View Full Version : multi purpose carcano

10-06-2014, 10:18 AM
Here is hair ball, screw loose ideas gone to seed! I had this cherry\sapwood piece of wood left over from log I pulled out of fire and a walnut mannlicher stock plank I glued together out of 6 walnut plys about 16 years ago. I made a stupid offer in a pawn shop for this carcano and darn the guy said sold and my pride would not let me walk away with out it. So I had this 35 cal barrel and decided here goes a 35 remington bolt rifle and while I am doing it lets make a light starter gun for a kid as a single shot and a wee bit heavy stock at weak points so if they fall nothing of wood breaks. Ok, for a grown up we made this mannlicher stock with bizzare wood grains milled alittle out of reciever to take a savage 340 clip, and for the fun of it lets throw this weaver pivot mount on it. Sprayed it with Ben's epoxy paint(no tm) and keep the whole thing in the 6 pound range. This is it now, all I have to do is chamber it and we are in business. excuse the cluttered work bench but that way I know where everything is, and yes I placed a can of red cherry stain in the picture that costs about 5-6 dollars and gives walnut a nice red look for those of you trying to duplicate the older gun stock look.

10-06-2014, 10:51 AM
I like it!

10-06-2014, 11:15 AM
The stain is Rust-Olium, traditional cherry stain at you friendly hardware store!

10-06-2014, 12:37 PM
I think that is the best looking Carcano I have ever seen. Very nice. Thanks for the tip on the stain....I like that reddish look.

10-06-2014, 01:04 PM
Another nice one you have there. I think I remember some of your posts discussing the start of this one, but I thought those .35 Rem clips were a bit on the pricey side. A lot of walnut is steamed today to make the sapwood brown and useable, but it also dulls the reds and purples that air dried walnut can have.

10-06-2014, 02:27 PM
yup, your right. I saw another forum were a fellow with good metal working sense took a cz 527 clip and it really was not much work. Then I bought a new clip for my 340 and played with it on 35 remmies and 7.62x39 cartridges and it worked slick so I decided to use that. As soon as funds grow I know of a barrel in 22 cal I am going to get and chamber it for a 225 win. I took the carcano 6.5 brass and reformed some and they come out nice with some effort. I really wish these guns were cheap as they should be priced so I could get a bunch and play with the 25, 30 remingtons and more of them in the little rusky cartridge!

10-06-2014, 05:40 PM
dandy !

10-06-2014, 07:38 PM
I like it a lot. Should be a handy little rifle.