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View Full Version : Midway Price Increases!

02-05-2008, 01:57 PM
I got my copy of Midways Master Catalog today and wow! their prices have increased! I will be looking to other suppliers like Midsouth and Natchez for my casting needs if possible. :castmine:

02-05-2008, 05:21 PM
Before Jan 1st I grabbed some 44 Cal Lyman gas checks on sale for $21.99. Now their up to $41.99! :shock:

02-05-2008, 05:27 PM
I just looked up gas checks and moulds on Midsouth's webb site and their prices are better.

02-05-2008, 06:03 PM
I got my Master Copy of the Midway Catalogue today also. What a monumental waste of time spent reading/looking thru it. Jeeze!!! Most everyone is cheaper than them on the things I would be interested in. It is already in the trash can.


02-05-2008, 06:16 PM
I stopped using Midway about a month or so ago.
They made some changes on their internet settings they said and I can no longer access their site.
Not missing much, Midsouth is working out very well.


02-05-2008, 07:41 PM
...seems like the result is already taking effect. I just placed an order with Midsouth and many items, that I had looked at earlier, were no longer in stock and "on order". Was still able to get the three items I wanted but they were all listed as "Low Stock". I have preferred Midsouth up to now anyway as, besides prices that were a tad bit lower then Midway, had faster shipping VIA FedX to Atlanta. No dig at Midway as I do like their NRA roundup feature which has donated over $3 mil to NRA. Just need to take care of limited resources on the home front.

02-05-2008, 07:55 PM
I been using mid south for most everything their regular prices are cheaper than
midways sale prices most of the time. I use midway and buffalo arms if midsouth don't carry something.

02-05-2008, 08:16 PM
Prices are going up, I was wned in September about a price increase by my local dealer. But prices are always going up on things. Copper is a premium metal at the moment, the theives are cutting down trunk lines from Ma Bell around here. The thieves even broken in to a secured area of a local mill and took all of the copper wire. If you go to work, you may come home to your basement flooding because your copper pipe have been yanged out, when you turn the light switch, the lights won't come on.

I shop at several paces for my reloading supplies and get the best deals that I can. It wasn't that long ago that lead was 35 cents a pound, now it's around $3.00.

Powder has gone up and the amount in the bottle has decreased with some brands.

I stock up with a bunch, put the stuff in GI Ammo cans and over air tight containers and use them up as I need them.

This afternoon I bought up some Match grade Large Rifle Primers, the box said $19.95, it was mine real fast.

I checked the MidSouth Shooters supply list for GCs, the Lymans are already up and the Hornady ones are on order.

I am looking for a deal on Sabot, I will buy a thousand in one purchase if the price is right. Mainly for 50 cal/45 bullet or the 50/44 type.

When I started loading, it was a penny a primer, penny for powder and free WWs for bullets.


02-05-2008, 11:25 PM
Not only their prices have changed but in my opinion so has their attitude. I have dealt with them for years as a dealer. I have had my issues with them from time to time but was always able to settle with terms agreeable to both of us until my last order. They back ordered everything but one item. Then they cancelled everything on the back order except one AR-15 gas tube pin, a 99cent part that wieghs less then a 1/4 ounce, they shipped it UPS for $10.90. When I complained they blamed me for not telling them to ship the cheapest way. I told them to ship USPS but that was not good enough for them and would rather loose me as a customer then admit they messed up.

02-05-2008, 11:41 PM
I went to bass pro a couple of weeks ago for large pistol primers and the brick said 24.99 so I picked it up, when I got to check out the cashier said it wil be 41.32...HUH??? I argued about the tag and the manager went upstairs and looked ....oops...they forgot to mark everything up so I got my one box (tried to talk them into letting me stock up on old prices) for $15.00 cheaper than they are now!!

