View Full Version : Old Tool Displays

10-13-2014, 06:20 AM
I am doing an article about old tools in a collection and how they are displayed. I know a lot of you have and use older equipment as I would.

But sometimes it is too old to use;

or you just have too many pieces to mount everything to a bench;

or you just collect for the enjoyment of collecting interesting tools.

It is folks in that last category that I am looking for. How do you display your collection? Mount on the wall? In a display cabinet? Mount to a separate bench? In a box under the bed?

Thanks for your indulgence,

10-13-2014, 10:10 AM
I've been collecting old eye catching Starrett hand tools for display in a frame cabinet that would mimic the original factory displays. The later ones used a red fabric background, but I prefer the old black cloth. Google images for "Starrett tool display."

10-13-2014, 10:18 AM
Found this one on ebay.

ray h
10-13-2014, 11:35 AM
Pressman, I'll really be interested in your article/s. The most space I'll ever have will be an 8 ft bench in a small room. My primary press is my A-3 I bought when it came out but I do have an A , H-wood Senior I sometime use when I don't want to change dies. I also have a couple H-wood universals along with an assortment of shot shell loaders. Needless to say I need organization and hopefully you can help with some ideas.

Dan Cash
10-13-2014, 11:51 AM
I don't collect old presses but do collect old typewriters. At present, I have perhaps 130 machines. Sadly, they are in a large wooden crate in my barn. Some display, huh?

10-13-2014, 11:53 AM
Old Tool Displays ...... I did NOT, and she can't prove a thing!! :bigsmyl2:

10-13-2014, 12:23 PM
The benches, garage, and shed are full of presses and such. Now presses are are somewhat neatly in the some window sills, kitchen shelves, scattered on the kitchen floor, and placed throughout the living room and office.

The presses just keep multiplying like rabbits. The harder I try to quit acquiring, the faster they multiply!

Yes, I live alone.

10-13-2014, 02:17 PM
Lubedude I have forgotten about your situation. Being single you can turn the entire house into a mancave. How cool! You will be in the article.

Dragonrider you may have just ruined it for Nueces. Now he will have to take out a 2nd mortgage to complete his collection. Collecting Starrett is interesting, I could enjoy that.

Dan Cash, don't feel to bad. I have a friend that collects everything Herter's. He has all the Herter's reloading tools in duplicate, and they are all stashed randomly in his barn. No order, no organization.


10-13-2014, 02:18 PM
I have many antique hand woodworking and metalworking tools from 1850's to the 1920's. Even some 200+ year old hand planes. I am NOT talking loading presses or gun-related stuff here.

I do not display them........I use them! When I buy them, if they are not in usable/restorable condition, I do not purchase.

There as so many processes you can do with hand tools that you cannot do with power tools. And since I reproduce and restore antiques of all kinds, I try to replicate the original piece in every way. I have all the power stuff, but many times grab an old tool to do the job I need. I love a Stanley #55!

I will be very interested in seeing your article when published! Let me know. I LOVE old tools!


10-13-2014, 02:40 PM
Dragonrider you may have just ruined it for Nueces. Now he will have to take out a 2nd mortgage to complete his collection. Collecting Starrett is interesting, I could enjoy that.


Fear not, Ken! I have enough shiny pretties to fill several cabinets. Turns out the $$ part is the cabinet work.

10-14-2014, 05:18 PM
Pressman the best display I ever saw was at rock island arsenal. Tell them you want to see the automated warehouse. They also have a fantastic firearms museum there. We were working on a networking job there and found out they have a firing range below the museum.

10-14-2014, 08:48 PM
Pressman, I have been collecting for appox 30 years. at one time i had them on shelves never to be used again. now i created a 2 independent Islands That they are mounted on . Ready and waiting to be used again. I don't use them all @ once but am capable of using them @ any time. I found I did not enjoy to only look them. I use Them The way they were intended. I posted Photo's In the bench pics. If you are interested I can post again. I have others but not yet mounted

too many things
10-15-2014, 02:46 AM
well when you find out how to display and keep the dust off, I want in on the idea. Glass cases but they take up room .
since I don't let anyone in my reloading cave I don't keep them out to collect dust.

10-15-2014, 07:08 PM
I can really understand the Dusting situation. The bigger the collection , The more dust. some days i dust more than my wife does. But do have nice fancy aprons