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09-17-2014, 07:45 PM
My 6th Grade daughter needed help with her math tonight. The question, from the common core was:

"One recipe makes a batch of 12 cookies. If you need to make 80 cookies, how many batches of cookies do you need to make? Use a tape diagram."

I've never heard of a tape diagram, so I use simple division and get 6 2/3. Took me all of 30 seconds, including reading the question. Problem solved.

To use the tape diagram, it took 10 seconds to read the question, another 15 seconds to Google tape diagram, 4.5 minutes to watch the video on tape diagrams, and another minute to draw a tape diagram.

I can't wait until I have to wait this long for a simple answer once these kids reach the workplace.

I'm also wondering how I ever survived without knowing what a tape diagram was.

09-17-2014, 07:53 PM
What happens when you get folks who did not pay attention in Grade School writing textbooks and curriculum.

Lance Boyle
09-17-2014, 08:11 PM
When I was in my running around the bars age not all that many years ago, the teachers were some of the biggest drunks and blatant dope smokers I ever saw. Was shocking to me then. Now that I'm seeing their work product and great ideas all over in NY it all makes sense now. If it wasn't illegal we should send in a pack of old nuns into the schools to teach english and math. It worked for my generation. I'd be glad if we went back to the 3 R's again. Today on the radio I hear the Schenectady school district is going to be sending kids home with a backpack of food so that they might survive the weekend at home. :-/

09-17-2014, 08:32 PM
Yall need to pay WAY more attention to what is going on with common core.
It is rewriting history, it is data collection, it is steering our kids to jobs that need to be filled.
It is the dumbing down of our kids, and we let it happen on the local level.
The Dept of Education has pushed this for years, it is about money going to big computer company's and
the software company's.

09-17-2014, 08:45 PM
One more reason we homeschool....

PS - We have guns in our school every day.[smilie=w:

09-17-2014, 08:45 PM
I am a math teacher (and I am neither a drunk nor a dope smoker), and no fan of the common core. That being said, I looked up tape diagrams to see what it was about. It seems it is about teaching ratios. Being that I have so many high school students who come to me with no number sense, and afraid of fractions in particular, this tape diagram thing might not be such a bad thing. It might not work in the long run, but it is an attempt to combat an increasing apathy toward learning math. In so many cases, parents voice that, "I was never good at math," within earshot of their children, giving them permission, in effect, to feel the same about math. Most kids who do learn math well have a high expectation for success from their parents.

Let's please not blast teachers as a group. Yes, most are liberal in their persuasion, because conservatives usually are less supportive of their craft. However, quite a few, myself included, are quite conservative. We do our best to share our ideas with our students.

09-17-2014, 08:47 PM
It is letting a computer teach your child instead of the teacher,male or female, haveing to do their job that we pay them to do. Please help stop this destuction in the schools. There will be some teachers on here that might be able to shed their veiw on this, if so please speak up to help us understand why it is so important.

09-17-2014, 08:53 PM
Amen! We went back to home schooling because of common core. Its socialism, not collage to carrier its "or" This is bad stuff. Worse yet it wasn't even voted in, States that wanted Fed $$ signed on to common core w/o regard to content. Some states are fighting it.

09-17-2014, 08:57 PM
It is letting a computer teach your child instead of the teacher,male or female, haveing to do their job that we pay them to do. Please help stop this destuction in the schools. There will be some teachers on here that might be able to shed their veiw on this, if so please speak up to help us understand why it is so important.

I'm not sure what you mean here. I don't know any math teachers that let a computer do their job for them. Kids learn math with a short demonstration, then a little guided practice, then some independent practice (homework). There are software packages available to help learn math, but I've never found them to be a good replacement for a human teacher. None of the teachers in my school division use software as a primary learning tool. We do encourage kids to use online resources if there is no one at home to help with homework.

09-17-2014, 09:03 PM
Home schooling is the best scenario for educating your children. Unfortunately too many families cannot afford to leave a parent at home to raise and school the youngsters. That leaves us public educators with the task of teaching ever less-motivated students.

09-17-2014, 09:19 PM
If you count a batch as 12, then to get 80 cookies you need 7 batches! Didn't say anything about partial batches. As far as waiting a long time for an answer, ever see a cashier now days try to break change from a 5 WITHOUT having to rely on the register to do the calculation?

09-17-2014, 09:19 PM
I am a math teacher (and I am neither a drunk nor a dope smoker), and no fan of the common core. That being said, I looked up tape diagrams to see what it was about. It seems it is about teaching ratios. Being that I have so many high school students who come to me with no number sense, and afraid of fractions in particular, this tape diagram thing might not be such a bad thing. It might not work in the long run, but it is an attempt to combat an increasing apathy toward learning math. In so many cases, parents voice that, "I was never good at math," within earshot of their children, giving them permission, in effect, to feel the same about math. Most kids who do learn math well have a high expectation for success from their parents.

Let's please not blast teachers as a group. Yes, most are liberal in their persuasion, because conservatives usually are less supportive of their craft. However, quite a few, myself included, are quite conservative. We do our best to share our ideas with our students.

I should have also stated in my original post that I taught High School science for 9 years. I heard the "I was never good at math/science" from parents as well as other teachers. Sure it might help some kids get it, but if you can answer the question without using a tape diagram, or counting steps, or any other "new" math technique, why should you be forced to use those methods? Yet another example of a good idea(teaching multiple ways to solve a problem) getting trashed(lets paint all kids with the same brush).

Glad I got out when I did.

09-17-2014, 09:24 PM
In our day there were ways to motivate students, mostly starting at home when they were little tykes. It was called manners, respect, and the will to learn new things and not disrespect and/or not paying attention. The last ones were treated with real encouragement, that now is not taught by teachers and principles. The parents took it away several yrs. ago. Glad I grewup when I did.
To those that don't teach common core you are to be commended.

09-17-2014, 09:36 PM
I should have also stated in my original post that I taught High School science for 9 years. I heard the "I was never good at math/science" from parents as well as other teachers. Sure it might help some kids get it, but if you can answer the question without using a tape diagram, or counting steps, or any other "new" math technique, why should you be forced to use those methods? Yet another example of a good idea(teaching multiple ways to solve a problem) getting trashed(lets paint all kids with the same brush).

Glad I got out when I did.

Yeah, I get you. Can't wait to get out myself.

09-17-2014, 09:38 PM
Oooh you touched a nerve with this one, my youngest brought home a paper to be signed from school, the grade was a zero. I returned it signed and requested a teacher conference ,I really need this lady to explain to me why 5x3 does not equal 15. That's right folks five groups of three does not equal fifteen total, according to this "common core" you cant multiply 5 by 3 at all, that slot is blacked out on her multiplication table. Common core is a curriculum that seems to break all the rules of normal mathematics. I am having to teaching both of my girls normal math from my college basic math text books so they will have an understanding of math to fall back on.

