View Full Version : Stereotypes at the Range

Phineas Bluster
09-24-2014, 05:38 PM

09-24-2014, 07:33 PM
Thankfully I haven't run into all of them... yet.

09-24-2014, 07:44 PM
I would have some major issues w/ all but the Noob. They have a reason for not being safe. They left out the fast draw guy. He has the pistol on the table. Slaps his hands together then raises them above his head. Takes a deep breath then grabs pistol, shoots full mag. Drops mag from pistol and fumbles getting one out of his pocket(he has eight hundred because every article of clothing he's wearing is "tactical") and back into the pistol. Fires that mag and then slams the pistol back on the bench, hands fly back up above head, and let's out a long breath like he just gave birth. Check target, not one hit. In the meantime my step daughter has hit 10 X at 50 w/ open sights on a 10/22 :laugh:

Love Life
09-24-2014, 07:48 PM
I got flagged a bunch by a guy here at the local range. I told him if he fired a shot in my direction that I would defend myself. He packed his stuff and left in a ruckus after wining to the range officer. Range officer had my back.

I hate unsafe people at the range. Hate is the correct term as they put everybody at serious risk because they are retards.

09-24-2014, 07:49 PM
They forgot the guy that fires two shots then stands around waiting for the line to clear so he can check his target.

09-24-2014, 08:19 PM
They forgot the guy that fires two shots then stands around waiting for the line to clear so he can check his target.

Hey, that resembles me sometimes. But I'm in no hurry to check my target. I just like to watch the idiots from time to time.

country gent
09-24-2014, 08:36 PM
I have seen alot of these guys at our local club ( unfortunatly its a private club so they are even members). I really enjoy the guts trying to shoot the tacticals with all the "attachments" at 200 yds with no clue. Some of those red dot sights are covering the whole target at 200 yds or close to it. Since Im normally shooting one of my BPCR rifles I occasional get to hear complaints about my smoke also. Had one there every sunday bragging about his AR so one sunday I brought my AR-10 along. He came down asked if it was 243 or 308 I told him 22-250 he told me I was wrong as they never made one in that caliber. I told him armalight didnt but I did. He looked at a round of my ammo went back to his buddy telling him I would be able to shoot groups as my ammo was wrong for the rifle. First group was right at 3/4" at 200 yds. I do try to keep line safe and sane but I also set up on far left bench so I can see whats going on also. The new shooters are normally not the issue as they are willing and wanting to learn. Its the wanna bees and pesudo know it alls that are annoying. I had one telling me how much more powerful his AR in 223 was than my M1 A in 308 or the garand in 30-06 inb the case. Theres all kinds out there, the trick is educating or avoiding them.

09-24-2014, 10:57 PM
Surprised me when I watched myself in a couple of those clips!

09-25-2014, 04:08 AM
I saw a guy with a AR of some kind start walking down range doing some kind of marching fire thing while every one else was still shooting. He had his tact a cool costume stuff on and two little sweeties there to watch.

09-25-2014, 10:22 AM
The thing about most of these guys is that if they do get in a SHTF scenario most will probably be dead before they get half a mag off.

Rick Hodges
09-25-2014, 10:30 AM
The thing about most of these guys is that if they do get in a SHTF scenario most will probably be dead before they get half a mag off.

And that is a good thing! Darwin had it right.

09-25-2014, 10:42 AM
The thing about most of these guys is that if they do get in a SHTF scenario most will probably be dead before they get half a mag off.
Everytime I get into one of those conversations you should see the stunned looks when I say I will be thanking those that leave a supply of guns and ammo laying around for me to use :)

09-25-2014, 10:59 AM
pray and spray!!!

gray wolf
09-25-2014, 11:01 AM
Some people ---
should not have access to anything more technologically advanced than a CRAYON.

09-25-2014, 12:01 PM
some people ---
should not have access to anything more technologically advanced than a crayon.


09-25-2014, 12:29 PM
Most of those guys (save "the Olympic one handed") are well on their way to Darwin awards...sadly though I think I've seen all of them at the range i go to.

09-25-2014, 01:12 PM
Wow, I after reading everyone's comments, I did not realize how fortunate I was. I have not been to a public range in many years!

09-25-2014, 02:16 PM
You guys don't have any fudds (fuddy-duddy) at your ranges? *jealous*

Some of our ranges, you show up with an AR or anything black with a mag and you get these old guys with bolt-action-only's criticizing everything and giving you a "not sure if you should be shooting that here." (i don't require your permission!)

Unfortunately they're pretty common.

09-25-2014, 02:23 PM
Wow, I after reading everyone's comments, I did not realize how fortunate I was. I have not been to a public range in many years!

No public ranges for me. They're all private but they let everyone in if they pay. Which actually led to an argument because they let a lot of Chinese people join. The issue is that they either refuse to or don't speak English. It creates a serious safety issue at the range when you can't communicate w/ everyone. Still waiting to see how the board straightens this one out.

I get looks from most because I shoot levers and revolvers in cartridges that aren't NATO approved. I like when the old guys are there because I can talk to them. I don't speak Mall Ninja so I can't communicate w/ the Tacticool clowns. But I still support their rights to look like the clowns they are doing all things mall ninja. I can't say that much about certain sects of the shooting "community".

09-25-2014, 03:20 PM
So you are basically going to a public range. You just have to buy memberships.

09-25-2014, 03:23 PM
I guess I see a distinction because there are public ranges in every county. It's just the way things are here. They are still considered private ranges. But I can see how if you have your own range on your property that it would really be a private range.

09-25-2014, 03:56 PM
Up until this past weekend I would've said that I hadn't seen a neo Nazi all dressed up, but I can't say that now. They found it funny when the range officer asked everyone to raise their hand if all actions are open and empty. Three guess on how they raised their hand.

09-25-2014, 05:11 PM
Thank god for the boonies. Oh wait I did see the 10 yd full mag dump tacky cool guy.

09-25-2014, 05:15 PM
Funny how the ones lacking common sense tend to gravitate towards the "tacticool" stuff. I don't remember ever seeing someone using a fine old lever gun or black powder firearm who was blatantly acting foolishly or was obviously devoid of common sense.
Not saying most "black gun" owners are idiots, but it does seem that most idiots that wade into the hobby choose "black guns" and other "tacticool" stuff.


09-25-2014, 05:16 PM
the guys we ask to leave and will never be allowed back PERIOD!!!!!

country gent
09-25-2014, 05:33 PM
Smokeywolf, I saw the Chuck Conners / John Wayne wanna be a few weks ago. Started out actually shooting a few groups and when He thought no one was paying attention he levered 5 rounds or so fromthe hip as fast as he could work the lever. Went down and had a little talk with him about it as the rounds hit at 25 yds or so o the 50 yd range. He said he understood range saftey and all the clubs range rules and why they were in place. A few more actual groups and when he felt no one was watching it was time to try to roll cock the lever gun. This was a full length rifle 20-24" barrel. I bet it hurt catching under his arm as it came around LOL. I wondered if the front sight had cut him as he left after that. I had mentioned to the gentleman with me and he was heading down to have another chat but the guy left before he got there. Takes long arms to roll cock those lever guns with anything but the trapper barrels. Occasionally on our pistol range the new ones get the idea to fan thier single actions "old west style" had one show up with a ruger black Hawk converted to a slip gun. Theres all kinds out there and they are fun to watch if it wasnt so dangerous being around them

09-25-2014, 05:54 PM

I haven't run into any of those guys yet...thankfully.

