View Full Version : Aggresive coyote

10-26-2014, 03:08 PM

Man this yote had guts. A couple weeks ago we had one barking and howling at the house. Last night we were in a tent out in the back yard at the house and about 1:00 AM we woke up to a coyote walking around near the tent howling and carrying on. Our 23 LB Boston mix was out with us too and he went out of tent but turned around and stuck his head back in, I then grabbed him and pulled it the rest of the way. Even with me yelling for the dog the coyote was still pretty close barking and putting up a fuss.
I couldn't sleep and went in the house with our boy. I figured that was it but not even a hour later this one came back and started howling and barking again! So in the tent was the wife, daughter and the dog and I had the window open and could easily hear what was going on and ran for a rifle.
I grabbed the AR15 .300/221 loaded with 180 grain match kings and let one fly, I heard a yelp and a cracking sound come back. I couldn't find it last night but the crows were out in the field this morning and this is what I found in the direction of the crows. It went about 300yds, a female and looks kinda young but its hard to tell. One less coyote is good in my book.

white eagle
10-26-2014, 04:12 PM
nice shot

10-26-2014, 04:18 PM
In my opinion, any dead coyote is a good thing, especially one that has no fear of humans.
Some people think it is cool to feed them though.

10-26-2014, 04:21 PM
That one looks pretty well fed too you have any cats missing in the neighborhood.

10-26-2014, 08:10 PM
We had a nice barn cat missing for a little while now, so maybe they are getting neighbor hood pets. A few years ago I saw a coyote trying to be play full to bring a neighbors dog out in the field. There was a second one off to the side watching probably waiting to jump in.

I wonder if these coyotes could be brought in with the sounds of a cat or small dog.

10-26-2014, 08:23 PM
The puppy yelp calls are often times VERY effective... Puppies can't really run or fight back. Yotes that are educated, and wary of rabbit distress calls, can be suckers for the "puppy in distress"... You won't know until you try it.

country gent
10-26-2014, 08:27 PM
Another issue is the mix of coyotes and dogs, much less fear of man or buildings and instead of hunting to eat they kill for sport. Yours dosnt appear to be crossed up much but .... The farmers around here especially chicken, sheep and feeder pigs shoot them all on sight.

10-27-2014, 01:59 AM
Last night I watched a short, <1 hr show on netflix. It was about a hybrid breed being called the "coy-wolf". Very adaptable to human surroundings, living in big eastern US & Canada cities - apparently lots of them. And can be quite aggressive toward humans.

Was fascinating but annoying. The scientists/biologists want to study study study them, collar them, put a chip in them etc etc. They can do that with a few for the sake of study, but need to KILL the majority of them IMO. If you have netflix, I recommend taking a look at this one.

10-27-2014, 02:12 AM
Good shooting. Looks almost foxish with that red coat.

10-27-2014, 09:13 AM
Dlbarr, spot on. I think that yote has a little more red in him as well.

In Bell county TX, they let a good population of red wolfs on the Fort Hood mil base in the early 80's. Loooog story short, they have crossd with the coyotes. IMHO, they are a more aggressive breed. FWIW (There is a lot more the story and I am typing on a phone...)


10-29-2014, 03:17 AM
In my opinion, any dead coyote is a good thing, especially one that has no fear of humans.
Some people think it is cool to feed them though.

My neighbors fit that description...they can't understand where their peekapommapoos get off to in the middle of the night when they let them out unsupervised after 11pm...

I spot coyotes on the privacy walls, and "Missing/Lost" critter fliers get posted within 24 hours. All of them say the dog was let out to go to the bathroom and never came back...

I married into an HOA in town limits, so I can't set up shop on the roof and go a callin', though I have thought a out it quite often