View Full Version : And I don't wonder why I left newjerkistan

09-28-2014, 05:37 AM
http://www.nj.com/bergen/index.ssf/2014/08/police_weapons_gunpowder_ammo_seized_at_saddle_bro ok_home_after_stabbing.html

09-28-2014, 06:32 AM
Hundreds of pounds of black powder!!!
As I read down the end of the article, it turns out to be just 30 lbs. of black powder.

762 shooter
09-28-2014, 07:18 AM
The government will never take your guns. Everyone is just following the law and doing their job.


Lead Fred
09-28-2014, 07:19 AM
30 pounds, If I was that low, Id be calling my guy for more

09-28-2014, 07:39 AM
"Standard Protocol". Wife stabs husband. Police confiscate guns. Husband no longer able to defend himself. Ahhh.....Standard Protocol.

09-28-2014, 08:34 AM
I wonder if they took the gas cans? Now there's a bomb.

09-28-2014, 08:46 AM
The government will never take your guns. Everyone is just following the law and doing their job.


That was the mantra of death camp guards. Just following orders.
This guy was victimized twice. Once by his wife and then by the government.
They used the jaws of life and the fire department to open his gun safes.
Guns removed in garbage tote.

Plate plinker
09-28-2014, 08:48 AM
Military type ammo can! Oh lord help us they look dagerous. I bet he appreciates the way the just throw his rifles in a barrel to get all scratched up. No this poor fellow is defenseless against armed intruders, not to mention nutso wife, whom will return home and probably have him tossed out on his posterior.

09-28-2014, 11:25 AM
Wow. This story enumerates so much of what is wrong in this country. The old handicapped guy (pic shows him using a walker) had quite a collection of firearms and ammunition/components probably collected over decades of his life. Then he gets violently attacked, ends up with a stab wound in his neck, and HE ends up getting his property stolen by those who should be protecting his rights, as well as being arrested with charges pending against him. Talk about adding insult to injury. 2 safes destroyed, as well, and that's a lot of money. Some of the pics showed containers full of cast lead bullets, too. Hope he isn't one of the members on this board. Dang. Just dang.

09-28-2014, 11:37 AM
For all you folks that so often say the NRA is our only hope to keep our guns this is a good opportunity for them to prove it.

gray wolf
09-28-2014, 12:12 PM
It could never happen to us ---right ??

09-28-2014, 12:21 PM
For all you folks that so often say the NRA is our only hope to keep our guns this is a good opportunity for them to prove it.

LOL now this is funny

09-28-2014, 12:45 PM
Judging from the one picture he was definitely over the limit of 50 lbs. for smokeless powder in a residence. That is probably what will prevent him from winning a civil lawsuit against the police. It's a real shame what the fellow is gong through and the Gestapo with his guns.

tomme boy
09-28-2014, 12:49 PM
I know that there is a limit on how black powder is stored and how it is stored. Anyone know what it is? I have only like 2 lbs so I know I would be safe for black powder anyway.

09-28-2014, 02:08 PM
This was a righteous intervention by our beloved LE. It was good because it was not an innocent unarmed black child but an evil armed white man. Thank goodness this terrorist has been eliminated from harming any innocent neighbors. I was terrified just looking at the pictures of the arsenal and weapons of mass destruction this obviously evil intent person had amassed for use in his terrorist plotting. There could be no other reason for it.
Thank goodness we have LE that will totally disregard an obvious terrorists rights and " JUST DO THIER JOB AND FOLLOW THEIR ORDERS "!!! Thank goodness we have an unbiased media to keep us informed of the wickedness our neighbors may be harboring. Thank goodness that slowly but surely one at a time people like this are being destroyed and can no longer hurt us.
We live in the greatest country in the world and thank goodness under its authority we are today all a little safer from this type of evil person. I feel so much safer now and just don't want to think about that anymore so lets talk about something else.
So how are things in Ferguson.

09-28-2014, 03:06 PM
I would have filed a damages suit before they even finished their paperwork. The fact that he had powder in amounts excess of that allowed by code doesn't give them the right to handle those firearms in a negligent manner. And FWIW having powder in excess of the amounts permitted by fire code is NOT a criminal offense unless there is specific language in the state code making it so. The fire code is a set of standards (not law) generally adopted by law and generally punishable by voluntary or forced compliance and /or a fine.....

