View Full Version : Neighbors .. strike again

09-15-2014, 12:41 PM
So yesterday (Sunday it might add) evening (!!) doorbell rings and when I open I see the janitor with his wife (as backup) displaying very concerned faces and had to talk to me about a "serious" topic. Turns out while he was doing façade work (on Sunday) he was perfectly able to have a good look into my man cave where I had a bunch of components lying around as I wanted to make some .45 ammo later on. He must have almost fallen off the ladder from the shock to see "those enormous things", too bad I didn't see that.

Anyway, long story short, they were questioning the legality of what I was doing as in their kindergarden mindset it must be forbidden if it has to do with firearms, no? What shall not be, cannot be.

I still wanted to be polite because I am a polite person and told them no everything is in order there.. but then .. THE GUY ASKED IF HE COULD SEE THE LICENSES for my guns etc .. ***? Where the **** are we, a janitor asking to see my licenses.. (you need licenses to obtain firearms in Switzerland btw). I said have a good evening and went back in.

It still makes me LOL .. what makes people think they can start invading other's privacy and even attempt trying to discriminate them (while trying to get a good look at my gf's behind while on the ladder)? .. and then claim my cans of Unique are more flammable than the moonshine he has hidden in his cabinet?

No question I wrote an email to the landlord that very evening asking him *** who his janitor thinks he is.

Another post about "neighbors" suggested an attitude modification by means of a biker gang.. nice idea. While we lack biker gangs in Switzerland, I am up for suggestions.


lefty o
09-15-2014, 12:52 PM
should have told him no you cant see the license, but your wlecome to go take a long walk on a short pier.

09-15-2014, 12:56 PM
Amazing isn't it, how people are very willing to mind your personal business for you huh?
Tell him to go pound sand.

09-15-2014, 01:01 PM
Better watch your stuff. He is sure to blab to everyone he knows about what he has seen.

09-15-2014, 01:11 PM
Better watch your stuff. He is sure to blab to everyone he knows about what he has seen.

You bet I do.. unfortunately, that's exactly what's going to happen.

09-15-2014, 01:14 PM
Amazing isn't it, how people are very willing to mind your personal business for you huh?
Tell him to go pound sand.

Some folks life must be pretty boring.. yes.

09-15-2014, 01:26 PM
Boy you sure showed great restraint !

I may have offered him a knuckle sandwich at the license remark.

09-15-2014, 01:32 PM
So yesterday (Sunday it might add) evening (!!) doorbell rings and when I open I see the janitor with his wife (as backup) displaying very concerned faces and had to talk to me about a "serious" topic. Turns out while he was doing façade work (on Sunday) he was perfectly able to have a good look into my man cave where I had a bunch of components lying around as I wanted to make some .45 ammo later on. He must have almost fallen off the ladder from the shock to see "those enormous things", too bad I didn't see that.

Anyway, long story short, they were questioning the legality of what I was doing as in their kindergarden mindset it must be forbidden if it has to do with firearms, no? What shall not be, cannot be.

I still wanted to be polite because I am a polite person and told them no everything is in order there.. but then .. THE GUY ASKED IF HE COULD SEE THE LICENSES for my guns etc .. ***? Where the **** are we, a janitor asking to see my licenses.. (you need licenses to obtain firearms in Switzerland btw). I said have a good evening and went back in.

It still makes me LOL .. what makes people think they can start invading other's privacy and even attempt trying to discriminate them (while trying to get a good look at my gf's behind while on the ladder)? .. and then claim my cans of Unique are more flammable than the moonshine he has hidden in his cabinet?

No question I wrote an email to the landlord that very evening asking him *** who his janitor thinks he is.

Another post about "neighbors" suggested an attitude modification by means of a biker gang.. nice idea. While we lack biker gangs in Switzerland, I am up for suggestions.


These vermin are everywhere and they breed like rats.

09-15-2014, 01:52 PM
Wow! It seems like one of the villages around there lost their idiot. Did you check nearby to see if one was missing? :veryconfu
Unfortunately it seems people like that are everywhere in the world.

