View Full Version : My bud is trying to kill me.

02-07-2008, 11:49 AM
My pal has been wanting a Marlin 30-30 for some time. I told him I'd keep my eye out. So I find a really sweet 1940-1950 Marlin 336 in 32 Win with a nice Lyman peep and enough honest wear to show it's been used by a hunter. I tell doofus about and he says, "What caliber?" "32 Winchester Special", says I. "Never heard of it." He says. Then comes the killer- "Can I get shells for it at Walmart?" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGG GGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes I think he does it just to see if I really will have "the big one".[smilie=b:

02-07-2008, 12:45 PM
Tell him I will swap him one in 30-30 staright across and will toss in a box of genuine Wal Mart shells.

MT Gianni
02-07-2008, 03:21 PM
Bret, Do ya want a new Buddy? Gianni

02-07-2008, 04:15 PM
Bret, Do ya want a new Buddy? Gianni

Yeah, see if JohnSmiles is available....:kidding:

02-07-2008, 05:09 PM
Yeah, see if JohnSmiles is available....:kidding:


02-07-2008, 06:38 PM
It could be worse.... you could have found a 219 Zipper and he would have asked about having it rebored to 30-30.


02-07-2008, 08:55 PM
post some pics of your new 32 will ya


02-07-2008, 09:01 PM
Yeah, see if JohnSmiles is available....:kidding:

You got a mean streak a mile wide there Scrounger! I bet John and I would get along just fine after the initial fist fight was over.:mrgreen:

Jon K
02-07-2008, 09:29 PM

336 CS circa 1952........

02-07-2008, 10:10 PM
Bret, you're looking at this all wrong. If you really think you're buddy is out to get you, this is how you handle it:

"Can I get shells for it at Walmart?"

To which you smile sweetly and reply, "Why yes, I believe you can." [smilie=1:

02-08-2008, 12:48 AM
The reason we all have one friend like this is so we don't go out looking for enemies!!!!!

02-08-2008, 02:09 AM
..................What really slays me about stuff like Brett's "Bestest pal" is in someone asking a question like that in todays age of instant information retrival.

However, over the years I've seen threads were guys were in a veritable panic because their favorite source of military surplus ammo has had a particulalry beloved 'make' dry up.

"Oh woe is me, whatever shall I do?" Surely these nimrods didn't think that that ammo was forever? "I'll just have to quit shooting, or maybe just once a year because factory ammo is so expensive!"And THAT was seen several years ago.

Heaven forbit you suggest reloading. "No time" probably a proffessional TV watcher "It's too expensive", WHAT!? Hey wait a minute, didn't you just say ............ah never mind "It's too dangerous", Well in your case, okay I withdraw the suggestion "I thought about it, but I have little kids", Which is a weak assed excuse for just not wanting to bother.

And if you'd be so brazen as to suggest maybe casting their own boolits, well it's siezure time and you're obvious some neanderthal or weirdo.


02-08-2008, 07:27 AM
you're obvious some neanderthal or weirdo.


My wife and kids have thought that about me for years, now all I gotta do is go shopping for some casting equipment!

02-08-2008, 09:14 AM
a former friend came over to the shop to cut a piece of wood

he told me wat size he needed ,I asked him were is your wood

he replied Id thought we'd use your wood[smilie=b:

some people just dont get it

02-08-2008, 11:35 AM
..................What really slays me about stuff like Brett's "Bestest pal" is in someone asking a question like that in todays age of instant information retrival.

However, over the years I've seen threads were guys were in a veritable panic because their favorite source of military surplus ammo has had a particulalry beloved 'make' dry up.

"Oh woe is me, whatever shall I do?" Surely these nimrods didn't think that that ammo was forever? "I'll just have to quit shooting, or maybe just once a year because factory ammo is so expensive!"And THAT was seen several years ago.

Heaven forbit you suggest reloading. "No time" probably a proffessional TV watcher "It's too expensive", WHAT!? Hey wait a minute, didn't you just say ............ah never mind "It's too dangerous", Well in your case, okay I withdraw the suggestion "I thought about it, but I have little kids", Which is a weak assed excuse for just not wanting to bother.

And if you'd be so brazen as to suggest maybe casting their own boolits, well it's siezure time and you're obvious some neanderthal or weirdo.


Rick, does this mean I can quit hoarding my small stock of Peters, Savage, and US Cartridge ammunition? Next you'll be saying I can trade in my '39 Plymouth pickup!

