View Full Version : AHHH! Mold Damage/wear What did i do?

10-22-2014, 08:32 PM
I'm not as tramatized as the title makes it seem but i am kinda bummed and suprised.
So this is a 4 mold set of 2 cavity auto-cast molds 9mm 124 grain they are my first set of molds to get messed up.
I use them in my Mark X. There was some wear on the sprue heel that contact the first sprue "post". These post where not set right when i receive the machine and required adjustment.. They have come loose and moved before too. There was a burr on the top of the sprue heel , this did not damgeage the mold.I had one sprue that liked to keep the sprue waste stuck to it, i though there must be a burr in the hole giving the lead somthing to hold on too. I didn't want to damage the molds top surface so i stopped and order a few different stones to try and clean up the bottem surface of the sprue.

So i removed the sprue(s) and degreased them. I filed the burr off of them and one remove there is a bevel on the sprue heel rather than being square..Not a big deal, it's not hurting anything.
While using a 6000 grit stone to polish the bottom i notice the significant damage the the bottom of 2 of them. I wasn't to concerned because atleadt it the wear item and not the mold.So i go check the respective mold tops to discover damage. It doesn't effect funtiont yet, but IMO it can only get worse.I stone the top of these 2 molds just cuz and re assembled the set. they feel alright but i just want to get everyone oinion on the damage.

I don't think the sprue was loose, i believe they have propper tension.
I use the frankford asenal spray as a lube and i though it was serving me well.Also there is always residual hoppes #9 and breakfree CLP from cleaning storage.

This mold set now has just over 100,000 projectile cast on it..Only 2 of the 4 molds show any wear.What gives?
SO, my though is lead sticking to the sprue and galling the top of the surface..Or some burr on the sprue digging in
Is my lubrication not sufficient?
Sprue tension/tightness?
What do you guys think? Also what should i do about it?I thought i would get 8 million rpojectiles by the time i am 80 (50 years from now)

These photos aren't very good, and now that i took the time to relive it and photograph it i'm upset, i only wiped off the side we are looking at i had put them in the machine to see how they "feel" in there was gunna cast but wasn't in the mood

4 mold set

2 damage molds.....it's mostly the top left of other block

and the off topic pics

140lbs of .45 on the left and 90lbs of 9mm on the right

Finnish plated 9mm perfected

10-22-2014, 08:38 PM
I should probibly try and take a picture of the offending sprue.. i just didn't think of it and my camera sucks....maybe i will when i am done hanging myself

10-22-2014, 09:44 PM
i'm thinking the pins that secure the molds must have came out and damaged the sprue which in-turn damage the top mold surface.
I had installed new one that where giving me trouble. Anyone seen anything like this before.
Sorry i am all over the place i am trying to figure it out.

10-22-2014, 10:23 PM
AHHHHH! it's on my .223 molds aswell! but not my .45s yet. only 4k on that set.
Is it lube?Have i made some noob fatal error. I'm going to be sick.

10-23-2014, 09:42 PM
I don't have any experience with machine casting but I use Bullplate sprue plate lube and haven't had any issues with my hand operated moulds.

10-24-2014, 11:40 AM
Thank you, I am considering switching lubes...I understand how import luberication can be.I really wonder if the lube is the cause those.
If all my molds had wear i would be convinced. i am still trying to figue out why 2 of the 4 9mm molds have damage and only one of the .223 set.
When i get a chance to put them Back in the machine, can can then look for further clues.

I am leaning toward sprue tesnsion, but i have been watching that like a hawk..so i am not sure

I figured most people don't use autocast or have as many casts on a set, with the help of the forum i am sure we'll figure it out.

10-24-2014, 11:56 AM
I believe its a combination of wrong lube and sprue plate tension
Go with bullplate or hi quality 2 cycle engine oil

10-24-2014, 01:12 PM
I've been trying to read about bullplate....Where do you buy it?
What temperature is it good too?

I've been a fan of the graphite type stuff, Do to my sometimes using higher heat.
Damaged cause by high heat and poor lubrication sounds reasonable.
The more i look at the damage the more it seems to be the case. The damage isn't coming in from the edge of the block or sprue. it is almost a centered blotch and looking like some debris was trapped in there, at least that was my thinking was.. I just found it hard to believe lead could do that damage, but it looks to be a kind of galling. and all my research show poor lube can gall/damage the top of your mold block.

I feel and listen to the machine when i run it.I would have though i would feel or hear this occuring, but maybe not to the extent of hand molds.
After stoneing the sprues i've got to say i can't believe how incredible flat they are. the mold block top surfice isn't perfectly flat but it's extremely close.

Should i replace the sprues that have the matching damage? i don't think it will spread if the issues are addressed, just unsure what standard practice would be.They feel fine but i was saying that when things where obviously not fine.

10-24-2014, 03:08 PM
We sell Bullplate sprue plate lube.

10-24-2014, 06:17 PM
PM sent

10-27-2014, 03:10 PM
I've got some photos from a fellow members Mark X.It seems this wear maybe normal.I am sure lube can help, but will not solve the wear issue.
I believe i have allot more casting on mine using the graphite and clp than this member does whilst using mobil 1 synthetic.
His Wear seems to cover more area while mine is more concentrated.Mine is also alittle deeper. looking at the photo he is getting more lead smearing/galling than i am.

I have been monitoring my sprue tension religiously. Also when i did shorter casting session between cleaning storage. i had some loose, tight sprue issue i addresses before any of this wear occured.. I don't think adding more spring washer will alieveate this problem, it may offer more of a range of adjustment when tightening.But i fear it could make the problem worse by allowing the sprue more abillity to kick, or become cocked.
I am assuming his sprues where looser than mine.
So i am going to just keep and eye on it and just factor it in to price per round i guess..Maybe in a few years when they wear out, i'll be able to try some smooth side projectiles without the lube grooves. More than likely i will also grind the top of the mold flat again change the sprues and cast slightly lighter projectiles..It would work well on the rifle projectiles removing some of the gashcheck shank i don't use....unfortunately it would remove the bevel base on the pistol molds. i do like the BB but i could live with out it as-well