Law enforcement did not have to destroy the safes.... They could have removed them intact ...... A little overstepping going on here.

Plate plinker
09-28-2014, 03:59 PM
As for the safe it's probably a bunch of prick cops with boners for a big arrest. The Firedepartment should have told the coppers to go buy their own set of jaws.

09-28-2014, 04:52 PM
Law enforcement did not have to destroy the safes.... They could have removed them intact ...... A little overstepping going on here.

Call the manufacturer of the safe, properly identify yourself as a law enforcement officer (or the owner of the safe) and they'll tell you how to open it.

Just having a little fun at the tax payer's expense.


09-28-2014, 05:52 PM
Looks like some of my local yokels.....you know, mouth breathers.

09-28-2014, 06:43 PM
Well, it's black, it must be black powder! Do these slack jawed morons even have a clue about what they are looking at? I am willing to bet most are unqualified to hold a loaded water pistol. I hope the homeowner sues and wins for millions.

09-29-2014, 03:12 AM
Seeing his life's collection of rifles destroyed like that made me cry. There is no reason to mishandle expensive rifles in that manner. They could have been put in gun cases and removed them, or wrapped in blankets. Now this old guy has to fight the system to get his property back and from the looks of him it may take longer than he has to live. Those rifles could be his life savings, something to be sold one at a time when needed to pay bills in old age and now the value of all of them has been ruined.

We MUST get federal laws passed that stop this type of wholesale confiscation, he was the victim, there was zero reason to take them. Just unreal and really drives home the disregard modern police have for citizens

09-29-2014, 07:08 AM
Seeing his life's collection of rifles destroyed like that made me cry. There is no reason to mishandle expensive rifles in that manner. They could have been put in gun cases and removed them, or wrapped in blankets. Now this old guy has to fight the system to get his property back and from the looks of him it may take longer than he has to live. Those rifles could be his life savings, something to be sold one at a time when needed to pay bills in old age and now the value of all of them has been ruined.

We MUST get federal laws passed that stop this type of wholesale confiscation, he was the victim, there was zero reason to take them. Just unreal and really drives home the disregard modern police have for citizens

Those rifles could be his life savings, something to be sold one at a time when needed to pay bills in old age and now the value of all of them has been ruined.

We MUST get federal laws passed that stop this type of wholesale confiscation, he was the victim, there was zero reason to take them.


09-29-2014, 07:18 AM
http://www.nj.com/bergen/index.ssf/2014/08/police_weapons_gunpowder_ammo_seized_at_saddle_bro ok_home_after_stabbing.html

ANOTHER GUN COLECTOR! Check out this story: I know this guy. Former president of the Piscataqua Fish & Game Club, collector, shooter. Don't know the all the facts yet but I am sure they will remove all his guns too.

09-29-2014, 07:21 AM
ANOTHER GUN COLECTOR! Check out this story: I know this guy. Former president of the Piscataqua Fish & Game Club, collector, shooter. Don't know the all the facts yet but I am sure they will remove all his guns too.

Looks like a bad guy according to the article

09-29-2014, 07:45 AM
How much powder is legal to possess in nj?

I hope the search warrent included safe interiors? It is my understanding that they are specific in what is beingvsearched and what is being searched for. Cracking open a safe with the jaws of life seems overboard

762 shooter
09-29-2014, 08:22 AM
That was the mantra of death camp guards. Just following orders.
This guy was victimized twice. Once by his wife and then by the government.
They used the jaws of life and the fire department to open his gun safes.
Guns removed in garbage tote.

Precisely my point. Just look a Katrina.


09-29-2014, 08:44 AM
Looks like a bad guy according to the article

I would agree if I didn't know the guy. He collects and shoots a lot. Pretty gentle man IMHO based on knowing him for well over 25 years. Runs a pawn shop, hard worker.
I can't help but think alcohol may have been involved. I just don't get it. Alcohol is bad stuff, if that is what it was. Not making excuses for him - don't get me wrong.
Think about what the papers would say about some of us - MACHINE GUNS AND EXPLOSIVES CACHE REMOVED FROM LOCAL HOME.
The police and SWAT removed 8 machine guns, 4 supressors, 4 short barreled rifles, 1 sawed off shotgun, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, over 50 lbs of explosive powder, 50,000 primers and enough ammunition components to manufacture over 50,000 rounds of ammunition.
THAT would sound like I was a bad guy too.
Some would say "....gee....is that ALL?" Why so little powder?
My point is that not all is what it seems in the newspapers. Rarely do they get it right.

