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View Full Version : Winter Storm my eye!!

02-01-2008, 09:05 AM
Another big freakout about a HORRIBLE winter storm in NW Ohio, lines at the store last night, Blizzerd Bill the weatherman telling how terrible it is out there and they cancelled all the schools. When I was a kid...... ;)
2 inches of snow and a touch of freezin rain and they freak out. Traffic appears to be moving nicely down at the highway. Bunch of sissies these days. Oh well I have the kid today and we can play with her new .22 cricket rifle. My little girl(40th Bday present fo me) is 7-1/2 and is pretty good shooter already. Fun little gun but she hogs it! ;)
She likes to cast .313 RB for her wrist rocket. Makes a daddy proud!!

02-01-2008, 10:11 AM
We're trappin' all that snow here in northern Indiana to save you the inconvenience. Tokens of gratitude (ingots or molds) will be humbly accepted . PM for my address .

02-01-2008, 10:32 AM
I hear ya. Michigan Tech closed on wendnesday because of 7" of snow, 50mph winds and -35 windchills. whats the world comin to:roll:

02-01-2008, 10:41 AM
we had a threat of bad weather and they delayed schools 2hrs...

a bit of rain and the stuff freezing in the tops of trees.

wouldn't surprise me if I get a call to come get the kids early from school....

02-01-2008, 10:42 AM
I hear ya. Michigan Tech closed on wendnesday because of 7" of snow, 50mph winds and -35 windchills. whats the world comin to:roll:

Global warming!!!!!
When I was kid in the 50s had to walk 5 miles uphill both ways to school. :mrgreen:
Kidding aside I can only remember missing school once or twice because of snow, and it did snow in Ohio. The kids out in the country used to get out occasionally because of it but it had to be really bad.
In HS I took public transportation to school and one time I was late for class because of snow. The Vice Principle in no uncertain terms chewed my a$$ and said that I should have gotten up earlier since the snow was predicted the day before.


02-01-2008, 10:47 AM
We had a bad one here on tuesday. only about 6 inches of snow but 50mph winds wupped our butts. 52 cars in the ditch overnight in our county. Thats not including the 3 squads that went in! Pure white out! took me over and hour to drive ten miles home from work.

02-01-2008, 11:48 AM
WE were first! got three inches (gone by noon) had a pileup on I40 east of town 40 cars due to white out. predicted high today 60 winter is so hard! "Joke"

02-01-2008, 11:57 AM
I've got 18" in the yard and driveway. I'm heading back home in an hour to start the D4 to clear it out back down to gravel road. 18" may not sound like much, but when it's in timber and fairly steep uphill, it is. If I don't remove it, it turns to compact snow which is ice and when the melt starts that down hill road gets really exciting. One side is a 2' ditch and the other is off the hillside. Neither is a good idea. Add to that the prediction of another 6-12" by Sat night and more after that next week. Best get rid of some now while I can still get up the driveway.

02-01-2008, 11:58 AM
Anything less than a foot is a dusting[smilie=1::mrgreen:

MT Gianni
02-01-2008, 12:04 PM
An article in the Montana Standard out of Butte last cold spell said that school would not be closed just because it was -34 at night since day time temps weer over 0. It told parents to expect School closings when temps were -40. The district where my wife work east of the divide, closes the playground with below 0. Gianni.

02-01-2008, 12:10 PM
I still don't understand why places that get to be -45 has residents. Can someone fill me in? There is the wonderland called the south where we never get much below 0, the hunting is good, the fishing is good, and the people are friendly. Why would you move somewhere else?

02-01-2008, 12:17 PM
Wiljen you let the cat out of the bag, Soon you wont have all of TN to your self.

02-01-2008, 12:44 PM
I've noticed a swing over the past few years towards this kind of behaviour. I think some of it is fear of liability (schools close is there's a whiff of a chance it might cause problems), but it's also the media over-reporting the h**l out of it.

Course it could also be that the new generation is a bunch of wussies.

02-01-2008, 01:05 PM
Global warming!!!!!

All kidding aside, my wife explained to me the other day that Houghton has shifted 2 temperate zones south in that last 30 years...whatever that means....I guess it means that souther trees will move norther...somethin like that.

I still don't understand why places that get to be -45 has residents. Can someone fill me in? There is the wonderland called the south where we never get much below 0, the hunting is good, the fishing is good, and the people are friendly. Why would you move somewhere else?

Cause ya got ticks....I'll take snow over ticks any day.

02-01-2008, 01:10 PM
[QUOTE=redneckdan;281900]All kidding aside, my wife explained to me the other day that Houghton has shifted 2 temperate zones south in that last 30 years...whatever that means..

