View Full Version : Any good hunting stories?

11-09-2014, 07:39 AM
I have a fresh one. It's rifle season where I am now and I decided to check some high ground in a canary grass swamp. It has a stand of Popple trees that I wanted to check and see if one is big enough for a portable tree stand.
After lunch I still hunted the area and saw a lot of sign and some beds but didn't see any deer. I went to look at the trees and some are getting big enough for a portable stand. I leave for the portable and return with the ATV. I put in the screw in pegs bring up stand and ax to clear a couple branches. I'm chopping away and a deer catches my eye. A nice sized spike buck is running across a field and heading right for me.

He slows down in the brush and walks in for a perfect shot and there I was holding my ax with the rifle on the ground. He was closer to my rifle than I was! LOL

11-09-2014, 08:21 AM
I wish I could find another box of 30/06 ammo like my dad gave me some years ago. I have had one shot kills on 8 deer, 3 bear, 4 groundhogs and one redfox at ranges from 12 yards out to 600 yards, and I still have 14 rounds left out of the original 20!

That sure is some good ammunition, just wish I could find some more!!!:bigsmyl2:

Now THIS is a real hunting story!!!

11-09-2014, 09:22 AM
LOL! That's a great hunting story! Gave me a good chuckle for sure, thanks.

11-09-2014, 10:21 AM
Now that's funny!

Usually stuff like that happens when you have your hanging tool in your hands...

11-09-2014, 10:46 AM
I'm excited that my wife went hunting by herself yesterday.
I stayed home with the kids, and she enjoyed her evening hunt even if she did'nt see anything.
I'm hoping it's a big step in her hunting career.

Digital Dan
11-09-2014, 08:44 PM
Went huntin' a long time ago. Them varmints shot back. It was exciting.

11-09-2014, 09:37 PM
Now that's funny!

Usually stuff like that happens when you have your hanging tool in your hands...

That is the truth. I missed a chance (sure thing) at a nicer Texas whitetail than I ever took for that very reason, just as soon as I climed out of the stand.

Friends call me Pac
11-13-2014, 01:01 PM
Yesterday was my first rifle hunt this year. I have not even shot at anything but paper with cast so far and I was really looking forward to getting a deer with my 30.30 and NOE ranch dog cartridges. I have done my homework and can shoot minute of deer at 100 yards so I was ready to go.

Most of the public land around my area is bow only but there is one small place that is just a few hundred acres where I can use the rifle. I've only hunted it twice last year and don't know the area very well. I figured I would take the 30.30 and do a little sneaking around and scout at the same time for a future hunt. I found very few tracks but at least there were some. I kept going farther afield.

I found a nice funnel about 75 yards wide between a grown up field edge and an old cut over. It was loaded with oaks and I marked the spot on my gps. As I was punching in the data I was thinking there should be deer coming through here. When I was done with the gps I looked up and saw a doe doing the head bob at me. Easy shot at around 40 yards if I had been paying attention but no I had to fiddle with the gps. I watched her take at off at mach 2 and didn't try a shot.

I am going out with my church group to supper tonight so she has a day to calm down but tomorrow I plan to be set up and be ready for her. Hope to have a photo of my first cast kill to share.

11-14-2014, 06:21 PM
I went on a "guided" hunt a couple years ago in Iowa that I won on a Friends of the NRA dinner. Hit a deer with my truck on the way there, and one on the way back. Never saw a shooter while I was actually hunting. My insurance agent was about the only one that didn't see the irony in that fact.

11-14-2014, 09:38 PM
My dad got more deer with cars in a residential area than I did during the years I lived there! Three cars totaled. One deer was so full of poop that the car interior was destroyed as he broke the windshield.

Ed C

11-15-2014, 02:46 PM

Thanks for the stories they are fun to read. Here's my luck this year. I'm relativly sure this is the buck I saw while I was chopping away in the deer stand. Last Monday we got about 16" of snow and I had Thursday and Friday off. It's unuaslly cold this time around for rifle season, it was zero degress this morning. This deer came by at last light Friday evening. The sled is a hood from an old Ford pick up.

It was a through the brush shot with a 45-70 Marlin, 46-405A mold with a 50/50 air cooled boolit at 1500 FPS using 2400 for powder. He went about 40 yards spraying blood out his left side and the top of his heart was missing.

