View Full Version : Need Puppy Help

10-19-2014, 08:12 AM
Need Puppy Help
We have a 4 1/2 month old Miniature Schnauzer. And a 9 yr old Miniature Schnauzer
The puppy is grabbing the older dogs collar a trying to pull the older dog around the room.
The older dog puts her in her place and almost immediately the puppy is back at it.

Is this normal?

She is very smart knows three tricks and is potty trained.
She now bites soft (softer)(that was a steep learning curve). She is very hi energy. She runs around the house 500 miles an hour 5 or 6 laps 2 twice a day .
Fights with the old dog 3 to 6 times a day. The older dog is so patient with her, I sometime wish she would draw blood.
Sherry is very loving and loves to be with us. It’s like being in love with a school of sharks (lol). No paper towel is safe in our house.

10-19-2014, 08:21 AM
I have two Black Mouth Yellow Cur dog pups does that eight hours a day,I call it puppy fighting

10-19-2014, 08:23 AM
It's normal behavior. The older dog will let the puppy know when enough is enough. Unless blood is being drawn all the time I wouldn't worry. They have to work it out.

10-19-2014, 09:03 AM
The behavior will run it's course naturally in time but if you want to stop it sooner, you can sprinkle the older dogs collar with Tabasco.

10-19-2014, 09:09 AM

Quite normal...the pups will sort it out themselves in time.

We adopted two Black labs about 14 years ago. litter mates...one male, one female.

The female was a bit smaller and spent all of her time grabbing the male's collar and trying to drag him around the yard. He eventually learned how to turn his head so that she would pull his collar over his head and then he would run back to the house, quite upset about the whole thing.

I would calm him down and tell him to go find his collar and he would go out in the yard, find it and carry it back to me to be put back on. Took several years til she finally quit grabbing his collar every time they went outside.

Even two years after the female passed away, he still does not like to have his collar taken off. He will push his head through the collar trying to get it put back on every time I take it off.

Not the first dog I have had that seemed upset when their collar was taken off.

10-20-2014, 01:16 AM
My room mate got a puppy when I had my lab, Misty was 4 years old and the pup wanted to play non stop. Misty finally had enough one day and pinned him down and gave him a thorough tongue washing. He didn't pick a fight much after that.

Misty hated having her collar off, when I gave her abath I had to have it on my arm where she could see it or wet dog would run all over the house looking for it.

10-20-2014, 01:40 AM
Yes dogs are funny about their collars. My Min Pin, Buddy, would try to put his collar back on by sticking his nose in it. Since his neck was thicker than his head he could have taken it off at any time. When he got a new collar he would strut around with his head held high for days. I really miss the little guy.

10-20-2014, 08:50 PM
One of the beautiful things about dogs is their pack mentality. They're happiest when they know where they rank. How far up or down the pecking order isn't nearly as important to them as knowing where they are within it. They'll sort it out.

Conversely, one of the worst things an owner can do is send them mixed messages about who is in charge. No good can come of it.

http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h152/lhsjfk3t/005-9.jpg (http://s63.photobucket.com/user/lhsjfk3t/media/005-9.jpg.html)

10-21-2014, 06:40 AM
We are on our 7th Schnauzer....very loyal...very energetic....the older dog will put her in her place when she has had enough....unless the older dog is in bad health.....get lots of chew toys.....if you dont want her to bite....dont play tug-of-war with her by trying to pull the chew toy out of her mouth......they are so smart and very easy to train! Begin obedience training and remember that at her very young age her attention span is very short....keep training short .... and repeat, repeat, repeat coupled with praise....keep training short and work on the basics....stay, set, come, etc.....good luck!

10-21-2014, 07:33 AM
Nothing quite like a dog blanket.

10-21-2014, 09:43 AM
Gotta love them doggies. Wouldn't be without at least one - and haven't been for 42 years. Puppies do like to play.......

10-22-2014, 09:00 PM
Absolutely normal. Had a four year old Bull Terrier, adopted a Belgian Sheppard about two years old. Bull Terrier was dominant, Sheppard would mess with her CONSTANTLY. Pushing, nipping, trying to teal food, and so forth. It would go on until the Terrier got tired of it. She would grab the Sheppard by the throat, throw her down, and hold her. The Shepard would lie still, put her feet up in the air as a sign of submission. Terrier would let her go, and the whole thing would start over. Terrier has since died, Sheppard is much older, and we adopted a new Bull Terrier. The new girl is giving the Sheppard a taste of what she dished out when she was younger!

Lloyd Smale
10-23-2014, 08:07 AM
why dont you just take the colar off for a week or two.

10-23-2014, 08:42 AM
Collar or no collar, dogs do that. Our youngest Lab (5yo) will still grab the oldest one (10yo) by the scruff of the neck/head/ear when he wants the old guy to go out and play.

10-23-2014, 09:14 AM
why dont you just take the colar off for a week or two.

Collar has rabies and name tag. So that's not a good idea.

10-24-2014, 02:57 AM
If the older dog is the one that has diabetes my wife said to tell you that stress can some times make the blood sugar go up or down more then normal. Just some thing to watch.

I am the one that you talked to on the phone some time back when you talked about your dog getting diabetes [smilie=s:. For what it is worth our diabetic just turned 17 a couple of months back. And I am still wearing out shoes walking her to keep the sugar down. With four dogs you would think I would be skinnier then I am! Here is a pick of her "Pearl"


10-24-2014, 07:51 AM
If the older dog is the one that has diabetes my wife said to tell you that stress can some times make the blood sugar go up or down more then normal. Just some thing to watch.

I am the one that you talked to on the phone some time back when you talked about your dog getting diabetes [smilie=s:. For what it is worth our diabetic just turned 17 a couple of months back. And I am still wearing out shoes walking her to keep the sugar down. With four dogs you would think I would be skinnier then I am! Here is a pick of her "Pearl"


Yes Patches has diabetes this was one of my concerns. She seems to being doing very very good. Sherry wont leave her alone, but sometimes Patches even starts it.

Sherry is non stop in a span of less than 5 minutes she brought in a bubble bee from outside, all she had to do is spit it out. Nope, we had to take it out. The stings must have felt good on her puppy teeth (lol) Then she goes and PLAYS in her water bowl (guess we need to get her a kiddy pool)While the wife is drying the floor, off to the bedroom and she steals moms leather boot. We sometimes we wish we had a on off switch (lol)

Not yet 5 months old. She sits,shakes hands, turns, and begs. She loves Cheerios (see Photo)

10-25-2014, 01:04 AM
HELLO my name is Oreo and I'm a walkahalic

This is our puppy about 2' yrs old. Even with a bad hip on the left rear we still do 2 to 3 miles a day on the first walk. 1/2 to 2 miles on the second walk and have ended up taking a trip around the block a few times to get him to leave me alone.

120129 I some times think he is trying to hypnotize me to make me do it