02-08-2008, 11:48 AM
I was telling a friend about casting and a man at the next table at the donut shop said "I am a healthcare proffesonial and what you are talking about is dangerous because of the lead and should be outlawed"! I ask him where are you from? "California, just moved here for a job" I thanked him and said we do lots of dangerous stuff here and the air smells like cow manure when the wind is out of the SW, he replied "don't you have a air quality board?" yea I said it is a 60mph wind cleans out everything.!

02-08-2008, 01:02 PM
I was telling a friend about casting and a man at the next table at the donut shop said "I am a healthcare proffesonial and what you are talking about is dangerous because of the lead and should be outlawed"! I ask him where are you from? "California, just moved here for a job" I thanked him and said we do lots of dangerous stuff here and the air smells like cow manure when the wind is out of the SW, he replied "don't you have a air quality board?" yea I said it is a 60mph wind cleans out everything.!

Help him pack his bags, give him a little kick on the butt, and direct him back from whence he came.

02-09-2008, 02:40 AM
I was telling a friend about casting and a man at the next table at the donut shop said "I am a healthcare proffesonial and what you are talking about is dangerous because of the lead and should be outlawed"! I ask him where are you from? "California, just moved here for a job" I thanked him and said we do lots of dangerous stuff here and the air smells like cow manure when the wind is out of the SW, he replied "don't you have a air quality board?" yea I said it is a 60mph wind cleans out everything.!

Cool Freightman! I'd have told him that listening in on other's conversations and then delivering an unsolicited sermon could be more hazardous to his health than lead in a REAL western state.

02-09-2008, 03:54 AM
For the "professionals" with misinformed opinions I ask them to cite a study or show me the proof. "Well I seen on T.V..."

I have had guys tell me they will "let" me load or cast for them.
One pal has a nice old model black Hawk in .44 mag. that he dot shoot as it is too expensive. I tried to talk him into reloading. He stated that he would never reload as he prefers to know what is in his shells. sigh Another pal had heard that lead was hard on barrels.

02-09-2008, 11:41 AM
For the "professionals" with misinformed opinions I ask them to cite a study or show me the proof. "Well I seen on T.V..."

I have had guys tell me they will "let" me load or cast for them.
One pal has a nice old model black Hawk in .44 mag. that he dot shoot as it is too expensive. I tried to talk him into reloading. He stated that he would never reload as he prefers to know what is in his shells. sigh Another pal had heard that lead was hard on barrels.

One of my friends, who also casts, once sicced a total stanger young Yuppie on me. Yuppie Boy wanted me to cast for his Martini Henry because "he didn't want to breathe lead fumes." I told him, "Neither do I."

02-09-2008, 01:27 PM
I have had guys tell me they will "let" me load or cast for them.
One pal has a nice old model black Hawk in .44 mag. that he dot shoot as it is too expensive. I tried to talk him into reloading. He stated that he would never reload as he prefers to know what is in his shells. sigh Another pal had heard that lead was hard on barrels.

THAT'S funny!!!!

02-09-2008, 03:23 PM
Dang, Fellas! These stories are scaring me!

02-09-2008, 04:10 PM
From Brets Bud
I have been inspired to join your club by my good pal bret 4207. Lets see where to begin.
Why Marlin 30-30 dad had a.22 marlin liked it wanted something like it. It just feels right
30-30 pretty common round get it anywhere yes even walmart
.32 win yep the only thing I have ever heard about it comes from my good pal the guy I go to with all my gun questions. You see my daddy or daddy in law didn't run a gun shop. I will be the first, well I guess 2nd (thanks bret)to tell you I know very little about guns but I'm willing.
So he tells me a very little about it and being a good student I start asking questions. I never got the hang of nodding my head and pretending to know it all.
What is it?Will I be able to get ammo? (yes at walmart)never recall seeing a box of 32 win ammo anywhere but hey I wasn't looking because I'm looking for a 30-30.
Reloading. I'd start but under the advise of my good pal who knows my history (the only thing I havent crashed is an airplane) we decided he should show me the ropes.(about that progressive reloader)
Now buckshot you got me. However in the 15 minutes from the time he mentioned the gun till the time of his post(slight exaggeration) what would inspire me to look for this instant info when Im looking for a 30-30. If your looking for a .45 do you get the info on a .22 (I know you probably already know)
So he finally calms down a little from his argh!!! spell and tells me some of the info and I get a little interested. Then what does my buddy say "don't bother looking at its not what your looking for". PUTZ!!!Keep in mind last week he says why don't you by this 44 carbine. The week before it was why dont you buy the winchester(see above)
If that gun shop ever opens again I'll probably buy the gun if for nothing else to spite my pal. Anyway if i don't like it I hear there is some guy that will swap it for a 30-30 and a box of top end wally world ammo and another guy that can change it to a 219 zipper.