I have met the range-Nazi. The one at our private gun club gave me a lecture about shooting revolvers on the rifle range. One of his comments was something to the effect that nobody could hit a 200-yd target with a handgun. After I hit a 8-10" steel gong with 4 shots out of five with my S&W 686 Silhouette revolver, the old guy turned and walked away talking to himself.

That was about 20 years or so ago. And now I find myself walking away from guys blasting away with 17-round magazines at the 7yd pistol target and barely hitting paper. They don't want to hear about sight alignment and trigger control...they just know that they can shoot real fast. Not fast enough to win a real gunfight, mind you...but that doesn't matter to them, 'cause they can shoot real fast.

I try to show them what is possible with controlled, aimed fire from a single-stack 1911, but they just don't want to hear it...'cause they can shoot real fast.

I just smile and keep on running .45caliber holes through the 10-ring. Every once in a while, one of the smart ones will come over and ask how do you do that.

I guess what goes around comes around.

09-25-2014, 06:20 PM
In Kali these spray & pray wanna-be cowboy, Navy seal, black-ops idiots are often the same guys who have 50 or 60,000 dollar 4WD pickup trucks that are raised 3 feet off the ground for max clearance but have never seen any actual off-road use.


09-25-2014, 07:01 PM
In Kali these spray & pray wanna-be cowboy, Navy seal, black-ops idiots are often the same guys who have 50 or 60,000 dollar 4WD pickup trucks that are raised 3 feet off the ground for max clearance but have never seen any actual off-road use.


Too funny. Even in the High Desert where I lived until last month, we had a number of folks with jacked-up 4x4s that never left pavement. Posers.

I wonder how much of the Poser Nonsense can be laid at the doorstep of the single-parent family (usually a female single parent) that generally did and do such a lousy job of raising male children in absence of a father or uncle or other male mentor to show a young man how to become a whole adult male. These idiotic struts and posturings of The Poser are an annoyance and sometimes a safety issue, but a portion of it may not be the fault of the performers. They likely know no better, and are relying on film viewing--internet drivel--or other whatzis sourcing for their behavioral patterning. It is our duty as earnest hobbyists to guide these kids and young adults into a safe and reasonable course of conduct with the firearms we enjoy and appreciate.

09-25-2014, 07:40 PM
Up until this past weekend I would've said that I hadn't seen a neo Nazi all dressed up, but I can't say that now. They found it funny when the range officer asked everyone to raise their hand if all actions are open and empty. Three guess on how they raised their hand.

Which range were you at? :holysheep

09-25-2014, 07:50 PM
Didn't realize you'd flown South for the Winter. Good grief Al, you're gonna need to get a tan and brush up on your espanol to fit in.
Hope you don't own a Suburban. Don't know about now, but in years past, the Mexican car thieves had a ready market in the South of the border police for Suburbans they would steal in San Diego and surrounding areas.


09-25-2014, 09:37 PM
Guess I'm lucky to still live in a state where I can jump on one of many gravel roads and shoot as much as I want without seeing anyone else!

09-25-2014, 09:54 PM
Yeah, went south for my wife to finish out her career (2 years worth) in a less hostile environment. I'll leave it at that. My truck is an F-250, and we carry good insurance. That's really all you can do to address vehicle theft in California's AB-109-aggravated catch-and-release criminal justice system. I suppose that is the *civilized* response, though such processes are quite lacking in both satisfaction for the victim and disincentives for the perpetrators. California is one big Purgatory for crime victims--a vast theme park for criminals--and a bottomless revenue stream for criminal defense attorneys.

09-25-2014, 10:14 PM
Which range were you at? :holysheep

Rio. We tried going into the desert but our normal places were overrun with atvs and dirt bikes.

The biggest troublemakers were kicked out soon after but the other two families stayed. On a side note maybe the safest place was in front of them.

09-25-2014, 11:36 PM
I do the one-hand shooting with my single-action revolvers because that's how they roll. ;-) Retired my blinders when I quit shooting PPC.

09-25-2014, 11:41 PM
Some folks would be grumpy and way to serious at a New Years Eve party. I'm still laughing at the video! May have to try the modified Rambo.

09-26-2014, 12:47 AM
The video made me laugh, but also made me a little sick to my stomach. Hard for me to watch firearms used in an irresponsible manner.

09-26-2014, 09:37 AM
That was about 20 years or so ago. And now I find myself walking away from guys blasting away with 17-round magazines at the 7yd pistol target and barely hitting paper. They don't want to hear about sight alignment and trigger control...they just know that they can shoot real fast. Not fast enough to win a real gunfight, mind you...but that doesn't matter to them, 'cause they can shoot real fast.

I've had some fudds get all grumpy on me because I was shooting a 1911 fast. They didn't know I was patiently WAITING for a firm sight picture before every shot. They wouldn't let me continue, though. Every round grouped within 6" at 25 yards, rapid fire.

When I go to the range I practice a variety of styles. You never know what position you're going to be in so you should train in all positions. Sometimes someone who just arrived will walk up to me when I'm in one of the "difficult" positions, and he can't restrain himself from giving unwanted advice. The advice wasn't bad but he's just not aware I'm working through a training pattern. This is better than being told I'm not allowed to kneel just because he can't get down on the ground!

09-26-2014, 09:52 AM
Yeah, went south for my wife to finish out her career (2 years worth) in a less hostile environment. I'll leave it at that. My truck is an F-250, and we carry good insurance. That's really all you can do to address vehicle theft in California's AB-109-aggravated catch-and-release criminal justice system. I suppose that is the *civilized* response, though such processes are quite lacking in both satisfaction for the victim and disincentives for the perpetrators. California is one big Purgatory for crime victims--a vast theme park for criminals--and a bottomless revenue stream for criminal defense attorneys.

We should go back to the days when stealing a mans ride (horse) was a HANGING crime................

09-26-2014, 10:19 AM
Me n the Mrs got a good laugh at some of those. She really thought the modified Rambo was funny n hoped one od the ejected rounds. The gansta ones she's seen a lot more then me but that was when she was growin up in KC. I've done the roll cock with my 336 firin it one handed. Im short n didnt hurt myself. Like was said above practice several ways of gettin it done. I do one handed pistol practice when I've got one cuz what if yer holdin yer family down or have been shot in the other arm?

Love Life
09-26-2014, 10:23 AM
I only shoot from my back with a pistol as that is operator as F'. When shooting an AR, I make sure my hand is as far forward as possible because it looks cool.