11-16-2014, 02:31 PM
Opening day of deer season and look who came to visit. I was out to my in law's and predators are a constant problem. Cutting down on the coyotes and fox usually boils down to a matter of opportunity. Unfortunately I don't think this pelt is going to worth much. Clearly 180 grains out of a .30-06 is a bit much gun.

http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h152/lhsjfk3t/IMG_0977_zps77ea19ce.jpg (http://s63.photobucket.com/user/lhsjfk3t/media/IMG_0977_zps77ea19ce.jpg.html)

11-17-2014, 02:37 AM
Got to the lease too early, so decided to do a little fishing.
I was about 100 yrds from the house/rifle, catching 1 and 2 lb bass when I heard a racket on the overgrown dam.
Watched a small doe run from the dam to the spillway, stop and looked back, that was when I saw a nice 10 pt, heavy horns.
Darn, no rifle, so decided to keep fishing. For about 20 mins, I watched that doe run back and forth from the dam to the spillway. First the 10 pt, then a 4 pt chasing her back and forth. So I decided to see if I could get my rifle and nail one.
I went back to the house and drove my truck over to the tank and rolled down the window and waited.
I didn't have long to wait when the doe came running out of the trees on the dam, followed by the 4 pt, I waited, then I saw the bigger buck in the trees and drew down on him.
After I shot, a movement out of the corner of my eye caught the 10 pt going over the dam, heck, what did I shoot.
Well apparently there was also an 8 pt and a 6 pt chasing her.
Not bad for going fishing. LOL

My first deer with the 300BLK.
125 gr Nosler
18.6 gr of 4227
CCI mag primer.
Bullet pass through the neck.


11-17-2014, 07:56 AM
A buddy of mine's brother-in-law buys a brand new Tikka stainless rifle and puts a Zeiss scope on it for his very first hunt in Montana. Sure enough day two out walks a big ol buck and he nails him with a dang near perfect shot. Being too excited to wait for my buddy to get to him, and wanting a great picture of his trophy he props up the buck, braces the rifle in its rack and backs off with a camera to snap a photo. Disposable camera flashes, and said buck leaps to his feet and disappears WITH the rifle down the Milk river...


11-17-2014, 08:05 AM
In 1963 I was taken on my first deer hunt by a family member. A few years later this family member buys a ruger 44 mag carbine. A few years ago I become the 4th person to own this rifle so, I used it this year. Opening morning I sat 45 min. and shot a 9 pt. went back 2 days later and shot a 6 pt. after sitting for 20 min.

11-18-2014, 11:43 AM
My brother, brother-in-law, and myself were bow hunting together a few years back. We hadn't seen anything all morning and left the woods to have lunch. After lunch we headed back to the woods and split up to go to our stands. My brother-in law's was the closest stand and he got there first, so I was climbing into mine when my radio sounds "I just got into my stand and saw a buck walking down away from me, didn't get a good look though", I look over my shoulder and there's the buck, a nice wide 6-point, watching me climb. I watch him head down the hill.... straight for my brother's stand. A little while later my brother says over the radio "that buck came right bye while I was pulling up my bow from the ground.". We stayed 'till dark but didn't see any more deer.

11-18-2014, 01:34 PM
My favorite deer tale is my first handgun kill.

It was quite by coincidence actually. We were hunting in the river swamp and had gotten into a group of hogs. I emptied my 30-06 BAR into 4 hogs and as I am reloading I hear water splashing behind me. I turn around and there is a 10 point standing 20 yards away looking the opposite direction. I knew if i slammed the bolt on my rifle he would spook so I slowly kneeled and laying the rifle down with my left hand drew my Colt Diamondback 38 from its holster.

I sent a 158 grain hollow point swc into the buck about 3 inches in front of his shoulder into the big part of his neck. He folded at the shot. He is the only buck I have ever mounted and he hangs in my office as I type this.

That was the defining moment in my hunting career. I realized I didn't have to carry a 9 pound rifle to kill a deer. I have killed a bunch since then and only a handful have been with a rifle.

I have never shot another with a 38, but I was thankful to have it that day!

12-12-2014, 02:51 PM
Tell your insurance agent that two collisions make a comp.
I'm a former claims adjuster. Yours may not see the humor
in this.