09-17-2014, 09:44 PM
Oooh you touched a nerve with this one, my youngest brought home a paper to be signed from school, the grade was a zero. I returned it signed and requested a teacher conference ,I really need this lady to explain to me why 5x3 does not equal 15. That's right folks five groups of three does not equal fifteen total, according to this "common core" you cant multiply 5 by 3 at all, that slot is blacked out on her multiplication table. Common core is a curriculum that seems to break all the rules of normal mathematics. I am having to teaching both of my girls normal math from my college basic math text books so they will have an understanding of math to fall back on.

That's confusing. I'd love to find out what the teacher has to say.

09-17-2014, 09:51 PM
My friends asked me to help their grand son with math homework. When I saw that they were teaching 32-20=12 took 6 steps and a bunch of abstract stuff i just shook my head. A second grade student is NOT ready for abstract math, their brain is not developed enough to grasp that concept and have it make sense. Millions of us learned the old way and we turned out plenty of engineers and scientists to boot. Common **** is garbage and it needs to be banned. Teaching that the founding fathers were terrorists for example, teaching that the USA is a bully and imperialistic and is fighting wars for territory was in a history book... name one country we have kept and not turned back over to the natives so they could totally screw it up again?

09-17-2014, 09:54 PM
I cant wait to hear the explanation, it broke her heart to get a failing grade. I would say she deserved a bad grade if she was wrong, but she got the right answer- 15, but apparently used a non govt approved method to get it...

09-17-2014, 10:15 PM
If you count a batch as 12, then to get 80 cookies you need 7 batches! Didn't say anything about partial batches. As far as waiting a long time for an answer, ever see a cashier now days try to break change from a 5 WITHOUT having to rely on the register to do the calculation?

Thank you! Apparently the first 80 cookies are spoken for and I'll be darned if I'm baking all those cookies without eating a few. Trying to figure out the ingredients for 2/3's of a batch of cookies would be more math than I'd see any point in doing anyway. Still don't know what a tape diagram is, doesn't really matter. Whoever wrote that "math" problem knows even less about baking than I know about tape diagrams.

09-17-2014, 10:31 PM
My wife, a former teacher thinks common core is stupid!

09-18-2014, 12:08 AM
If you count a batch as 12, then to get 80 cookies you need 7 batches! Didn't say anything about partial batches. As far as waiting a long time for an answer, ever see a cashier now days try to break change from a 5 WITHOUT having to rely on the register to do the calculation?

There has not been a cashier count out change properly in years.

Purchase price was $1.55 paid for with a $5.00 bill
The correct way to count back change is
$1.55, 10 cents given
$1.65, 10 cents given,
$1.75 25 cents given
$2.00 $1.00 given
$3.00 $ 1.00 given
$4.00 $1.00 given
$5.00 - ( the amount handed to the clerk for the purchase)

anyone remember that?

09-18-2014, 12:39 AM
There has not been a cashier count out change properly in years.

Purchase price was $1.55 paid for with a $5.00 bill
The correct way to count back change is
$1.55, 10 cents given
$1.65, 10 cents given,
$1.75 25 cents given
$2.00 $1.00 given
$3.00 $ 1.00 given
$4.00 $1.00 given
$5.00 - ( the amount handed to the clerk for the purchase)

anyone remember that?

There's another way to do it? I wasn't aware of that. I don't consider reading a a number off of a register and going 1,2,3,3.25,3.35,3.45 to be making change, but giving​ change.

09-18-2014, 12:54 AM
My 6th Grade daughter needed help with her math tonight. The question, from the common core was:

"One recipe makes a batch of 12 cookies. If you need to make 80 cookies, how many batches of cookies do you need to make? Use a tape diagram."

I've never heard of a tape diagram, so I use simple division and get 6 2/3. Took me all of 30 seconds, including reading the question. Problem solved.

To use the tape diagram, it took 10 seconds to read the question, another 15 seconds to Google tape diagram, 4.5 minutes to watch the video on tape diagrams, and another minute to draw a tape diagram.

I can't wait until I have to wait this long for a simple answer once these kids reach the workplace.

I'm also wondering how I ever survived without knowing what a tape diagram was.

i have had so many of these frustrating sessions trying to help both my girls with basic math complicated by the fact that I can't teach them what I know and learned because they aren't familiar with that terminology. After my girls get taught in school with "tape diagrams" and multitudes of other gimmicky named methods, you have have to "learn the lingo" the book uses or I can't get them to understand. The book itself drives me crazy, with the use of all the colors in the rainbow and cartoon illustrations and pop up boxes all over the place. Even trying to figure out the tables in the back and the book's organization of answer keys is crazy. The appendices in the back of the book are 'organized' into multiple alphabet and number sequences that make no sense to me, it gets a little better as the grades advance but GEEZ the way the book is organized makes no sense to me.

Then there are all the math word problems that have left leaning political propaganda factored in. IN MATH!

In my oldest daughters social studies class (7th grade) they have been covering Islam in detail...history, structure, definitions, tenets, etc., FOR THREE WEEKS so far. Bet they don't cover Christianity or Catholicism, or American religious history for even a complete lecture. Whatever happened to 'separation of church and state'??

yeah, this topic hit a nerve....I despise common core from what I've seen the last two years, and just WISH i could homeschool. America, as we know Her, is already under attack from within. American History is being re-written, the U.S. will be further destroyed long term by the propaganda that is common core. It is an attempt to take control and shape the hearts and minds of our youth :(

i just wish people would see it and push back

09-18-2014, 01:14 AM
common core advocates are educated beyond their intelligence.... and should be punished for child abuse.

09-18-2014, 01:51 AM
I believe I read that Obama is very much in favor of Common Core. That tells me all I need to know about it.

Letting the government into the education system was one of the most criminal things ever done in this country.


09-18-2014, 01:59 AM
obambi... is educated beyond his intelligence.

09-18-2014, 02:49 AM
My 6th Grade daughter needed help with her math tonight. The question, from the common core was:

"One recipe makes a batch of 12 cookies. If you need to make 80 cookies, how many batches of cookies do you need to make? Use a tape diagram."

I've never heard of a tape diagram, so I use simple division and get 6 2/3. Took me all of 30 seconds, including reading the question. Problem solved.

To use the tape diagram, it took 10 seconds to read the question, another 15 seconds to Google tape diagram, 4.5 minutes to watch the video on tape diagrams, and another minute to draw a tape diagram.