I also make sure I say "Send it" before every round I fire...ever.

On a side note, I have shot with the pistol held sideways and it can actually be quite accurate.

09-26-2014, 10:44 AM
I only shoot from my back with a pistol as that is operator as F'. When shooting an AR, I make sure my hand is as far forward as possible because it looks cool.

I also make sure I say "Send it" before every round I fire...ever.

On a side note, I have shot with the pistol held sideways and it can actually be quite accurate.

Don't forget to turn your AR on its side to inspect the chamber every time you pull the trigger and/or swap in a new clipazine.
At least that is what the AR operators around here do when they are operating on major operations at the range.
Also be sure to wear elbow and knee pads. Apparently those are important on the range too.

Love Life
09-26-2014, 10:51 AM
I see some people shooting the AR, and some of the silly things they do makes me question if their parents are also brother and sister.

My AR (well, before the boating accident) is nekkid with iron sights. Lightweight, compact, and all business with no unnecessary weight or appendages to get caught on stuff.

About the only accessories I endorse are a flashlight and ACOG/RCO.

I swear, every time a person mounts a 24 power scope on an M4 an Angel cries .

Dale in Louisiana
09-26-2014, 11:47 AM
Have you seen these guys? Are you one of them?

The ” Mullets R’ Us ” crowd: If you don’t know the mullet: Http://www.mulletsgalore.com will elaborate on this further. These guys usually are shooting some form of SKS with every conceivable aftermarket accessory made for the SKS attached. Pin-on muzzle brakes, cheap bi-pods, plastic stocks et. al. They may or may not sport camouflaged bandanas. Usually drive Camaros.

” The Deer Rifle Mafia “. At the range they have extremely powerful scoped rifles and they only shoot at a target no further than 100 yards out. They might be seen in a realtree camo jacket, usually considered a fashion statement among their own kind. Bringing back a well- ventilated target from 300 yards out that you shot with an M39 Mosin-Nagant, forty year old ammo and iron sights sometimes annoys these fellows. Doing that from the prone doesn’t do much for their disposition either.

” Milsurpus Dinosaurus “. Ah, my people! We never pull up to the range in a new car. Our rifles and pistols are old, mire-covered relics and beat up veterans. We know how to shoot, but it is our keen ability to bore large amounts of people with the detailed history behind our guns that really sets us apart. “Yes, the 91/30 is an improvement over the original 91…see the metric graduations on the rear sight and the hooded front sight?…”

” Rambo “: That’s the guy who shows up wearing a tank-top and shorts, has a large “Bowie” knife on his waist, and carries his Jennings .380 in a shoulder holster. This cool cat may even have a super-high capacity banana clip for his rare Chicom SKS.

” Mister Authoritative “: He’s the guy who spends 8 hours on the range with his super-expensive, custom-made, high-powered, scoped rifle. He has his HUGE range box next to him, and it took him 45 minutes to adjust his spotting scope. During his 10 hours on the range, he shoots only 5 rounds, for he has to study each hit, check the spent casing for any tell-tales, and wet & dry patch the bore after every 2 rounds.

” Brando Commando “: Those are the guys who look like beached whales in their “Urban Camo” BDU’s. Many of them like to have their ponytails rubber-banded. The pony tail is usually the ONLY hair they have! A tactical vest is not out of the question, but more commonly the sport tactical leg holsters since the vest doesn’t come large enough. They will usually give you plenty of advice, and will have almost always been SEALs back in Nam.

” Sarge “ A crusty mean old bastard chewing a cigar, looking squinty eyed at worms like you just like you’d expect this silver haired crew cut vet to behave. He looks like he’s right out of a 1950’s war flick, and wears either OD BDUs or some comfy neutral colored civvies that don’t cramp his ability to jump into service should his Nation call him up. He may have a lace up leather shooting jacket and can wrap a sling around his arm in unimaginable ways. He’ll sport only an American made rifle, usually a Garand or if he’s feeling spry, an M-1 carbine. Good fellow, but he’s got no time for punks like you.

” Frat Dude and His Gal “: Oh, some of these guys only want their girlfriend to try shooting so that they can “help” them with their positioning. Maybe some girls think that their chests NEED to be adjusted, so that they can hit a target?

” Apologeticus Neophytis “: You never know exactly WHY they are always saying “OOPS!” (They also may vary that, to an occasional “AW S– T!” Usually they are shooting an AK clone with a bulky PSO and bipod, or an SKS with a receiver mounted scope. These guys will usually ask for advice, and are generally simply newbies.

” Homeland Security “: His buddies call him “Bubba”, and he’s wearing one of his old Security Guard shirts, but with the patches ripped off. He also uses cigarette filters in his ears, instead of muffs. Likes to belch loud and let you know how well he could shoot if he’d only brought his issued pistol.

” Lootinit Kernle Billy Ray Cooter “ This clown wears full camo, usually a commercial knockoff of a military pattern, and proudly proclaims his leadership abilities in the Buckshot County Free Militia’s Fifth Infantry division. He’ll eyeball everyone, making sure there “ain’t no damn towel heads in disguise runnin’ round.” His Mini-14 is Krylon-camo’d, but he borrowed it from his cousin’ Ray while his SKS sniper is in the shop. He’ll usually be wearing a boonie cap, dark shooting glasses, a chest rig, and converse tennis shoes.

” The Codger “ This is an older gentleman, sometimes answers to Fred, who will show up with any manner of firearm, provided that it is not semi-automatic, made of stainless steel or equipped with synthetic furniture. Revolvers still rule his roost. Younger shooters can earn his respect and admiration by shooting M1903 Springfields, M1 Garands or the M14, provided the M14 has a walnut or birch stock. Can often be seen shaking his head or muttering under his breath when the “Mullets R’ Us” crowd empties a magazine from the hip without hitting anything.

The ” Look what I just bought !” cartel. Youngsters who show up at the range with their brand-new FAL/L1A1 clone for the first time. This can be an offshoot of the “Mullets” crowd. Completely ignorant of how to operate the gas regulation system on their rifle, so they don’t understand why their rifle is behaving like a bolt-action. Rifles lack lubrication. They haven’t even disassembled the rifle, nor would they know how.

” The Saturday Morning Post Shooter “ Norman Rockwell created this father and son team, no doubt about it. Son has crew-cut, father is the 2002 version of Hugh Beaumont from “Leave it to Beaver”. Father or son or both are wearing clean jeans, flannel shirts, belts, decent shoes. Handgun shooting is conducted with the left hand tucked into the pants pocket, bull’s-eye style. The Weaver Stance is for ruffians, you see? A refreshing image from a bygone era.

” The Matthew Quigley “ Anybody with a Sharps Rifle. Just go up to them and ask “Quigley Down Under?” and they will grin at you and nod yes.

” The Paladin “ This is the super cool guy who stares down the other shooters on the range. This guy is the combination of Jeff Cooper, Chuck Taylor, Chuck Connors and Richard Boone. They scowl at other shooters and are always in a tough guy pose on the range. His scores look like Pee Wee Herman shot them.

