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09-19-2014, 09:25 PM
As Many of you folks should know about the the State Police shooting in PA
Just want you to know what the media in Scranton PA has published.

"If you own a 308 Win caliber rifle ...Why do you have such a powerful deadly Rifle?" "If you belonged to your high school Rifle Team...Why why would you be so motivated?" "If you take part in any historical Re-enactments why would you do this?"
"If you go to the rifle range on a regular basis ...what are your motives are you planning something Bad?"
Well this is my take on the ridiculous postings in the Scranton Times / Tribune Newspaper ( total liberal / socialist)
Holy **** are they looking for me! These folks cite fear in the uniformed for lack of true knowledge Which they can not secure!
The world..... this country very sad!!!

09-19-2014, 09:32 PM
With the world in the shape it's currently in, I ask why would one not do these things?

09-19-2014, 09:42 PM
It's political correctness at work. The writer chose to vilify the only group for which he will receive no flack from the people whose opinion he cares about.

09-19-2014, 09:42 PM
Look for attempts to ban evil scoped "sniper" (hunting) rifles. We obviously don't need such highly accurate and powerful rifles. Mainstream media has once again found a firearm it doesn't understand to demonize.

09-19-2014, 09:51 PM
Look for attempts to ban evil scoped "sniper" (hunting) rifles. We obviously don't need such highly accurate and powerful rifles. Mainstream media has once again found a firearm it doesn't understand to demonize.
Oh Yes the Model 70 Winchester was cited here as a very deadly gun caliber .308 Winchester I just hope you folks do not have one of them! And please do not say you shot on your high school rifle team!!! & Oh yes I hope you guys don't go to the range on a "Regular Basis"!!!
Oh also don't hunt doves in the Local area in camo gear!...The locals will turn you in as the "propitiator"!!!
This is way crazy!

09-20-2014, 01:05 AM
Banning scoped rifles was part of a book... "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" it is an insight into where our government is headed.

09-20-2014, 01:21 AM
I just had an epiphany! Liberals really think they are 'enlightened' but it's only because they are so shallow. But even as shallow as they are, they are never transparent!

09-20-2014, 01:24 AM
It must have been some reporter on their first story making a hash of it.Some will go over the top to demonise shooters.My sunday visits to the range puts me into one of the categories listed.We have similar media reports here in the UK.One was to stop the evils of RIFLE shooting at the local Clay Club.

09-20-2014, 07:34 AM
An attempt to ban scoped bolt actions might be the best thing that ever happened to the pro gun movement. All of those blue steel and wood deer hunters that thought it could never happen to them will suddenly have skin in the game.

Lead Fred
09-20-2014, 08:06 AM
If they think them 308 girlie rounds are the worse, wait till they see my 45/70

Face it kids, they are after every gun, every where, because they know you can not enslave an armed public.

They can have mine, the minute after I die, and not a freakin second before

and I dont give a **** how many feel good laws anyone makes.

Fore my GOD has commanded me to preserve life, and I shall until He takes me away

Until then, Praise the Lord, and pass the ammo


"and we will all stay FREE"

09-20-2014, 09:08 AM
I haven't been up there lately to read the papers. But I did talk to someone who lives there. I asked the simple question of "is the media blowing everything out of proportion"? And his answer was "yes" of course. I've noticed they keep using the term high power rifle. I guess they've never heard of the magnums. All rifles are high power but a 308 is not near the top. As usual they are picking and choosing what they want to report.

I caught hell for saying this in another thread. I want to know where that author is originally from. Or where their parents are from. Those questions do not fit a Pennsylvanian. Sounds like an immigrant mind set to me. The area has changed a lot since the late eighties. And not for the better.

09-20-2014, 09:29 AM
It is the nut behind the trigger.Not the gun .My God is that so hard to think about.

Dan Cash
09-20-2014, 09:38 AM
This sillyness is not only from the biased press. This morning, my wife and I heard an interview with some PA police mouthpiece regarding this manhunt. To hear him talk, any one with out of doors primitive camping/survival skills is a suspect criminal.

09-20-2014, 09:42 AM
This sillyness is not only from the biased press. This morning, my wife and I heard an interview with some PA police mouthpiece regarding this manhunt. To hear him talk, any one with out of doors primitive camping/survival skills is a suspect criminal.

Considering the area that means almost everyone. Pretty much everyone hunts and owns firearms. Not counting the people that have seasonal homes there. But even a good portion of them have them for hunting purposes, why I have mine. A LEO making statements like that just fuels the us versus them mentality.

09-20-2014, 12:21 PM
I keep hearing in the news that a survivalist is responsible for this, why do they keep calling him a survivalist, instead of a lunatic. Did the leo do something to him, threaten him or his family??

