View Full Version : Heading to MO to harvest protein!

11-12-2014, 10:14 AM
Truck is loaded for the 24 hour drive to Stover Missouri to harvest some protein! My old hunting partner, Paul and I are on another roadtrip.

(Yea, I WISH that was my truck!)

This is Ol' Paint...


Finally decided on the two guns I'll be using......

My custom Winchester 92 in 45LC with hard cast, gas check 285g lead bullets


(There is an article on my web page about building this rifle... http://www.rvbprecision.com )

And for longer range shots in the bean field and on the power lines my old Winchester Model 70 Featherweight in 270 with Nosler 130g Ballistic Tips over XXg of Vit-160


I have another one in 6.5 X 55 but I couldn't get that fancy Swarovski scope to hold zero and I didn't have time to screw with it. The 270 was shooting little tiny quarter size groups at 100 yds for three shots with a $250 Lupold 3-9X. It got the nod!

Now I just need to find a nice 12 pointer.......In Missouri where we hunt you can't shoot anything with less than 8 points. I've already got nice 8 pointers on the wall and a fantastic 10 pointer from two years ago. Self imposed limit is 12 points...or does to fill the freezer.

Wish me luck!

11-12-2014, 02:13 PM
Good luck! Just got 'a love a good hunting trip.

11-12-2014, 08:09 PM
I wish you luck and a good trip and hunt. I can't imagine letting that 160-class 10-pointer walk though.

11-12-2014, 11:22 PM
It ought to be a good season. It's gotten cold (24 degrees right now) and the weather guys are talking snow.

11-13-2014, 12:09 AM
There's something about a nice heavy 8 pt. Does will probably eat better than most 10 or 12 point trophies anyway. Have a safe trip and a great hunt!

smoked turkey
11-13-2014, 01:35 AM
Have a good time and a safe trip. Yes it is supposed to snow and be 20 degrees Saturday morning (southwest MO). If we have a little wind it will be Brrrrr cold. Should make for a good hunt. I notice you are a ways northeast of me. Our current cold front is coming down from the north so I expect your temps to be some colder than ours.