Oh No!! Global Warming?? You'all are gonna get ticks and die from Lyme disease!!

02-01-2008, 01:19 PM
I still don't understand why places that get to be -45 has residents. Can someone fill me in?

We take pride in perseverance and get to enjoy a lot of elbow room. If the weather was nice all of the time EVERYONE would want to live up here. A little hardship once in a while builds character.


02-01-2008, 01:32 PM
A little hardship once in a while builds character.-ktw
And a lot of hardship most of the time builds real characters - like in maybe, Alaska .

02-01-2008, 01:52 PM
Oh Yea we are characters we are!
The cut off for school closure here is -50 and that does not include wind chill.
You southern folk will never realise the benifits of free ice and refridgeration.
What ya think of this, we burn wood 365 days a year for heat. hot water, and or cooking. Our bread comes from a wood cook stove oven thats in our kitchen and bakes gooood stuff summer and winter. Most of yall will never know the quality of baked goods that was lost to the conveniance of modern cooking weather that be gas or electric. Yup we have been called charecters and other names. We chose a differant way, not an easy way just differant. I pray that it helps give our children that charecter that is admirable to others and honorable to God and a benifit to thier country.

02-01-2008, 02:37 PM
Here in SW MO, the weatherman and woman were hyperventalating about the HUGE snowstorm that was about to destroy the land. Even thinking of stepping outside would be instantly fatal, blah blah blah...
Geez, I am really getting tired of this. We did have a bad ice storm last January, the weatherpeople actually called that one right, and it went to their heads. Now they think they can call EVERY ONE perfect, right down to exact amounts of precipitation and when and where it will come. They have cried "wolf" so much already this winter that people are really beginning to tune them out. Perspective is always a good thing, and this overdoing it all the time is heck on their credibility.

02-01-2008, 04:23 PM

you do know that they make good tick repellents these days right?

Morgan Astorbilt
02-01-2008, 04:35 PM
If memory serves me, Lyme Disease started in Lyme, Connecticut, not down here in the South. I know, because I was living right across the Sound, on Long Island, at the time, where we had an abundance of both snow and ticks, the regular dog ticks, and the tiny Lyme Disease carrying Deer Ticks.

02-01-2008, 05:09 PM
OHHH STOOOP! We here in lake effect country get buried every year, and we still take it in stride! We got maybe 4 inches, and sleet and freezing rain to boot. The village of Pulaski maybe 12 miles from here got 40 inches in 1 day last week. Anything under a foot is just an annoyance to us. It makes me get my plump derriere off the couch and get some cardio shoveling. Last year we got 15 FEET in 1 week. I had to get up on the roof and shovel 7 of it off (twice). The springoff got the day off, and has been gaming all day. I need to get a snowblower and some snowshoes!

02-01-2008, 06:04 PM
What the hell is snow? I forgot.

Seriously, though, I'm probably the only one you'll ever meet who actually DID have to walk uphill both ways through the snow to school. If you want to look at it the other way, I also had to walk downhill both ways, too. The way to school crossed a small valley created by a stream that drained a several-dozen square block area into the local river. Downhill, then back uphill on the way to school, repeat the process in reverse to go home. :mrgreen:



02-01-2008, 06:25 PM
shoot!~ I ain't had a tick on me in at least three weeks. :-D Too cold here in N. Alabama for ticks. 42F and wind blowing hard enough to keep me from fishing. Temp supposed to get into the 50's tomorrow, mild southwest wind, and bet your wheel weights, Good Lord Willing, I will be there about daylight. Crappie fishing is good here in the winter, along with Spotted Bass, SmallMouth,White Stripe and Jacks.

I had to walk to school 10 miles each way, uphill both ways, in the snow, summer and winter, barefooted. Ha![smilie=1:

Here's to you fellows that can stand that cold weather because I sure can't!:drinks:

NavahoJoe :castmine:

Ohio Rusty
02-01-2008, 06:48 PM
Today (Fri.) the central Ohio schools were closed due to a 1/4 inch thick sheet of ice everywhere this morning. The good news is being I work for the school district, I get a paid day off for this snow day .... woo HOO !! That way I can spend a day at home with the wife and play on the 'net and talk about boolets .....
Ohio Rusty ><>

02-01-2008, 09:30 PM
In ST Louis,

Tuesday noon was 73 and sunshine; 4 PM 25 and snowed like a mother for a little bit; down to 14 that night.

Thursday noon, 25 and light snow. Let us out early from work and cancelled the 4-to-12 shift. Ended up with about 9 inches of snow overnight. The county snow plow went through around noon today and all is well. AND THE ELECTRIC DIDN'T GO OFF!