02-06-2008, 12:24 AM
I figure that all suppliers will incur a price increase on new stock. As noted, Midsouth's stock was low or on order. I predict that their prices will reflect the higher costs when the new supply arrives. Metal products in particular seem to have taken a hit, But scrap cardboard has gone from $20 a ton to $120 in a few short years. Not much besides mocrowaves and computers have gotten cheaper. Dale

02-06-2008, 12:29 AM
Midway has been slowly losing my business over the last couple of years due to their higher than everyone else prices. The only reason I did business with them lately is that they HAD what I was looking for and the others didn't. I have always had nice sales people though.

In the 13 years I have been in retail, I can assure you that price increases are almost certain to take effect on Jan. 1st and June 1st, and sometimes at other times of the year. So If you are putting off a big purchase this May, maybe you should re-consider and not wait until June.

02-06-2008, 12:35 AM
I ordered from them two days ago, they are only 1-$2. more on most items than MidSouth. I would have ordered from the other to save a few $ if I had ever heard of it before. Compare their prices to Cabela's new years prices, Midway is a bargain now compared to Cabela's. As you guys find cheaper(reliable) places to order from, keep posting as I have to mail order now, Cabela's has priced themselves out of my interests.

02-06-2008, 04:59 AM
I ordered some stuff from midway a few weeks ago. Shipping and handling went up at least 60%. :(
I wonder if they have a new owner. Seems like they don't care about the shooters anymore. Just looking for a larger profit.:twisted:
I used to order from Natchez and Graf. Their prices were about the same as midway, but they were always out of stuff. I'm going to go back to them and also check out Midsouth.
Price of everything is going up. On this little rock in the Pacific, we've been getting hosed on primers and powder for a long time now, and it looks like it's only going to get worse. :(

02-06-2008, 11:01 AM
When I got last year's Midway Master Dealer catalog I had to call and see if they accidently sent me the retail one! Their prices are sick!

02-06-2008, 11:08 AM
You really have to question what is going on.

Before Jan 1st I grabbed some 44 Cal Lyman gas checks on sale for $21.99. Now their up to $41.99! In this case I know that the cost of copper has taken a drastic rise but a box of gas checks is usually under a pound. I fail to see where a $2 LB increas in copper justifies a $14-$16 increase in the price of checks. Even if you add inflationary costs to production that still shouldn't account for more than a couple bucks per box.

02-06-2008, 11:11 AM
I don't know why more of the folks here don't buy from Powder Valley. They have been mentioned by several members here, on many different posts. On the items that they carry, particularly powder, primers, bullets and brass, I have yet to find anyone lower, both in product costs as well as shipping costs. My last order of brass from them was 40% lower than Midway! Powder and primers are way lower also.

02-06-2008, 11:20 AM
I made a MAJOR purchase of Federal Primers from Powder Valley some time ago (Sept.?), had excellent service and the prices were the best around (and, most important, they HAD them). I am set for primers for a while. I WILL be buying from them again.


02-06-2008, 12:08 PM
It isn't just Midway! As I posted last month Cabela's, Bass Pro and Gander Mountain will all be raising prices by up to 30% this month. Ammo and componants are going up across the board.

Bob Jones
02-07-2008, 12:37 AM
I buy a lot of stuff from Powder Valley, used to buy a lot from Hi-Tech Ammo but they haven't had a lot in stock lately.

We have a big chain here called Sportsman's Warehouse, they're not too bad on a lot of stuff. Picked up an 8 pound jug of Unique last week for $95, $12/pound isn't too bad these days for powder. Their primers were about $23/K which is also pretty decent.

02-07-2008, 02:39 AM
It isn't only Midway, everybody is going up. I received a Graf's order today and did a price comparison between them and Midway, both dealer and full retail price. On an order comprising five five-packs of Federal 16 ga. buckshot shells, 100 Remington .35 Whelen brass, ten Berry 100 round 9mm plastic boxes, two MTM 50 round .22 Hornet boxes, and the 6th edition Nosler manual, I paid $113.02 dealer price, including shipping. Midway would have been $123.74, not a lot of difference. At full retail Graf (free shipping) would have been $127.40, and Midway $138.40.
Using five different items, the difference might have been closer, or even gone the other way. Note: Graf has free shipping for full retail orders, but charges dealers for shipping. But the dealer discount has always saved me more than the cost of shipping.