12-18-2014, 09:27 PM
My wifes uncle, who was a good friend of mine for several years before I met her, carried a rifle on a hunt for the first time at the age of 13. His dad beat it into his head to get his tag on a deer right off when he got one down. Sure enough he killed a buck (only one buck a year) and tagged it. The then when he got his knife ready to start field dressing it, his buck jumped up and ran off. He grabbed his rifle and gave chase, but didn't get another shot, when he topped the first hill he saw it top the next one. While he was running he heard a shot, and ran up to a hunter and his dead deer. lol He tried to claim it, but the hunter refused to hear it, until he said look, it has my tag on it. lol The hunter told him, well kid, if you can tag them on the run, you can have it.
Joe is 67 now, and still catches some guff about that first deer. lol

12-18-2014, 10:17 PM
I was walking along a wide trial in the woods hunting squirrels when I noticed one sitting on a large branch overhanging the trail. The squirrel was sitting with his back to me eating a Hickory nut. I had to cough and when I did the squirrel whirled around with a surprised look on his face. He threw both hands up, tossing the nut into the air and fell backward off the limb. The twenty foot fall didn't hurt him as he was gone in a flash after he hit the ground with a loud 'thump'! I was laughing too hard to shoot...

12-18-2014, 11:55 PM
i'll tell one too.
this is my first deer story.
along in 1977 my pop, uncle and my dad's buddy went deer hunting.
back then I could duck hunt but not deer hunt yet but wanted to go anyway.
we get where we are going and my uncle and dads friend cut up both sides of a canyon, and me and my dad head over the ridge to the next draw.
we see nothing all day, but on the way back I spot a smaller buck cutting through some willows down in the draw so we start throwing rocks down in there trying to push it up towards the other 2 hunters.
my uncle sees it first and takes a shot with his 0-6 and puffs a hair ball off the deers back.
of course the deer does not like this and starts back down the hill towards me and dad standing down in the dry creek bed.
pop takes a shot with his 357 lever gun and hits the running deer in the back leg which just speeds the deer up and he is getting closer to us by the second.
pop goes to take another shot and the rifle split the first casing in half which effectively jams the rifle making it a club.
as the deer comes closer pop looks at me and says ' wadda you think?'
'hit it when it goes by' I said.
so there is my dad winding up a model 92 Winchester like Roberto clemente while trying to balance on a 8" log over the creek bed.
the deer runs past pop swings and hits it in the throat.
and I get trompled in the process, trompled is the only word I can use when a 200+ pound deer and a 180 pound man fall on top of a 13 y.o. boy.
any-way I extract myself from the mess about the time the deer does and off we go down the creek bed.
I finally grab a good sized rock and heave it at the buck, hitting him in the back of the head knocking him down long enough for me to get my pocket knife out and cut his throat.
about this time dad comes limping up and just looks at me for a second then hands me a rope and say's tie this to his antlers and starts up the ravine we are in.
I'm wondering how we are gonna get this deer outta the ravine when I hear the truck start and the deer starts moving up the ravine taking me off my feet one last time...

12-19-2014, 01:15 PM
Just too funny, but I can see a 13 year old wanting the deer bad enough to get it with a rock. lol

12-19-2014, 02:30 PM
I hunted for many years on a corporate lease for taking customers out hunting. The stories are endless and could fill a book. One that sticks out from the final years of those trips is 3 guys with only one gun from U of Texas, one was the son of one of the companies leasing this ranch. They managed to get 7 deer in 2 days, but a big winter ice storm blew in. Ever seen seven frozen deer and 3 college kids crammed into a Suzuki Samurai? They really wanted that venison. A few runners up are a customer trying to hunt in a loin cloth with a bowie knife, various city slicker encounters with wildlife, a shot up pickup, and a Mexican shooting a couple dozen turkeys with a machine gun from across the Rio Grande.