Any way Bret says you are all a good bunch of guys and will be able to see the humor in this. He's right Im trying to kill him have you ever seen his beautiful wife dibs

MT Gianni
02-09-2008, 05:03 PM
Welcome to the asylum Dano. Go for the 32 Spl. before I drive from MT to NY and convince Bret I "need" it. Gianni

02-09-2008, 06:33 PM
I think you would like the 32.My brother-in-law has put a lot of deer down with his and I would like to have it if he ever wanted to sell it.They are good guns.

02-09-2008, 07:33 PM
Don't listen to a word he says boys!!! He a liar and a cheat. He thinks Nancy Pelosi is smokin' hot and he smells funny too! He's an under cover agent for HCI and has a picture of Hillary in his garage! I've spent the past few years making him look good at work! If it wasn't for me they'd have fired him long ago! The onlyist thing he's telling the truth about is that my wife IS hot. But what he won't tell you is that his wife is hot too!:drinks:

Good to see you here Dan. I'm amazed you managed to type that much without finding white out on the screen.:roll:

What he said about crashing everything but the airplane is true![smilie=1:

02-09-2008, 08:11 PM
Liar, Cheat, smellbad, lousy employee all true but no need to get dirty my only picture of Hillary hangs at the target range. Most words Ive spoke in Months and all in one day.

White out they have white out

02-09-2008, 09:31 PM
Yeah, yer a regular Chatty Cathy. You'd better go get that Marlin Monday or sure as taxes rise it'll be gone and you'll be cryin' on my shoulder, AGAIN, about how you missed another golden opportunity. Oh wait....it's ME that whines about the missed opportunity isn't it?:roll:

02-16-2008, 03:40 AM
We have had this conversation before about YOUR FRIENDS. At the risk of repeating myself.......I will.

Remember the limberger cheese either on the exhaust manifold or stuck up under the drivers seat in the springs.

Or something nasty inside the drivers sun visor.

Deleveries of sand, rock or pizza.....3 or 4 at the same time.

Idaho Potatoes with a broomstick about 18" up the exhaust pipe.

Make your discussions more interesting and fun for everybody.

02-16-2008, 09:45 AM
Dead raccoon wedged between muffler and floor pan on a Troop car. Took the guy weeks to figure it out.

02-16-2008, 10:00 AM
Liar, Cheat, smellbad, lousy employee all true but no need to get dirty my only picture of Hillary hangs at the target range. Most words Ive spoke in Months and all in one day.

White out they have white out

I have a stuffed Hilary doll about 8" tall hanging on my shop wall. It is from a company that also makes George W and Arnold dolls. The Hillary doll is recommended for a dog chew toy and was presented to my old cockapoo, Bo by Bruce and KarenB. Bo has passed on so I found a spot on the wall between a cartoon cat captioned "Arrrrgh!" and Mr. Squishy, a perfectly road-mashed, framed, small rattlesnake. Seemed an appropriate place for Hillary.

02-16-2008, 11:12 AM

I have a partner much like you from work--about 10 years younger than I am, still doing the LEO bit as a District Attorney's Investigator. I retired in fact, he wanted to retire on duty........but that's another story. Mostly, his life is centered on aggravating the living daylights out of me whenever possible.

About 4 years ago, he decided that he needed a hunting rifle, and a couple more for his boys in the coming years. He is INCREDIBLY cheap on most things he buys, unless it concerns his boat. It took me nearly a year to dissuade him away from a Remington Model 710 bolter, and finally a decent deal came along via our lieutenant--an old-series Ruger 77RS in 7mm Rem Mag with Leupold VX-III (3.5x-10x), straight-up trade for a SIG P-226 x 9mm. We've shot it some, and it is a GREAT shooter with jacketed bullets. But he drove me nuts with questions about every cheaply-priced skunk-azzed rusted *** he ran across in the meantime.