09-15-2014, 01:57 PM
Perhaps the janitor had relatives living in Germany back in the `30`s & `40`s where you reported your friends and neighbors for anything suspicous. It does give me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that our country doesn`t have a monopoly on window peeping Tom`s.Robert

09-15-2014, 02:07 PM
LOL .. that's what I need guys.. thanks!!

country gent
09-15-2014, 02:08 PM
Its a real issue and the more regulations restrictions the more so it becomes. I would do several little things to a put him at ease and b make it harder to see whats going on. Be pleasant and courteous to him as much as is possible then hang curtains on windows to make seeing in harder. Since he has proven a perchance for window peeking not only rooms where firearms are but also bathrooms and bedrooms. I would question the landlord if he condones window peeking as parts of his "Janitors" job also.

09-15-2014, 02:13 PM
woah that would not have ended well here at the very least I would have asked him if he has a reterd license.

too bad he can't come over here for a visit for the next 5-6 weeks, his head would explode at the sight of a gun on most every street corner on the handlebars of 4 wheelers, and in just about every trucks back window.
unsecured,, windows rolled down, and no permit tag in sight.

09-15-2014, 02:17 PM
Perhaps the janitor had relatives living in Germany back in the `30`s & `40`s where you reported your friends and neighbors for anything suspicous...snip
OR in 2009 USA (remember Obama's report anything fishy request?)

09-15-2014, 02:29 PM
It isn't that the "breed" it is that human beings are still animals and fear is a pretty major motivator (which is why it is used rather liberally by our media and political parties). If you keep throwing frightening situations in front of people eventually they will be so scared of everything involved they will do something about it. Generally this leads to false police reports, harassment, sticking their nose where it doesn't belong etc. This isn't because people are stupid, it is because people are easily ruled by fear. And if they don't know any better, because people they trust and respect haven't shown them better, they will continue to push for more regulation and more limitations to provide them with a warm security blanket.

09-15-2014, 02:34 PM
Good thing he didn't see in my house he would had a heart attack!!

just curious how much is a pound of unique in Switzerland?

09-15-2014, 02:45 PM
Sounds like a report of a peeping Tom is in order.

09-15-2014, 02:57 PM
Well, making things harder to see is one thing. On the other hand, now that I'm known for loading enormous calibers for potentially hunting big-5 in Switzerland (Zoo nearby), why hide? First, I didn't do anything wrong and 2nd it's really none of his business. I probably need to develop a routine to only have stuff on the bench what I need and when I need it and clear it when I'm not working. Had one in place, but got sloppy. Yes, it sort of a self-restriction, but with idiots like him around.. he's almost a threat for himself. Good idea on asking the landlord to specify if peeking is part of his job. Still waiting on his reply to my initial email.

I agree, Deliverator, people tend to ask for the government to tuck them in and kiss goodnight. More and more people switch off their brain because it's easier letting other people think for them. Sad but true, especially in a country that is famous for having people vote for almost anything.

43PU, a pound of Unique is currently sold at about 70 Dollars here. I look more into european-made powders, Vihtavuori, Fiocchi, we even have a local powder manufacturer who produces propellants for the army, plus as of recently, supplies the private sector as well. Price are lower there, maybe around 55 Dollars for a little over the pound. Unfortunately, import is not cheap and the importers mostly order only a year's supply, so you have to be fast. And I'm really really glad I didn't have the gun cabinet open.. I don't know what the contents would have done to him

09-15-2014, 03:44 PM
Got the sure cure...I was bore sighting a scoped rifle...way back in my garage...bolt out of course...rifle in a rifle vise on a table..looking at a guy's gas meter on the side of his house about 100 yards away across the street....I live right in the heart of San Diego so not rural...I'm bent over peering through the barrel when I heard a gasp and an "oh shxx"..it was the Fed Ex delivery guy..he'd pulled up across the street and walked over with a package and as he looked into the garage he was staring at the business end of a 30-06...when he quieted down and realized what I was doing he had a great laugh..he's a shooter and hunter....really glad it wasn't the local church ladies that visit us or the Mormon kids that call now and then...might have been a problem.