There are a few reasons I quit buying from Midway after twenty years, but price wasn't one of them. One trick I learned because of Midway's hanky-panky with back orders is to have a longer list of things on my want list than I want to buy right now. If one of the must have now items is out of stock, I replace it with one of the gonna buy later items, until I reach the amount I want to spend. In three years with Graf's I haven't had anything BO yet. Notice I got shotshells today. Midway thinks it is illegal to send ammo to gun-friendly Nevada, despite my checking with every LE
agency in my area, and appealing twice to Midway higher ups. Naturally, I never got to Porterfield himself. In fact, Midway once refused to sell me brass, but relented on brass, but not on ammo. (It was too late, I had got the brass elsewhere.)

No, it's my perception, rightly or wrongly, of their attitude. I get strong vibes of "Midway doesn't make mistakes, you lowlife."

02-07-2008, 08:53 AM
Wow . ..powdervalley IS good . ..I just checked them against a "group buy" from Hornady that I was considering and their regular prices are cheaper. I'll have to scrape together some coin and place an order.

02-07-2008, 01:57 PM
Hey, I got one of the Big Midway Catalogs yesterday.... and the RCBS ProMelt was only 230 dollars!!! Well.... I think it's a typo.


02-08-2008, 07:29 AM
How much is the Midway Dealer discount - I have been thinking about getting into that program.

Ohio Rusty
02-08-2008, 11:04 AM
I wish they would have kept their fancy glossy-papered catalog and just given me lower prices on shooting stuff. I shop via the internet anyway and don't need the catalog. You have to wonder how much a fat full color catalog cost them and how much they raised prices to pay for it and mailing them ......
Just give me cheaper prices Larry Potterfield ........ Hello ???? Are you listening ??? Hello ???
Ohio Rusty ><>

02-08-2008, 11:26 AM
Cabela's, Bass Pro, and Gander Mtn are just as crazy pricewise as Midway. I just bought 1000 GCs for the 8MM from Graf and they were 25 bucks. Not great, but not 40 bucks!!!

02-08-2008, 11:29 AM
I drop in at Powder Valley and stock up about once a year. They are nice folks and treat you right.

02-08-2008, 02:07 PM
I just cannot imagine shooting jacketed .30 cal or .45. The only jacketed I shoot are .22 (Stocked up at $4. per hundred)for varmint control and some .30 milsurp. I wish I had bought more surplus powder.

02-08-2008, 03:11 PM
Midways dealer program is less than stellar. Most items carry a small discount and many have nothing. This is with a C&R Lic. Can buy for less from Midsouth most of the time.

02-08-2008, 07:46 PM
It's Powder Valley for me from now on. They are cheaper now than Cabella's was last year! Thanks guys!

02-09-2008, 02:19 AM
How much is the Midway Dealer discount - I have been thinking about getting into that program.

Greenhead, if you get the new Midway master catalog, which I received this week, the dealer prices are in it. You look up the item of interest, then turn to the pages in the back where the dealer prices are. It is organized by the Midway stock numbers in the catalog section. Some items have no dealer discount.

02-09-2008, 06:59 AM
In my comparisons last fall the "birthday special sale prices" seem to be very similiar to the "Dealer" pricing. I tend to just wait until they send me a coupon for 10% off or better before I order from them.

02-09-2008, 02:55 PM
"coupon for 10% off"...????????

First I find out I'm not getting a B'Day discount. NOW I find out they have 10% off coupons?? What you got to do to get that??

I'm also just about ready to give up on the monthly flyers. Seems to be recycling the same tired old crap, month after month......