09-20-2014, 12:35 PM
I heard some Sporting Clay types badmouthing the range they shot at for carrying handguns and rifles. A little ticked off, I asked, "Do you really think Obama and the democrats are going to give you a pass because your $30,000 Krieghoff is prettier than my 870 Express?" I didn't get an answer.

By the way, I own a pretty Weatherby Athena with engraving and gold inlayed doggies on the reciever. It shoots the same stuff my parkerized, camoflauged, synthetic stock 870 Express does. I don't have a synthetic stock because I want to be more dangerous looking; I have it because the original wood stock would swell and jam when I hunted in the rain during turkey season.

09-20-2014, 12:56 PM
I'm still waiting for the story that reports someone was shot with a medium powered rifle.

09-20-2014, 01:27 PM
I'm still thinking if it had been a random shooting of someone besides a LEO there would be no massive manhunt using tons of resources and shutting down roads. I'm not a cop hater. But someone needs to ask these questions. Seems like a pretty massive double standard.

Oh, and the guy I talked to. Said that people in the area knew of this guy and how he had a few screws loose. And the law enforcement was fully aware of him as well. Seems like we're coming back to mental health issue yet again.

As far as medium power rifle. I can download my 1894C to that level. But I sure as hell wouldn't want to get shot w/ it ;)

09-20-2014, 04:55 PM
If they think them 308 girlie rounds are the worse, wait till they see my 45/70

Face it kids, they are after every gun, every where, because they know you can not enslave an armed public.

They can have mine, the minute after I die, and not a freakin second before

and I dont give a **** how many feel good laws anyone makes.

Fore my GOD has commanded me to preserve life, and I shall until He takes me away

Until then, Praise the Lord, and pass the ammo


"and we will all stay FREE"
A man after my own heart, well said a d God bless you and your'n.

09-20-2014, 06:38 PM
The idiot shouldn't of shot a LEO. Any body that would hunt a trooper is an extra special crazy.

09-20-2014, 06:59 PM
Why do I go to the range so often etc.? Simple...I like to shoot the same as people like to golf and my guns are just as dangerous to the public as their golf clubs are. They will never understand. We had an extremely rare murder here a couple years ago a few hundred years from my house. Young lady had her husband murdered in their driveway by her lover for the insurance money....pretty bright huh...lol. I was on my way to work that morning and the State police believe I missed it by a minute or two. Not long ago I was interviewed about the shooting for some TV show that was being done about it. The girl talking to me simply couldn't believe or even understand my answers to her questions.......did you hear the shot.....no and I doubt the house across the street from the shooting heard it or paid any attention to it.....deer in the headlights look....what?????.....you hear shots in rural areas all the time. People shoot who live here so you just tend to ignore them......Did you see the body in the driveway?....no....it may not have happened yet but either way this is rural Pa.......I generally don't go driving down the road looking for bodies. They will never understand shooters....ever.....so of course we need to be eliminated.

Doc Highwall
09-21-2014, 01:50 PM
A high power rifle is any center fire cartridge, and small bore is rimfire.

09-21-2014, 04:08 PM
An attempt to ban scoped bolt actions might be the best thing that ever happened to the pro gun movement. All of those blue steel and wood deer hunters that thought it could never happen to them will suddenly have skin in the game.

This is the best thing i have read all day. There is so much truth in that one statement. We need to hang together for we will surely hang separately.


09-21-2014, 04:12 PM
Oh Yes the Model 70 Winchester was cited here as a very deadly gun caliber .308 Winchester I just hope you folks do not have one of them! And please do not say you shot on your high school rifle team!!! & Oh yes I hope you guys don't go to the range on a "Regular Basis"!!!
Oh also don't hunt doves in the Local area in camo gear!...The locals will turn you in as the "propitiator"!!!
This is way crazy!

Why would I want something as small as a 308? ;)

09-21-2014, 05:37 PM
I have heard way to many hunters say I don't care about AR's etc. You really don't need one of those. I just want to hunt deer. Heard it again yesterday in fact.....at a gun show here. Hard to believe they don't grasp the situation.

09-21-2014, 05:56 PM
I have heard way to many hunters say I don't care about AR's etc. You really don't need one of those. I just want to hunt deer. Heard it again yesterday in fact.....at a gun show here. Hard to believe they don't grasp the situation.

The worse is the shotgunners. I will call any firearm owner out for not supporting each other. But certain sects are worse then others. They have done a good job of dividing the shooting community. It is not a community in my eyes.

09-21-2014, 06:07 PM
All because we live in a world where the #1 moral is: "It's all about me!"

09-21-2014, 07:55 PM
Never let a good crisys go to waste!

09-22-2014, 07:29 PM
OK The latest news: Yesterday the Search party discovers an AK47 propped up muzzle down against a tree. Two mags on the ground, unloaded. A small bag of ammo next to them......Sound fishy to anyone? Sounds like a plant...... if I ever heard of one. I wonder if this is only to say we know where he is! ( just to settle folks). THe Fugitive if a survivalist knows better how to cache his items! In the mean time you better not be hunting in any of those woods! The fear would be from the ones searching, not the fugitive. I think!

09-22-2014, 08:08 PM
So the police were telling people to stay in their homes, why? Regular citizens would seem to be safe if you believe what they're writing about him. I'm having a hard time figuring out how this guy made the FBI's most wanted list. He hasn't killed anyone since the initial incident. No point in even mentioning the terms they were using in the USAtoday article. They're ramping this one up for some reason. Yes someone was murdered. I just don't get how this is being handled.

09-22-2014, 10:25 PM
News folks think there's something evil about being able to hang out in the woods undetected for several days. Planted gun sounds very odd as well, surprised it wasn't bait.

09-22-2014, 10:48 PM
If the suspect did leave the gun and mags and ammo, it was to show the FBI how big of idiots they are. This guy can run circles around them and they will think they have him cornered. Love it when the FBI run around in brown camo in a tree bark and green leaf woods. Talk about standing out, here I am Mr. bad guy- whooooow! What idiots the FBI is.

09-23-2014, 04:38 AM
So the police were telling people to stay in their homes, why? Regular citizens would seem to be safe if you believe what they're writing about him. I'm having a hard time figuring out how this guy made the FBI's most wanted list. He hasn't killed anyone since the initial incident. No point in even mentioning the terms they were using in the USAtoday article. They're ramping this one up for some reason. Yes someone was murdered. I just don't get how this is being handled.

"They" - ALL of them, whichever it may be. ALWAYS exaggerate everything. I guess life's pretty jaded for "them." Buncha old ladies stirring a cauldron of sheet.

09-24-2014, 09:56 PM
Big News: They think they spotted him! "He must be playing games with us"!

That's all to report tonight

09-25-2014, 05:47 AM
So they've authorized shoot to kill if he doesn't surrender. He will be shot no matter what. This is shaping up to be another Christopher Dorner situation. I guess the police have been kicking up bears while searching caves. And they're finally starting to report that the residents were not happy about the shelter in place order. Along w/ not being allowed back to their homes for long periods and having to sleep in their cars. I would be pissed if I lived in the area full time.

09-25-2014, 06:28 AM
Shelter in place? Do they (police) make it up as they go? Just where in blazes do they find the authority to order the public to do that? Pretty soon they'll evacuate whole counties for vicious dogs.

09-25-2014, 01:59 PM
Excuse me for diverting a little from this topic but we all agree that most of the media don't understand gun ownership, the Bill of Rights, or Americans with rural roots. The media won't change and they don't want to change.

Any of us living in a state or near a state that has a US Senate race in contention that might impact control of the US Senate should furlough their shooting and hunting a bit until November 5 to work on a campaign. Gun owners need the US Senate to change hands, not because Republican control would be like a good Christmas but because a Republican Senate is the best shot we have at keeping lame duck Obama's most lasting legacy from being the US Supreme Court.

In our state there is such a race. Both sides have more money than there are media to buy. Pollsters call here at least 4 times a day. What the pro-gun candidate needs is more volunteers. We have been going door to door, distributing yard signs, and generating letters to newspaper editors. I hope you are also doing some of that work.

09-25-2014, 06:40 PM
Just to make sure & clear things up ( Since the thread has varied a bit) I have no problem with any police They are their for our protection. They may not be the best force to have in the woods looking for a "Military Mind".....I think you need military personal for that. The purpose of this thread was to point out how the "media" spins a story ( when they don't have enough information!) The reason for this thread is directed towards the misinformed and mixed up "MEDIA"! I have the most respect for our police force here in Pennsylvania.

I know from experience on this List ....There is a lot of folks that cop bash...... Well This is not the thread! This is about the uniformed Media!

09-25-2014, 06:49 PM
Who was bashing them? You can say whatever you want but if the person shot wasn't s cop there wouldn't be a massive man hunt. The police wouldn't be searching the woods in massive numbers. They would not be ordering people to stay in their houses. They would not have a shoot on sight, if he doesn't surrender, order. This has shades of the Marathon bombing(going door to door and locking down towns) and most likely Christopher Dorner. If a cabin is burned down w/ this guy in it then it will be just like it.

I am not bashing them. But the State Troopers are run more along the lines of the military then your local police. I simply find the use of manpower excessive along w/ lots of problems w/ them "making it up as they go". I will be up there next weekend so I can talk face to face w/ friends instead of relying on phone calls.

09-26-2014, 09:12 PM
CANADENSIS, Penn, — At least 50 state police and federal agents are pacing near a bit of forest, watching intently for any sign of notorious cop killer suspect Eric Frein, one of America's ten most wanted fugitives.

But in vain. Apart from some fleeting glimpses, Frein, who once lived in this community with his parents, has yet to be seen.
On the 14th day since the 31-year-old survivalist was alleged to have killed one Pennsylvania state trooper and wounded another, everyone — cops and community alike — remains on edge. But increasingly, many of those who live here view the intense manhunt with a mixture of amusement, disgust, and fear.
Each day, a new rumor sends waves of troopers, federal agents, armored carriers and police cars back and forth across this region of rolling Pennsylvania hills, dense woods, lush fields and tidy villages. Friday morning, it was a "sighting" of the Mohawk-coiffed survivalist in the ancient Buck Hill Inn—once the heart of the affluent community of the same name where 20-room hilltop "cottages" have served as the summer homes of the Main Line Philadelphia elite for a century or more.

An armada of security vehicles roared through the quiet streets and up to the decaying hulk of the inn, long abandoned and crumbling into ruins since the owner went bankrupt a quarter century ago. A phalanx of national and local media pressed toward the roadblocks anxious for the first glimpse of the arrest of the fugitive. Nothing. Back to the Canadensis United Methodist Church parking lot went the army of frustrated law enforcement.

In fact, a real survivalist, which is how Frein is being portrayed, could live off the land here and under cover for quite some time. Young deer bound regularly across the road and dart into the woods in front of the lines of state police in full camouflage, while whole flocks of wild turkeys scurry through the underbrush.

Adam Christmann, a 43-year-old security and counter-terrorism consultant whose clients include the U.S. Air Force, has lived in the Hamlet, as it is called, for 14 years and raised his family here. He's had his share of nervous moments. His two daughters, age 9 and 12, both go to the East Stroudsburg schools and count on the school bus to fetch them each day. Early on, however, school officials decided it was too dangerous to send buses into the hot zone. So Christmann drove them.

One evening, though, his family was broken apart. Fetching his older daughter, he returned, only to find the entire area in "lockdown" — no one goes in or out — his wife and younger daughter inside. By 11:30 they found their way home. But at least 20 of his neighbors had not. They made their way to the local firehouse, only to find no cots, no where to sleep.
"Someone dropped the ball," Christmann sighed. For what had become effectively state of emergency, there was no federal or state emergency workers in sight.

For folks like Christmann, "the current issue facing residents up here is 'how/when do we return to normal life?' Or is a heavy police presence, helicopters and uncertainty the 'new normal'? I think that uncertainty is what is causing the most stress—not an actual feel of being in danger."
Still, these tight-knight communities have suffered over the past two weeks in a host of ways, large and small—often less than apparent to many on the outside looking in. At least 13 homes were on the block for sale in the Hamlet alone before Eric Frein fired his fatal shots two weeks ago.

Al Hall, an historian who's lived here with his wife Mary, put their house up for sale as they no longer feel competent to care for themselves and their house. They are looking to move to an assisted living community in upstate New York. "But the real estate broker can't show the house til the emergency is over," Hall said, shaking his head. No sense of when the next lock-down might be called.

In fact, Mary found herself caught in the same lockdown as Christmann. Emerging from choir practice at Mountain Home Methodist, she went home with a fellow choir member who lives outside the hot zone. Another member of the choir remembers little Eric Frein in her Cub Scout den at six years old. Later, he went on to become an Eagle Scout.
Many are beginning to suggest that the cops simply pull back and leave Frein to his own devices. He has, after all, expressed hostility to no one but law enforcement. Moreover, this is an area of Pennsylvania where families are well armed and know how to take care of themselves.

Hardly a weekend goes by, in normal time, when shots aren't heard in the woods and wildlife run for their lives. It's a crapshoot for a fugitive to break into a home here, no matter how well armed he is. And with a $175,000 award on his head, there's no end of locals who'd just love a shot at that.

Take what you want out of it. Archery opens next weekend so they are going to have a lot of people in the woods to deal w/.

09-26-2014, 11:25 PM
If they let them in.

09-26-2014, 11:53 PM
I doubt this is just a random cop shooting and there is more to the story. I figure the guy has left the area and us Pennsylvanians are going to be paying out the nose for this whole deal for years to come. They are racking up OT hours and expenses like money grows on trees.

The whole thing is just a reaffirmation of the police state and police militarization. But at least they get to bring out all their new toys. At least I get some laughter after reading the comments from residents that "The police is here to protect us". LOL Considering all the NY, NJ and Phila transplants in the Poconos it is not surprising though.

This must be for tactical coffee delivery.
http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm285/SDV10/PoliceBarracksShoot_Mill.jpg (http://s299.photobucket.com/user/SDV10/media/PoliceBarracksShoot_Mill.jpg.html)

Nope don't look like military at all.
http://i299.photobucket.com/albums/mm285/SDV10/cid_image003_jpg01CFD99F_zpse6f14479.jpg (http://s299.photobucket.com/user/SDV10/media/cid_image003_jpg01CFD99F_zpse6f14479.jpg.html)

09-27-2014, 07:18 AM
If they let them in.

Good luck keeping us out. They don't have enough man power to prevent hunters from entering the woods everywhere. And don't be foolish enough to think that some won't be going in just to screw up the man hunt.

I work in a few state police barracks. These particular ones are the epitome of us versus them mentality and militarization. Shift changes are amusing when everyone is slinging their SBR ARs over their shoulders and heading out for patrol duty. I will say that the command officers are nice as can be. They don't give off the us versus them attitude. It's the patrolmen, not all but enough, that do.

Next weekend should be very interesting w/ hunting opening. I don't see how the police have the authority to close down hunting lands that we own. Like all government entities they seem to have forgotten that they don't own us.

09-27-2014, 09:40 AM
I hope you continue the updates.

Frankly, I'm in agreement with your take on the situation. The guy's probably in Canada by now.

09-27-2014, 07:53 PM
I hope you continue the updates.

Frankly, I'm in agreement with your take on the situation. The guy's probably in Canada by now.

Don't Think so: (He called his Mommy last night!) I can't believe that.... So this morning they got a good fix on his position.....funny thing is I haven't heard much on the situation today. But then again I spent most of the day in the cool basement reloading ( 80+ deg day here in NEPA)
Dragon813gt...you hear the latest?
They keep mentioning hearing shots being fired everyday...afternoons & early evenings WELL it is "Dove season" here and the schedule is 12 pm to sunset ....DUH!

10-01-2014, 07:14 PM
They shut down hunting for 7 townships near the search of the area. They claim they found "pipe bombs" a day ago. I bet that is a bunch of made up BS to use as an excuse.


10-01-2014, 07:35 PM
That is complete BS. That is a huge area of land. It's not like each one of those townships is one square mile. We're talking well over one hundred square miles. There is absolutely no reason to do this. I'm really trying to figure out the motive for almost all the police force's actions.

The suspect has posed no threat to anyone except the police. And even then it was for a brief minute. There has been no violence since then. This is abuse of power on a high level. And all because of a double standard. If you or I was shot the search would have lasted maybe 24 hours. If there was no sign of him then they would assume he got away.

My cabin is in Blooming Grove Township. My doe tags are that WMU. And I have specific DMAP permits for quite a few different areas as well. I'm pissed at this point because I have close to $100 in tags that I can't use. And who knows for how long.

10-01-2014, 07:38 PM
"It's for your own protection."

How do you say that in German?

This whole campaign seems absurd.

10-01-2014, 07:47 PM
Here is why they are shutting it down. Because they are afraid they are going to end up shooting someone. This whole thing seems like a test. Let's see how far we can push before citizens push back. Not that I know a lot of people in the area, but I know enough. Not one of them is scared or worried about this guy. But they aren't transplants either. This whole thing stinks to high hell.

10-01-2014, 07:56 PM
I was trying to envision your situation happening here in VT and what the local reaction would be.

Probably quite mixed. A lot of the State is infested with sandal-wearers, but I don't think many folks would provide "aid and comfort" to the fugitive. We all need to answer for our actions...unless elected to office, of course.

10-01-2014, 08:07 PM
It is BS. I'd bet money those hunters will never get the money back for their tags.

There is not just PSP around there. There are .gov agencies out of vin vang there with suppressed machine guns, Lencos and etc dressed like they just came from Afghanistan. Some of the locals have posted they all are blacking out local LE and not telling them ****, they have to learn what is up on social media.

I am glad I am out far enough from the area and the land my family has up state is plenty far away.

10-01-2014, 08:10 PM
I'm not saying the suspect shouldn't be dealt w/ in the proper legal matter. It will never come to that. He's going to kill himself or end up like Dorner. I don't expect anyone to harbor or protect him. I expect them to call the police of they see him. What I don't expect is what's been going on.

It's almost as if they're trying to provoke a response. From both the suspect and the public. I've heard it said that they feel he is more dangerous because he killed a law enforcement officer so therefore he has no respect for the law and will do anything. This has got to be the most bogus claim ever as well as pointing out the huge double standard. He broke the law when he murdered someone, period end of sentence. There is one full time resident right down the road from our cabin. He isn't all there and has been ranting for years about how the cops are out to get him. W/ what's been happening I can see him possibly mobilizing to help the suspect. Or worse yet, taking out his aggressions on the police. He is completely harmless to you or I but I can see his breaking point and this sure seems like it.

10-01-2014, 08:21 PM
I didn't mean to cast any aspersions on the folks in the area. Just thinking out loud, as it were. Same-same here.

What ever resolution they are attempting to provoke, it must be "justifiable". Kind of like "plausible deniability" invented a couple of decades ago.

I really hate thinking along these lines, but it's impossible not to admit what used to be inadmissible conclusions.

10-01-2014, 08:24 PM
It is a dog and pony show and is giving some large paychecks to LE. If the guy is in the area yet (which I doubt) it is not likely you are going to see him out and about with what equates to an army combing woods, neighborhoods and etc. Then you got the "civilian" population's eyes watching for him too. Some locals posted that they are running 20+ hour shifts. So they will be tired and probably skittish. Someone getting shot that ain't supposed to get shot is a valid concern.

It reminds me of the situation in Boston for the second bombing suspect. The "army" was out combing the area and harrassing the populace, they still didn't find him. Some old guy found him hiding in his boat and reported it to LE. No matter what LE thinks the "civilian" population has a much better chance of finding this guy than they do. It may take some time however that is just the way it is.

10-01-2014, 08:26 PM
You and I are on the same page. Just wanted to make my point abundantly clear because I'm sure some see me as a cop hater because of what I've said. My grandfather was a cop and I know we would have the same line of thinking. We had lots of discussions about the state of law enforcement over the years. I find it amusing that he's the one that taught me to always question authority :laugh:

10-01-2014, 08:32 PM
What ever happens, I hope that serious consequences are confined to the combatants and the folks of NEPA remain unmolested by the invading troops. (Sounds like some passages from Civil War memoirs, doesn't it.)

10-01-2014, 08:41 PM
I don't hate cops because they are cops. I dislike some of tactics, accountability, thinking and etc that is displayed by an alarming number of them.

10-01-2014, 08:43 PM
I have been a Historical War Re-enactor for more than 25 years...From my observations of that side & in the field: I would say if the Police leave the "game" he has no one to play with & It will end. ( if that is his mind set) If he is smart he should be in eastern Europe by now. However If he is truly war gaming and the other side leaves with the "ball" so to speak, he will slip up, go home or whatever !

On another note: the PA Game Commission now canceled Archery season in seven localities because of the situation .....man you have to be talking some angry hunters!

10-01-2014, 08:44 PM
I have to keep reminding myself that the troops on the ground don't formulate the ROEs.

10-01-2014, 08:52 PM
Just to be clear. They closed all hunting seasons on both public and PRIVATE land. I see no reason for any of it. Let alone on private land. Here is the Game Commission's statement: http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt?open=512&objID=12775&PageID=648010&mode=2&contentid=http://pubcontent.state.pa.us/publishedcontent/publish/marketingsites/game_commission/content/resources/newsreleases/newsrelease/articles/release__085_14.html

10-01-2014, 08:57 PM
Hmmm..a means by which to obstruct subsistence has been employed.

10-01-2014, 09:01 PM
A local on another site said they searched his entire property several times. Seems like they don't want anyone out and about regardless.

I suspect that the PGC was told to close the area vs something they themselves decided.

10-01-2014, 09:27 PM
Now it makes sense why hunting was closed. The troopers wanted to get some hunting done.:kidding:


10-01-2014, 11:52 PM
Thing is if they pulled the cops out and let the locals in the dude would be found in a day. The locals know the terrain where they hunt year after year. Dude shoots at any of the hunter they would shoot back probably ending it.

10-02-2014, 07:10 AM
It's almost as if they're trying to provoke a response.

They got a response. The people flopped on their back with their feet in the air.

10-02-2014, 11:07 AM
They got a response. The people flopped on their back with their feet in the air.

So what's the appropriate response? Is it call your elected officials and have them put pressure on the police? We all know that isn't going to amount to anything. Where is the line when armed resistance is called for? Outside of brute force how do you as a citizen handle this situation?

10-02-2014, 11:27 AM
Comply, then protest or appeal once the dust settles. The problem is that once the dust has settled, so does the ire recede.

10-02-2014, 12:23 PM
Comply, then protest or appeal once the dust settles. The problem is that once the dust has settled, so does the ire recede.

This is the exact reason of why we are, where we are, today.

10-02-2014, 01:52 PM
So what's the appropriate response? Is it call your elected officials and have them put pressure on the police? We all know that isn't going to amount to anything. Where is the line when armed resistance is called for? Outside of brute force how do you as a citizen handle this situation?

Me? I'm a sad and pathetic old man. I flop on my back with my feet in the air. But then I wasn't doing any chest thumping either.

