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View Full Version : Just witnessed the shooting at a local gas station

09-27-2014, 05:13 PM
I was sitting at a light in front of the gas station when I heard gunfire. I turned my head to see a black man with dreds holding a gun pointed at someone standing next to a car. To my surprise, no one was running or getting down, they just stood there. He fired another shot and then approached the vehicle. The guy being shot at jumped in the car and the shooter ran around the side and just started unloading into the the car. That's when people starting ducking for cover. He calmly walked back to his car and drove out the side entrance and was gone. I dialed 911 and gave a description of the vehicle. The police arrived within 2 minutes. I gotta tell you when you witness it in person it does hell on your nerves.

09-27-2014, 05:19 PM
Sure glad your OK

Uncle Jimbo
09-27-2014, 05:20 PM
Damn! :shock: Did the shooter hit the person he was shooting at?

09-27-2014, 05:21 PM
Wow, I take it you weren't close enough to get a good sight picture on him? :) I missed one by a few minutes years ago, that is as close as I have gotten.

09-27-2014, 05:31 PM
Damn! :shock: Did the shooter hit the person he was shooting at?
While I was giving my info to the officer I think I heard that 2 were hit. By the time I finished giving the info that had the shooters name.

09-27-2014, 06:11 PM
I can imagine that would raise hell with your nerves. Glad you are safe and hope they catch the shooter. Any idea why he was shooting?

09-27-2014, 06:18 PM
Congratulations you are now a witness to a drug related shooting.

09-27-2014, 06:19 PM
I can imagine that would raise hell with your nerves. Glad you are safe and hope they catch the shooter. Any idea why he was shooting?
An officer just called me, because they were calling all the 911 callers back, and I told her I was interviewed at the scene. I asked her if they caught the shooter yet and she confirmed they had his name but he was still at large.

09-27-2014, 06:43 PM
Probably preaching to the choir here, but stay vigilant and stay armed.

09-27-2014, 06:48 PM
Hey 500 what county are you talking about

09-27-2014, 07:21 PM
Hey 500 what county are you talking about
Broward county. Chevron station Taft & University to be exact.

Bad Water Bill
09-27-2014, 10:11 PM
If he is that brazen (or stupid) I would seriously consider renting a room with one of our ALASKA members till he is securely behind bars.

09-27-2014, 10:21 PM

09-27-2014, 10:55 PM
Darn sorry to hear this - and the service station attendant died it looks like - glad to hear your OK.

09-27-2014, 11:04 PM
When I was 16, a friend and I were racing rc cars in the parking lot of the hobby shop at an event. The hobby shop is next to a grocery store. We didnt see the actuall shooting but heard the gunshots loud and clear. We went over to see what happened. Turns out it was a purse snatching gang initiation. The lady wouldnt give up the purse, they shot her 5 times and she passed shortly after. I will never forget that.

Glad you werent in the middle of it.


09-28-2014, 12:09 AM
Just another scumbag to feed,clothe,and support for life!

09-28-2014, 12:13 AM
I heard that one go out today. We were looking around in my city, but as far as I know, he never turned up. I could use to head out that way tomorrow to pick up a couple things from Harbor Freight.

09-28-2014, 12:52 AM
Darn sorry to hear this - and the service station attendant died it looks like - glad to hear your OK.

Bummer, show up to wash cars and wind up dead at the hands of some thug. Any bets on his probation/parole status?

09-28-2014, 02:34 AM
Bummer, show up to wash cars and wind up dead at the hands of some thug. Any bets on his probation/parole status?
the suspected shooter is 28-year-old Steven Charles Dawson

No bets from me.

Bad Water Bill
09-28-2014, 03:55 AM
Probably ANOTHER one of THE REVRIND JAXSSSINS boyz.:evil::evil:

09-28-2014, 05:28 AM
Those 'teeth'... :shock:

Lead Fred
09-28-2014, 07:24 AM
How to identify a drug dealer shooting


09-28-2014, 10:24 AM
Someone needs to knock that grill out of his mouth as fast as possible.

