View Full Version : Any experience with Pro Load Ammunition?

10-03-2014, 03:15 PM
Not sure if this is the correct spot to ask, but I figure if anyone will know about the stuff, it'll be someone here.

I was at my LGS today, and whilst telling different lies and tales, I saw a box of 300 grain .44 Mag ammo on the shelf. Upon inquiring about it, the owner gave me the box and told me try it out. I figured I'd go home and weigh the rounds, pull one or two, and see what all they are.

Come to find out, Pro Load is a now defunct ammo mfg from Burbank, now in ID. All the ammo is new, with Starline produced brass, specifically for Pro Load.

The bullet is a 300 grain JSP. I figure I'll give a few a try in my Redhawk, and see if they feed in my Winchester '94, and then set them aside for hunting.

So, has anyone had experience with the manufacturer before? Good, bad, otherwise?

Thanks all.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v176/bergferg/proload_zps424bee0f.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/bergferg/media/proload_zps424bee0f.jpg.html)

10-05-2014, 08:27 PM
I shot a fair few of their 38 Special WC reloads back in the late 80's-early 90's. It was good quality stuff and a common item on the shelves of the gun stores hereabouts in those days. IIRC, their ammo was 5.95 a box, with a buck off if you brought back the entries.

06-01-2016, 08:33 AM
I worked for John at PRO LOAD AMMUNITION while the company was still in Burbank, Ca. I can honestly say that EVERY round produced was done so by John himself, with absolute pride in quality ( accuracy, repeatability and presentation beyond the reach of higher volume manufacturers), inspected personally ( a rolled or scratch on a primer was cause for rejection)and batch shot. His name and the possibility of YOUR LIFE rested in his conscientious and extremely capable hands. We also manufactured the duty rounds for several law enforcement agencies, if that's not trust, what is? The 300 gr .44 mag is what resides in mine to this day and I've never had an issue with even one round. As I recall ( could be mistaken, never wrong! LOL!) that round produced a whopping 1,070 foot pounds of energy! John had a spec sheet available for each caliber and bullet weight available upon request (without the secret stuff, of course). You can't go wrong with ANY PRO-LOAD product...period. I'm just sayin'

06-01-2016, 09:12 AM
I actually called and spoke with John directly back when I got this ammo, and it was a good experience.

After firing a cylinder's worth, I set the box aside and carry the rounds when I'm out on a hunt, or a hike, depending on the area I'm in.

I've also started loading my own +300gr rounds, some w GCs, and some w/o; not for everyday plinking, but fun nonetheless.