12-19-2014, 05:03 PM
I hunted for many years on a corporate lease for taking customers out hunting. The stories are endless and could fill a book. One that sticks out from the final years of those trips is 3 guys with only one gun from U of Texas, one was the son of one of the companies leasing this ranch. They managed to get 7 deer in 2 days, but a big winter ice storm blew in. Ever seen seven frozen deer and 3 college kids crammed into a Suzuki Samurai? They really wanted that venison. A few runners up are a customer trying to hunt in a loin cloth with a bowie knife, various city slicker encounters with wildlife, a shot up pickup, and a Mexican shooting a couple dozen turkeys with a machine gun from across the Rio Grande.
Corporate hunts are sime of the funniest and scariest I have ever been involved with...

dave roelle
12-19-2014, 08:55 PM

I’ll tell you about the time I went hunting with one bullet. I don’t like to be bragging about myself for nothing, you know, but I think I hold the world’s record for killing the most game with one bullet. It’s kind of an accident the way it happened.
I was going hunting. There was an old gun hanging over the fireplace that had been hanging there for years and had been handed down from generation to generation. I got to scratching around in a drawer and found one bullet that fit that gun. I told my ma that I was going down to shoot that gun.
She said, “Well, since you’re going down the holler to shoot that gun, reckon you could saw that old sapling stump off down there and put a bottom in it and make me a flour barrel?”
I said, “Well, I guess I could.”
So I hitched a sled up to the horse and went on down in the holler. I got down to the stump, and I looked at it a little bit, and thought, “Now, while I’m sawing on that stump, I’m going to throw my goose net out and catch me a few geese.”
I throwed my goose net out and throwed me a little bit of corn under it, you know. I started sawing on that stump and had it about sawed off when I heard a racket over there. You ain’t going to believe this, but that goose net was plumb full of geese. You couldn’t have got another goose in that net. I gathered up all four corners of that net. Now you ain’t going to believe this, but them geese all started to fly at one time. They picked me up right off the ground. I was holding on, and before I knew it I was at the top of the trees. I thought, “Lord, I’ve got to let this go.” I got skeered.
Well, I let that net go, and I fell down into a hollow tree about that big around. I fell into honey up to my waist, the most honey I ever seen. I was stuck in that honey. I looked up, and I could see the blue sky. All at once it got dark. It was a big bear coming down in there to get that honey. I thought, “Lord, what am I going to do?” I thought real quick, and I grabbed that bear by the tail. I goosed him and he pulled me plumb to the top of that tree. When I got up there, I gave him a big shove, and he fell off and broke his neck down at the foot of the tree.
Well, you know, I still had that honey all over me. There was a creek that run by that tree. And I thought, “Now I’m going to get in that creek and wash that honey off me.” So I got in the creek and was washing that honey off, and something got in my shirt and was choking me to death. I didn’t know what in the world it was. It was so tight that it popped my top button off and killed a partridge sitting on the bank. It was a big 12-pound catfish that had got down in there. And I got that 12-pound catfish, and that partridge, and that bear. I put that honey in the barrel and put it all on the sled. I was getting ready to go, when I heard a racket.
I looked up and saw all them geese hung up there in a big pine tree. I thought, “I’ll just cut this joker down.” So I cut that tree down. Now, you ain’t going to believe this, but when that tree fell, there was two buck deer over in a big pine thicket. When that big tree fell, it killed both of them buck deer in that pine thicket.
Well, I got them two buck deer and them 21 geese and put them on the sled with that 12-pound catfish, and that partridge, and that bear, and that barrel of honey. And I had me a load. I was getting ready to go to the house when I heard another noise over there. I turned around and I looked. There was two turkeys up on a limb. Boy, I grabbed my gun real quick, and by the time I got it loaded, there was three more that had jumped up on the same limb. That was five turkeys. I loaded that gun and took aim. About the time I shot, I fell in a stump hole. I missed all five of them turkeys. You ain’t going to believe this, but that bullet hit three trees, ricocheted around three times, and killed all five of them turkeys.
When I fell in that stump hole, that old gun was so old the hammer of it fell off and killed a swamp rabbit that was laying over there in the swamp. Well, I got the swamp rabbit, got them five turkeys, and put them on the sled with them 21 geese and them two buck deer, that 12-pound catfish, and that partridge, and that bear, and that barrel of honey, and I had me a load.
I grabbed them lines, slapped that horse on the rump, and we started to the house. When that horse started to pull, it broke both trace chains. I thought, “Lord, what am I going to do with all this meat on here?” I thought real quick and I skinned them deer out and made me some rawhide straps. When I made them rawhide straps, I put them on the horse and hit that old horse across the rump. We headed to the house, and I never even looked back.
Now look here. You ain’t going to believe this, but when I got to the house, that rawhide had stretched and left all that meat sitting down there in the bottom. Boy, I was mad! I hung that harness on a stump, went in the house, and went to bed. Now, you ain’t going to believe this, but when I got up the next morning at 10 o’clock, that sun had come out and drawed that rawhide up and sucked all that meat up out of the bottom.
And if I had more time, I’d tell you about the time I went hunting with two bullets

Have a safe holiday


12-19-2014, 09:31 PM
I bow before you, sir. The first liar never stands a chance! Good thing we are still waiting for the first yarn stretcher!