09-28-2014, 10:29 AM
Glad you are safe, were you carrying? Im about to go to the store with my 2 year old son, M&P 9mm full size, once it gets cold enough for a heavy coat, 92fs

09-28-2014, 02:55 PM
Glad you are safe, were you carrying? Im about to go to the store with my 2 year old son, M&P 9mm full size, once it gets cold enough for a heavy coat, 92fs
I was not and I certainly would not have gotten involved. My boy asked me the same and I explained to him that this guy was going after a single individual and was not firing into a crowd. The news story makes it appear that it was just an argument that turned into him pulling a gun and shooting. What I gathered, from what was going on at the scene, was that these guys knew each other. While I certainly would have been more comfortable if I had my carry weapon I explained to my son that sometimes getting involved will cause a larger shoot out that could harm innocent bystanders. In that case, I would have got blamed.

09-28-2014, 03:29 PM
I am not saying I would have definitely gotten involved, but if I was in a situation where somebody was trying to shoot someone else and I did not make a reasonable effort to stop it, I would be just as guilty, in my opinion. There are too many variables to say if getting involved is the right decision or not. I would have still felt better in your position if I had a pistol. You were obviously not a target in that situation, but if say it was another movie theater scenario, you would probably wish you had your gun. You choice, not mine. You are free to not intervene if you don't think it is the right choice.

09-28-2014, 03:37 PM
I am not saying I would have definitely gotten involved, but if I was in a situation where somebody was trying to shoot someone else and I did not make a reasonable effort to stop it, I would be just as guilty, in my opinion. There are too many variables to say if getting involved is the right decision or not. I would have still felt better in your position if I had a pistol. You were obviously not a target in that situation, but if say it was another movie theater scenario, you would probably wish you had your gun. You choice, not mine. You are free to not intervene if you don't think it is the right choice.

What comes to my mind is the example of two thugs physically attacking a businessman. Do you help him or not? In this example the thugs were federal agents and the one in a suit was a drug courier. If you helped him, what happened to you?
The choice to intervene or not is not a clear cut choice. If you intervene, there are far more possible bad outcomes than good outcomes. Think long and hard before you do!

Plate plinker
09-28-2014, 03:47 PM
Right BM you don't always know who is the true victim.

R.Ph. 380
09-28-2014, 03:50 PM
But he was such an earnest and good young man just getting his life turned around.

09-28-2014, 04:35 PM
I had an issue on the way to church this morning, nothing like that but it made me think. Also had no weapon in the car at the time. Something is going to change.

09-28-2014, 04:45 PM
I am not saying I would have definitely gotten involved, but if I was in a situation where somebody was trying to shoot someone else and I did not make a reasonable effort to stop it, I would be just as guilty, in my opinion. There are too many variables to say if getting involved is the right decision or not. I would have still felt better in your position if I had a pistol. You were obviously not a target in that situation, but if say it was another movie theater scenario, you would probably wish you had your gun. You choice, not mine. You are free to not intervene if you don't think it is the right choice.
I would certainly intervene if the situation were different, this situation would have possibly caused more of a problem. Also, until you actually see something like this you really can't say how you would react. We all know how we would want to react. Also, when you are armed, your thinking is a little different.

09-28-2014, 04:54 PM
I would certainly intervene if the situation were different, this situation would have possibly caused more of a problem. Also, until you actually see something like this you really can't say how you would react. We all know how we would want to react. Also, when you are armed, your thinking is a little different.

The truth.


09-28-2014, 05:01 PM
A black Mercedes-Benz could be seen at the station with bullet holes.

A car wash employee at a gas station has a Mercedes-Benz?

(glad you are okay!)

09-28-2014, 05:02 PM
CCW are not law enforcement.
Say you’re at a convenient store and there is an armed robbery.Pull your weapon and become a good witness. You can’t help the casher. If the armed robber escalates. Do what you need to do.
If they just rob the store. Just be that good witness.
CCW will be held to the highest standard. We have decided to not be a victim. Again we aren’t law enforcement. Be smart ,think and be safe.

09-28-2014, 05:38 PM
Well, I am law enforcement, and in the same situation would likely have chosen to be a good witness (assuming I was off-duty, that is). Off duty you are a situation like any other citizen: no back up, no radio, no vest, no car, no AR-15 or shotgun in the car. You get the picture. Oh, if you think seeing a shooting rattles your nerves, it gets worse when those bullets are flying your way! You did the 100% right thing, especially since your son was there.

09-28-2014, 05:44 PM
A car wash employee at a gas station has a Mercedes-Benz?

(glad you are okay!)
The car belonged to a patron that was having it washed. I felt really bad for her because I think she thought he was just shooting up her car. She was in the gas station when it started and came running around her car to find the victim in her back seat.