I can't wait until I have to wait this long for a simple answer once these kids reach the workplace.

I'm also wondering how I ever survived without knowing what a tape diagram was.

Correct answer is 6 2/3, I would probably make 8 batches so I could sample some as they come from the oven. Warm cookies are even better than warm doughnuts....

There has not been a cashier count out change properly in years.

Purchase price was $1.55 paid for with a $5.00 bill
The correct way to count back change is
$1.55, 10 cents given
$1.65, 10 cents given,
$1.75 25 cents given
$2.00 $1.00 given
$3.00 $ 1.00 given
$4.00 $1.00 given
$5.00 - ( the amount handed to the clerk for the purchase)

anyone remember that?

I learned how to make change that way when I was sixteen, and still have no problems making change from a cash box.

Computerized cash registers have really helped to dumb down the populace. Don't even get me started on the coin dispensing machines like Subway uses..


09-18-2014, 02:59 AM

09-18-2014, 06:00 AM
There has not been a cashier count out change properly in years.

Purchase price was $1.55 paid for with a $5.00 bill
The correct way to count back change is
$1.55, 10 cents given
$1.65, 10 cents given,
$1.75 25 cents given
$2.00 $1.00 given
$3.00 $ 1.00 given
$4.00 $1.00 given
$5.00 - ( the amount handed to the clerk for the purchase)

anyone remember that?

I was a cashier for years in high school and this is confusing to me. I was taught based on 100s. In your example $.45 makes 2 and then $3 to make 5. Change is simple because it's based on 10s which the human mind finds easy to calculate. The way you posted is more complicated then it needs to be IMO.

09-18-2014, 06:54 AM
I was a cashier for years in high school and this is confusing to me. I was taught based on 100s. In your example $.45 makes 2 and then $3 to make 5. Change is simple because it's based on 10s which the human mind finds easy to calculate. The way you posted is more complicated then it needs to be IMO.

Starting with the amount charged,

- use pennies to count up to the nearest nickle value.
- use nickles and dimes to count up to the nearest quarter value.
- use quarters to count up to the nearest dollar value.
- use dollars to count up to the nearest fiver value.
- continue this process with the next larger denomination until you get to the amount of $$ handed to you.

If you can count to ten, you can make change. There's really no need even to be able to add or subtract.

It's always fun to deliberately throw in the necessary oddball change to make your change come out on an even .25 or $, and see the look on the cashiers face as they wonder, "what the heck Do I do now?" :)

09-18-2014, 08:06 AM
Thank you! Apparently the first 80 cookies are spoken for and I'll be darned if I'm baking all those cookies without eating a few. Trying to figure out the ingredients for 2/3's of a batch of cookies would be more math than I'd see any point in doing anyway. Still don't know what a tape diagram is, doesn't really matter. Whoever wrote that "math" problem knows even less about baking than I know about tape diagrams.

I think I'll send this one in with her homework!

09-18-2014, 08:16 AM
My first grader is learning simple addition and subtraction. They are taught to use a "math mountain" to figure these simple problems. A math mountain is an upside down v, with tiny circles drawn on the sides of the V. For example, 2+5 would have two circles on one side and 5 circles on the other. It takes my first grader a good minute to draw one of these math mountains. I showed her how she could use her fingers and figure these problems in a few seconds. Seems like the teachers are making a math mountain out of a mole hill.
One other thing that irks me is that the teacher is ok with my daughter writing some of her numbers backwards. I'm a flight instructor and know the importance of learning things correctly when you are starting out, it's called the law of primacy. What you learn first will stick with you and it's very hard to unlearn bad habits. Learn to write your number 5s backwards and you will be doing it for a very long time.

09-18-2014, 08:46 AM
Since batches come in 12, the correct answer is 7 with 4 left over for the baker.
A tape diagram is just a way they teach to visualize numbers. sort of like counting fingers.

Correct answer is 6 2/3, I would probably make 8 batches so I could sample some as they come from the oven. Warm cookies are even better than warm doughnuts....

I learned how to make change that way when I was sixteen, and still have no problems making change from a cash box.

Computerized cash registers have really helped to dumb down the populace. Don't even get me started on the coin dispensing machines like Subway uses..


09-18-2014, 08:53 AM
It's funny that just yesterday my secretary came in (she has kids I don't) and asked me to perform a simple multiplication - such as 26x2. I multiplied 2x6, carried the 1, then 2x2plus the carried 1, and got 52. Easy, only 2 steps.
then she said I would have gotten a zero for that question, since 'core math' requires her kid to multiply 2x20, write that down, and then multiply 2x6, write that down, and then add those two together. Easily an added step, completely unneccesarry.
The thing that gets me is that if you come up with the correct answer, with a method that has been taught by these same schools for decades, you're wrong. One one hand they complain about parents not helping kids learn. And then they tell the parents everything you know about math is wrong, don't teach it to you kids. Stupid.

09-18-2014, 08:54 AM
Food for thought:


The phrase "two plus two equals five" ("2 + 2 = 5") is a slogan used in many different forms of media (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_media), but more specifically in George Orwell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Orwell)'s Nineteen Eighty-Four (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four)[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2_%2B_2_%3D_5#cite_note-1) as an example of an obviously false dogma (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogma) one may be required to believe, similar to other obviously false slogans by the Party (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Party_%28Nineteen_Eighty-Four%29) in the novel. It is contrasted with the phrase "two plus two makes four", the obvious — but politically inexpedient — truth. Orwell's protagonist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protagonist), Winston Smith (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Smith), uses the phrase to wonder if the State (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_Party) might declare "two plus two equals five" as a fact; he ponders whether, if everybody believes it, does that make it true? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus_reality) The Inner Party (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_Party) interrogator of thought-criminals (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoughtcrime), O'Brien (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O%27Brien_%281984%29), says of the mathematically false statement that control over physical reality is unimportant; so long as one controls their own perceptions to what the Party wills, then any corporeal act is possible, in accordance with the principles of doublethink (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublethink) ("Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once")

ole 5 hole group
09-18-2014, 10:20 AM
For those not familiar with common cr*p, I'd suggest you google it up and familiarize yourself with it.

I and others in our community are attempting to fight it, as it was shoveled down every school's throat in those States that took fed money and accepted this program. In some schools in our district the math teachers seem incapable of teaching it, so the students watch a u-tube video before attempting the problems. When student's go to them and ask questions - their initial reply is "didn't you watch the video"?? Schools are getting to be day-care centers for teenagers.