” Expertus Ignoramus “ You know him. This guy loudly give his friends or family all kinds of advice on the range. He’ll bellow over six lanes of shooters with a loud shout to give you his vast wisdom. Then wanders over and says “How do you like that Super Match M1A?” You answer “Well I get 2.5 inch groups at 300 yds prone, and I won a match with it last week.” He says “Aww hell, they’re ####. I had one and didn’t like it so I got rid of it. It has a cast receiver y’know” He then returns to his group, who were glad to be rid of him, and rips off another burst from his Hi Point carbine.

” Mr Peepers “ He’s the squirrelly guy with a spotting scope who, without being asked, tries to spot your shots while you are practicing. He loudly announces that you’ve got “Maggies Drawers” at 300 meters. Where upon you pull out a real spotting scope, and show him all shots in the black. Gee, that $25 Chicom spotting scope wasn’t such a deal after all.

” The Stinkeye “ This is the guy who looks at everyone else as if they are about to bushwhack him. Keeps a loaded pistol on his hip at all times and never fires the last few rounds in his rifle’s magazine in case someone pounces upon him as soon as they see the bolt remain open. Usually leaves shortly after anyone else shows up at the range in a fit, probably to go home and beat his wife. He drives a beat up windowless van and has tattoos all over. This fellow might make a hasty retreat from any range where police show up to shoot. He won’t talk to you, ever.

” The Off-Duty Cop “ This is the ******* who wears his badge clipped to his belt at the range. Usually a reserve-deputy or mall cop, he will invariably be shooting the gun he thinks his department should have issued him instead of a .40-cal S&W. Likes to tell it how it REALLY is out there on the streets, and pass out advice.

” Kit Carson “ Anyone wearing a “period” costume. Usually some sort of cowboy getup, but the mountain man rendezvous crowd gets the nod here as well. If you try asking about the cool break-top revolver they’re shooting, they will insist on talking to you “in character” and will likely introduce themselves as “The Tequila Kid” or a similar moniker.

” Punkus Yohooligus “: A young male who comes to the range with two or three identical friends. In cities they dress like gang members with baggy jail pants and in rural areas they wear the scarecrow’s hand-me-downs. Getting 24″ groups at 10 yards is a proud accomplishment. Their vocabulary consists of “Jew see that?” and “You got ‘em good.” They can usually close their 10 yard group down to 10″ with a rifle.

“.22 Magoo “ Usually older gentlemen who are shooting .22LR pistols. They get visibly upset when a shooter comes in shooting anything larger than 9mm. Their groups are good with a firing rate of 1 round every 5 minutes. They will leave the range if your rapid fire groups are better than their (amazingly) slow fire groups. A $1 box of .22LR will last them three to four years.

” Beltfed Joe “ Shows up knowing they are the envy of everyone. Upon unloading, everyone “volunteers” to help unload the 5 or 6 cases of belted ammo and all accessories just for a chance to get to touch it.

” Wolf Ammo Andrew “ Arrives at range with nothing but combloc weapons. You can ID them by the odd Ammonia and Sulfur smell permanently attached to their clothing. Amazingly they have 2-3 times the amount of ammo as every one else. The only statement that pisses them off is “That lacquer **** is ####”

” Shoot Doggy Dawg “ Heavily laden with gold chains and frayed baggy pants, this character shows up with a bunch of similarly clad ‘homies’. They generally share a Lorcin among them, if they managed to buy proper ammo. Shoot Doggy will demonstrate proper stance and mental state of mind as he jabs the Lorcin forward with each shot because it makes it more menacing. Likewise, his Lorcin will be held sideways and overhead, some believe this is to aid in extraction during a jam, but most think its just stupidity. When he shows up at the range, he’s not there to shoot, but to ‘bust caps’.

” Prometheus Explosivus “ A very regional and rare one, this character is easily mistaken for a Russian soldier. He is known for blowing up cars, refrigerators and washing machines while standing in close proximity. You may see him raising his arms above his head and screaming “YYYEESSSSSSSS!!!!” as the shock wave, flames, and shrapnel fly past him at insane speeds. He lives for destruction, and will only pose for pictures while engulfed in smoking ruin.

” Fredsanford legendarius “ Another local one, known for self portraits, bad suits, purple shotguns and old Cadillacs. He owns property and planed a cigarette shop. He loves his sister, no- he really LOVES his sister, and is more legend than reality. He’s now a movie star. Fredsanford legendarius only qualifies as a gun owner because of his humor value, and wouldn’t last five minutes if he actually showed up a range.

” NeverHearuscommandus “ That’s the newbie range member who never stops shooting after the command to “cease fire” command is given. The “deer in the headlights” look after the range officer taps him on the shoulder…………….PRICELESS!

” Trappus Snobbicus “: Easily identifiable with a Beretta shotgun, and the only people you will see wearing a smartly pressed shooting vest with an ironed plaid shirt, or other collared shirt. Will proudly display their shotgun for you. Often times their eyes will roll up into their heads as they demonstrate their Beretta’s ‘silky smooth action’.

” Competitive Snob “ — Often confused with “Mister Authoritative” because observed behaviors are similar between the two. Does posess intrinsic natural shooting abilities, but believes that his abilities are superior to those of all others. Arrives at the range in either a: 1) Suburban; 2) GM full size 4×4 pickup; 3) F250 or F350. Diesel is optional. Large vehicle is needed to haul around 15 to 20 years of shooting trophies, deservedly won, as this species can shoot. Eyeballs everyone already at the range for having the audacity of being there when he wants to the range to himself, and for their sorry lack of mind reading abilities to know that he was going to be there at 10:42 AM. Unloads rifle with care, it’s a Remchester in a) 25-06; b) 30-06; c) 7mm-08, d) 308; or e) any of the new Short Magnum chambering, sporting a bull barrel, synthetic stock and a scope the size of an AT-4 launcher. The obligatory Swarovski spotting scope is sufficiently powerful to view comfortably the volcanic craters on the Jupiter moon Io, and costs more than the collective value of all weapons owned by everyone else at the range. His range boxes (two or three Plano tackle boxes, largest made) are covered with NRA, Camp Perry, etc. stickers. Has a USMC shooting jacket, but likely spent 20 to 25 years in the local Nasty Guard unit, rising to E-5. After spending 1.5 hours unloading the vehicle and loading the bench, he looks around, scowling at the others as if to inform them that it is time for them to leave HIS range. Vocabulary is limited to “X-ring,” “pressure signs,” “damn bullet hose,” and “worthless surplus junk.” His opinions and attitude are a product of at one time having a steady shower of hot steel 7.62×39 cases (lacquered, of course) fall about his head and shoulders and down the neck of his T-shirt, and once having arm hair singed off by the fireball of an M44 Mosin fired at the station beside him. May or may not have been a SEAL in Vietnam, depending on level of personal insecurity. Doesn’t mingle with the unwashed at the range, just wants them to leave so that he can take 90 minutes to shoot his 5-shot group in peace and then leave.