Love Life
09-15-2014, 03:55 PM
Boy you sure showed great restraint !

I may have offered him a knuckle sandwich at the license remark.

I'm Dick, I'm a candidate for awesome, and I approve the quoted message.

09-15-2014, 04:03 PM
My neighbors can be a pain too, depending on which side of me you are talking about. One side at times needs powder, while the other side keeps trying to talk me into reloading for him. lol

09-15-2014, 04:08 PM
LOL, reading this (I´m from Germany), I guess some special police unit would have crashed my door, breaking me some bones, killing my dog and then asking:

"Do you have a permission?"

Aren´t we free, or what?


09-15-2014, 04:20 PM
LOL, reading this (I´m from Germany), I guess some special police unit would have crashed my door, breaking me some bones, killing my dog and then asking:

"Do you have a permission?"

Aren´t we free, or what?

.. and sending you a bill for their efforts afterwards, right? :)

09-15-2014, 04:24 PM
Wow, pretty gutsy to come to your door, admit to peeking in your windows, and demand to see your license! Maybe he's one of those guys who always wanted to be a cop but couldn't cut it. I suppose I'd have told him that I follow the law carefully, it's none of his business, and the next time he peeks in my windows I'll call the cops.

A friend told a story years ago of having a cop knock on his door one afternoon. He went to the shooting range or hunting on a fairly regular basis so would often go to and from his car carrying guns, usually cased. It seems he had the stereotypical nosy little old lady across the street who watched all the comings and goings in the neighborhood. She was scared by seeing guns and apparently figured he was a gun runner or hit man or something; who knows.

So she calls the cops on him. He said the cop was polite and apologetic, and said he already told the neighbor there was no crime. He didn't ask him anything about his guns at all, just apologized for having to bother him, and asked if he could try to be as discrete as possible with his guns to avoid upsetting his crazy neighbor.

09-15-2014, 04:26 PM
WOW, scary
Last year we were headed out, my wife, son and myself all carry, so we all carried open that day.
I hear a knock on the door just as we headed out, there stood the Jehovah Witness group, all of their eyes got as big as silver dollars.
We told them we were going to the range and asked if they wanted to go, can you guess the answer, and they have never been back.
Just wish I would have done it years ago.

09-15-2014, 04:29 PM
.. and sending you a bill for their efforts afterwards, right? :)

There you can bet!

Hey, you are from Basel!

Salli, ich kumm vu Friburg (Freiburg im Breisgau).

09-15-2014, 04:42 PM
Last year the landlord had a guy hired to do a bunch of maintenance on the building. I left my door open so he could come and go when he needed too.
He mentioned that I sure had a lot of guns, I told him yea, but only I knew which ones were loaded, so don't try anything goofy. lol

Bad Water Bill
09-15-2014, 04:48 PM
Definitely report him to the police as a peeping tom and let him know about the notification.

IF anyone ever breaks in guess who will be the first one the police contact.:bigsmyl2:

Now HE has to worry every day.

09-15-2014, 04:57 PM
Neighbors are the terrorists of the 21st century.

09-15-2014, 05:01 PM
Got the sure cure...I was bore sighting a scoped rifle...way back in my garage...bolt out of course...rifle in a rifle vise on a table..looking at a guy's gas meter on the side of his house about 100 yards away across the street....I live right in the heart of San Diego so not rural...I'm bent over peering through the barrel when I heard a gasp and an "oh shxx"..it was the Fed Ex delivery guy..he'd pulled up across the street and walked over with a package and as he looked into the garage he was staring at the business end of a 30-06...when he quieted down and realized what I was doing he had a great laugh..he's a shooter and hunter....really glad it wasn't the local church ladies that visit us or the Mormon kids that call now and then...might have been a problem.