There's a lot to dislike about our current and past dumb-down public educational system. Just one more little item incorporated within common core teaching is that cursive will no longer be taught - that's right, the kids won't be able to read our founding Father's original documents or letters from the past unless from a computer or in printed form.

We have had people trying to destroy our Nation and culture for the past century - they are succeeding and we, as conservatives, aren't responding at all to stop them. Many parts of common core are just the finishing nails in the coffin. People have said, every generation has said our country is going down the drain and we have always survived and we'll survive this as well. Maybe, but I can't see anything positive coming out of this and other actions being taken by this administration, most media outlets and liberal agendas.

09-18-2014, 11:06 AM
If you count a batch as 12, then to get 80 cookies you need 7 batches! Didn't say anything about partial batches. As far as waiting a long time for an answer, ever see a cashier now days try to break change from a 5 WITHOUT having to rely on the register to do the calculation?

I have seen this making change thing a couple times. It is an issue of how the cashier is trained not really anything to do with math skills. Cashiers are trained to use the register and count out change as specified on the register. You buy something for $3.78 tax included pay with a five and the register tells the cashier to give you $1.22 back, the cashier gives you your change bills first then the change. That is how they are trained. Old school cashier training would have the cashier starting at the purchase price and then add the change to get to the next dollar increment then add dollars to get to your payment value. They often would count out loud for you, starting like 378, 379, 380 for the pennies, then 390, 4 dollars for the dimes then finally 5 dollars for the one dollar bill. They did not do the subtraction in their head they just count up to your amount. I don't see how this is a knock against the cashiers education. When you take a person trained on a modern cash register and ask them to make change without using it they will probably try to do the subtraction in their head like the cash register does and not make change the old fashion way because they were not trained in the old fashion way. If you asked one of the old time cashiers to do the subtraction in their head for three digit transactions you would have gotten a slow response too.


09-18-2014, 11:31 AM
Oooh you touched a nerve with this one, my youngest brought home a paper to be signed from school, the grade was a zero. I returned it signed and requested a teacher conference ,I really need this lady to explain to me why 5x3 does not equal 15. That's right folks five groups of three does not equal fifteen total, according to this "common core" you cant multiply 5 by 3 at all, that slot is blacked out on her multiplication table. Common core is a curriculum that seems to break all the rules of normal mathematics. I am having to teaching both of my girls normal math from my college basic math text books so they will have an understanding of math to fall back on.

Your description of the situation is not clear to me. You daughter got a zero for not doing one problems correctly? How many problems were on this paper, just that one? Was this a multiplication exercise or some other kind of task, clearly 5 times 3 is fifteen if it is a multiplication exercise but if it was some other kind of task like understanding how multiplication is an extension of addition and the problem asked that 5 times 3 be expressed using addition then the right answer would have been 3+3+3+3+3 the number 15 is irrelevant. If the question was "what is another way to write 5 times 3" then 15 should have been an acceptable answer. The question might have been geared toward Math Theory not a test of Multiplication skills.

I don't see how you could teach math from a college text book. I would expect that a college level text would start with algebra and not go over remedial math. When I started college there was an entrance exam and if you could not pass the algebra test you took remedial algebra for no credit before you could start your Calculus classes.


09-18-2014, 11:32 AM
It has everything to do w/ math skills. I knew the transaction total and how much the customer was paying me. Before I entered their payment into the register I knew what their change was. It's not like you have a split second to figure it out. You have to count what they gave you before you enter it into the register. Trying to defend them by saying the machine does it for them is weak IMO. There is no excuse for having poor basic math skills. Especially w/ a system based on tens. It can't get any easier.

09-18-2014, 11:34 AM
The Wife and I met the fourth grade Teacher this week to get a progress on our Daughter. We were given the heads up that they were starting the division/multiplication. The Teacher showed us how they teach division now, and the Wife and tried to understand, but could not. The Teacher said she was forbidden to teach the way the Wife and I were taught. To top it off, they don't send the kids home with a work book to explain this stuff. How can many parents be expected to help their kids at home? Fortunately, the Teacher said we could teach our daughter the traditional way, and she would support that.

While at work... we can not hire Engineers to save our lives. Engineers are in demand, and we can't pay them enough to attract them. So, we have more and more vacancies every month! If you get a technical education, you will easily outshine your peers who have been "short changed".

09-18-2014, 12:01 PM
It has everything to do w/ math skills. I knew the transaction total and how much the customer was paying me. Before I entered their payment into the register I knew what their change was. It's not like you have a split second to figure it out. You have to count what they gave you before you enter it into the register. Trying to defend them by saying the machine does it for them is weak IMO. There is no excuse for having poor basic math skills. Especially w/ a system based on tens. It can't get any easier.

The point has always been to make being a cashier simple enough that the cashier does not have to have good math skills. If you have good math skills you should be looking for a better job. Cashier's are paid for other skills or attributes like willing to work bad hours or attractiveness or friendliness or works well with the manager, does not steal from the till, can work the register .... math skills are usually limited to the ability to count money and items.


09-18-2014, 12:18 PM
Funny, I do multiple how they teach now. 26x2 is 40 plus 12 = 52. I can do this in my head, no write down and carry the one.

This technique works quite well when the numbers get hard. 27 time 13 is 270 plus 60 plus 21 or 351.

It's funny that just yesterday my secretary came in (she has kids I don't) and asked me to perform a simple multiplication - such as 26x2. I multiplied 2x6, carried the 1, then 2x2plus the carried 1, and got 52. Easy, only 2 steps.
then she said I would have gotten a zero for that question, since 'core math' requires her kid to multiply 2x20, write that down, and then multiply 2x6, write that down, and then add those two together. Easily an added step, completely unneccesarry.
The thing that gets me is that if you come up with the correct answer, with a method that has been taught by these same schools for decades, you're wrong. One one hand they complain about parents not helping kids learn. And then they tell the parents everything you know about math is wrong, don't teach it to you kids. Stupid.

09-18-2014, 12:32 PM
I'm a teacher. Lessons like these are beneficial to teach the kids to problem solve. Are some of the things unnecessary, yes. However I've been teaching for many years and the students that have been educated learning this style of math are much better at problem solving the my students who were only instructed the old way. I do teach the standard algorithms along with the cc ways too. I also urge people to not jump to conclusions about things you're not truly educated on like the ones who are trying to restrict our gun rights. Also I'm not a drunk or bar fly. Don't lump all teachers into the drug taking hippie left wing nuts.

