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View Full Version : anyone in east tn know of a good doc for pain?

09-26-2014, 05:23 AM
i am not sure if this is in the right place or not , i appoligise if its not,, but this is about the only fourm i look at and i have a lot of great friends here so figured id ask , if anyone kbows of a good doctor for pain , not regular pain , im talkin bout bad 24/7 pain with no ease. i am asking for a very good friend that cant find a doc. somewhere between morristown and johnson city , or even in west north carolina would be good if anyone knows of one. you can pm me if you do and let me know who and where..... this friend has tenncare but can get help with cash if they dont take insurance.
he is in real pain , i know for at least 5 years or more and all the docs he has found here in greeneville says they dont doctor for pain, that is in my opionion not a good doc if thay dont,,, but guess they do it thinking he just wants pain meds.
he has been gettin some meds from frinds to help, i know what some ppl might think of that but i know him and he wouldnt ever take any unless he had to, he has never done drugs or drank or anything. but i guess like he says if u hurt bad enuff you will do whatever you can to get relief from it.
i know that was a long read but there is a lot more i could write about it but all that really madders is he can find a doc that will help.
he hurts bad all over all the time and i know it is bad.
anyway i would sure appriciate it if anyone might know of a place to call or anything. i have heard there is a place in knoxville but that is a long drive from him and as bad as he hurts it would be bad for him to ride that far. so looking for a place around greene county, he lives a few miles from the n.carolina line so i guess between morristown, to johnson city to madision, marshall, or even asheville nc.

also any prayers for him would be appriciated. thanks in advance, i hope everyone has a great weekend, take care.

09-26-2014, 06:08 PM
I've had quite a bit of experience with pain. Pain to the point that I've blacked out from it. Doctors all seem to assume anyone needing long term pain management is a drug addict. I had a completer lumbar fusion with a lot of other work done while they were in there. Cut me from tail bone to shoulder blades. The surgery did work but a fairly common result of it is it places pressure on the SI joint which is my problem now. I could get no help from the surgeon. Every place they referred me to either never contacted me or wasn't interested. I spent 5 months with that pain and I decided to stop into an urgent care clinic here. They also happen to have a pain management section.
The doctor got all my records. I told him I just wanted to be able to do my job and get some sleep and he said there is nothing wrong with that request. He said what they are doing for you will never work. You can't be fixed but I will manage your pain. He gave me a script and said Take 3 of these a day. If it helps I have no problem with you taking them the rest of your life if necessary. You won't be addicted or become an addict. People with your kind of pain won't even get a "buzz" from pain killers they just get relief.
So tell him to stop at a clinic like that in your area. They are springing up all over the country and the ones here....people have nothing but good things to say about them.

09-26-2014, 09:25 PM
There's a pain management center across from Meadowview conference center in Kingsport that has a good reputation. I can't remember the name of the place, but it's in the 3 building complex across from Meadowview at the top of the hill and in the building on the left. One of the men I used to work with went there.

09-26-2014, 11:20 PM
Look online for a pain doctor or pain management specialist. Going on 8 years for me taking narcotics for a trashed spine and fibromyalgia. Regular docs don't like to prescribe narcotics because of the government. They get stuck with reports, over sight to make sure they are not over prescribing etc. Under Obamacare it got worse too.

09-27-2014, 03:42 PM
If you saw the level of addiction to pain killers in this nation you might see WHY physicians are so concerned with abuse. Prescription drug abuse is very real and a very large problem. Ask any of the numerous pharmacists held up at gun point for narcotics and you might understand.

Not saying that many have legitimate pain but the other side of the coin should not be ignored.

09-27-2014, 03:57 PM
There is a natural doctor here in springfield that has the magnetic impulse machines, broken bones heal in 3 weeks back to work, lyme tick ailments turned around, for me he can cut my pain in half to where I don't use narcs but insurance won't pay for that but they gladly pay for the narcs so that is the only thing I can afford for now. Pm if you want his name.

09-27-2014, 06:56 PM
While I understand the addiction or abuse problems of pain killers the most abused drug in America is alcohol....and here in Pa. the government sells it.

Wayne Smith
09-27-2014, 09:13 PM
Part of the problem is that the FDA watches the pain MD's very closely and monitors their prescriptions. Most pain MD's are careful because of that.

09-27-2014, 09:16 PM
It is the non-pain specialists who cause the majority of the trouble. We had an MD in Council Bluffs a few years back who was convicted of selling scripts for controlled substances. Charts contained nothing but a copy of the prescription and the bill. No history and physical, no notes from exam, just a script and a fee.

i know of a few drug wholesalers who got in trouble for not reporting massive increase in drug orders from pharmacies too

09-28-2014, 12:39 AM
thanks for the replies everyone i sure do appriciate it. i will let him know of the recomendations and info , thanks again ,
i agree that the big problem is the ones who dont need pain meds and dirty doctors who has sold scrips for no reason, also i saw a local news story of doctors and surgens that was addicted , one doc or surgen cant remember, was taking up to 100 vikadan i think a day.
but to everyone that is in pain and nothing else helps if they can find a doctor that will give them some i sure understand why they get them. when pain is bad enuff and they is a pill that will ease it uup then you will more than likely take it.
guess what im saying is if you need them then thats fine if you take em , but the druggies and people just takin em for whatever they get from em, that has no pain , those ppl is what makes it so hard for the people who does need them to get them and i agree that since obumercare it is harder, i think if the doctor can see your in pain then he should be able to give you somethin for it without the gov. having anything to do with it.

anyway i sure appriciate the replies and will let him know. hope you all have a great day and a great week , take care,

09-28-2014, 04:03 AM
Add in the FDA estimating demand and limiting production to that demand. Last year the shortage was pretty bad.

09-28-2014, 07:23 AM
The FDA isn't estimating demand, the DEA is.
Part of the shortage is this. If I suddenly double the amount of oxycodone I order the wholesaler is legally bound to ask why. I must then tell them specifically why I ordered more, what I am doing to make sure the scripts are legitimate, and how I plan to ensure the stuff is getting to addicts. Should the wholesaler, or me for that matter, fail to provide this when asked by the DEA one, or both so us, could lose the ability to dispense controlled substances entirely.

Florida is the number one state for prescription drug abuse. Problem is that when law enforcement hammered on pharmacies there, and the did take DEA permits from a few, the addicts moved.

I have a legal obligation to determine if your pain killer use is legitimate. Failing in that I will be fined and potentially fired. I take this seriously and therefore I don't order way more than I need, I do question scripts from out of state or distant cities, and always require ID, a valid ID. The guy with his 4 years expired NM drivers license wasn't happy when the NE pharmacy told him no.

What you guys don't see is that the number of addicts far outstrips the legislate users in volume of people and volume of tablets received. Law enforcement is putting the burden on wholesalers and pharmacies to ensure dispensing meets legal guidelines and just having a prescription isn't enough.

Did is you know that more people die due to prescription drug abuse each year than due to all street drugs combined? This is why the combination products no longer can have more than 325 mg of acetaminophen, trying to prevent death due to acetaminophen toxicity.

Oh, be aware that as of Oct 6 all hydrocodone products are being reclassified from C3 to C2 so they won't be allows to be phoned in, no refills, and all that fun. Work isn't gonna be very enjoyable that week.