Ha! Church ladies carry around here. I love my region. Priceless

09-15-2014, 05:31 PM
LOL, reading this (I´m from Germany), I guess some special police unit would have crashed my door, breaking me some bones, killing my dog and then asking:

"Do you have a permission?"

Aren´t we free, or what?

You guys laugh at it but stuff very similar to that has happened here in the U.S. with the ATF. Plains clothed, no knock raid which resulted in a guy who only owned black powder Curio and Relic firearms and demilled grenades (neither of which are really regulated) death. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Ballew_raid
Most certainly there have been ATF raids were they trashed houses and killed pets leaving the "suspects" with the bill.

762 shooter
09-15-2014, 05:56 PM
My initial response would have been "Sure No Problem".

All I need to see is a current bank statement, all of your credit card numbers, I will also be over to your house in about an hour to examine the interior. I will also need a copy of your deed or lease, a copy of the title to your car, all of your medical records, a complete list of everyone you know, everyone you have spoken to on the phone, and your whereabouts for the last two weeks.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


09-15-2014, 06:03 PM
WOW, scary
Last year we were headed out, my wife, son and myself all carry, so we all carried open that day.
I hear a knock on the door just as we headed out, there stood the Jehovah Witness group, all of their eyes got as big as silver dollars.
We told them we were going to the range and asked if they wanted to go, can you guess the answer, and they have never been back.
Just wish I would have done it years ago.Not a J.W. myself but we know one and I sighted in his .30-06 for him last year to go deer hunting with. Things are a little different around here I guess.?

09-15-2014, 06:13 PM
A reasonable response would be something like, "No you may not see my licenses since you have no authority to ask for them but I assure you everything here is legal. Now you should leave before I call the police."
As soon as they leave you should call the police and let them know you're being harassed.

09-15-2014, 06:16 PM
OK, so let me get this straight. A lowly janitor shows up at the door, with wife in tow to confront a subject known to possess guns and ammo?
Personally I would be as nice to this person as possible without allowing admittance. Something tells me that janitorial services aren't this guys only source of income.

09-15-2014, 07:32 PM
Maybe I am ignorant for now, but I thought everyone in your country were required to maintain arms for national defense purposes?

09-15-2014, 07:48 PM
As far as everyone being required to maintain firearms, not so much anymore but at one time all former/current Swiss military personal would be supplied with their service rifle and a yearly allotment of ammo. I do believe Switzerland has a compulsory military service and they may chose to keep their service rifle but the government no longer gives you a yearly supply of ammo. I think that is correct but I am not Swiss.

09-15-2014, 08:03 PM
I would start a rumor about him and kiddie porn--I get even!

09-15-2014, 08:05 PM
Expat, have him sniff some Bullseye and maybe he will grow more brain cells.

Just Duke
09-15-2014, 10:14 PM
Oh my! How invasive.

09-15-2014, 10:43 PM
I'd tell him his ladder is more dangerous than my guns.

09-15-2014, 10:54 PM
the law would have been called! On me!When my neighbors come to my door I don't answer.I know its some drama that I don't deal with easily so.They have my number so leave a message at the beep.I uesed to think it nice to have simple neighbors till i got to know them.They are still super nice just needy and they have money its just wow.Good luck with janitor and wifey.Oh and do you carry guns in and out of the place?They may have been watching you like as in stalking you.

09-15-2014, 11:09 PM
Sounds like it's time to get "friendly" with him. Winks, stares as he's bending over, always complementing his skin tone, starry-eyed smiles, asking him what his evening plans are. Tell him you're a wild cowboy, and you like tight pants. He'll be avoiding you like the plague in no time....hopefully:(. Most of the people in those roles are major homophobes.

09-16-2014, 12:32 AM
As far as everyone being required to maintain firearms, not so much anymore but at one time all former/current Swiss military personal would be supplied with their service rifle and a yearly allotment of ammo. I do believe Switzerland has a compulsory military service and they may chose to keep their service rifle but the government no longer gives you a yearly supply of ammo. I think that is correct but I am not Swiss.