09-18-2014, 12:36 PM
Funny, I do multiple how they teach now. 26x2 is 40 plus 12 = 52. I can do this in my head, no write down and carry the one.
Just shows that we're all different. You're working in tens doing it that way. Why wouldn't you work in fives. 25x2 plus 2. I don't get why you take it down that far. I have years before my son is in school. I have a feeling this common core garbage will be gone by then. If not I'm going to have work my butt off so I can send him to a private school.

tomme boy
09-18-2014, 01:57 PM
Didn't they try this in the late 70's early 80's. And it failed then. My mother was saying something about this the other day about my brother was taught the "new math" and they gave up on it as everyone of the students were screwed up. She said it set back all of them 2 years on math skills to teach the "new math" out of them.

09-18-2014, 02:26 PM
Funny, I do multiple how they teach now. 26x2 is 40 plus 12 = 52. I can do this in my head, no write down and carry the one.

This technique works quite well when the numbers get hard. 27 time 13 is 270 plus 60 plus 21 or 351.

I think everyone might have their own way of doing math in their heads that involve manipulations of some kind. I know I do. But when it comes to teaching math to kids, I don't teach it my "pet" way. You start kindergartners off with things they can count (like hash marks or fingers) and then it becomes memorized through repetition. Multiplication (and division) is strictly memorization and the larger problems are worked on paper. As the skills continue it can be done in their heads. But the Common Core method looks like putting the cart before the horse. This type of thing has been done before and went away. Common Core will pass.

09-18-2014, 02:35 PM
I have 2 kids in school, in 5th and 8th grade. Our schools started the Common Core math last year as a test and now have it permanently. My view of it is they seem to be teaching the kids more ways of doing things in their heads and seem to discourage using a paper and pencil. LOTS of time spent teaching how to average,round off and estimate , and yet they discourage using your fingers. Last year my son had a problem that asked to estimate how much 12 and 16 are, and when he put down 28, as he added it in his head, he was marked wrong as the correct answer was 30. I told the teacher, if your going to have an averaging question, as least make it difficult enough so that "averaging" is applicable. And I had to explain to him why you would EVER average, and not just use a paper and pencil to figure it out. Best answer I could come up with is, you are a cattleman looking out over your herd and need to quickly count the cattle. So just visually break up the herd in bunches of 50, and then add those in your head. THEN he understood. Not sure why the book doesn't explain why, it isn't rocket science if I can do it.

09-18-2014, 04:57 PM
Glad my kids are grown, and kids are seriously considering home schooling.

How would flash cards work with this new fangled math. Shouldn't kids learn basic math, one doesn't have to be a math whiz, or even good at it to learn basic math.
It sounds to me that they are putting every kid in the same class of what used to be the special needs kids, or special ed I think is what it was called.

09-18-2014, 05:33 PM
We now know who wrote "Common Core", insane, murdering muslims.
It is now being reported that IS has banned , math, social studies and playing, all children can do is study the koran.
How to regress to the stone age in 1 easy lesson.:twisted:

09-18-2014, 07:01 PM
My main problem with educating my children has been bullying. To be fair we have been through the whole gambit from multiple parochial schools to public school and then back to another parochial school.

The latest parochial literally provided the a great loving environment with zero tolerance of bullying. I can not say enough good things about the school and my parish. They also excel in the education that have provided.

When my youngest was struggling they saw the problem and put a plan in place. So far we have not been invaded by Commie Core. We do however have a large emphasis on technology. Every student from the 4th grade up are issued iPads but we still teach cursive writing.

09-18-2014, 07:59 PM
Your description of the situation is not clear to me. You daughter got a zero for not doing one problems correctly? How many problems were on this paper, just that one? Was this a multiplication exercise or some other kind of task, clearly 5 times 3 is fifteen if it is a multiplication exercise but if it was some other kind of task like understanding how multiplication is an extension of addition and the problem asked that 5 times 3 be expressed using addition then the right answer would have been 3+3+3+3+3 the number 15 is irrelevant. If the question was "what is another way to write 5 times 3" then 15 should have been an acceptable answer. The question might have been geared toward Math Theory not a test of Multiplication skills.

I don't see how you could teach math from a college text book. I would expect that a college level text would start with algebra and not go over remedial math. When I started college there was an entrance exam and if you could not pass the algebra test you took remedial algebra for no credit before you could start your Calculus classes.


The tests usually only have one to three questions, the final answer does not matter, only the method used to achieve a result. So its easy to see my problem with this curriculum, the final answer does matter.

As far as the math I teach in my house it starts with Fundamentals of Math and ends with Algebra 2 written by Elayn Martin-Gay published by Pearson Custom Publishing. All these courses require you to do your homework online as required by govt starting three years ago, my elementary age children's homework gets done online as well, as required by govt.

My oldest daughter was in fourth grade and completed the Fundamental Math course, it was almost identical to her math course that year, it was a college class and I did earn credit for it.

09-18-2014, 09:06 PM
I just looked at it and said $3.45 change... no counting needed...

Correct answer is 6 2/3, I would probably make 8 batches so I could sample some as they come from the oven. Warm cookies are even better than warm doughnuts....

I learned how to make change that way when I was sixteen, and still have no problems making change from a cash box.

Computerized cash registers have really helped to dumb down the populace. Don't even get me started on the coin dispensing machines like Subway uses..


09-18-2014, 09:15 PM
Common cr*p hides the books, copywrites material, refuses to let parents see what is being taught. If that doesn't ring alarm bells then you are a democrat! Conservatives need to pull their kids out of public school and teach the truth, common cr*p is going to destroy an entire generation if we do not cut it off now.

The Wife and I met the fourth grade Teacher this week to get a progress on our Daughter. We were given the heads up that they were starting the division/multiplication. The Teacher showed us how they teach division now, and the Wife and tried to understand, but could not. The Teacher said she was forbidden to teach the way the Wife and I were taught. To top it off, they don't send the kids home with a work book to explain this stuff. How can many parents be expected to help their kids at home? Fortunately, the Teacher said we could teach our daughter the traditional way, and she would support that.

While at work... we can not hire Engineers to save our lives. Engineers are in demand, and we can't pay them enough to attract them. So, we have more and more vacancies every month! If you get a technical education, you will easily outshine your peers who have been "short changed".

09-18-2014, 09:21 PM
In my mind there is only one answer to 5 x 3, anyway you want to go about it.

09-18-2014, 09:21 PM
I was taught the "new math" but the math teacher taught the old ways alongside it because she hated it. Said it was not needed at that age level. And she was right, by high school I was taking college calculus and doing abstract math. I was better prepared emotionally and developmentally to understand the stuff like imaginary numbers etc. Kids need to learn the foundations before being taught the abstract. My friends grandkids have come to me crying because the math doesn't make sense. I explain it the old way and a light goes on and then they get it. Then I do it the new way and show them how unnecessary all the extra steps are. Yes their teacher hates me!

