View Full Version : Rules/regulations regarding storeing of BP?

02-03-2008, 08:41 AM
Can anyone tell me of any regulations regarding the storage of BP in US and Canada? Also other counties if anyone has any info!

Volumes alloved, where to store, containers etc.

02-03-2008, 03:25 PM

There are a myriad of regulations, mostly local at the city / county level, and many related to the version of the Uniform Fire Code adopted for the jurisdiction involved. You can ask your local Ploice Chief, Sheriff or Fire Chief - but the down-side is the risk of alerting them to your storage of BP. If you are at 25 lbs. or less, just store them away from your house, in a secure lockup, well protected from humidity (heat and cold don't bother BP) - and separately from percussion caps and primers.


02-03-2008, 03:36 PM
OK, so US do not have a uniform standard for this?
Reason I ask is an ongoing reformation of the norwegian rules, seems we have to store our BP outdoors in a cage, maximun 3kgs. I do not really feel comfortable with storing an explosive in such a manner that any kid with a leatherman can get hold of it, so I am trying to find out what other countries do.
Strange enough, one can store 10kgs of fireworks anywhere?!!?

I migth soon find a nicer spot in the world to call home, this left-ving/socialist-thing has gone to far over here. I do not think they stop until we all wear blue uniforms and recive food-stamps instead of pay.
Any market for marine engineers in the US?

MT Gianni
02-03-2008, 04:03 PM
Under 25 lbs is considered household non-Commercial use IIRC. It is to be kept in the original container and over 10 lbs advised to be kept in a wooden box of 1" hardwood. Gianni

02-03-2008, 06:08 PM
You could look on the BATF site, and most likely get the right answer. I don't believe you are required to have a magazine, unless you have 50+ pounds. Don't ask me how much I have in an old refrigerator in the shop....

Black Prince
02-06-2008, 12:19 PM
The reason governments get so much power is because we give it to them. Frankly, I don't give a dam what the rules say because this is my house and I'll store black powder in it anyway I want to. Use common sense and be prudent in storing gun powder. Protect yourself and your family. Don't be neglient. Once you've done those thngs, who cares what the government says? They also say abortion rights are in the Constitution, that prayers in public places are not, and that it says they can take private property and give it to anybody who will pay higher taxes on it. If they can't read any better than that, why would you put any faith or trust in anything they say? Giving power and money to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teen aged boys.

02-06-2008, 12:34 PM
"The reason governments get so much power is because we give it to them." .....
Yep, as witnessed last night on TV. It appears no body wanted anything to do with Ron Paul because he would possibly enjoy taking all of that excessive power away and round-canning it. Nobody has any guts to follow the Constitution any more. ... felix

MT Gianni
02-06-2008, 03:15 PM
The reason governments get so much power is because we give it to them. Frankly, I don't give a dam what the rules say because this is my house and I'll store black powder in it anyway I want to. Use common sense and be prudent in storing gun powder. Protect yourself and your family. Don't be neglient. Once you've done those thngs, who cares what the government says? They also say abortion rights are in the Constitution, that prayers in public places are not, and that it says they can take private property and give it to anybody who will pay higher taxes on it. If they can't read any better than that, why would you put any faith or trust in anything they say? Giving power and money to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teen aged boys.

I agree with you, the only reason to be in compliance would be if your insurance company found you were not and refused to pay in a fire. Gianni

02-06-2008, 07:56 PM
Last summer I had to call the ATF about BP storage for a boyscout camp. One of the kids dad is a tree hugging hippy and was insisting that we had to store it in a safe in a "BUNKER" well the ATF said that as long as it was less than 50lbs there are no "Requirements" on how you store it. 50lbs and above then that is where you get into the stupid rules.:coffee:

02-06-2008, 09:14 PM
If you don't tell them, who's to know? If you blow up, who's to know? No evidence left!

02-06-2008, 10:22 PM
The reason governments get so much power is because we give it to them. Frankly, I don't give a dam what the rules say because this is my house and I'll store black powder in it anyway I want to. Use common sense and be prudent in storing gun powder. Protect yourself and your family. Don't be neglient. Once you've done those thngs, who cares what the government says? They also say abortion rights are in the Constitution, that prayers in public places are not, and that it says they can take private property and give it to anybody who will pay higher taxes on it. If they can't read any better than that, why would you put any faith or trust in anything they say? Giving power and money to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teen aged boys.


02-07-2008, 02:48 PM
A lot of states regulate BP differently from smokeless. So make sure that you check the state and local laws as well.


Black Prince
02-08-2008, 09:07 PM
I don't care any more what the state says than I care about what the IMPERIAL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT says. All of that crap stops at my property line. They have screwed up everything they have touched in Washington and the state capital and I'll be dam if they are going to do it in my house while I remain alive and able to fight them. I'll have to do that if the democrats win in November, but I'm 65 and have lived a good life. The sumbitcx's are going to have to kill me to take my guns. I have no doubt they will do that, but I'm going to fight them as long as I can. Lock and load boys. We are down to the nut cutting now.

02-09-2008, 12:40 AM
Roy, I'm with you. I'm not all that old, but am old enough, to have had experiences in life few will ever have. I am satisfied I have lived the good part of my years. I am ready to fight and die, to hopefully save something for those to come. I have a will made out, and if I die tomorrow for somethng worthwhile, I have no regrets. I see no purpose of living to an old age, just for the purpose of adding years to a life that is not contributing. Yes, I am still producing art that will last for a hundred plus years, but there is always someone else to carry on a tradition. The trade off is worthwhile.

02-09-2008, 01:22 PM
WELL BOYS! at the rate these lying scum are giving this country away, mexico soon should be empty and then we real Americans start a new great America and then we could treat politicians
just for what they have become(TERRORIST FOR BIG CORPRATE WELFARE) I need to stop thinking about this now screen turning red and ready to go into a rant.