Correct, almost.. maybe 10 years ago it was like that and you had to have your gun at home. Now you can leave it with the army if you are not doing a repetition course and if you would like to keep the rifle in a place other than home. It was never a yearly allotment (would have been awesome), it was called "Taschenmunition" (pocket ammo) to ensure you have loaded mag just in case. It was sealed in a small tin can. They stopped that a couple of years ago after some political pressure from you know who.

09-16-2014, 12:47 AM
Time to move....for your own good.

09-16-2014, 12:55 AM
Depending upon the landlord's response, Gary's advice above might be wise to follow. That peeper is a FREAK, and had he made similar admissions to me he would have been arrested and filed on. Handcuffs--fingerprinting--booking--and cite release would be instructive to any such idiot.

09-16-2014, 01:01 AM
Creep would be talking to the police. Wonder how sticky fingered he is after peeping?

09-16-2014, 01:13 AM
Time to move....for your own good.

Funny how different people think. I tend to think it would be time for the janitor to move, for his own good also.

09-16-2014, 01:41 AM
Crooks and perverts like this janitor are practically a "protected class" in many areas. In a rational world, such vermin should live in fear of the rightful wrath of those they intrude upon, but the modern world seeks to shelter and coddle these predators due to the revenue stream their activities can generate for the legal profession. So, it is left for the victimized to do the moving, to hopefully avoid further contact with such cretins as this janitor. Society as a whole would be better served by the perp's incarceration or permanent removal, but the lawyers won't have that.

09-16-2014, 01:56 AM
While all of that is the truth, I know for a fact asking someone to move on the right way (real politely) also works. So far it has never failed me even when they decided to involve leo's.

09-16-2014, 06:46 AM
Years ago i went into a frequently visited bar where they had 2 pool tables and regulary had pool league's . On a off night I walked in carring a pool cue in a case, when another patrion informed the owner that i had a gun, the owner quickley set him straight. The owner as well as his son's were all very active firearm shooters.

09-16-2014, 07:14 AM
You are more of a man than I am. I would have been nice but would have asked him if he knew what a Harley Stomp was.

09-16-2014, 07:44 AM
The media does a good job of making the ignorant believe
ALL gun owners are evil and that Islam is a peaceful religion.

I know Islam was not part of the discussion, I just threw it in.

09-16-2014, 10:57 PM
WOW, scary
Last year we were headed out, my wife, son and myself all carry, so we all carried open that day.
I hear a knock on the door just as we headed out, there stood the Jehovah Witness group, all of their eyes got as big as silver dollars.
We told them we were going to the range and asked if they wanted to go, can you guess the answer, and they have never been back.
Just wish I would have done it years ago.

Wow, so that's how ya get rid of them, I gotta try that next time. :mrgreen: When I lived in Oregon I had four old ladies come over every week, answered the door buck naked one time and that worked, never saw them again.

Anyway, back to the OP. If someone knocked on my door and informed me that they had been peeking in my windows I would no doubt land in jail and the peeping tom could visit me once he got out of the hospital.


09-16-2014, 11:21 PM
i love switzerland
i would love to move there

09-16-2014, 11:27 PM
If I had to pick another country to live I think Switzerland would be my choice. Don't know of any developed countries were I could own full auto firearms except Switzerland and the U.S. I also think it is funny how they class full autos as illegal class but they are legal. Very deceptive those Swiss.

09-17-2014, 12:19 AM
I probably need to develop a routine to only have stuff on the bench what I need and when I need it and clear it when I'm not working.

They don't have window shades in Switzerland?

09-17-2014, 06:58 AM
Neighbors are the terrorists of the 21st century.

Thank Homeland security's "If you see something, say something."
A lot of people feel important if they can rat on someone,. . . anyone.

09-17-2014, 07:06 AM
You guys remind me of a bunch of old ladies. The guy rang your door bell and you sent him home ...game over.

09-17-2014, 08:10 AM
They don't have window shades in Switzerland?