” Quietus Arsenalium (AKA FluidFire)” Quietus shows up in any american made car with a large trunk, and proceeds to unload hard cases and targets for the next hour and a half. Usually brings his own lunch and liquid refreshments (water or Gatorade, in a plastic canteen). Fabricates his own 1 1/2″ metal swing targets out of old hardened bulldozer blades so there is some feedback when he shoots his tricked out 300 Win. Mag or 22-250 at 300 yards, as spotting scopes are for ‘sissies’. Never having shot a factory-made round, Quietus spends all winter long loading ammunition for his various bolt and semi-auto rifles and handguns, so he can have a summer supply, although Queitus enjoys using the range during thunderstorms and blizzards just because he knows no one else will be there! Quietus is known to have crafted several Ghillie suits from scratch, and usually has one for every season coloration in his closet. Quietus normally has 3-5 times the amount of money wrapped up in guns, ammo, shooting supplies, and reloading supplies than in cars and all other personal belongings combined. Intricately knowing every weapon in and out, he has no favorites, as “every gun has it’s purpose, and all of them will get the job done.” (except Jennings and HiPoints, which are the scourge of the earth.)

09-26-2014, 12:04 PM
Me n the Mrs got a good laugh at some of those. She really thought the modified Rambo was funny n hoped one od the ejected rounds. The gansta ones she's seen a lot more then me but that was when she was growin up in KC. I've done the roll cock with my 336 firin it one handed. Im short n didnt hurt myself. Like was said above practice several ways of gettin it done. I do one handed pistol practice when I've got one cuz what if yer holdin yer family down or have been shot in the other arm?

I must have missed something, is there something wrong with one handed pistol shooting? Required for Bullseye, good for self defense, weak side practice is good as well.


09-26-2014, 12:51 PM
I must have missed something, is there something wrong with one handed pistol shooting? Required for Bullseye, good for self defense, weak side practice is good as well.


Yeah or when one of your arms are wounded. Good to include in your practice regiment, for both arms, one at a time. I'm a righty and right-eye dominant, but I'll shoot lefty for awhile too. I know I look uncomfortable shooting lefty, when somebody absolutely has to come over and offer newbie advice. Really I should have started practicing lefty 30 years ago.

Maybe some girls think that their chests NEED to be adjusted, so that they can hit a target?

I'm always willing to lend two hands to help out. They just need to be held together firmly and gently squeezed, preferably under their clothing. That way you help eliminate any jiggling for follow-up shots. More accurate groups! :twisted: They can thank me later.

09-26-2014, 12:54 PM
An exaggeration ? Yeah, LOL. But I see some that come close. There's the 'tactical guy', decked out in black, chrome sunglasses, black ball cap. He keeps to himself, will ignore you if addressed (has to remain an enigma). The 'GI guy', he's got full camo and boots. Both of the above have fully decked out assault style rifles even with flashlights. Then the 'friendly old coot', in plaid flannel and flap hat. He shoots about one round every twenty minutes, smiles a lot. I like him, and I tend to set up next to him when possible. Then the 'fall hunting guy'. He's OK, knows safety, but maybe not his needs, just comes in the weeks leading up to opening day. Usually shoots more rifle than he needs, friendly, has a kid in tow. Then there's Gomer Pyle in civies. He needs to be watched constantly, an accident waiting to happen. I usually make some excuse to move to another lane.

09-26-2014, 01:08 PM
As far as I'm concerned one handed practice is a must. I practice both hand and one hand. I also have practiced one hand .30/30 rifle shots when I was in a place where that was safe just to see if I could

09-26-2014, 01:37 PM
I only shoot from my back with a pistol as that is operator as F'. When shooting an AR, I make sure my hand is as far forward as possible because it looks cool.

I also make sure I say "Send it" before every round I fire...ever.

This type of language makes reading Sniper's Hide and AR15.com a major chore. I can't get over the absurdity of it all. I won't accept Mall Ninja verbiage into my life :banghead:

09-26-2014, 03:47 PM
This had the wife rollin on the floor, we belong to a private range, mostly older folks, we don't have any of those stereotypes mentioned.

09-26-2014, 04:46 PM
Dale in Louisiana, thanks for adding to the list, I know some of those people, heck I might be one.

I belong to a private range, cuts down but does not eliminate the stereotypes. We went to mandatory background checks with SSAN and lost about 25% of our members 10 years ago. Some just did not want the club to have that info, which is understandable if a bit paranoid. Most lost were local gang bangers who probably had a questionable background. We no longer have a vandalism problem, how about that.
The number of members in the club is now well past the loss we had at that time.
Unfortunately there are still a few members who should not be allowed to even look at a weapon much less bring one to the range. You all know the type, Rules are for everyone else not them. My shooting buddy and I have made some of the prime examples of this stereotype obey the rules or leave, it is not pleasant to get into an argument with an idiot with a weapon but it has happened, we do not have range masters, honor system.
And yes I do use the bench at the far right end to keep away from people I don't know. Most turn out to be great, most.

I am a combo of Wolf Ammo Andrew and Milsurpus Dinosaurus.

09-26-2014, 07:51 PM
I ran into an odd bunch of shooters at a the Wilbur Wright State range at New Castle, IN last weekend. The first table was a rough looking bunch. The leader was in his mid to late thirties, pierced, and tatooed all over the place with his wife and kids. I struck up a conversation with him as the next lane open was right next to him. Turns out he was responsible, safe and enjoyable to talk to. He tried out my Mosin-Nagant to check out the trigger. I tried out his Mosin-Nagant with the tacti-cool synthetic stock and scope. His scope was way off. I took him 25 clicks right and put two rounds in the 2" bullseye left at 9:00. I went back right 10 clicks and handed him his rifle. He proceeded to put 3 shots of his sardine can ammo in the X-ring. I made a friend.

To my right on the 50 yard range, a woman shows up with a .380 ACP and 2 boxes of ammo. She loads and shoots both boxes as fast as she can. It is apparent everthing she learned about shooting she learned from TV. She didn't know where she was hitting and wasted a lot of ammo really fast.

Two more lanes done, two Emos (emotionals) show up with a flat-top AR-15 and start unloading about as fast as they could. While my son was dialing in his new Savage Axis 308, I walked down a little and noticed that the rifle had NO SIGHTS on it.

A couple of lanes to the right, a young couple show up with several guns. It was hard not to notice. She was an 11 on scale of 1-10. I don't remember what they were shooting. She had a cute pair of pink headphones around her neck and he wasn't wearing any. My Mosin-Nagant and the one from my new friend should have convinced them to put their hearing protection on but it didn't; we just got the evil eye.

Me, I slow fired my 35 Remington"Short" (Indiana hunting compliant) cast lead and took notes ready to leave if the situation got dangerous.

09-27-2014, 12:24 AM


MOM :veryconfu

09-27-2014, 12:35 AM
What would you class a 20 year old who shows up to the rifle range with a cased hardened 28ga SxS shotgun and slugs?

