an important lesson, to trust in him for all things.

That is one of the most scary things that I have ever experienced. Like my body was at war with me. Sort of like being extremely drunk, but losing control of just one part!

Perhaps I will get some sleep, hospitals are all noisy at night, this one was no different.

12-27-2014, 06:24 PM
Hi Snuffy.Glad to hear that you are doing well.Had my tripple on 6-1-08.Thankfully no pain to speak of.Easy recovery.Did my own physical rehab.By the end of the first week,I was back to driving myself around.By the end of the second week,I was back to cutting,hauling,busting with a 12 lb maul and stacking my winters supply of firewood,Hehehe.When I told my cardiac surgeon what my regimen was,wellllllllllllllllllllllll lets just say his jaw hit the floor.Oh yea.While in the hospital,sprung an internal leak and had to rushed back to the OR for a grand reopening.I crashed to boot.Had my surgery at UT Medical Center in Knoxville Tn.Great folks there too.Rekon the Big Boss upstairs wasn`t ready for me to come home yet.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

12-28-2014, 02:55 AM
If you live very far from the clinic once they get you stable on coumadin get a home test setup. It was a 50 mile round trip for me to just have my finger pricked and a 1 minute test. Bought my own meter($600 copay at the time, ouch) and test every 2 weeks at home now.

They kicked me out of the hosp. today, early afternoon. Beginning a blood thinner regimen, coumidum (rat poison).

The stroke was a TIA. Minor in that it only affected my right arm and vision, (double vision.) Minor in that it has completely reversed, I was lucky. I DON'T believe in luck! I DO believe that the Lord was teaching me an important lesson, to trust in him for all things.

That is one of the most scary things that I have ever experienced. Like my body was at war with me. Sort of like being extremely drunk, but losing control of just one part!

Perhaps I will get some sleep, hospitals are all noisy at night, this one was no different.

12-28-2014, 11:33 AM
Well good morning world!

If you live very far from the clinic once they get you stable on coumadin get a home test setup. It was a 50 mile round trip for me to just have my finger pricked and a 1 minute test. Bought my own meter($600 copay at the time, ouch) and test every 2 weeks at home now.

I'll be going to the Appleton clinic to have those tests. It's at least a 50 mile round trip, BUT the VA compensates you for the mileage. Actually over twice the cost of fuel, to pay for the wear/tear on the car. I'm not supposed to drive right now, so my 24/7 crew (family, nephew and son), will get me up there. Sounds like I'll only be on the coumadin for a year.

The local hospital started me on an injected drug called enoxaparin, which is used to thin the blood. You never know what anything they are giving you costs,(until you leave the hospital), then have to pay for further drugs/supplies. Come to find out, those pre-filled syringes cost about $90.00 apiece! Soooooooo, I had to pay $390.00 for 4 of those that will carry me through Monday mornings injection. THEN the VA will hopefully have those to supply me further. They MIGHT reimburse me for the cost. They will stop as soon as the INR reaches .003, .03. or 3.0, some such number. Then continue on rat poison. The list of drugs that I now take is as long as my arm. I guess that's my life now! But the important part is LIFE!

AGAIN , thanks for all the support, prayers and interest.

12-28-2014, 10:52 PM
INR of 2 to 3 is the range they usually want you in. Don't cut a finger right now!

02-26-2015, 08:39 PM
If I may, just a progress report.

I just finished week 3 of 12 weeks of cardiac re-hab. The staff at the hospital is two very nice--,, cute girls that don't resemble the whip cracking demons I was hearing about. Very gentle, but insistent of making progress each week until I "graduate". They just use 2 treadmills, 2 Nu-step machines (which resemble a stair climber, but you're seated while using it). There's an Exercycle there as well.

I check in by first weighing myself, then I place the heart monitor on my chest, 4 leads. Then they take my oxygen saturation level, and blood pressure. Then I choose which of the two machines I want to start with. After about 15 minutes, they again check the O-2 saturation rate, and take a blood pressure. If that's within parameters the cardiologist has set, I continue. If not, I have to STOP! Usually 25 minutes on the treadmill, then 20 -25 on the stepper. Each week the difficulty is increased, incline angle on the tread, and higher resistance on the stepper. So far, my legs an bad knees have not acted up enough to limit progression! Praise the Lord!

Up to Green Bay tomorrow to see the cardiac doc. I hope he will take me off the rat poison. I can't take any vitamins, or ibuprofen that I use with my Vicodin for pain. They interfere with the blood thinning action of the warfarin.

The sternum is pretty much healed, but is still sore in the morning. Lack of vitamins caused me to catch the first cold I've had in the last 10 years. Real lot of fun sneezing and coughing with a healing sternum. Still coughing up chunks from the lungs. I didn't go anywhere without my big red heart shaped pillow!

