View Full Version : EBOLA thread Should it be here or in the pit POLL

gray wolf
10-16-2014, 01:21 PM
The Ebola thread was here in our town and has been moved to the PIT.
The thread was to keep people informed of the dangers and the spreading of this deadly outbreak now in the U.S.

Some people have gone through great pains and spent a lot of time trying to benefit cast bullet members and keep them informed of not only daily, but hourly occurrences. Not for there benefit, but for yours.

For some unknown to me reason it has been moved.

I think it should be up front and any and all information helpful to saving even one life should be available to all and not buried in the pit.

how do you feel ??

gray wolf
10-16-2014, 01:39 PM
Tried to make this not a public poll but didn't find an option to do that. If a mod knows how to make it a non public poll, please do so.
Comments are still welcome even if you don't vote.

10-16-2014, 01:54 PM
I believe the lnformational aspect of this thread should be in Our Town. Members here just need to keep their political views to the thread running in the pit, first posted by Artful. I understand certain members avoid the pit and its politics, so the posting in our town should pertain to information and accrued knowledge.
Thanks Wise Owl for starting that thread.

10-16-2014, 02:04 PM
Just shows how ill prepared those who get paid big $$ to make decisions are when the SHTF. Idiots in charge.

10-16-2014, 02:24 PM
The thread was oriented primarily to information and to links to other sources and was helpful. Delete or move and admonish those posting overtly political comments if necessary but the issue is to important to be buried in the pit where many can't read it.

Now I need to venture into the Pit to find it.

10-16-2014, 02:29 PM
The thread was oriented primarily to information and to links to other sources and was helpful. Delete or move and admonish those posting overtly political comments if necessary but the issue is to important to be buried in the pit where many can't read it.

Now I need to venture into the Pit to find it.

THIS. Some people feel the need to grind their political axes on every rock they find, but that shouldn't be allowed to turn a public service announcement into a topic for the pit. BRING IT BACK, please.


10-16-2014, 02:37 PM
Rather than wasting time clearing out posts, why not start a new non-political Ebola thread to discuss sanitation, protective gear, and hotspots. Due to the inherent political basis of the Ebola virus in the United States I wrongly assumed that the thread was in the pit in the first place.

Love Life
10-16-2014, 02:44 PM
The ebola thread should be here. If anybody posts political stuff in it give them some demerits or something.

10-16-2014, 03:10 PM
I believe the lnformational aspect of this thread should be in Our Town. Members here just need to keep their political views to the thread running in the pit, first posted by Artful. I understand certain members avoid the pit and its politics, so the posting in our town should pertain to information and accrued knowledge.
Thanks Wise Owl for starting that thread.

This is what I believe also.


10-16-2014, 03:11 PM
Just shows how ill prepared those who get paid big $$ to make decisions are when the SHTF. Idiots in charge.

What does this have to do with the question asked in the poll?


10-16-2014, 03:13 PM
Rather than wasting time clearing out posts, why not start a new non-political Ebola thread to discuss sanitation, protective gear, and hotspots. Due to the inherent political basis of the Ebola virus in the United States I wrongly assumed that the thread was in the pit in the first place.

Because someone will hijack that thread too and off to the pit it will go unless the mods warn the people who hijack threads to layoff.


10-16-2014, 05:02 PM
It's in Our Town at the moment.

10-16-2014, 05:02 PM
OK I did some deleting and the thread is back in our town. Keep the political junk out there's a time and place for it and this isn't it also wear your tin hats in the pit not here. steve k

10-16-2014, 07:47 PM
There were two Ebola threads and I gave up on both of them. Even without the political rants, they just seemed like a competition to see who could the scariest scenarios.

C. Latch
10-16-2014, 07:59 PM
There were two Ebola threads and I gave up on both of them. Even without the political rants, they just seemed like a competition to see who could the scariest scenarios.


I don't see them as a public service. I have little fear - virtually none - for Ebola.

I fear scared people in large numbers. I believe the thread served to stir up the latter more than it helps ward off the former. I may be wrong, and don't intend to argue it here. My opinion is stated, and I have little else to say on the matter.