09-27-2014, 12:45 AM
An optimist?

09-27-2014, 02:15 AM
Have you seen these guys? Are you one of them?

The ” Mullets R’ Us ” crowd: If you don’t know the mullet: Http://www.mulletsgalore.com will elaborate on this further. These guys usually are shooting some form of SKS with every conceivable aftermarket accessory made for the SKS attached. Pin-on muzzle brakes, cheap bi-pods, plastic stocks et. al. They may or may not sport camouflaged bandanas. Usually drive Camaros.

” The Deer Rifle Mafia “. At the range they have extremely powerful scoped rifles and they only shoot at a target no further than 100 yards out. They might be seen in a realtree camo jacket, usually considered a fashion statement among their own kind. Bringing back a well- ventilated target from 300 yards out that you shot with an M39 Mosin-Nagant, forty year old ammo and iron sights sometimes annoys these fellows. Doing that from the prone doesn’t do much for their disposition either.

” Milsurpus Dinosaurus “. Ah, my people! We never pull up to the range in a new car. Our rifles and pistols are old, mire-covered relics and beat up veterans. We know how to shoot, but it is our keen ability to bore large amounts of people with the detailed history behind our guns that really sets us apart. “Yes, the 91/30 is an improvement over the original 91…see the metric graduations on the rear sight and the hooded front sight?…”

” Rambo “: That’s the guy who shows up wearing a tank-top and shorts, has a large “Bowie” knife on his waist, and carries his Jennings .380 in a shoulder holster. This cool cat may even have a super-high capacity banana clip for his rare Chicom SKS.

” Mister Authoritative “: He’s the guy who spends 8 hours on the range with his super-expensive, custom-made, high-powered, scoped rifle. He has his HUGE range box next to him, and it took him 45 minutes to adjust his spotting scope. During his 10 hours on the range, he shoots only 5 rounds, for he has to study each hit, check the spent casing for any tell-tales, and wet & dry patch the bore after every 2 rounds.

” Brando Commando “: Those are the guys who look like beached whales in their “Urban Camo” BDU’s. Many of them like to have their ponytails rubber-banded. The pony tail is usually the ONLY hair they have! A tactical vest is not out of the question, but more commonly the sport tactical leg holsters since the vest doesn’t come large enough. They will usually give you plenty of advice, and will have almost always been SEALs back in Nam.

” Sarge “ A crusty mean old bastard chewing a cigar, looking squinty eyed at worms like you just like you’d expect this silver haired crew cut vet to behave. He looks like he’s right out of a 1950’s war flick, and wears either OD BDUs or some comfy neutral colored civvies that don’t cramp his ability to jump into service should his Nation call him up. He may have a lace up leather shooting jacket and can wrap a sling around his arm in unimaginable ways. He’ll sport only an American made rifle, usually a Garand or if he’s feeling spry, an M-1 carbine. Good fellow, but he’s got no time for punks like you.

” Frat Dude and His Gal “: Oh, some of these guys only want their girlfriend to try shooting so that they can “help” them with their positioning. Maybe some girls think that their chests NEED to be adjusted, so that they can hit a target?

” Apologeticus Neophytis “: You never know exactly WHY they are always saying “OOPS!” (They also may vary that, to an occasional “AW S– T!” Usually they are shooting an AK clone with a bulky PSO and bipod, or an SKS with a receiver mounted scope. These guys will usually ask for advice, and are generally simply newbies.

” Homeland Security “: His buddies call him “Bubba”, and he’s wearing one of his old Security Guard shirts, but with the patches ripped off. He also uses cigarette filters in his ears, instead of muffs. Likes to belch loud and let you know how well he could shoot if he’d only brought his issued pistol.

” Lootinit Kernle Billy Ray Cooter “ This clown wears full camo, usually a commercial knockoff of a military pattern, and proudly proclaims his leadership abilities in the Buckshot County Free Militia’s Fifth Infantry division. He’ll eyeball everyone, making sure there “ain’t no damn towel heads in disguise runnin’ round.” His Mini-14 is Krylon-camo’d, but he borrowed it from his cousin’ Ray while his SKS sniper is in the shop. He’ll usually be wearing a boonie cap, dark shooting glasses, a chest rig, and converse tennis shoes.

” The Codger “ This is an older gentleman, sometimes answers to Fred, who will show up with any manner of firearm, provided that it is not semi-automatic, made of stainless steel or equipped with synthetic furniture. Revolvers still rule his roost. Younger shooters can earn his respect and admiration by shooting M1903 Springfields, M1 Garands or the M14, provided the M14 has a walnut or birch stock. Can often be seen shaking his head or muttering under his breath when the “Mullets R’ Us” crowd empties a magazine from the hip without hitting anything.

The ” Look what I just bought !” cartel. Youngsters who show up at the range with their brand-new FAL/L1A1 clone for the first time. This can be an offshoot of the “Mullets” crowd. Completely ignorant of how to operate the gas regulation system on their rifle, so they don’t understand why their rifle is behaving like a bolt-action. Rifles lack lubrication. They haven’t even disassembled the rifle, nor would they know how.

” The Saturday Morning Post Shooter “ Norman Rockwell created this father and son team, no doubt about it. Son has crew-cut, father is the 2002 version of Hugh Beaumont from “Leave it to Beaver”. Father or son or both are wearing clean jeans, flannel shirts, belts, decent shoes. Handgun shooting is conducted with the left hand tucked into the pants pocket, bull’s-eye style. The Weaver Stance is for ruffians, you see? A refreshing image from a bygone era.

” The Matthew Quigley “ Anybody with a Sharps Rifle. Just go up to them and ask “Quigley Down Under?” and they will grin at you and nod yes.

” The Paladin “ This is the super cool guy who stares down the other shooters on the range. This guy is the combination of Jeff Cooper, Chuck Taylor, Chuck Connors and Richard Boone. They scowl at other shooters and are always in a tough guy pose on the range. His scores look like Pee Wee Herman shot them.

” Expertus Ignoramus “ You know him. This guy loudly give his friends or family all kinds of advice on the range. He’ll bellow over six lanes of shooters with a loud shout to give you his vast wisdom. Then wanders over and says “How do you like that Super Match M1A?” You answer “Well I get 2.5 inch groups at 300 yds prone, and I won a match with it last week.” He says “Aww hell, they’re ####. I had one and didn’t like it so I got rid of it. It has a cast receiver y’know” He then returns to his group, who were glad to be rid of him, and rips off another burst from his Hi Point carbine.

” Mr Peepers “ He’s the squirrelly guy with a spotting scope who, without being asked, tries to spot your shots while you are practicing. He loudly announces that you’ve got “Maggies Drawers” at 300 meters. Where upon you pull out a real spotting scope, and show him all shots in the black. Gee, that $25 Chicom spotting scope wasn’t such a deal after all.