09-28-2014, 06:35 PM
I would certainly intervene if the situation were different, this situation would have possibly caused more of a problem. Also, until you actually see something like this you really can't say how you would react. We all know how we would want to react. Also, when you are armed, your thinking is a little different.
True. I was at a store with my family a few months ago and a special needs person was bothering my wife and tried to grab my son. I was carrying a 6904 at the time. I yelled at the guy and he ran away. I don't think every ccw holder needs go lethal weapon in every bad guy.

09-28-2014, 07:45 PM
In South Florida I would always carry.
Even Orlando area I always have at least a Glock 22 in the car.

09-29-2014, 12:19 AM
I was not and I certainly would not have gotten involved. My boy asked me the same and I explained to him that this guy was going after a single individual and was not firing into a crowd. The news story makes it appear that it was just an argument that turned into him pulling a gun and shooting. What I gathered, from what was going on at the scene, was that these guys knew each other. While I certainly would have been more comfortable if I had my carry weapon I explained to my son that sometimes getting involved will cause a larger shoot out that could harm innocent bystanders. In that case, I would have got blamed.

Good move, if you don't fully understand the situation you are more useful as a good witness. You probably couldn't have helped the guy anyway. We haven't heard to whole story yet anyway, could have been a simple turf battle or a dispute between a dope dealer and his supplier. Getting involved wouldn't have helped, as you pointed out it may have gotten more folks hurt. Good job, watch your six.

09-29-2014, 12:35 AM
I was an unknowing witness to an armed robbery of a grocery store in my early LE days. I was more interested in the pretty girl in line ahead of me in a peekaboo halter top and cutoffs. I saw the robber by the office, even gave a good description to the officer who met me pushing my cart to my car, had no idea what I'd witnessed. I was armed but I didn't see what was going on.
That may have saved my life. I found out months later after the gang was captured that his backup was directly behind me.

35 shooter
09-29-2014, 12:46 AM
I was an unknowing witness to an armed robbery of a grocery store in my early LE days. I was more interested in the pretty girl in line ahead of me in a peekaboo halter top and cutoffs. I saw the robber by the office, even gave a good description to the officer who met me pushing my cart to my car, had no idea what I'd witnessed. I was armed but I didn't see what was going on.
That may have saved my life. I found out months later after the gang was captured that his backup was directly behind me.

Sounds like the girl in the halter top just may have been the guardian angel on your shoulder that day. Wow!

09-29-2014, 08:17 AM
Broward county. Chevron station Taft & University to be exact.

I was just going to say they had a shooting near me just like that. I live in Broward also

09-29-2014, 10:50 AM
And to think he only went in to get Skittles and iced tea.

09-29-2014, 01:41 PM
I was not and I certainly would not have gotten involved. My boy asked me the same and I explained to him that this guy was going after a single individual and was not firing into a crowd. The news story makes it appear that it was just an argument that turned into him pulling a gun and shooting. What I gathered, from what was going on at the scene, was that these guys knew each other. While I certainly would have been more comfortable if I had my carry weapon I explained to my son that sometimes getting involved will cause a larger shoot out that could harm innocent bystanders. In that case, I would have got blamed.
I have had a lot of formal training in shooting of all types. One of the most common threads in advice from the instructors is to "walk on". Unless you personally are threatened with harm, or it is an 85 year old woman being attacked by four thugs, do NOT get involved. You might do the right thing to get involved but your life will be hell afterwards if someone is shot.
Sucks to be them......that is what he said.

09-29-2014, 02:08 PM
Those 'teeth'... :shock:

That's how you can tell they've been forced to suck **** in prison because their teeth are all broken and replaced, so they can't bite!

09-29-2014, 02:57 PM
Sounds like the girl in the halter top just may have been the guardian angel on your shoulder that day. Wow!
The world would be a much better place with more women like that :-)

Love Life
09-29-2014, 03:08 PM
For those who would involve themselves to save the day: I ask that you read on the Las Vegas shooting where two Police Officers and a CCW lost their lives.

The CCW holder had good intentions, did not assess the situation, and was killed rather quickly and easily.

09-29-2014, 05:07 PM
I'll bet murder 1 doesn't stick. Easily raged cancer on society.


09-29-2014, 05:19 PM
This is why I love Montana law....if you fear for your life, property or someone else's life you can intervene. Not saying that you will have an easy life after that but it is in the books that way here.