I’ll tell you about the time I went hunting with one bullet. I don’t like to be bragging about myself for nothing, you know, but I think I hold the world’s record for killing the most game with one bullet. It’s kind of an accident the way it happened.
I was going hunting. There was an old gun hanging over the fireplace that had been hanging there for years and had been handed down from generation to generation. I got to scratching around in a drawer and found one bullet that fit that gun. I told my ma that I was going down to shoot that gun.
She said, “Well, since you’re going down the holler to shoot that gun, reckon you could saw that old sapling stump off down there and put a bottom in it and make me a flour barrel?”
I said, “Well, I guess I could.”
So I hitched a sled up to the horse and went on down in the holler. I got down to the stump, and I looked at it a little bit, and thought, “Now, while I’m sawing on that stump, I’m going to throw my goose net out and catch me a few geese.”
I throwed my goose net out and throwed me a little bit of corn under it, you know. I started sawing on that stump and had it about sawed off when I heard a racket over there. You ain’t going to believe this, but that goose net was plumb full of geese. You couldn’t have got another goose in that net. I gathered up all four corners of that net. Now you ain’t going to believe this, but them geese all started to fly at one time. They picked me up right off the ground. I was holding on, and before I knew it I was at the top of the trees. I thought, “Lord, I’ve got to let this go.” I got skeered.
Well, I let that net go, and I fell down into a hollow tree about that big around. I fell into honey up to my waist, the most honey I ever seen. I was stuck in that honey. I looked up, and I could see the blue sky. All at once it got dark. It was a big bear coming down in there to get that honey. I thought, “Lord, what am I going to do?” I thought real quick, and I grabbed that bear by the tail. I goosed him and he pulled me plumb to the top of that tree. When I got up there, I gave him a big shove, and he fell off and broke his neck down at the foot of the tree.
Well, you know, I still had that honey all over me. There was a creek that run by that tree. And I thought, “Now I’m going to get in that creek and wash that honey off me.” So I got in the creek and was washing that honey off, and something got in my shirt and was choking me to death. I didn’t know what in the world it was. It was so tight that it popped my top button off and killed a partridge sitting on the bank. It was a big 12-pound catfish that had got down in there. And I got that 12-pound catfish, and that partridge, and that bear. I put that honey in the barrel and put it all on the sled. I was getting ready to go, when I heard a racket.
I looked up and saw all them geese hung up there in a big pine tree. I thought, “I’ll just cut this joker down.” So I cut that tree down. Now, you ain’t going to believe this, but when that tree fell, there was two buck deer over in a big pine thicket. When that big tree fell, it killed both of them buck deer in that pine thicket.
Well, I got them two buck deer and them 21 geese and put them on the sled with that 12-pound catfish, and that partridge, and that bear, and that barrel of honey. And I had me a load. I was getting ready to go to the house when I heard another noise over there. I turned around and I looked. There was two turkeys up on a limb. Boy, I grabbed my gun real quick, and by the time I got it loaded, there was three more that had jumped up on the same limb. That was five turkeys. I loaded that gun and took aim. About the time I shot, I fell in a stump hole. I missed all five of them turkeys. You ain’t going to believe this, but that bullet hit three trees, ricocheted around three times, and killed all five of them turkeys.
When I fell in that stump hole, that old gun was so old the hammer of it fell off and killed a swamp rabbit that was laying over there in the swamp. Well, I got the swamp rabbit, got them five turkeys, and put them on the sled with them 21 geese and them two buck deer, that 12-pound catfish, and that partridge, and that bear, and that barrel of honey, and I had me a load.
I grabbed them lines, slapped that horse on the rump, and we started to the house. When that horse started to pull, it broke both trace chains. I thought, “Lord, what am I going to do with all this meat on here?” I thought real quick and I skinned them deer out and made me some rawhide straps. When I made them rawhide straps, I put them on the horse and hit that old horse across the rump. We headed to the house, and I never even looked back.
Now look here. You ain’t going to believe this, but when I got to the house, that rawhide had stretched and left all that meat sitting down there in the bottom. Boy, I was mad! I hung that harness on a stump, went in the house, and went to bed. Now, you ain’t going to believe this, but when I got up the next morning at 10 o’clock, that sun had come out and drawed that rawhide up and sucked all that meat up out of the bottom.
And if I had more time, I’d tell you about the time I went hunting with two bullets