Didn't they try this in the late 70's early 80's. And it failed then. My mother was saying something about this the other day about my brother was taught the "new math" and they gave up on it as everyone of the students were screwed up. She said it set back all of them 2 years on math skills to teach the "new math" out of them.

09-18-2014, 09:23 PM
It has everything to do w/ math skills. I knew the transaction total and how much the customer was paying me. Before I entered their payment into the register I knew what their change was. It's not like you have a split second to figure it out. You have to count what they gave you before you enter it into the register. Trying to defend them by saying the machine does it for them is weak IMO. There is no excuse for having poor basic math skills. Especially w/ a system based on tens. It can't get any easier.

The Wife and I met the fourth grade Teacher this week to get a progress on our Daughter. We were given the heads up that they were starting the division/multiplication. The Teacher showed us how they teach division now, and the Wife and tried to understand, but could not. The Teacher said she was forbidden to teach the way the Wife and I were taught. To top it off, they don't send the kids home with a work book to explain this stuff. How can many parents be expected to help their kids at home? Fortunately, the Teacher said we could teach our daughter the traditional way, and she would support that.

Nope...textbooks stay at school, no workbooks just photocopies, and notebooks stay at school because they are needed to study for the state assessments and they could get lost at home. The school gives us a list of websites that we can go to for help.

I wish we could home school.

09-18-2014, 09:27 PM
Your description of the situation is not clear to me. You daughter got a zero for not doing one problems correctly? How many problems were on this paper, just that one? Was this a multiplication exercise or some other kind of task, clearly 5 times 3 is fifteen if it is a multiplication exercise but if it was some other kind of task like understanding how multiplication is an extension of addition and the problem asked that 5 times 3 be expressed using addition then the right answer would have been 3+3+3+3+3 the number 15 is irrelevant. If the question was "what is another way to write 5 times 3" then 15 should have been an acceptable answer. The question might have been geared toward Math Theory not a test of Multiplication skills.

I don't see how you could teach math from a college text book. I would expect that a college level text would start with algebra and not go over remedial math. When I started college there was an entrance exam and if you could not pass the algebra test you took remedial algebra for no credit before you could start your Calculus classes.


I think you're onto something here Tim.

09-18-2014, 09:34 PM
I'm a teacher. Lessons like these are beneficial to teach the kids to problem solve. Are some of the things unnecessary, yes. However I've been teaching for many years and the students that have been educated learning this style of math are much better at problem solving the my students who were only instructed the old way. I do teach the standard algorithms along with the cc ways too. I also urge people to not jump to conclusions about things you're not truly educated on like the ones who are trying to restrict our gun rights. Also I'm not a drunk or bar fly. Don't lump all teachers into the drug taking hippie left wing nuts.

Thank you. Right there with you.

09-18-2014, 09:38 PM
Just today at Wal-Mart, I bought 3 cases of dog food. That's all it took to have the checkout line backed up an extra 10 minutes, 12 cans in a case plus I had 3 coupons for $1.00 off each 8 cans. A young lady in her late teens or early 20's and it completely ruined her whole day. When she couldn't come up with 36 cans of dog food and wouldn't believe me that there was 36 she counted them one at a time but then the coupons, $1 off each 8 cans and she was nearly in tears. She finally gave up and had the manager come over who simply scanned the bar code on the coupons.

A few years ago at Kentucky Chicken my order came to $16.15. I gave the young fellow a 20, a 1 and a dime and a nickel. He says you gave me too much money, I said to just ring it up that way & he did. He looks up at me, back down at the register & back at me. Slowly he reaches in the register and pulls out a $5 bill and says . . . how did you do that, you don't have a calculator? I said, boy you need to go back to school. He pumps out is chest and announces that he just graduated.

Yep, education in America. Were in trouble big time. For 200 years the two biggest guarantee's of our continued liberty was a free press and education. Today the two biggest threats to our liberty is a free press and our education system.


09-18-2014, 09:54 PM
I am a stay at home dad but am not qualified to teach my kids everything they need t know. But I do help them with all their homework and when it starts getting too complicated with all the extra charts and graphs and useless stuff I show them how to get the right answer the way I was taught. Hopefully they will survive Common Core and still know how to figure things to get the right answer.

09-18-2014, 09:55 PM
.......... My oldest daughter was in fourth grade and completed the Fundamental Math course, it was almost identical to her math course that year, it was a college class and I did earn credit for it.

You just confused me again. Did you just say that your daughter's fourth grade math course is almost identical to a class you took in college and for which you got college credit? What school did you go to and for what degree were you studying?


09-18-2014, 09:55 PM
Interesting article:


09-19-2014, 01:44 AM
If commie core is so good for the kids, than why are we ranked WAY down in the school systems compared to the rest of the world, when we used to be number one?
The last year of my youngest daughter, most of the teachers were'nt even there. There was an aid there, and the main teacher and schooling was done on the computer.
The schools gave the kids "free" I-pads here instead of books. Tax dollars at work. If you have a problem at home, contact the teacher thru facebook. What a joke. The teacher see's EVERYTHING on facebook.

Luckily my kids are finally out, but we went the rounds and rounds with the so called school system around here.
The grandkids will be home schooled,even if I have to do it myself.

Lance Boyle
09-19-2014, 09:25 AM
Well my page 1 comment tweaked a few teacher noses. I apologize if I offended you by stating my experiences with some of the more recent teachers as bar fly dope smokers. That was my experience in upstate NY, I won't deny what I saw but I am sure that there are good teachers who aren't drunks and don't do illicit drugs. I work in law enforcement, I see what I see.

Here the LE folks quite regularly get painted with a broad brush or roller when the brush is insufficient, welcome to my world.

Reading through the 4 pages I see a few teachers back some of the common core methods for better problem solving mind training. I guess we will know in 5-10 years down the road. I think the bigger problem is the growing segment of youth who will not bother to engage in learning any method. Only the willing learn well.

R28, I think the last part of my post has a bit to do with it too. Kids don't want to learn, parents aren't interested in compelling them to work at learning. My parents weren't perfectly attentive but they mostly kept on me to do my homework, they went to PT conference nights, they demanded I do better when my grades slacked. Some kids don't get that from their parents especially in the stereotypical inner city environments. My own high school was relatively new when I attended, the city took the uptown school and the downtown school and merged them to meet the demand to give all kids the same education. In reality the opportunity was always there as provided by the taxpayer but the participation was not. What happened in the merged school? The same as always, the middle and upper class background kids mostly did ok to very good and were graduated. The downtown lower class kids came in with an attitude (because it was cool/expected), were disruptive at times, and an astonishing amount dropped out sometime around their junior year. I'm sure there were crossovers from each group but not enough to justify the costs of a new building, bussing, and all the PC driven nonsense.