10-16-2014, 08:16 PM

I don't see them as a public service. I have little fear - virtually none - for Ebola.

I fear scared people in large numbers. I believe the thread served to stir up the latter more than it helps ward off the former. I may be wrong, and don't intend to argue it here. My opinion is stated, and I have little else to say on the matter.


10-16-2014, 10:25 PM
Keep it here so people stay informed. It is hard ot not be somewhat political when talking about the CDC and FAA and the person who oversees both of them aka Obama. But stick to news not personal opinions!

Ithaca Gunner
10-16-2014, 10:28 PM
I voted, it belongs here. It's too important to be regulated to the pit. I feel it's important enough to be cleaned up if nessary to keep it up here for all members to view.

10-16-2014, 11:36 PM
Glad it's back, I don't go to the pit. Folks need to know what's going on. This is a serious matter but mass hysteria among uninformed people could be worse.

10-17-2014, 01:48 AM
There were two Ebola threads and I gave up on both of them. Even without the political rants, they just seemed like a competition to see who could the scariest scenarios.


I don't see them as a public service. I have little fear - virtually none - for Ebola.

I fear scared people in large numbers. I believe the thread served to stir up the latter more than it helps ward off the former. I may be wrong, and don't intend to argue it here. My opinion is stated, and I have little else to say on the matter.

Well, neither one of you have a dog in this fight at the moment, so you can afford to sit back and convince us how brave and non-worried you are.

When you have grandkids in the same school that some of the quarantined medical staffers who cared for Duncan have their kids, please feel free to pipe back up and tell us all about how it's a non-event and people are just trying to scare each other.


10-17-2014, 02:58 AM
or the thousand or so who might have been exposed by that nurse who took care of Duncan then flew to OH then that plane made 4 more flights before being sanitized. Or the people on the flight with the guy from Africa who had a fever and barfed all over other passengers... how many of us have family who might have been exposed via contact with any of the above?

10-17-2014, 07:47 AM
I also vote to keep the thread alive in Our Town, for informational purposes. Any comments deserving of being kept appropriately in the Pit should be removed and the Poster reminded of Forum Standards. " Off topic/humor/politics goes in off topic, politics. " That being said, I just found out that the Nurse who contracted Ebola and flew to Ohio, has now been safely ensconced in my neck of the woods, Maryland. Does this mean that I am worried? No, but now I am informed. I also have heard that Ebola is much more of a cold weather virus: i.e., it survives longer and and can present more of a transmission issue. Good to know stuff.


10-17-2014, 08:32 AM
This is a real life event. Can't bury your head about it. History is littered with out breaks of disease and we should take this seriously. It is not political, although it is being twisted to be so. We will see how this unfolds. Everyone stay safe and take precautions as you personally deem necessary.

10-17-2014, 09:54 PM
We need all the information about this threat that is is available to be able to make our own decisions as to what needs to be done for our families well being.

10-18-2014, 12:13 AM
It is time to take advantage of any preps you have and hunker down for 6 months if possible. I know some have to work but for those of us who are retired do what you can to limit exposure. My friends are home schooling so I will be helping teach math and science to an 8th grade kid this winter who is learning disabled. Going to test my abilities because I tend to think on fast forward and will have to really slow down and put things in a way he can understand. They pulled him out because of the enterovirus outbreak mainly, he gets it it could kill him. So 3 days a week I go down there drink coffee and teach. They are doing the english, history, and other non technical stuff.

But if ebola becomes more common it will be time to think things over, pull your kids out of school, minimize contact with others, use protective gear if an outbreak is in your area.

Bad Water Bill
10-18-2014, 02:34 AM

All nubes have to qualify to enter the pit.

In "OUR TOWN" everyone can read the latest information available.

If while waiting to qualify a new members child contracted the disease because their parent could not read the information that could have prevented the contact how would you sleep at night knowing YOUR vote might have been the one that kept the life saving information locked in "THE PIT"?

10-18-2014, 07:58 AM
So where or what is the pit?

10-18-2014, 08:02 AM
So where or what is the pit?
Look for "political & religious"

C. Latch
10-18-2014, 08:08 AM

All nubes have to qualify to enter the pit.

