View Full Version : 10 rnd match

02-11-2008, 12:20 AM
long range match 10 rounds, one sighter 3 rounds started on any target and call target. match is 3 on 300 yarder 3 on 200 yarder and 3 on a 100 yarder timed..........I'm thinking I can come up with loads to use the sites with point of aim and hit each one..........is it possible ? without taking time to reset site....

Don McDowell
02-11-2008, 12:58 AM
I don't think you'll get aload that'll get all three targets without changing sight settings out of a BPCR,but the amount of shooting it'ld take to work up loads and find out would be alot of fun.

02-11-2008, 01:11 AM
Hey Don, I guess we can wait to see if anyone else has input but I really think I could download the powder charge from the 300 yarder so I could use the sites and even hit the 100 yarder without changing the site. this might be some kinda secret ? :twisted: :drinks:

02-11-2008, 04:35 AM
...............How big is the target?


02-11-2008, 11:59 AM
300 yrd is a 2' round, 200 is a 1.5X1 buffalo and the 100 is a 2.5x1.5 rectangle.

02-11-2008, 07:42 PM
You specified that the 300 yard target is two FEET in diameter.
Are the numbers for the 100 yard target also in FEET...or inches?

Assuming a 100 yard rectangle that is 2.5 feet high (that really seems HUGE), a hit at four inches from the top with a six o' clock hold should still be able to ring the 300 yard gong...even if you have to hold near the top.

02-12-2008, 02:23 AM
Yes Charlie they are in feet and the 100 yarder isnt much of a problem but that 200 yarder is a might tougher to hit tryin to site.

02-12-2008, 09:41 PM
With my 45-70 and black powder I have to go up 15 moa from one hundred to center on 200 and another 13 moa to get on at 300 yards. So you are talking a difference of 27 minutes of angle with changing your sights. If you zero your gun at 200 yards for dead chenter you will be about 15 inches high at 100 yards and about 40 inches low at 300. I think your best bet would be to zero your rifle for 300 and shoot low at 200 and 100. A minimum amout of test firing would tell you how low to aim prior to the match.

02-13-2008, 11:37 PM
Humm....Nick you hit on sumptin there.....I will site in on the 200 yarder(the smaller and most challanging one) the other 2 might prove easier to hit. Now to get out to the range.....dang work is messin up my recreation time !!