09-29-2014, 05:30 PM
I found out months later after the gang was captured that his backup was directly behind me.

Isn't this EXACTLY what happened to the citizen that came to the aid of the two cops killed in Las Vegas? The private citizen did not know the girl was part of the duo and he paid with his life for getting involved.

These folks many time have a "backup" in case just this type of thing happens.

09-29-2014, 09:51 PM
Isn't this EXACTLY what happened to the citizen that came to the aid of the two cops killed in Las Vegas? The private citizen did not know the girl was part of the duo and he paid with his life for getting involved.

These folks many time have a "backup" in case just this type of thing happens.

Yup. Any ideas for strategies against this tactic?

They would have either come in together or had his backup in the store first. She probably loitered around and was the last in the line because she would have been waiting for the robber. Be wary of this but stay cautious of everybody. The backup will want a vantage to view everybody but be close enough to intervene.

09-29-2014, 10:23 PM
These folks many time have a "backup" in case just this type of thing happens.-rbertalotto

Sorry about the hijack but these guys were good. There were four of them and four assignments, they would rotate thru the assignments and "work" in a few different towns so it took awhile for LE folks to figure out they were dealing with one group. One would go to the grocery store office and wait there. Second guy would find the store manager and force him to go to the office to open the safe. Third guy would hang out by the registers and keep an eye on things. Fourth guy was waiting in the car. I think there may have been a fifth member but I can't recall, I wasn't involved with the investigation. I think the press called them the "over the hill gang" because they were all middle aged. I remember the guy at the office wearing a longsleeved flannel shirt and it was a warm summer day, good weather for halter tops. And yes, that pretty little girl was my guardian angel that day.
I have told that story to quite a few trainees to illustrate the point I made earlier; if you don't understand the situation you're generally better off not getting involved. Sounds cold and maybe a bit cowardly but in real life things are never quite exactly what they appear to be. Better to be a live & alert witness than a dead would-be hero.

09-29-2014, 10:39 PM
These folks many time have a "backup" in case just this type of thing happens.-rbertalotto

Sorry about the hijack but these guys were good. There were four of them and four assignments, they would rotate thru the assignments and "work" in a few different towns so it took awhile for LE folks to figure out they were dealing with one group. One would go to the grocery store office and wait there. Second guy would find the store manager and force him to go to the office to open the safe. Third guy would hang out by the registers and keep an eye on things. Fourth guy was waiting in the car. I think there may have been a fifth member but I can't recall, I wasn't involved with the investigation. I think the press called them the "over the hill gang" because they were all middle aged. I remember the guy at the office wearing a longsleeved flannel shirt and it was a warm summer day, good weather for halter tops. And yes, that pretty little girl was my guardian angel that day.
I have told that story to quite a few trainees to illustrate the point I made earlier; if you don't understand the situation you're generally better off not getting involved. Sounds cold and maybe a bit cowardly but in real life things are never quite exactly what they appear to be. Better to be a live & alert witness than a dead would-be hero.

I believe these Perps were practiced enough that no one even knew it was a robbery. What about disorganized Perps?
The Perps do know what is going on. The Perps do have a game plan for anyone that interferes. If the Perps are not trying to commit mass murder do you want to raise the ante?
What if the Perps want to herd everyone into the back room or cooler? Maybe then, but did you bring enough ammo? If any thing goes wrong and you are not merely defending your life you will be crucified in the press and will likely be criminally charged or civilly sued.

09-30-2014, 07:33 AM
Broward county. Chevron station Taft & University to be exact.

so glad to be out of there. Lived in Pembroke Pines for a while when I attended NSU. Definitely glad to be back in GA.

09-30-2014, 03:27 PM
Saw the pic. Nobody else noticed the resemblance? Looks like he could be Obama's son...

Couldn't help myself !

09-30-2014, 03:42 PM
Saw the pic. Nobody else noticed the resemblance? Looks like he could be Obama's son...

Couldn't help myself !

I don't think Michael can conceive.. but yeah, I see what you did there. Skittles, drugs, thuggery, yep he could be!

09-30-2014, 06:52 PM
Who said he had to be from Michael??

10-01-2014, 09:21 AM
Who said he had to be from Michael??

they sure aint coming from the Williams transisters.

10-01-2014, 10:01 AM
Well, at least the shooter will be removed from polite society for a while. During that time he will get to call a big, muscle bound, hairy chested man, "Honey".