In "OUR TOWN" everyone can read the latest information available.

If while waiting to qualify a new members child contracted the disease because their parent could not read the information that could have prevented the contact how would you sleep at night knowing YOUR vote might have been the one that kept the life saving information locked in "THE PIT"?

This is a site devoted to casting bullets.

It is somewhere very close to dead-last on the list of places any sane person would hunt for information on Ebola.

10-18-2014, 08:34 AM
This is a site devoted to casting bullets.

It is somewhere very close to dead-last on the list of places any sane person would hunt for information on Ebola.
Ain't that the truth....
When you're in the ER explaining why you didn't come in sooner, please don't tell the doctors you couldn't find the right thread on your favorite message board.

10-18-2014, 10:01 AM
For some good information on how to deal with Ebola properly look to what Firestone done in their rubber plant when one of the pee there contracted it they contained it to the one person and hAd all the workers including the janitor trained in 2 days.
They also had facility's set up in that time frame.
They researched the internet to get their information

10-18-2014, 10:14 AM
"This is a site devoted to casting bullets.

It is somewhere very close to dead-last on the list of places any sane person would hunt for information on Ebola."

Perfect post.

10-18-2014, 10:41 AM
"This is a site devoted to casting bullets.

It is somewhere very close to dead-last on the list of places any sane person would hunt for information on Ebola."

Perfect post.

We have a lot of talented people here with great skills, great attention to detail, few to no axes to grind, and the knowledge that we are mere citizens and not elites.

The Gov't and Media seem to lack talent and skills beyond managing bureaucracies and looking photogenic, lack attention to any detail beyond the party line, nothing but axes to grind, and the absolute certainty that as members of the elite they are immune to any repercussions.

So who are you going to trust? Them or your lying eyes?

I tend to believe the information posted here is posted in good faith and is as accurate as possible given the limited amount of proven accurate information available anywhere on these hemorrhagic diseases.

10-18-2014, 11:00 AM
I tend to believe the information posted here is posted in good faith and is as accurate as possible given the limited amount of proven accurate information available anywhere on these hemorrhagic diseases.
Why is that? Have you checked the credentials of the members posting here? Have you verified their sources? Good faith means someone will be honest with you but it doesn't mean they're right.
Don't expect a pack of faceless doom-and-gloomers to provide high-quality information. It is out there but you have to find it for yourself.
Remember the anthrax epidemic shortly after 9/11? Over a 14 month period, a total of five people died. According to most of the boards I surfed back then, we should have seen thousands of deaths per month.

10-18-2014, 11:01 AM
Think about it like the forum is a multipath filter. Each members posts on a subject screen the incoming info based on their bias or background and education and experience. We have been communicating with each other for years so we have a idea of each others bias, background, etc. It is like teamwork. We each bring some skill or ability and as a group we cover each others weaknesses and emphasizes our strengths. As a quarterback I don't have to like my wide receiver's politics to want to throw him the ball when he beats the cornerback.


10-18-2014, 11:37 AM
Think about it like the forum is a multipath filter. Each members posts on a subject screen the incoming info based on their bias or background and education and experience. We have been communicating with each other for years so we have a idea of each others bias, background, etc. It is like teamwork. We each bring some skill or ability and as a group we cover each others weaknesses and emphasizes our strengths. As a quarterback I don't have to like my wide receiver's politics to want to throw him the ball when he beats the cornerback.


Nicely said!

One of my shooting buddies back when I hung out in San Diego was a published author in the field of chemical and biological weapons. He really feared weaponized ebola.
What is weaponized ebola? Ebola changed to make it easier to transmit. Airborne transmission would qualify.
I have been interested in epidemiology and the spread of infectious diseases for many years.
I read textbooks on these issues.
Since the second outbreak of ebola, many organizations have been observed collecting ebola samples. These organizations have included militaries, intelligence organizations, and terrorist organizations. There has been a lot of suspicion in some circles that they wished to weaponize it.
This ebola outbreak is different than previous ones. It is easier to catch. It is just as deadly, maybe more so. The death toll is much higher and it has spread far and wide. The death toll of health care workers is very high compared to earlier outbreaks, even the earliest when nothing was known about how it spread.
Does this sound weaponized? Who cares if the change occurred in a lab or in nature? All that matters is the final result.