The absolutely best part of all this is; even though I have put a lot of stress on my heart with the re-hab, not a whisper of pain, angina, or chest pain/heaviness from the heart!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord. It makes it all worth it. I'm looking forward to getting back in shape, looking for an old f@rts 3 wheel trike to peddle around the community this summer. Not cheap, but a good investment in my future health. I will leash the pooch up and he can trot with me, he needs to loose some weight as well. Combination of lousy hospital food,(NO SALT), has resulted in me loosing 20 pounds. I hope to keep it off, and loose some more.

02-26-2015, 10:16 PM
Great news, Snuffy!!
Keep it goin'!!

Clay M
02-26-2015, 10:57 PM
I had an ablation in '12 . I am much better now..
as we get older things go wrong.

Good luck I hope you do well.

02-27-2015, 10:57 AM
Good going and great news. Life is easier with less weight and usually a bunch longer.

02-27-2015, 11:55 AM
Snuffy, Sounds like you are progressing well...I believe that all the prayers sent up on your behalf worked and you will only continue to gain strength and energy every day......Good report and get well....Paul

02-27-2015, 12:26 PM
Good luck,wish you were close to DeBakey VA hospital in Houston,TX,they suppose to have three of the best heart surgeons in the world there.Praying for you.

02-28-2015, 02:03 PM
Glad your getting stronger Snuffy. It takes awhile. I had bypass surgery in 2001 that again in 2012. The recovery time can be slow. I never knew I could be so weak. Anyway I was back deer hunting in 2013. lol

02-28-2015, 03:30 PM
:D Had my triple bypass June 18 08.Did my own brand of rehab.Was supposed to have help from some so called friends to get into town every couple of days to get mail and ect.RIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.Was back driving my truck within 5 days.The following week I was back to my usual routine.Cutting,loading,hauling,busting and stacking firewood.Busted it with a 12lb maul.
Never had the first problem.Ever.Still going strong.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

02-28-2015, 04:09 PM
:D Had my triple bypass June 18 08.Did my own brand of rehab.Was supposed to have help from some so called friends to get into town every couple of days to get mail and ect.RIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.Was back driving my truck within 5 days.The following week I was back to my usual routine.Cutting,loading,hauling,busting and stacking firewood.Busted it with a 12lb maul.
Never had the first problem.Ever.Still going strong.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

Not very smart but you got away with it !

03-01-2015, 12:32 PM
Boy Snuffy, glad to hear you are making it over those setbacks. Seems like it's not enough that you have a heart surgery but then a stroke and Christmas in hospital. Important thing is you are a survivor. Had a 4X cabg last July and no major complications except my existing back problems reared up and now recovering from that surgery in hosp. Learning about "csf" headaches and blood patch to fix that. 2nd blood patch scheduled for tomorrow after 1st one leaked. Of course, now that back is getting fixed, knee tells us it's time to replace and that should do it. Hang in there!

03-01-2015, 01:34 PM
:sad: Hi Tenbender.If you knew what the reputation of the local rehab outfits was at the time,you would have avoided them like the plague just like I did.Did`nt have the resources to go to Knoxville 2 or 3 times a week for their rehab services.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

03-01-2015, 04:03 PM
As far as the re-hab goes, because this is all controlled by the VA, I feel that NOT doing the re-hab would jeopardize any future claims I might have. It's only a 10 mile round trip to the hospital, I have a standing 2:00 pm appointment that fits real well into my daily schedule. I DO think they could have a bit more variety in equipment for a better choice that might fit me better.

I asked if all the people there had CABG surgery, no, some had a heart attack, some had stents put in, and some were just trying to prevent a heart attack. I DO know that if left to do this on my own, I would sluff off, not do it and possibly have problems by going too far. They monitor us very closely. I had to stop when my blood pressure got too high. In a normal gym setting, I would not have known that.

I plan on going further with a self proscribed regimen, after I graduate from re-hab, to get in shape and loose some more weight.

03-02-2015, 12:11 AM
Spinal headaches make a migraine seem minor! Have had more than my share doing CT Myelograms(no way in heck are you stuffing me in an MRI tube while I am awake!)

Boy Snuffy, glad to hear you are making it over those setbacks. Seems like it's not enough that you have a heart surgery but then a stroke and Christmas in hospital. Important thing is you are a survivor. Had a 4X cabg last July and no major complications except my existing back problems reared up and now recovering from that surgery in hosp. Learning about "csf" headaches and blood patch to fix that. 2nd blood patch scheduled for tomorrow after 1st one leaked. Of course, now that back is getting fixed, knee tells us it's time to replace and that should do it. Hang in there!