Have a safe holiday


dave roelle
12-19-2014, 09:38 PM

dave roelle
12-19-2014, 09:41 PM
One of the best i have ever heard---------------how are lube grooves doing with the oil issue :wink:


s mac
12-19-2014, 09:46 PM

So, was ma mad cause you didn't finish her flour barrel?

12-19-2014, 09:53 PM
First buck
He didn’t do it with a cast but I still had to post it here, This is his first buck, we don’t get to hunt with each other much but we did this time and I will never forget it. I had seen this deer about an hour before and tried to get a shot at it but it dropped over a ridge and I couldn’t get a shot, I forgot to put a round in the chamber anyway. We had setup in different places where we thought it might go. About 20 min later I hear 2 shots that sound like they came from across the valley, I hear on my radio (what sounded to me, dad was that you?) I answered no not me, then I hear no dad that was me. I got one down, it looks like a good size buck, and can you get up here. I wasted no time in getting there. I get to where he is and find him standing over a very nice 8-point. My son is shaking and ask’s me Dad what do you think. I said I think it’s the finest buck I have ever seen. Then he tells me, Dad this is great getting a nice deer, but what makes it even better is that we did it together. It doesn’t get any better.
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/misc/paperclip.png Attached Thumbnails http://castboolits.gunloads.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=54835&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1403145582 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=54835&d=1354158378) http://castboolits.gunloads.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=54836&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1403145582 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=54836&d=1354158378) http://castboolits.gunloads.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=54837&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1403145582 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=54837&d=1354158379)

12-19-2014, 11:17 PM
Mighty fine buck!

12-20-2014, 01:59 AM
Dave, it is a good thing you let the statue of limitations run out before sharing that one bullet hunt, cuz, them goose nets were not legal.

dave roelle
12-20-2014, 10:33 AM
Rats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-------------------and i just got em out to dust off for the late "net season" here on the prairie-----------NOW WHAT :veryconfu

12-20-2014, 11:13 AM
in 1979 on my first deer hunt .. Thompson Center 50 Cal muzzleloader and a borrowed home built climbing stand..
Friend takes me to his Property.. About 1.5 Hrs before daylight we drive up the mountain as far as we can go on the road . Stop he points in a direction and says walk this direction till you hit the stream then find a tree to climb up in.. I did so .. having never climbed a tree before I had no idea how high I had gotten..
Right at daylight I see I'm about 35 feet in the air.. on a deep incline.. decide I want to be a little lower. as I turn to climb down a little I hear the stand break underneath me .. Drop the Gun and grab on the tree.. I bear hug my way down as far as the inside of my arms can take then push off and fall to the ground.. Lucky I was on a steep hillside as I kind of hit and roll down the mountain a little

get up shake my self off a little .. Then clean all the leaves from around the tree so I can walk around/turn in any direction without making too much noise..
30 minutes later a cow horn spike comes walking right up the stream bank at me About 25 yds away dead 90 degrees I pull the trigger.. Deer is hit in the spine . I have to cut his throat.. Pull him down the mountain ..

the whole way I am thinking how did I shoot so high ..

Lean the gun up against the Truck and proceed to skin him..

Look up and see the sun shining on the gun .. the entire length of the wooden stock is cracked ..From in front of the Wedge all the way back to the butt plate
Gun was pivoting up as the rd was fired ..
But for my first hunt I climbed a tree, broke a stand, fell out of a tree, did not break anything (except the gun ) and Killed a deer
A true story

PS This was also My first cast bullet Kill.... Lee REAL 50 Cal