10-18-2014, 11:56 AM
"This is a site devoted to casting bullets.

It is somewhere very close to dead-last on the list of places any sane person would hunt for information on Ebola."

Perfect post.

If there are members here with PhDs in epidemiology or microbiology or MDs with experience/specialties in infectious diseases or the treatment of Ebola, then I would like to hear from them. Discussions of hand sanitizers or parroting what I see on the Drudge report is not interesting to me. Now the politics of Ebola I find to be fascinating.

10-18-2014, 11:57 AM
Think about it like the forum is a multipath filter. Each members posts on a subject screen the incoming info based on their bias or background and education and experience. We have been communicating with each other for years so we have a idea of each others bias, background, etc. It is like teamwork. We each bring some skill or ability and as a group we cover each others weaknesses and emphasizes our strengths. As a quarterback I don't have to like my wide receiver's politics to want to throw him the ball when he beats the cornerback.

A valid point but why is Wikipedia not considered a valid source? Because anyone can post anything there.
The same weakness can be seen here. I've seen arguments continue for dozens of pages, with inaccurate information tossed around by experts until finally a definitive answer is formulated... most of the time. Sometimes the result amounts to nothing more than 'believe whatever you need to as long as you get the results you want.'
So far we have less than six confirmed cases and one death. As I said on another thread, if you live in Africa you have a much better chance of catching it. If you catch it in Africa you have at least a 75% chance of dying from it. But in this country Ebola thus far is the least lethal disease of all.
Its here and it's deadly but it is not time to quit my job, barricade myself in the bunker and start shooting family members who get sick, as other Castboolits members have advised.
Verify first. Panic only when all other options have been exhausted.

Wise Owl
10-18-2014, 12:25 PM
I am going to chime into this just this one time.

This forum is open to most all discussion. Prayers, what I did today, my dog got lost then I found him, long member died, etc.
We ALL have the ability to read what interests us. OR NOT. You have to click on a thread to read it, yes? So9, for those not wanting it here, it is just ONE thread. If it bothers you to read it, don't. For those who WANT to be educated and don't really have the time to dig thru the internet for truth about something.

At this time truth is something hard to find. Obviously the CDC has been fudging on that for most of this current outbreak in TX. So badly that two nurses are now sick with ebola. Two that were told they were safe to treat Duncan.

I am trying my best to post articles from solid sources and not hysteria stuff. Facts as best I can. I pray that I am helping some, both members and guests (we have quite a few guests following the ebola thread) to maybe, just maybe be a little more concious of their everyday travels and their families travels. That maybe being more aware they will not get sick or exposed to this stuff. This last nurse traveled over half the country and spread ebola virus wherever she went according to a new source this morning. She was contagious when she left Dallas for Cleveland and came back and the whole time she was in Ohio. She did not just stay at her mother's home during that time. She exposed countless other people in her weekend home to get ready for her wedding.

This is what needs to get out there in the public's eye and that includes people going to the range to shoot their cast boolits. You think someone exposed isn't going to NOT go to the range cause he/she is feeling a little off that day? Yeah, right. They are going to take some tylenol and go.

SO, if you think ONE thread is going to disrupt your life, do not click on it. Ignore it. But let others who are interested and concerned be able to read AND contribute to the Cast Boolit family's welfare.

Just my opinion for whatever that is worth.

10-18-2014, 12:35 PM
By now I know how to protect myself and what to look for. I would like to monitor the number of confirmed cases and Ebola deaths in North America. Other than that, I really don't need more Ebola news. It only seems to encourage hysteria.