Do they have to?

09-17-2014, 08:25 AM
Something I don't believe anyone mentioned… This janitor of your building probably has a key to your apartment that he was looking into. I would be somewhat concerned in light of that fact. (If true)


09-17-2014, 08:40 AM
He in fact has one yes.. already in the process of getting my hands on it.. and all copies. Think I will change the the locks too just to sure none of his retard kids show off on the street with my stuff..

09-17-2014, 04:19 PM
Something I don't believe anyone mentioned… This janitor of your building probably has a key to your apartment that he was looking into. I would be somewhat concerned in light of that fact. (If true)


You may have grounds for a restraining order in light of the apparent harassment. After all, it is someone with a possible mental illness who has access to your property and IMO that puts everybody at risk.

Lance Boyle
09-17-2014, 09:01 PM
LOL, you should have said of course you can see my license, come right in, but you and your will wife have to remove your clothes first. It's just as preposterous and invasive as their demand.

My old landlord once inquired about my reloading hobby. He bought the place and kept me as a tenant. He wasn't anti gun and was an army infantry soldier about ready to retire. I told him about the components and what would happen in a fire. Basically, it'd just burn hot, no explosion and if the house was already burning the hotter burn would pretty much not doing anything worse dollar wise. I told him honestly it was much safer than having a can of gas in the garage. In the end I reloaded some .308 for his deer rifle. They were good salt of the earth people, I miss them.

Now I own my own place on 11 acres with a tenth of a mile long driveway. I can walk around in my boxers or less all day long if I want.

(reminds me that when i worked the night shift I once answered the door at 9:00am in my boxers carrying a 1911 when the Jehova's kept knocking on my door. A half naked man with a bad attitude and gun was enough of a subtle hint to tell them now was decidedly not the time for a house call.

09-17-2014, 10:15 PM
Jehovas witnesses woke me up one morning at 8am, I had worked until 4am the night before and had to be back in at noon. Tossed on a bathrobe with nothing on under it, let it fall open as they talked and like you I had a pistol in my hand.

Bad Water Bill
09-18-2014, 09:42 AM
The LAST time their mob showed up at my door I informed them they were trespassing and I had already dialled 911.

They quickly gathered their 12-15 members and vanished.

That was 5 years ago but no more sightings have been reported in my neighborhood.

11-04-2015, 03:58 AM
My grandpa used to say: never get into an argument with idiots, they pull you down to their level where they have way more experience than you and hence they'll always win.

So, I finally moved to a bigger place, paying significantly less rent too, plus more sunlight. They have to stay, and will have to live with what comes after..

Chapter closed. Feels good to move on.

11-04-2015, 04:19 AM
Congrat's Expat74 (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/member.php?32711-Expat74), now enjoy your new home.

Littleton Shot Maker
11-04-2015, 05:09 AM
since I work at home , I am always in my 'shorts' and always answer the door with 1911- but sleep with ar. does that make me a bad person or paranoid or just normal. Oh #### 90% of normals will say I am nuts if they read that...oh well-
Now even the UPS and Mail lady don;t even flinch, you know why?? IT"S AZ every body carries even old ladies- they are so sorry to bother , and I alway ask them "what took so long" just to mess with them.... I'd been waiting for 'them' all day long.

11-04-2015, 08:15 AM
I'm glad this ended well for you.

Lloyd Smale
11-04-2015, 08:55 AM
id call the cops and tell them you have a peeping tom checking out your wife!

11-04-2015, 09:05 AM
id call the cops and tell them you have a peeping tom checking out your wife!
Believe it or not.. we were thinking about it. Another missed opportunity I guess.
But hey.. you always meet twice in life eh?

Lance Boyle
11-04-2015, 11:48 AM
Congratulations on the new home. Stretch out and enjoy the freedom!

11-04-2015, 08:39 PM
Congrats and enjoy.

Im lucky enough to have neighbors that are good ole boys.

Plate plinker
11-04-2015, 10:12 PM
NO and No

Do they have to?