Lance Boyle
09-19-2014, 09:53 AM
I think another large portion of the schooling problem in the US is a product of our success. With all our advances in technology we try to utilize it in our educational system when perhaps it shouldn't. I think the jury is still out on that though. Kindergarteners are using machines, that may be a good thing.

The problem I was referencing may be that of distraction and dilution from the fundamentals, the old 3 R's. No foundation begets no structure.

09-19-2014, 12:09 PM
Stupid people vote for democrats! I had to say it but you all already knew this correct?

09-19-2014, 12:38 PM
Stupid people vote for democrats! I had to say it but you all already knew this correct?

Not quite accurate. Uneducated people vote democratic. There is a difference. The level of education in this country has been declining for over 30 years on an ever increasing scale based on the ever increasing death grip of the federal government on the education in public schools. On an ever increasing scale our youth get propaganda in place of an education, they are taught that government is their only hope, that business and Republicans hate you and will beat you down but democrats love you and will take care of you. They are ill equipped to deal with life or get a decent job so they do what 12 years of public education tells them they must do, vote for those that will give them the biggest handout.

That's how obummer got elected. Twice! Every year millions of kids graduate high school and head for the polls ready to make an intelligent choice based only on 12 years of propaganda and very little actual education.

A poll out this week, only 33% of those polled knew what the top three branches of government are. Only 38% knew that the democrats don't control both houses, that's 62% that today believe they do. Are these people stupid? I don't think so, they are uneducated, they are a product of today's public education.


09-19-2014, 12:56 PM
............The level of education in this country has been declining for over 30 years on an ever increasing scale based on the ever increasing death grip of the federal government on the education in public schools............

Not accounting for quality, the education level in this country has been increasing for the last 30 years. The percentage of the population that graduated high school has increased each decade (except for the 80's) and the percentage of the population that obtained a college degree as increased each decade as well.

The value and quality of that high school diploma has declined as have the standards so I am not completely disagreeing with you. The fact that the population in general is so poorly informed might lead one to believe that the population in general does not know what is good for them and the Elites should make their decisions for them :-)


09-19-2014, 01:08 PM
I will go with the stupid people vote dem, there are lots of highly educated people voting dem, and lots of uneducated folks with enough sense to not be a dumbacrat. lol Education and smarts are not always the same thing.

09-19-2014, 01:59 PM
The shortest distance between two points is a direct line... but our schools seem intent on teaching the indirect routes....

Wait...let me get my "tape diagram" out of my pocket........

To me "core" has always meant the basic or starting level. Under that premis "common core" education is NOT common or core............

09-19-2014, 01:59 PM
I don't think the old days where any better. My high school class graduated about 450, in ninth grade the class was over 900. Only half of them made it to graduation. My guess is less than half that graduated made it thru higher education.

Not accounting for quality, the education level in this country has been increasing for the last 30 years. The percentage of the population that graduated high school has increased each decade (except for the 80's) and the percentage of the population that obtained a college degree as increased each decade as well.

The value and quality of that high school diploma has declined as have the standards so I am not completely disagreeing with you. The fact that the population in general is so poorly informed might lead one to believe that the population in general does not know what is good for them and the Elites should make their decisions for them :-)


09-19-2014, 02:02 PM
"There" grandson??????

Maybe I am wrong but I thought it was frown upon to correct someone's spelling and grammar on this forum. It just messes up the discussion and is a distraction. That does not mean that you can't consider such errors when forming a opinion of the poster.


09-19-2014, 02:13 PM
Pretty sure it was brought up because of comments made by that poster. Pot calling the kettle black so to speak.

I will say that the grammar/spelling on this site is quite atrocious. I don't bother trying to figure out what some members are trying to say.

09-19-2014, 02:50 PM
I will go with the stupid people vote dem, there are lots of highly educated people voting dem, and lots of uneducated folks with enough sense to not be a dumbacrat. lol Education and smarts are not always the same thing.

To an Extent that's true but consider that after 12 years of public school indoctrination those "higher educated" folks have simply gone on to a higher level of and a more intensive indoctrination. Through it all there has been precious little critical thinking being taught and for those capable of it they don't have the education to base trying to think things out for themselves.

Not many people have paid much attention to just how bad, as in a lack of, education is and has been for some time.


09-19-2014, 03:04 PM
Not accounting for quality, the education level in this country has been increasing for the last 30 years. The percentage of the population that graduated high school has increased each decade (except for the 80's) and the percentage of the population that obtained a college degree as increased each decade as well.

The value and quality of that high school diploma has declined as have the standards so I am not completely disagreeing with you. The fact that the population in general is so poorly informed might lead one to believe that the population in general does not know what is good for them and the Elites should make their decisions for them :-) Tim

Quite incorrect to say . . . "the education level in this country has been increasing". No it hasn't, it is steadily and rapidly decreasing. The number of or percentage of graduates from high school means nothing if they haven't been taught anything. If you gave a high school diploma to every single high school student does that mean that they are educated?

Ever heard of "Outcome based education"? If you haven't and you have kids or Grand kids in a public school I suggest you look into it. Many schools coast to coast use that liberal gem to dumb down kids.


09-19-2014, 03:16 PM
incorrect, he was elected because he could & would write checks on OUR accounts. My 61 class of ~ 600 had <1% not graduate (preg. & illness, a few for grades or jail), less than 10% didn't get higher education within 5 yrs, gals included. Mostly agree with Lance Boyle (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/member.php?22186-Lance-Boyle) , kids want to push buttons and see results. In Texas we call affluenza.

The class of 61 or it's percentage of graduates mean nothing. See post #78. Kids in the 60's and before were getting a solid education but that started to change in a big way in the 70's as liberals gained control of school boards and the feds began getting more and more control of the whole system. It's been sliding downhill on an increasing scale ever since. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's accidental or that kids are stupider today than in years past. What so many kids are today is uneducated.


Lance Boyle
09-19-2014, 05:56 PM
That's another good point. The bar has been continually lowered. I considered myself an average student, i was the tail end grade wise of the advanced classes. Yeah we have some grammar errors here, some of my own but I try to keep it clean, my nieces and nephews are absolutely horrendous with their spelling and grammar online. Sometimes it is so bad I don't know what they mean. It's not the intentional shortcuts either, they're just coming off as being ignorant of the correct spelling, grammar, and vocabulary. I wonder what will become of the written language in this country.