10-18-2014, 12:37 PM
A valid point but why is Wikipedia not considered a valid source? Because anyone can post anything there.
The same weakness can be seen here. I've seen arguments continue for dozens of pages, with inaccurate information tossed around by experts until finally a definitive answer is formulated... most of the time. Sometimes the result amounts to nothing more than 'believe whatever you need to as long as you get the results you want.'
So far we have less than six confirmed cases and one death. As I said on another thread, if you live in Africa you have a much better chance of catching it. If you catch it in Africa you have at least a 75% chance of dying from it. But in this country Ebola thus far is the least lethal disease of all.
Its here and it's deadly but it is not time to quit my job, barricade myself in the bunker and start shooting family members who get sick, as other Castboolits members have advised.
Verify first. Panic only when all other options have been exhausted.

Why ever panic, I really don't see it as an option. Yes, some people here have advocated what I consider stupid actions. Sometimes so obviously stupid I ignore them. Sometimes I correct them and start arguments. That is why you have to get to know the posters so you can understand their weaknesses and bias.

Like I said elsewhere, I see Ebola preparations as similar to my preseason Hurricane preparations. Be prepared and monitor. Act and react as appropriate to developing conditions, info and communication are a top priority. Have a plan but be prepared to improvise. Right now I think the medical community is going to keep the lid on Ebola the bumbling by the Federal Government aside.

I don't believe there is a deliberate conspiracy to cause widespread infection of Ebola in the U.S.

I don't believe the current cases were deliberate or were for political reasons.

I do believe we should quarantine travel to and from the infected areas. Not stop travel just put conservative safeguards in place. It would be good practice because this will not be that last time we need to protect against an infectious disease from foreign countries.



Wise Owl
10-18-2014, 01:05 PM
JSnover, if you don't want to see all the news articles, don't click on the ebola thread. Simple really.

I can post info on how many infected. There is a member over at tb2k that is monitoring and running a thread on that data so folks can see. But I am going to post it on the ebola thread.

Link to post with the info.

Hope this helps you and other out.

It was current as of yesterday morning. He is gone for the weekend but will update late tomorrow. You are welcome to go to the thread at tb2k to see any new cases being posted to that thread by tb2k members.


10-18-2014, 01:18 PM
No one ever said don't have a thread. It is axiomatic that people should just ignore threads but many resort to whining.

10-18-2014, 02:02 PM
Like any other disaster, real or imagined, it can be hard to look away...

10-18-2014, 03:13 PM
By now I know how to protect myself and what to look for. I would like to monitor the number of confirmed cases and Ebola deaths in North America. Other than that, I really don't need more Ebola news. It only seems to encourage hysteria.

Agreed, the sky is not falling.

10-18-2014, 03:22 PM
Agreed, the sky is not falling.

I disagree. We don't know yet.
Now we are at day 21. By day 42 we should know.
Keep watching, keep counting, keep projecting the trend, keep planning countermeasures.

10-18-2014, 07:55 PM
I disagree. We don't know yet.
Now we are at day 21. By day 42 we should know.
Keep watching, keep counting, keep projecting the trend, keep planning countermeasures.

At the present the sky is not falling.

More people have been killed by drunk drivers in the last 24 hours and little more has been done about them.
More people have been killed by cancer in the last 24 hours.
More people have been killed by heart attacks in the last 24 hours.
More people have been killed by any other cause in the last 24 hours.

So tell me all about all these countermeasures.

I repeat, the sky is not falling.

10-18-2014, 07:59 PM
Other than that, I really don't need more Ebola news. It only seems to encourage hysteria.

Well then. . . why in the hell do you keep reading this thread?

And if it's qualifications and vetting that is needed to establish credibility, and therefore some inferred "right" to cast an opinion on a subject being discussed, then the next time I or any other vets or cops who have discharged our firearms in anger and/or in defense of life, we'll be sure and vet all others who offer their opinion about such matters but who have exactly zero experience or "qualifications" to present themselves as a "credible, vetted source."

It's a DISCUSSION FORUM for crying out loud. If you don't like the (expletive deleted) topic of discussion, then ignore the damned thing and move on.


10-18-2014, 08:18 PM
Well then. . . why in the hell do you keep reading this thread?

And if it's qualifications and vetting that is needed to establish credibility, and therefore some inferred "right" to cast an opinion on a subject being discussed, then the next time I or any other vets or cops who have discharged our firearms in anger and/or in defense of life, we'll be sure and vet all others who offer their opinion about such matters but who have exactly zero experience or "qualifications" to present themselves as a "credible, vetted source."