09-29-2014, 09:40 AM
I would agree if I didn't know the guy. He collects and shoots a lot. Pretty gentle man IMHO based on knowing him for well over 25 years. Runs a pawn shop, hard worker.
I can't help but think alcohol may have been involved. I just don't get it. Alcohol is bad stuff, if that is what it was. Not making excuses for him - don't get me wrong.
Think about what the papers would say about some of us - MACHINE GUNS AND EXPLOSIVES CACHE REMOVED FROM LOCAL HOME.
The police and SWAT removed 8 machine guns, 4 supressors, 4 short barreled rifles, 1 sawed off shotgun, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, over 50 lbs of explosive powder, 50,000 primers and enough ammunition components to manufacture over 50,000 rounds of ammunition.
THAT would sound like I was a bad guy too.
Some would say "....gee....is that ALL?" Why so little powder?
My point is that not all is what it seems in the newspapers. Rarely do they get it right.

"Think about what the papers would say about some of us - MACHINE GUNS AND EXPLOSIVES CACHE REMOVED FROM LOCAL HOME.
The police and SWAT removed 8 machine guns, 4 supressors, 4 short barreled rifles, 1 sawed off shotgun, 10,000 rounds of ammunition, over 50 lbs of explosive powder, 50,000 primers and enough ammunition components to manufacture over 50,000 rounds of ammunition."
THAT would sound like I was a bad guy too.
Some would say "....gee....is that ALL?" Why so little powder?
My point is that not all is what it seems in the newspapers. Rarely do they get it right."
This doesn't make you a bad guy.

When you know someone that long it would be a hard pill to swallow. I hope he didn't do what the report says.

09-29-2014, 10:10 AM
"Standard Protocol". Wife stabs husband. Police confiscate guns. Protocol used to be to REMOVE the OFFENDER - for a long period of time. Bet they didn't remove the kitchen knives either. Had a case here a while back, custody of a kid. Took the guys rifle and 'thousands of rounds of ammo' as reported by the anti-gun woman reporter - a few bricks of 22. As LE stated, it was all secured safely so minor girl had no access. Thought police have become mindless police. Like they think they can prevent a crime. That is easier than solving actual crimes. The US constitution was specifically written for LE (legal system) to apprehend criminals and provide punishment enough to deter others & remove violent persons from the population. The military is to protect from invasion. The posse was to aid in local problems.

09-29-2014, 10:11 AM
Officers executing a search warrant may search any place witin the area specified that may reasonably contain the items that are the subject of the warrant. Cant search for an elephant in a match box is a common analogy. Guns in a safe is probably fair game. I hope this gentleman gets financial and legal support to fight this.

09-29-2014, 10:23 AM
Now, I'm just a mechanic, so it's as I see it. SHE.....stabbed him. If she is custody ( and I'm not sure she is), doesnt HE, have rights in his own home.? Or does he, have to vacate the premises.? Even if she owns it, and the home is his domicile.
Sounds like she ratted him out about having firearms in the house and she was afraid.
Even though she stabbed him.
Sounds like self defense to me........ (purple font here).

09-29-2014, 07:07 PM
20 years ago I left that rotten state! Thanks be to God!

09-29-2014, 07:46 PM
Standard protocol = just following orders legal or otherwise = BS

09-29-2014, 10:51 PM
For the same reason I left newyorkistan. Things started going down hill about 18 years ago and didn't take a rocket scientist to see which way things were headed. Frank

10-02-2014, 10:06 PM
20 years ago I left that rotten state! Thanks be to God!

It's a good thing you did! All my wedding pictures would look different if you hadn't...

10-03-2014, 09:38 AM
It's a good thing you did! All my wedding pictures would look different if you hadn't...

Clever bud, clever!