Edit- I think we were better off in the old days, if you failed, you failed, you didn't get to graduate until you went to summer school or repeated the grade. Those that opted out had to hope for the best in the world of employment without their diploma. Not everyone was cut out for college either. Many tried it and stopped after a semester or two and went to work or picked up a trade. That wasn't a bad thing. We need plumbers, welders, machinists, etc. I think our school systems make a major mistake not matching kids to the trades. If the kid didn't have his own direction toward a trade, the school generally only put the unruly or slow kids in the vocational tech classes.

I digress again, the point is in the old days the diploma and the degree represented a quality of education. Now it seems that if you can fog a mirror you get a high school diploma. If you can write your name on the college loan paperwork and keep paying you'll get a degree. It might be in women's studies, history of sports education, or some other liberal arts. As far as I'm concerned there shouldn't be a LA degree, courses yes, but a degree with dubious usefulness? Oh wait they do have a use, they fund the diploma mill industry.

09-19-2014, 06:15 PM
Quite incorrect to say . . . "the education level in this country has been increasing". No it hasn't, it is steadily and rapidly decreasing. The number of or percentage of graduates from high school means nothing if they haven't been taught anything. If you gave a high school diploma to every single high school student does that mean that they are educated?

Ever heard of "Outcome based education"? If you haven't and you have kids or Grand kids in a public school I suggest you look into it. Many schools coast to coast use that liberal gem to dumb down kids.


This is a big part of the reason I left Education. Right up there with social promotion. School has become more about boosting self esteem and less about learning every day. What happened to feeling good about yourself when you did well, and not so good when you didn't? Seemed to motivate me to some extent.

09-19-2014, 09:00 PM
Democrat voters are uneducated yet they claim republicans are uneducated hicks...

I used to train new technicians at the casino. A lot were young kids right out of high school. They could not think their way through a problem without my holding their hand and pointing out the beginning of the next step. Come back the next day and repeat because they remembered nothing but which key opened the door.

09-19-2014, 09:04 PM
I'm a teacher. Lessons like these are beneficial to teach the kids to problem solve. Are some of the things unnecessary, yes. However I've been teaching for many years and the students that have been educated learning this style of math are much better at problem solving the my students who were only instructed the old way. I do teach the standard algorithms along with the cc ways too. I also urge people to not jump to conclusions about things you're not truly educated on like the ones who are trying to restrict our gun rights. Also I'm not a drunk or bar fly. Don't lump all teachers into the drug taking hippie left wing nuts.

Thank you for what you do and for giving us a valuable perspective on this issue. All kidding aside just because I don't understand something doesn't mean it's without merit.

09-19-2014, 10:19 PM
You just confused me again. Did you just say that your daughter's fourth grade math course is almost identical to a class you took in college and for which you got college credit? What school did you go to and for what degree were you studying?


I really feel like you are taking a good poke at me here ,but I will oblige you. The math class I took my second semester of juco was almost identical to my daughters math class that year, and yes she was in the fourth grade. Our homework ,done online, was on the same website. I was finishing up my associates of applied science in Criminal Justice and needed a couple math classes , I had already graduated from MGCCC and was making good use of my GI Bill.

09-19-2014, 10:52 PM
Let's be careful before blasting entire group of professions. While I'm not necessarily a fan of common core (it hasn't touched my area of expertise, science, yet) I take issue with some of the comments. The whole tape-diagram, new math, and crazy methods of long division that make the news are not prescribed by common core but are put out by companies or guru-type individuals in an attempt to sell curriculum while districts are suddenly looking for things that are labeled as "aligned with Common Core." If you have issues with CC that's fine. If you choose to take those issues up with you local school district or local/state government, even better. Take it easy on the low hanging fruit that is taking it out on teachers, who often have less say in what goes on in a district than a taxpayer or parent.

I am a public school teacher and neither smoke dope nor am I a drunk. I think I might go have a beer after reading through this one though.

09-19-2014, 11:06 PM
I really feel like you are taking a good poke at me here ,but I will oblige you. The math class I took my second semester of juco was almost identical to my daughters math class that year, and yes she was in the fourth grade. Our homework ,done online, was on the same website. I was finishing up my associates of applied science in Criminal Justice and needed a couple math classes , I had already graduated from MGCCC and was making good use of my GI Bill.

Hey guy, sorry. I am glad you responded they way you did as it makes it a lot easier to apologize. I came off more insulting than I could have imagined. I did not mean to be insulting. It occurred to me after I replied that maybe you were attending a Community College. Nothing wrong with a community college or taking any class that will make you smarter. Congrats for raising kids, working and going to school. That is a lot to handle.


09-19-2014, 11:19 PM
I date a 6th grade math teacher who has been teaching math for 20 years. Believe me she and most other teachers are just as frustrated about common core as are the "aware" parents. That said 75% of her students parents she says could give a S%#@ as at the end of the year all kids pass regardless of their grades, because they retest until the child passes and the final test grade is the one that counts, the others are dropped. I showed my daughters how to do math by playing darts with them they were 5-6 yrs old. they could add, subtract and multiply within weeks because of that old dart board :-) They did the same with their kids, and now they home school them so they will end up having a brain that functions on reason.

ole 5 hole group
09-20-2014, 10:28 AM
Tell your 6th grade teacher friend to stand up and be counted. One of the problems today is teachers, administrators, school board members and elected State lawmakers are reluctant to stand up and inform the public about the dangers/short-comings of common core. None of these people were consulted relative to their views or expertise during the formation of this educational concept - it was sprung upon our schools with badly written standards and they are now having to adopt and go along, as it's now a State Education Standard, which must be followed by all schools in those States that signed on.

By standing up - I mean go to your local paper, call your school board members and State Representatives and inform them of what is happening as this thing keeps uncoiling with more trash.

There are members of the original common Core's Validation Committee such as Dr. Sandra Stotsky and Dr. James Milgram who both refused to sign-off on CC's Validation. I know Dr. Stotsky is travelling around the country talking to State reps, school boards, civic groups etc., as I attended a local meeting where she spoke.

Since this was a well thought out plan by "whoever" we had/have private organizations involved right from the get-go financed by Bill Gates so all information can be withheld from the public - and it has be withheld!!!! No one has been able to access anything from these committees or organizations.

In junior high school - I know of one school in my school district (assume that the rest followed suit) that on one test/questionnaire they had a question "do you feel you are gay or bi-sexual". On an athletic questionnaire they asked "is there firearms in your household". No one knows why or what will be done with this information or who is compiling this information.

There is a lot of information on the internet - inform yourself, stand-up and become active in the education of your children, grandchildren or if you don't have a family - stand up for your young citizens who will someday contribute to our Nation.