It's a DISCUSSION FORUM for crying out loud. If you don't like the (expletive deleted) topic of discussion, then ignore the damned thing and move on.


Couldn't have summed it any better. This is an Internet forum. I can't believe someone is asking for credentials. Give me a minute. I will go create a new user account and pretend I have them. See how easy that is :rolleyes:

10-18-2014, 08:21 PM
Well then. . . why in the hell do you keep reading this thread?

And if it's qualifications and vetting that is needed to establish credibility, and therefore some inferred "right" to cast an opinion on a subject being discussed, then the next time I or any other vets or cops who have discharged our firearms in anger and/or in defense of life, we'll be sure and vet all others who offer their opinion about such matters but who have exactly zero experience or "qualifications" to present themselves as a "credible, vetted source."

It's a DISCUSSION FORUM for crying out loud. If you don't like the (expletive deleted) topic of discussion, then ignore the damned thing and move on.


Perfect post

10-18-2014, 08:33 PM
Perfect post

We.ve now reached perfection????????????????????


10-18-2014, 08:59 PM
I will add this however.

Any of you out there notice how many people spit these days in public.

That will work out well with this disease.

10-18-2014, 09:28 PM
This is a site devoted to casting bullets.

It is somewhere very close to dead-last on the list of places any sane person would hunt for information on Ebola.

Well said.

10-19-2014, 12:11 AM
If the Ebola thread were in the pit it would draw the worst of the conspiracy theorists out of the woodwork.
Theories would range from (fill in blank with Aliens, Jews, Illuminata, big Pharma) introducing the disease to Ebola does not exist period with youtube links to "prove" that or any other theory. All the supposed Ebola victims and medical and police being crisis actors.

10-19-2014, 12:13 AM
Panic? No, try to get people to look ahead at a possible pandemic and make sure they prepare? Yes. How many here have 3-6 months of food and water on hand? It is not paranoid to be ready and the shelf stable foods last 25 years if not opened so it is not like your stash is going to spoil anytime soon. How many have we seen on TV begging for the government to come in and help them? To many and that is something people here need to think about. And do you TRUST our government to do what is right or to play political games?

10-19-2014, 12:27 AM
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?p=2972515#post2972515)
This is a site devoted to casting bullets.

It is somewhere very close to dead-last on the list of places any sane person would hunt for information on Ebola.

The original perfect post.

Bad Water Bill
10-19-2014, 01:15 AM
http://castboolits.gunloads.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?p=2972515#post2972515)
This is a site devoted to casting bullets.

It is somewhere very close to dead-last on the list of places any sane person would hunt for information on Ebola.

The original perfect post.

This is a site where real families can find information on many other subjects besides BOOLITS.

There are over 40 pages to answer almost every question about GUNS, BOOLITS and a whole lot more.

Not all of us grew up using a puter in grammar school.

I was loooong out of school before the first puter was made available to you.

I needed a lot of help just getting beautiful GIRTY'S picture for you to enjoy.:)

Having this in "OUR TOWN" allows many other folks the opportunity to learn something about this life threatening subject.

10-19-2014, 01:23 AM
How about fake families?
I made it through graduate school with a typewriter. The advent of the computer was a good thing. Wish they had them when I was going to school. I never said don't have this or that thread. I think it is great to have a thread discussing the efficacy of hand sanitizer.

Love Life
10-19-2014, 05:54 AM
I don't always open threads that I have no interest in, but when I do, I complain about them.

Said in a cheesy accent mimicking the most interesting man in the world.

10-19-2014, 07:45 AM
I don't always open threads that I have no interest in, but when I do, I complain about them.

Said in a cheesy accent mimicking the most interesting man in the world.


Love Life
10-19-2014, 07:50 AM
This guy^^^

C. Latch
10-19-2014, 10:00 AM
Having read the opposing arguments, I do see the point that 1) people here are comfortable with each other, know each other, and know how to filter each other's posts, and 2) lots of folks here don't venture out into the internet at large very often.

I still don't think this is the place to learn about Ebola, but don't let me stop you.