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09-27-2014, 03:38 PM
Laying here in rehab, 4 days after having a new hip joint installed. Downside: therapists are a murderous lot. Upside: Lots'o good drugs! None of the doctors/counselors/nurses mentioned during the lead-up that it was going to hurt as bad as it did. I might not have elected to do it had I known...

I know the key to a successful outcome is to religiously follow the protocols of physical therapy, and I am, but boy-o-boy does that ever take some will power sometimes! I keep telling myself it's the only true path back into the deer woods...

I'm trying to get them to allow me to set up a casting pot here in my room. So far no luck. :(

09-27-2014, 03:42 PM
People who I have talked to that had both Knee
and hip surgery said that the hip surgery was a bit more painful.

Just remember that from where you are now, the pain will get better.

09-27-2014, 03:57 PM
I found hip replacement surgery a piece of cake. The incisions didn't even hurt at all, even when sitting on it, didn't even bruise. . The nurses would ask me why I was using the morphine ****, because it didn't hurt!! I was up later in the day they did it, no problems. Had the other done a year later. Mine was not minimal invasive either, BIG cuts from waste to way back on the butt, Big joints, 52 mm ball and socket. Removal of the staples didn't hurt at all either. My Dr IS very good and is a consultant for the joint manufacturer. Those were 10 years ago and still no problems. I am not a small guy either.

09-27-2014, 04:11 PM
My doctor wants to replace my right shoulder, so far I am refusing. I have a friend who has had the same hip replaced 5 times and will do it again in a couple of months. No faults of the replacement parts he just wears them out, he is very active. He was only 35 when he got the first one.

09-27-2014, 05:47 PM
I called them "physical terrorists" when I had my knee done about 8 years ago...hurt...got through it...did as told...like a whole new life after things settle down...it's amazing how all at once I hit a "plateau" and things got easier and easier...I've heard it's like that with most folks...hang in.

09-27-2014, 06:29 PM
Go to a warm water pool. It helps a lot

09-27-2014, 07:44 PM
Have they removed the drain from the incision? Pulling the tape ever sooooooo slowly off hurt the most when I had mine done.

09-27-2014, 07:48 PM
And you wondered where the Marque De Sade retired to. Good luck with your new hip.

09-28-2014, 12:51 AM
I had my first Hip Surgery when I was 12. Any way you slice it there not fun.

09-28-2014, 01:06 AM
You'll get better soon its all down gill from here. Good luck...Be safe

09-28-2014, 01:07 AM
Down hill sorry

09-28-2014, 03:59 AM
They have trimmed bone from my right hip to remove a spur, and I have a 7 inch incision on my left hip where they removed a nerve sheath tumor(likely the result of a fall off a ladder at work) that was not cancer. Neither was fun so I can't imagine replacing the joint.

09-28-2014, 07:14 AM
After my hips being done, I didn't have to do any Re-hab, just at home to walk around with the walker around the house. Even going upstairs for showers etc.
Shoulders are the most difficult joint to re do and rehab. But from friends I know having it done says it is worth it. The longer you wait to have joints repaired the more damage inside and harder to do and rehab. Getting new joints is no fun but way worth it. Just remember new joints are not the same as original equipment but feel so much better when all done. There are some range of motion lost but not a bunch.

09-28-2014, 09:13 AM
I have had my right shoulder, both knees, right hip, and left elbow all replaced. The hip by far was the most painful, but I can truly say that I don't regret it one bit, it is so much better than my left hip. I am supposed to have my left hip replaced, but it will have to wait until they can get the surgeries done on my back. I can only tell you to just hang in there and do exactly what the therapists tell you to do, I know it hurts and it takes a lot of will power, but don't do what I did, not do what they told me to do, and then I had to go back in and be put to sleep and have a manipulation under anesthesia done, because that is even more painful when you wake up. I will be praying for quick healing and comfort.