View Full Version : A fix for my cramer mold not dropping flat points.

10-13-2014, 06:13 PM
I have been disgusted with my Mihec Cramer mold not dropping the flat point bullets. Don't get me wrong I love the way my 3 Cramer's drop any of the HP bullets. But trying to cast any Flat points was near impossible.
This has worked for me. And I hope it will help others.
What I use. My mold malate is a 3oz plastic headed malate. I use a small piece of 1" by 1" by 12" Board. I just leave the board loose on my table and parallel to the edge of the table but in from the edge about 3". I am left handed so I have the board slightly on my left.
I found that the time between filling the cavities and dumping the bullets was the most important part of getting the bullets to drop rapidly from the mold. The less time between the 2 the easier the bullets dropped.
I first filled the cavities of the mold. Immediately set the mold on the board so the board was between the wood of the handles and the hinge that the mold pivots open on. And so the rear tip of the handle was resting on the table and the mold was suspended in the air. like a teeter totter. As soon as the sprue froze I break it loose with my finger and pivot the plate to the side.
As soon as you swing the plate take the malate and start tapping the hinge pin rapidly 3 or 4 times with the mold closed. Keep tapping the hinge pin and start to slowly open the mold as the mold is open further you should be able to see the bullets separate from the mold halves. probably 85% of the time the bullets just drop out of the mold. If the bullets don't drop you have to resort to your old ways of releasing the bullets.
I then close the mold, drop the sprue into the pot and refill it. Kevin

10-13-2014, 07:22 PM
The key to those molds is mold temp. They have a very narrow band they operate in. When you hit the sweet spot it will drop bullets like any other mold. Trust me, I went through the issue you seem to be having. Once I had the mold at the proper temp and figured out the proper cadence everything is fine.

10-13-2014, 08:19 PM
I have had no trouble with any of mine either.

Which one is giving you grief?

Is there a fin on the nose around the pin or does the pin stick up slightly and catches the boolit?

There has to be a simple explanation. At least I think so. Tells us a little more then maybe we can trouble shoot.


10-13-2014, 08:40 PM
I have turned mine upside down when getting them to fall out,it works.