” The Stinkeye “ This is the guy who looks at everyone else as if they are about to bushwhack him. Keeps a loaded pistol on his hip at all times and never fires the last few rounds in his rifle’s magazine in case someone pounces upon him as soon as they see the bolt remain open. Usually leaves shortly after anyone else shows up at the range in a fit, probably to go home and beat his wife. He drives a beat up windowless van and has tattoos all over. This fellow might make a hasty retreat from any range where police show up to shoot. He won’t talk to you, ever.

” The Off-Duty Cop “ This is the ******* who wears his badge clipped to his belt at the range. Usually a reserve-deputy or mall cop, he will invariably be shooting the gun he thinks his department should have issued him instead of a .40-cal S&W. Likes to tell it how it REALLY is out there on the streets, and pass out advice.

” Kit Carson “ Anyone wearing a “period” costume. Usually some sort of cowboy getup, but the mountain man rendezvous crowd gets the nod here as well. If you try asking about the cool break-top revolver they’re shooting, they will insist on talking to you “in character” and will likely introduce themselves as “The Tequila Kid” or a similar moniker.

” Punkus Yohooligus “: A young male who comes to the range with two or three identical friends. In cities they dress like gang members with baggy jail pants and in rural areas they wear the scarecrow’s hand-me-downs. Getting 24″ groups at 10 yards is a proud accomplishment. Their vocabulary consists of “Jew see that?” and “You got ‘em good.” They can usually close their 10 yard group down to 10″ with a rifle.

“.22 Magoo “ Usually older gentlemen who are shooting .22LR pistols. They get visibly upset when a shooter comes in shooting anything larger than 9mm. Their groups are good with a firing rate of 1 round every 5 minutes. They will leave the range if your rapid fire groups are better than their (amazingly) slow fire groups. A $1 box of .22LR will last them three to four years.

” Beltfed Joe “ Shows up knowing they are the envy of everyone. Upon unloading, everyone “volunteers” to help unload the 5 or 6 cases of belted ammo and all accessories just for a chance to get to touch it.

” Wolf Ammo Andrew “ Arrives at range with nothing but combloc weapons. You can ID them by the odd Ammonia and Sulfur smell permanently attached to their clothing. Amazingly they have 2-3 times the amount of ammo as every one else. The only statement that pisses them off is “That lacquer **** is ####”

” Shoot Doggy Dawg “ Heavily laden with gold chains and frayed baggy pants, this character shows up with a bunch of similarly clad ‘homies’. They generally share a Lorcin among them, if they managed to buy proper ammo. Shoot Doggy will demonstrate proper stance and mental state of mind as he jabs the Lorcin forward with each shot because it makes it more menacing. Likewise, his Lorcin will be held sideways and overhead, some believe this is to aid in extraction during a jam, but most think its just stupidity. When he shows up at the range, he’s not there to shoot, but to ‘bust caps’.

” Prometheus Explosivus “ A very regional and rare one, this character is easily mistaken for a Russian soldier. He is known for blowing up cars, refrigerators and washing machines while standing in close proximity. You may see him raising his arms above his head and screaming “YYYEESSSSSSSS!!!!” as the shock wave, flames, and shrapnel fly past him at insane speeds. He lives for destruction, and will only pose for pictures while engulfed in smoking ruin.

” Fredsanford legendarius “ Another local one, known for self portraits, bad suits, purple shotguns and old Cadillacs. He owns property and planed a cigarette shop. He loves his sister, no- he really LOVES his sister, and is more legend than reality. He’s now a movie star. Fredsanford legendarius only qualifies as a gun owner because of his humor value, and wouldn’t last five minutes if he actually showed up a range.

” NeverHearuscommandus “ That’s the newbie range member who never stops shooting after the command to “cease fire” command is given. The “deer in the headlights” look after the range officer taps him on the shoulder…………….PRICELESS!

” Trappus Snobbicus “: Easily identifiable with a Beretta shotgun, and the only people you will see wearing a smartly pressed shooting vest with an ironed plaid shirt, or other collared shirt. Will proudly display their shotgun for you. Often times their eyes will roll up into their heads as they demonstrate their Beretta’s ‘silky smooth action’.

” Competitive Snob “ — Often confused with “Mister Authoritative” because observed behaviors are similar between the two. Does posess intrinsic natural shooting abilities, but believes that his abilities are superior to those of all others. Arrives at the range in either a: 1) Suburban; 2) GM full size 4×4 pickup; 3) F250 or F350. Diesel is optional. Large vehicle is needed to haul around 15 to 20 years of shooting trophies, deservedly won, as this species can shoot. Eyeballs everyone already at the range for having the audacity of being there when he wants to the range to himself, and for their sorry lack of mind reading abilities to know that he was going to be there at 10:42 AM. Unloads rifle with care, it’s a Remchester in a) 25-06; b) 30-06; c) 7mm-08, d) 308; or e) any of the new Short Magnum chambering, sporting a bull barrel, synthetic stock and a scope the size of an AT-4 launcher. The obligatory Swarovski spotting scope is sufficiently powerful to view comfortably the volcanic craters on the Jupiter moon Io, and costs more than the collective value of all weapons owned by everyone else at the range. His range boxes (two or three Plano tackle boxes, largest made) are covered with NRA, Camp Perry, etc. stickers. Has a USMC shooting jacket, but likely spent 20 to 25 years in the local Nasty Guard unit, rising to E-5. After spending 1.5 hours unloading the vehicle and loading the bench, he looks around, scowling at the others as if to inform them that it is time for them to leave HIS range. Vocabulary is limited to “X-ring,” “pressure signs,” “damn bullet hose,” and “worthless surplus junk.” His opinions and attitude are a product of at one time having a steady shower of hot steel 7.62×39 cases (lacquered, of course) fall about his head and shoulders and down the neck of his T-shirt, and once having arm hair singed off by the fireball of an M44 Mosin fired at the station beside him. May or may not have been a SEAL in Vietnam, depending on level of personal insecurity. Doesn’t mingle with the unwashed at the range, just wants them to leave so that he can take 90 minutes to shoot his 5-shot group in peace and then leave.

” Quietus Arsenalium (AKA FluidFire)” Quietus shows up in any american made car with a large trunk, and proceeds to unload hard cases and targets for the next hour and a half. Usually brings his own lunch and liquid refreshments (water or Gatorade, in a plastic canteen). Fabricates his own 1 1/2″ metal swing targets out of old hardened bulldozer blades so there is some feedback when he shoots his tricked out 300 Win. Mag or 22-250 at 300 yards, as spotting scopes are for ‘sissies’. Never having shot a factory-made round, Quietus spends all winter long loading ammunition for his various bolt and semi-auto rifles and handguns, so he can have a summer supply, although Queitus enjoys using the range during thunderstorms and blizzards just because he knows no one else will be there! Quietus is known to have crafted several Ghillie suits from scratch, and usually has one for every season coloration in his closet. Quietus normally has 3-5 times the amount of money wrapped up in guns, ammo, shooting supplies, and reloading supplies than in cars and all other personal belongings combined. Intricately knowing every weapon in and out, he has no favorites, as “every gun has it’s purpose, and all of them will get the job done.” (except Jennings and HiPoints, which are the scourge of the earth.)