02-09-2008, 07:27 PM
LOL . . . .if I don't order something from them in about 6 weeks they send me a coupon (email) for $15 off of a $150 order, $20 off of a $200, etc. It varies from time to time but it's usually about every month and 1/2 to 2 months. (I save up my orders in a wishlist until it happens.

02-09-2008, 08:41 PM
Just think,if you all lived in Missouri you would have to pay MO.sales tax on top of the high shipping and the high prices....Terry

02-10-2008, 09:52 AM
Just got my dealer catalog from Midway on Friday. WOW!!!! Those prices are crazy! Needless to say I won't buy from them probably ever again!:roll:

02-10-2008, 01:21 PM
I'm with you EMC45, I think I will take them off my "Buy from List"!

02-11-2008, 06:28 AM
...I will still continue to buy from Midway for some stuff. Just placed an order for 5 items totaling $98.05. Total increase over last year's prices was $2.11 or just over 2%. The 2 items with the most increase were the Lyman M die and Lee factory crimp die. 2 of the items, including the most expensive one, had no increase at all. I do spend a great deal more with Midsouth if they have what I want but sometimes Midway is the only game in town for certain items.

C A Plater
02-11-2008, 10:30 AM
Most of my Midway buys for the last couple of years has been mostly on sale stuff or they are the only ones with what I want in stock. They used to be my first choice but for a while they have not been the better deal place. Midsouth is closer to me, quicker to ship, usually cheaper while for reloading components it seem Grafs has what I'm looking for more often. You just have to shop around these days for the better deals especially with the prices of stuff going up.

02-15-2008, 10:04 PM
I got my copy of Midways Master Catalog today and wow! their prices have increased! I will be looking to other suppliers like Midsouth and Natchez for my casting needs if possible. :castmine:

Gee prices just keep goin' up! Thank God there's no inflation, think how bad it could be!

Ed K
03-06-2008, 01:40 PM
You really have to question what is going on.

In this case I know that the cost of copper has taken a drastic rise but a box of gas checks is usually under a pound. I fail to see where a $2 LB increas in copper justifies a $14-$16 increase in the price of checks. Even if you add inflationary costs to production that still shouldn't account for more than a couple bucks per box.

You make an excellent point. To that I'll add:

The price of copper peaked @ $3.60 about 24 months ago and has averaged $3.25 over that period. Aside from a recent spike in early '08 (since the catalog was printed) nothing about the price of copper explains a near 100% hike in the price of checks.

Morgan Astorbilt
03-06-2008, 02:09 PM
Been reading this thread and noticed nobody mentioned Wideners. I used to buy a lot of brass from them, they were the cheapest, especially once fired .38spl. A few years ago, they were $25/1000 w. free shipping.


They were my second choice after Midsouth.

I stopped buying from Midway, after they bought out Reinhart Fajen, and took my dealership away, by selling direct to the public, at the same discounts I was getting.


03-07-2008, 02:48 AM
I stopped buying from Midway, after they bought out Reinhart Fajen, and took my dealership away, by selling direct to the public, at the same discounts I was getting.


.............And then they shut it down (sigh). One of, if not THE best and easiest place in the world to get gunstocks. BTW, my grandmother knew both the Bishop and the Fajen clans. She was raised on a farm in that part of Missouri.


03-08-2008, 11:55 PM
I noticed their prices being high also. Plus I live in Missouri so I also pay sales tax. The only good part is I usually get the stuff the next day.

03-10-2008, 12:05 PM
One other thing I have been confused about with midway is their shipping on
haz mat. They charge $20 haz mat plus an extra $10 for shipping. So is that "another $10" on top of their already high regular shipping fee or just plain $10 shipping?

03-11-2008, 01:22 AM
Sure wonder if any of the MidWay goonies are reading this thread[smilie=1:.........Hmmmm I wonder if they can say "dodo".....................Lee:wink: