View Full Version : Any one have any 30-284 Short action experience

09-19-2014, 10:51 AM
I am looking into rechambering a barrel to this caliber, the rifle is a rem 700 SA. I have no aspiration of competition with this rifle. Would be a hunting rifle and something different than everyone else has. (I just want it ). The rifle magazine is currently for a 243 and I am hoping for advice on magazine selection, thinking wyats center feed, but not sure if i need the extended one, or if that is only necessary for the long slippery bullets that i wont be using? Any and all advice is appreciated Thanks fellas

09-20-2014, 05:36 AM
the 30-284 is the 7.5X55 swiss with a slightly different shoulder angle and throat.

I don't know how the short action is going to take that fatter longer cartridge, I had a 6mm rem done up on a short action Remington 700 and hated it.
it fed alright but getting a loaded round out of the rifle was a pain, and the throat was cut to normal length but the magazine was too short.
the rifle hated bullets seated short but was very accurate as a single shot.
it didn't last 6 months before it got sent packing.

tomme boy
09-20-2014, 11:35 AM
The 7.5 Swiss is an Awesome cartridge. The throat is the problem on most of them for bullet choice. It has almost no free-bore.

09-20-2014, 01:18 PM
Was intending it as a something different hunting rifle, so those super long vld bullets won't be needed. Thinking 180,s loaded to 2.9 might be the ticket , well after a Wyatt's extended mag is installed.