10-02-2014, 03:10 PM
Who was doing any chest thumping? Sure wasn't me. I never said I was going to go out and "take care of the situation." I'm not alone in being very angry over what's been going on. If I lived in the area full time I would be going out of my mind. Citizens are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It's not as if the police are out and about shooting regular people. There would only be one answer to that. How do you fight oppression of this nature? This is why we have elected officials. They are the ones who should be fielding our calls and doing what we want them to do. They are the ones who should be reminding the police that they have power because we give it to them. I can't go up to a cop and tell him that. That's a sure way to end up in jail in this case, unfortunately. I would hope that citizens are not letting their property be searched w/out warrants. Make them go through due process. There is so much that is wrong w/ this situation.

W/ the official closing of the seasons we are facing felony charges if we don't comply. Along w/ a long list of other potential charges. I feel sorry for the people that need to hunt to feed their families. I know there are a lot in the area. Those are the people who's necks are being stepped on at the moment.

10-02-2014, 07:05 PM
Do you hear yourselves? Let the locals handle it?? There is a cop killer in them thar hills. Let the cops handle it.
It is a shame, a tragedy, travesty and whatever else you want to call it, that this lunatic interfered with your hunt but there is no conspiracy. There's a guy who shot two cops.
It's not roving gangs of New Yorkers, it's not UN troops invading and hauling people away, it's not part of a larger plan to eliminate hunters or hunting. It's a home-grown whacko.

10-02-2014, 07:16 PM
Who was doing any chest thumping? Sure wasn't me. I never said I was going to go out and "take care of the situation." I'm not alone in being very angry over what's been going on. If I lived in the area full time I would be going out of my mind. Citizens are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It's not as if the police are out and about shooting regular people. There would only be one answer to that. How do you fight oppression of this nature? This is why we have elected officials. They are the ones who should be fielding our calls and doing what we want them to do. They are the ones who should be reminding the police that they have power because we give it to them. I can't go up to a cop and tell him that. That's a sure way to end up in jail in this case, unfortunately. I would hope that citizens are not letting their property be searched w/out warrants. Make them go through due process. There is so much that is wrong w/ this situation.

W/ the official closing of the seasons we are facing felony charges if we don't comply. Along w/ a long list of other potential charges. I feel sorry for the people that need to hunt to feed their families. I know there are a lot in the area. Those are the people who's necks are being stepped on at the moment.

Apologies. I guess I misinterpreted post 43.

10-02-2014, 09:29 PM
Apologies. I guess I misinterpreted post 43.

No worries. I know I've said quite a bit in this thread.

To Jsnover. I have one simple question. Do you think one lone whacko is cause to order people to stay in their homes, shut down roads all over and close hundreds of square miles of public land that tens of thousands of people use? All this has taken place over weeks so it's not a short inconvenience. Apparently there is a double standard and a cops life is worth more than a regular citizen. This manhunt is being paid for w/ PA residents tax dollars. He's posed no threat to anyone since the initial incident. How long can they sustain this use of manpower?

It would be foolish to not ask these questions. Ask yourself how you would feel if this was happening in your back yard. While I'm not a full time resident I spend a third of the year there. So I have a vested interest in all of this. It's easy to not care and say they're doing what they have to do when you're hundreds if not thousands of miles away.

10-02-2014, 10:21 PM
I hope I never have to make the choice. Am I going to obey LE and stay out of my own home leaving my pets without food and water for two days OR go and take the chance of getting shot. I am afraid I just may be inclined to tell them to stick their rifle up their *** and go to MY property.

They have been pounding the area for over 2 weeks and got nothing to show for it other than "maybe that is his" and "I think I saw him". Won't be long before the snow falls......

10-02-2014, 10:49 PM
Pull out the tacticools, open the hunting season. Select a couple dozen cops who are seasoned hunters and let them do some hunting. Military approach isn't working, won't work. Send in the hunters.

10-09-2014, 07:48 PM
A local posted on another forum that they are adding more and more LE and guys from government agencies. Thus far state troopers from 4 states are there (PA, NY, and NJ) and now 200 troopers are coming up from DE. Rumored to be 200 coming from Chicago. That is on top of US marshals, FBI, ATF, Sherifs constables and god know what other agencies. Even a customs Blackhawk chopper was said to be flying around right above the tree line.

All for one guy. Friggin crazy.

