View Full Version : My Ruger

11-06-2014, 05:29 PM
These are my ruger 121157

11-06-2014, 05:35 PM
I would like to have a Ruger VaqueroŽ Distributor Exclusives
45 Colt Single-Action Revolver
Available From TALO (http://www.taloinc.com/)............bat no one import to Italy......i think that i will even have

11-06-2014, 05:52 PM
Very nice. Good looking ones.

11-06-2014, 06:57 PM
Nice collection of Rugers.

11-10-2014, 02:06 AM
How difficult is it to own a revolver in Italy? I have no idea of the laws
for handguns there.

Rugers are good guns, and those look pretty nice.


11-10-2014, 02:41 AM
Italian laws are stupid : i have a 500 S&W but i can not have a 480 Ruger ...................
Bignami is he Who cares weapons Ruger in italy.We can not have more than 9 pistol or revolver,anything more ,you have to have in the collection .Bat you can have all the shotgun for hunt you want ................lew are meaningles .........i think .:killingpcthe problem is the weapons collection can not be used for defense and you can not have the ammonition to there home

11-10-2014, 02:49 AM
Your Constitution says you have the right to keep and bear arms I believe.

11-10-2014, 05:50 AM
No,in italy to carry arms ,you must have a reason ,and in my province,pollice does not carry any weapons ,even if you have a reason right .only in your home ,you can do as you please ..........important that you do not use weapons collection and lead Boolits for your defense ammoition ....

11-12-2014, 02:15 AM
Is defense with any handgun legal in Italy? Or is it only from "a weapons collection" and "lead boolits" that are
prohibited? I know in England, self defense is permitted, but just barely - you cannot use "excessive force", so
if you stab a bad guy who is threating you with a knife, you are probably OK. If you shoot him, you are going to
go to jail, not sure exactly the charge.

Here, in most states, it is very simple to get a permit to carry a gun with you in public. Also, in most states,
you can use it for self defense where you are, not just at home. In all states, defense with a gun at home is
legal, but there must be some threat or perceived threat.

Your English is pretty good, far better than my Italian! but my Italian is very rusty, learned a little in middle 1960s in Napoli,
but have not used it in many decades. Non capisco, non parlo Italiano, signore. ;-)


11-12-2014, 06:30 AM
Here in NY the law makers have no common sense No more hand guns over 7 rnd, If you own then you can only load seven in the 10 rnd mag 10 was he max! When they wrote the law they even included police so they had to revise it later! The lower half of the state is heavily populated a lot of union city workers that vote democratic, The upstate area is rural and agri. we are truelly divided and have to live with these city LAWS! Gov Coumo passed these laws at night when all the reps were not present, Remember his name he want to run for PRESIDENT! Hey beppe what part of Italy are you from my parents were born in a town called torrela De Lambarde.

11-12-2014, 05:10 PM
hello bill! I also speak little English, but use traduttore.anche in Italy you can not shoot a bad guy who has only a knife.
hello Monge!!in Italy it is very difficult to get permission to take the gun out of the house for self-defense, need a very valid reason ........ and where I live (Marche region, city Pesaro (PU)), the permit does not even give a reason giusto.I
not ask to be able to go to buy a newspaper with the handgun.I ask to be able to have a loaded gun with me when my arms transport to go to the shooting range.

11-13-2014, 12:17 AM

Good to hear from a shooter from Italia.