I would like to add, neverhearuscommandus, is also the guy who has to be repeatedly yelled at to step away from the bench and not to touch the firearms durring the cease fire. He also looks around wondering who the RSO is yelling at, as he would never violate range safety rules.

Another sub category is bringeth and leaveth behind. They are a mix of the mullet crowd and the tanktop and cammo shorts crowd. Easily identified out here in the desert by finding the nearest clean piece of dirt, backstop optional and setting up all non functional electronic devices as targets along with approximatley 10 boxes of clay pigions. They then proceede to rapid fire $1000 dollars or so worth of shotgun shells and 9mm/ .223 leaving every trace of their visit as a sign of thier awesomness while showing thier kids how its done

09-27-2014, 09:32 AM
What; no one mentioned the alluring "Range Bimbo"

09-27-2014, 09:42 AM
"But I still support their rights to look like the clowns they are doing all things mall ninja." Me too but I am not sure for how long.

09-27-2014, 10:20 AM
I think I mentioned the Range Bimbo. They are pretty rare on the ranges I shoot. I get mostly the Jerry Springer types.

09-27-2014, 12:45 PM
I guess I have been lucky in the last decade or so.... The only thing I can gripe about is the gentleman who brings a semi auto rifle to the range and sets up on my left side (when there are 12 other open benches) he could have used. Then he proceeds to drop hot brass down my backside. Oh and then there is the other thoughtless gentleman who proceeds to open fire after without checking to see if everyone else has replaced their hearing protection after he called a ceasefire to put up new targets.

09-27-2014, 01:30 PM
What; no one mentioned the alluring "Range Bimbo"
There Happy now?

or for the fortunate few
http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20120723/women%20military%20girls%20with%20guns%20oleg%20vo lk%201600x1067%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_38.jpg

09-27-2014, 05:13 PM
Artful I think I could put up with that last stereotype. Color coordinated camo pants gun AND body armor. Unfortunately I think she must represent the rarest breed of all since I doubt many of us have seen her in the wild. I know I haven't.

09-27-2014, 06:24 PM
You need to get to some of the 3 gun competitions - one gal down in Tucson is coordinated all in RED including her AR.

09-27-2014, 08:34 PM
At the club that I used to belong to, I worked as one of the line safety monitors on either the rifle or pistol range, watching the shooters in detail while the range master ran things in general. I often accused the range master of having a special phone number where he could order up a six pack of idiots if he felt that I hadn't had a hard enough day.

Plate plinker
09-27-2014, 08:55 PM
You need to get to some of the 3 gun competitions - one gal down in Tucson is coordinated all in RED including her AR.
Doesn't sound like bimbo to me , I'm thinking range hottie.

Bent Ramrod
09-27-2014, 11:40 PM
Nobody has mentioned "The Firing Line Mover" or "The Target Mover."

We have an honor system member/guest only range complex. One is for pistol and rimfire rifle: 15, 25, 50, 75 and 100 yards. I will be in the midst of my usual struggle with offhand, and will hear a polite "A-Hem!" from behind and to my left or right. The interlocutor will tell me either that he is a security guard and "needs to practice now," or that his wife "wants to shoot." I say, sure, why not, that is what the Range is about, and try to reassemble my distracted concentration.

"No," the guy will say, "The targets are too far away for (practice/wife); we(I) need to get closer." They then proceed to walk to within five feet of the 25-yard gong silhouettes and start whaling away. Naturally, my practice is over for the day. I try to tell them the firing line is back here, and they look at me like I just told them there is no such thing as Santa Claus.

Some don't even bother telling me. They'll just walk out there, out of my peripheral vision so I get a scare when I happen to look over there. Naturally, I would be lawsuit bait if one of these combat handgunners got shot, and I imagine the range would be liable if one of their bullet fragments bounced back and hit them.

The guys take a stance with the front foot way forward with knee bent, and the rear leg stretched behind, head forward with pistol in both hands, arms stretched as far forward as possible, like they're trying to push a building over. The wife stands with feet almost touching, facing direct to the target, arms bent vertical at elbows like she's praying and a look on her face that is the very picture of wishing she was somewhere else. I wish they were somewhere else too. Sometimes they will draw "the official firing line" in the dirt and put pebbles along it so everybody can see how they've improved things. Hardly necessary, given the piles of .40 brass they leave in the dirt.

A variant of this is the family that goes to the 600 yard range, sets a cardboard box with a target on it ten feet ahead of the firing line and proceeds to ricochet bullets all over the landscape. When I point to the signs that say shooters must fire on targets set against the berms and backstops, they shrug in incomprehension.

I call the guy who owns the range, and then he has to drive out and throw them off. But there seems to be an endless supply of these cretins.

09-28-2014, 07:35 AM
Nobody has mentioned "The Firing Line Mover" or "The Target Mover."

This reminded me about one of my favorites. All the ranges I belong to are set up for stationary firing only. There are lots of moveable targets so you can practice at different ranges from the same line. When you're the only one there it's okay to set the targets up so you can practice firing while moving. It is never okay to practice your "tactical roll" w/ a firearm in your hand. It's really not allowed when other people are on the range. Two errant shots heading from the range to the firing line, hitting a truck in the parking lot lead to an arrest that day. I haven't seen "tactical roll" of his buddies, there were others like him, since.

09-28-2014, 11:48 AM


MOM :veryconfu
That. Was. Awesome.

09-29-2014, 12:41 PM
OMG! I think I'm 'the Codger'. 'Cept, sometimes I shoot semi's.

09-30-2014, 04:03 AM
I'm awfully anxious to get moved onto some acreage where I can have my own range. Right now, my closest range is 35 to 40 minutes away and 2 of the last half dozen times I went, during cease fire some moron would walk up to his shooting bench and start fiddling with his rifle.

One of the worst ways to die that I can think of, by an act of shear stupidity committed by some idiot who should have been drowned at birth.


09-30-2014, 08:36 AM
After reading the last 4 pages of "information", I find myself awful glad that I neither use a range NOR belong to a club. I am just wondering about all the negative comments on what people wear to a range? Different strokes for different folks. As long as said people are operating in a safe matter, who cares what they are wearing?

There is my yearly contribution of comments, 2 cents worth (inflation, use to be a cent worth).

09-30-2014, 08:48 AM
All I ever watch is muzzles.

Well, there was this one time...

09-30-2014, 09:49 PM
After reading the last 4 pages of "information", I find myself awful glad that I neither use a range NOR belong to a club. I am just wondering about all the negative comments on what people wear to a range? Different strokes for different folks. As long as said people are operating in a safe matter, who cares what they are wearing?

There is my yearly contribution of comments, 2 cents worth (inflation, use to be a cent worth).

I dont think the intent was to necessarily put down ones' attire, rather it does seem to to a commonality with a large portion of the induviduals described. I thought it was funny, even the mix of a few categories I have caught myself in.