10-09-2014, 09:18 PM
I have nothing nice to say after being in the Poconos last weekend. I was at my parents place which is further west and out of the search area. There are two views that I ran into. The ones that share mine and find this all a complete abuse of power. These are the people that have lived in the area from a long time. The other ones think they should do whatever it takes to catch him. They don't care about their rights and have no clue what abuse of power is. This view is from those that are transplants. I have nothing nice to say about these people. I know not all of them think this way. But far to many do. I can't believe all the Giants and Jets fans I saw there :rolleyes:

10-09-2014, 09:29 PM
I know what you mean. A lot of the long time residents have the same view on the transplants. It is one of the reasons why my dad and I wrote off the area some time ago when he was looking for some land up state. Some of the best area in PA ruined in many ways.

10-09-2014, 09:51 PM
A local posted on another forum that they are adding more and more LE and guys from government agencies. Thus far state troopers from 4 states are there (PA, NY, and NJ) and now 200 troopers are coming up from DE. Rumored to be 200 coming from Chicago. That is on top of US marshals, FBI, ATF, Sherifs constables and god know what other agencies. Even a customs Blackhawk chopper was said to be flying around right above the tree line.

All for one guy. Friggin crazy.

Meanwhile, the guy's probably sitting on a secluded beach, somewhere in the Key's, sucking on a Margarita.

I have no idea where he is, but it appears, he's not where there looking.

10-09-2014, 09:54 PM
I know there are a bunch of Mainers on here so they can correct me if I am wrong. People "from away" are maybe treated ok but not respected in Central, Western and Northern Maine. I could see the same applying to rural PA and NY. I respect that attitude and think I understand.

I grew up in Central Maine and when I go back and visit I can see the look. Thanks for you money but don't stay long.


10-09-2014, 10:09 PM
Meanwhile, the guy's probably sitting on a secluded beach, somewhere in the Key's, sucking on a Margarita.

I have no idea where he is, but it appears, he's not where there looking.

I was thinking somewhere in Mexico myself. Watching a donkey show sipping on some Tequila.

I know there are a bunch of Mainers on here so they can correct me if I am wrong. People "from away" are maybe treated ok but not respected in Central, Western and Northern Maine. I could see the same applying to rural PA and NY. I respect that attitude and think I understand.

I grew up in Central Maine and when I go back and visit I can see the look. Thanks for you money but don't stay long.


They move here to the more rural areas out of the more densely populated areas in NJ, NY and Philly. Then they end up wanting to turn it into the same craphole they tried to get away from. Then everyone has to suffer. I know people from those areas so I know they are not all like that, but too many of them are and I get tired of it real quick. Leave the mentality back where they came from.

10-09-2014, 11:36 PM
If they would let the hunters back in I bet someone would flush him out in a week. They know the area and the hiding spots.

10-10-2014, 06:10 AM
I was thinking somewhere in Mexico myself. Watching a donkey show sipping on some Tequila.

They move here to the more rural areas out of the more densely populated areas in NJ, NY and Philly. Then they end up wanting to turn it into the same craphole they tried to get away from. Then everyone has to suffer. I know people from those areas so I know they are not all like that, but too many of them are and I get tired of it real quick. Leave the mentality back where they came from.

This is it exactly. But I represent that Philly remark ;) A lot if trash has come out of NY and Northern NJ. I don't get brining all your problems w/ you. There is real gang violence in the Poconos. This would be unheard of twenty years ago. About the only good thing that's happened is property values have risen.

I know people migrate all over the country and that's how this country has grown. This is the same type of situation that happened w/ Californians moving into Colorado. And w/ anyone moving into Texas. Not all change is for the better. Especially when it destroys a way of life that's been the same for a very long time.

10-10-2014, 04:22 PM
I'm still waiting for the story that reports someone was shot with a medium powered rifle.

Or a "Low Powered" rifle.

Seems every gun out there is "high power".

10-18-2014, 04:48 PM
Latest report is of a sighting. I've only been able to find that it was around Pocono High School East. This puts it in the extreme SW corner of the hunting closures. And depending on where it actually happened it could have been outside of the closed areas. I can't hunt at my place. And I have a feeling they might extend the area which means no hunting at my parents place. A lot of good this closure has done to help them find him :rolleyes:

10-18-2014, 05:44 PM
Makes me wonder with all the "sightings" and no capture just how many sightings there really are. And since no one else has been shot maybe he had an axe to grind with one of the officers he did shoot and not the police in general. I'm not so sure he's anywhere in the area.

10-30-2014, 07:43 PM
Got Him! Supposedly gave up without resistance. Now for the hours of news interruptions

10-30-2014, 10:15 PM
So are they opening hunting back up? Extending seasons for people who paid for licenses?

10-30-2014, 11:13 PM
I am glad they took him alive, we may actually hear his reasons for his actions.

10-30-2014, 11:34 PM
So are they opening hunting back up? Extending seasons for people who paid for licenses?

It will be opened back up. Not a chance they extend it. Archery for deer and migratory bird are what it's primarily effected. I expect it to be open this weekend but knowing how things are it will take to long.