View Full Version : IS THIS ENOUGH, 4227 ? 7.5x55

11-07-2014, 09:31 PM
I haven't hunted in about 20 years and plan on it soon. I'm starting with 17.5 grs of imr 4227 under a NOE 311299 HP with dacron in a 7.5x55 G1911. Lyman #4 start load is 21.0 for the 311299 at 1600 fps in a 30/06, which seems a little high to me. The 7.5 and 30/06 aren't perfect but very close in case capacity. I'm thinking my velocity is going to be about 1300-1400 fps and I'm hunting out to about 150 yds or so. Is this enough?

11-07-2014, 10:07 PM
I would want more out of it, but I'm sure it will do it's job if you do yours.

Aalaskanguy, if you can find the post, worked up some hunting loads with that boolit and cal. IIRC he wound up using 2400 though.

11-12-2014, 10:15 AM
I have found slower powders work better. I now use 3031 and 4895 in the 30-30 with cast. I tried 4227 and stuck the can back in the drawer.
There is no reason to shy away from jacketed loads with cast, make use of the capacity and easier push to the boolit. Dang, you could go to 4350 in that case. WHY a shotgun powder?

11-12-2014, 10:57 AM
I can't seem to find an accurate 308 cast load with 4227! Best I can come up with is about 4" at 100. Rifle (Sav M-10) is capable of 2" with 180-190 cast regularly, and on occaision a 5 shot group hovering around an inch. Have been using 180-190 gr blts, that are very accurate over 2400. Thinking of maybe dropping the blt wt. to about 150 gr. or so. Any info based on results would be appreciated.

11-12-2014, 11:49 AM
1shirt - 19 gr. IMR4227 with dacron worked in 308MX with 150 PB, ~1900fps, 1.5 MOA. IIRC 16 gr of 2400 worked for non-GC 165 about the same accuracy, unfortunately it won't cycle AR carbine, stopped testing.

11-12-2014, 12:00 PM
airc beagle uses 4227 in his 0-6 for military cast matches.
I don't remember the amount right off the top of my head but 22grs sounds about right, that's how much 1680 I ended up with when trying it in the 0-6.

if the load is for hunting I'd be more inclined to use some 4895 [28.5-30 grs, 1900-2000 fps] and a filler to keep everything consistent.

11-12-2014, 12:31 PM
I've been shooting until now 2400 and 4227 in my miltary 30cals. I've been shooting more of the 4227 lately because of the 2400 shortage or at least shortage for me. 4227 is more temp and position sensitive than 2400. 4227 shoots it best with a dacron filler to keep it over the primer. I have a savage 10fp 308 that liked 18.0grs [1.2" groups] during the hot months without dacron with my
others [7.5x54,7.62x54,7.5x55] falling close by. My loads run between 18.0 and increasing in .2 gr incriments, with case capacity to 18.5, with the lee 155.

I started working up some loads in 5 shoot groups looking for my sweet spots with dacron, 4227, 311299hp in the 7.5x55 G1911. This is what I've come up with thus far, 17.2 grs 1.5" group, 19.0grs 1.5", 20.5grs .75". This is all at 115 yds and iron sights. I've just got my cases preped and ready to load, to retry the 20.5gr of course, 10 rd group for tommorrow. If it will hold that group or there bouts, it should be good for deer and even target.

There is no reason to shy away from jacketed loads with cast, make use of the capacity and easier push to the boolit. Dang, you could go to 4350 in that case. WHY a shotgun powder?

[above] Here's some preliminary results from imr 4831 out of a k31 7.5x55, 5 rd groups looked decent but when I started the 10 rd groups they began to open up more.

[below] and here's 4227 out of the same gun. One of the other members pointed out to me about LLA buidup flyers, so time for a lub-a-sizer. I'll post the 10 rd group first chance.


11-12-2014, 02:09 PM
LLA burns in the bore, leaves ash. Dump it.
4227 is heat sensitive in the extreme. Shot it for IHMSA with my .44 and as the gun heated, shots hit lower and lower as velocity increased to flat primers. My last shot at 200 meters was 16 clicks over normal and I hit 50 meters low. I reduced loads and it was the same. Went to 296 and won state. 79 out of 80. 4227 worked in the .357 max but it is fussy as all get out in other guns.
It would be my last choice.

11-12-2014, 04:21 PM
Thanks for the advice and info. Tend to think you may well be right 44man on it being fussy, but I have 8lb of the stuff, so will have to work with it I guess.

11-12-2014, 05:52 PM
It works purty good in the 7.62x39, although accuracy begins to degrade quickly once you hit about 75% of max. Worked best from 1200-1500fps and cycled an sks and AK. Meters well too.

11-12-2014, 06:24 PM
Remington 700 BDL Varmint
308 Win
24 grains of 4227
Lyman 311465 or 311291
Hornady gas checks
Powder oriented behind the bullet not the base



11-13-2014, 11:54 AM
Well, nothing to right home about. The group that was showing promise days ago, didn't do as good today. It went from .75" to 2.75" today with 10 rounds. Still d.o.m. accurate. I guess I'm exspecting to much from a hp.

The good thing is I was able to increase the charge and stay in acceptable accuracy. 22grs 4227 stayed about 1.5" with the primers beginning to flatten. I'm estamating about 1700's or so for velocity and should be a good place to start.

11-13-2014, 12:55 PM
Nice group Skeettx.

11-13-2014, 01:19 PM
Hello 1johnlb
On your above posting, what caliber were you loading for? 6.5x55?

11-13-2014, 11:23 PM
7.5x55 Swiss, 190gr NOE 311299 rg HP. I'm going to load a few for my 1917 Schmidt Rubin G1911. Then test them in my 308 savage.10fp.