But he knows boats--really well. He has been an active boater for 20+ years, and this area has A LOT of boating activity, what with no ice below 5,000 ft and an ocean close at hand to the left of us on any map. I wanted a boat for fishing--his bit is water-skiing at the Colorado River. Early in the process I found a maker whose hulls and powerplant/equipment packages really impressed me (Triumph). About a year ago he went with me to the dealership to look at the models--he wasn't real familiar with the maker. In short, he loved their whole line--and said, "GET ONE OF THESE--NOW". I didn't, wanting to look around and make sure of what I wanted.

I saw an oppurtunity to even the score with this guy over the rifle aggravation he gave me a few years back. He's over here a couple times month, and all through this past hunting season he was on me--"WHERE'S THE BOAT?" I drill him right back, remarking about how eager he was to spend my money--when the truth finally emerges. His wife--sweet, pretty, but ultra-high-maintenence--doesn't like him and their boys getting fish scales and other debris from fishing in their ski boat. My boat wouldn't prompt this sort of domestic strife, especially if I was along to point out the good fishing spots and put him on them. Whatta lowlife--I delightfully spent the rest of last year and this January asking him about every other make of boat EXCEPT Triumph, just to get his goat.

Thursday he stopped by to steal some more 45 ACP ammo--he brings back the brass, and usually a 12-pack of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale to barter for ammo with. I had told him in late January that I was going to Bass Pro Shops to seal the deal on a bass boat, which left him shaking his head. He saw the Triumph parked at my field edge--and knew he'd been had.

As seen by comments in this thread--if you decide that the 32 Special isn't to your liking, there are more than a few takers if it's put on the block.

02-17-2008, 10:06 AM
9.3x62al -

Well said. . However your a little off base. "But he drove me nuts with questions about every cheaply-priced skunk-azzed rusted *** he ran across in the meantime." I quote my partners post. "My pal has been wanting a Marlin 30-30 for some time. I told him I'd keep my eye out." I asked no more. By the way Bret winced when I told him what the guy wanted for it.
What do you think is a fair price for said gun? Keep in mind I'm not looking for a comparison I believe My pard when he says its a better gun.

Ill pm Bret to find out how the quote thing works


02-17-2008, 10:35 AM
Al, you gotta understand Dan. Cheap only describes him in a very limited fashion. MISERLY would be more accurate.[smilie=1:

Okay, I'll be honest. He's a great guy and is loved by nearly everyone he meets, including my wife which is why I rag on him. He's generous, kind, charming and willing to help anyone with a moderate amount of cash in their pocket. The problem is he loves guns. But he's still in the "Ohhhh! A nice shiny new gun!" stage, not in the "Oooohh !! It's a pre-Micro Groove 32 Winchester Marlin 336 with an all steel Lyman receiver sight, a proper dovetail blank and just enough wear to show it was hunted with and cared for. Knowing the 32 Spec is just a wee bit better than the run of the mill 30-30 with both cast and jacketed, I'm going to fore go the Walmart cheapie and glom onto a piece of history even though ammo isn't found at every Walmart across America!!!!"

I have hope for him though. I just need to switch his motor cycle passion over to collectible guns. Then he won't let a mere $25 or $50.00 deter him from making a purchase.

BTW-He tells me I can;t retire till he does. That way we'll be sure to have at least one person show up at our retirement parties.:drinks:

02-18-2008, 12:48 AM
Don't listen to a word he says boys!!! He a liar and a cheat. He thinks Nancy Pelosi is smokin' hot and he smells funny too! He's an under cover agent for HCI and has a picture of Hillary in his garage! I've spent the past few years making him look good at work! If it wasn't for me they'd have fired him long ago! The onlyist thing he's telling the truth about is that my wife IS hot. But what he won't tell you is that his wife is hot too!:drinks:


Used Marlins? anything under $350 is "ok"
Anything under $300 means talking yourself out of it.
Anything under $250 means takning it home then trying
to talk yourself into selling something to make room for it in the gun safe.

a STEEL lyman sight adds $75-$100 to the value of an older Marlin or winchester.

Not to change the subject, but...

What I'd like to find is a syphilitic rhino that thinks Nancy Pelosi is hot and turn it loose in the house chamber... tell me that wouldn't be fun to watch on C-Span!


02-18-2008, 12:05 PM
I'm in agreement with Allan D on the Marlins, and Marlin leverguns outnumber Winchesters at my house 5 to 2, with a Savage 99 thrown in for good measure.

32 Specials are beloved by cast boolit shooters because of their 1-16" twist rate, although 30-30 is a pretty good cast boolit caliber too.

If someone wants a fair (not cheap) deal on a first-year Marlin 39 with Marble's tang sight--lemme know. S/N is 16XX.