View Full Version : T/C Contender Issue

10-19-2014, 11:13 AM
I have a Contender with the Centerfire,Rimfire selector on the hammer(Not the old sliding selector). I was swapping between swapping out the pistol grip for a shoulder stock and the pin below the pin that the hammer pivots on fell out. I managed to get it back in, but now the hammer does not engage enough. Sometimes it will catch, sometimes it will catch and hold until you bump it, and sometimes it does not catch at all. I am leery about sending it in to TC. At the least, they would ruin the trigger job. At the most, they would try to replace it.

Any ideas?

10-19-2014, 01:16 PM
i have had a problem like that but never had a pin fall out my fix was that the grip bolt was to tight loosen it up it that works
then use a thin washer as a shim or cut a few threads off the bolt.

10-19-2014, 08:20 PM
They WILL replace the trigger if it's been modified. I lost a great trigger when they repaired my TC.

10-20-2014, 04:09 AM
Any way to send them just the hammer itself?

10-20-2014, 09:21 AM
Been many, many years since I had one. If I remember there is a little funny part in there that turns, some kind of safety thing. It might be out of place. The gun can be a pain to put back together.

10-20-2014, 09:33 AM
The part is called an interlock safety. Trying to remember but think it has something to do with needing the action fully closed. Now and then we had to open the guns and slam the barrel shut, seen many at shoots do it.

10-20-2014, 10:36 AM

Joni Lynn
10-20-2014, 06:51 PM
Perhaps you could just remove the trigger assembly and send them only the frame?

10-21-2014, 06:56 AM
Try Mike Bellm at http://www.bellmtcs.com/, the website has troubleshooting for such problems, & if you need to send it, they do good work. They may be able to help you over the phone as well. Worth a look anyway!

10-21-2014, 07:22 AM
Try Mike Bellm at http://www.bellmtcs.com/, the website has troubleshooting for such problems, & if you need to send it, they do good work. They may be able to help you over the phone as well. Worth a look anyway!
IIRC, Mike Bellm stated somewhere on his web sight that he does not have a FFL so he does not except frame work. I could very well be wrong on this also. But in any case, His web sight would be the place I recommend going to for an answer. I had a T/C 12" 357 mag bbl rechambered to 357max by Bellm and highly recommend his work and advise.

Forrest r
10-21-2014, 07:58 AM
To check to see if the hammer or the hammer trip is the problem:

Open the bbl/contender and close it, this sets the the hammer trip. Without setting/pulling the hammer back, pull the trigger. You should hear a click. That click it the hammer trip releasing. Allot of people don't know it but they leave that spring for the hammer trip under tension every time they clean their contenders and put them away without pulling the triggers. Anyway, there should be a click every time you open & close your contender resetting the hammer trip and pulling the trigger. If there's no click every time then the hammer trip spring has moved and is not working properly.

If there's a click when you pull the trigger every time than the hammer's position is the problem. Check the hammer strut and the hammer spring to see if they moved when the pin was out.

10-24-2014, 10:23 AM
You could invest in a set of automotive pin punches. It takes a 3/32 to remove the trigger assembly(appears to be 1/8 but, is a roll pin that holds the pivot pin). The pin that slid out cocks the trigger, and releases the hammer once cocked. It sets on a tiny coil spring (smaller than that of an ink pen) and the opposite end reaches the hammer. It's an odd looking little lever part.
I learned how to take them apart long ago. It's not as complicated as a carburetor.

Good Luck,

10-25-2014, 11:55 AM
Ok, when the sear pin fell out it allowed the the sear spring and plunger to come out off the recess in the frame. When I took the trigger group out, they fell out of the frame. I found them this morning while I was vacuuming. Tore the contender apart, put the sear plunger and spring back in, reassembled and I am back in business.

10-26-2014, 10:24 AM
Good deal, glad you found the problem.

10-26-2014, 04:20 PM
Makes me think of the first time I took mine apart. I shot that little brass trigger spring off the ceiling, off the wall, somewhere into the room on carpet. On my hands and knees, I searched two rooms with a flashlight. Never saw it anywhere. I sat back down in the same spot, got depressed, looked down at the floor by my left foot, and there it was! Never do that again for sure!

Good Luck,

10-27-2014, 01:08 PM
Not as bad as having the cylinder stop spring and plunger fall out of a Ruger grip frame onto the rug. Put it together to have the cylinder spin free.