Thursday was also the anniversary of "the two foot snow" of 1982; officially about 13 inches.

If you're ready for it and know how to deal with it, it's no big deal. BUT I live on top of a steep ridge with "5 ways off the mountain and all of them bad!" I'll waste a day of paid vacation rather than slide off the road and down into the timber.

Gus: Take care and I'll see you at Quigley....where you can get d--- cold in June!

:cbpour: :redneck:

02-01-2008, 10:51 PM
yep it is called snow

02-02-2008, 09:36 AM
OHHH STOOOP! We here in lake effect country get buried every year, and we still take it in stride! We got maybe 4 inches, and sleet and freezing rain to boot. The village of Pulaski maybe 12 miles from here got 40 inches in 1 day last week. Anything under a foot is just an annoyance to us. It makes me get my plump derriere off the couch and get some cardio shoveling. Last year we got 15 FEET in 1 week. I had to get up on the roof and shovel 7 of it off (twice). The springoff got the day off, and has been gaming all day. I need to get a snowblower and some snowshoes!

Spoken like a true Northern New Yorker! I'm right at the very fringe edge of the lake effect belt. We get it maybe 2 times a winter if the wind is right. That stretch of 81 between Watertown and Syracuse is a bear if the breeze is up at all!

We got a couple inches in the morning yesterday, then rain, then 4-5" more snow. Plowing will suck. I must have run into every transplanted NYC snow-driving virgin there was yesterday. Never saw so many cars in the ditch over nothing. Such is life.

02-03-2008, 05:18 PM
Spoken like a true Northern New Yorker! I'm right at the very fringe edge of the lake effect belt. We get it maybe 2 times a winter if the wind is right. That stretch of 81 between Watertown and Syracuse is a bear if the breeze is up at all!

We got a couple inches in the morning yesterday, then rain, then 4-5" more snow. Plowing will suck. I must have run into every transplanted NYC snow-driving virgin there was yesterday. Never saw so many cars in the ditch over nothing. Such is life.

Amen Bret! I made that same drive, about 70 miles or so I think, a few times when we were building Fort Drum.

Those snowflakes looked to be 4" across, about 2" apart, and coming straight across in front of you! Driving that after dark was a real challenge.

I describe winter up there as "30 below and blowing snow."

02-03-2008, 05:24 PM
I've driven that stretch many times and it's the worst I have seen. Directly east of the lake with prevailing winds creating lake effect snow, and a highway with dense trees on each side funnelling the snow and wind.

02-04-2008, 10:23 AM
Bullshop has it right! Wish I had retired in Alaska. The two years I was stationed there were outstanding. My family never had a cold, kids went to school to (I think-40 below), other kids watched out for them. Moved back to Ne, and sinus, and kidney infections, colds and flu. Just had to insure that kids didn't put their toungs on something metal, etc. Static electricity was bad, and you had to ground yourself befor you went to pet the dog or kiss the wife or you would just about see a spark jump between ya. Snow, was great, large quantities of it, and I had three snowmobiles (old and used, but great runners). Think somebody mentioned liabilities and schools etc. We have just to many lawyers running around chasing ambulances or in this case schoolbuses. :

02-04-2008, 11:47 AM
-45F today, school's open

02-04-2008, 12:11 PM
Curious about the ticks in Michigan. Another forum I frequent had a thread by a guy who spent a summer in the UP. (All 3 weeks!) He said the woods were full of ticks. I grew up in the woods near Midland (50 years ago) and don't think I was ever bitten by a tick. (Mosquitos, deer flies, no-see-ums, etc., but never a tick or chigger.) If there has been a recent bug influx, I may be willing to accept that as some evidence of Continental Warming. :mrgreen:

02-04-2008, 12:38 PM
I'm all so from Northern NY. I lived a mile and a quarter from the high school in Massena in the late 50's and early 60's. Weather was awful cold then, walked to school each day, it was -40 quite a few days then, and we thought nothing of it. Quite a few times Massena recorded the coldest day in the lower 48. In 1977 we had a real cold spell during Xmas, all of my brothers and sisters were back in Massena for Xmas. We had 9 cars in the driveway and we all were getting ready to leave Massena and it had been -40 for 4 days straight and no-one had moved any cars for 4 days. None of the cars would start, my toyota FJ-40 Landcruser was the last one we tried, it gasped once and started. It was the only vehicle that started,and shocked all of us and by using jumper cables we used it to start 3 other cars and then them to start the rest.
It's strange now we don't seem to get the extremly cold weather like we did in the 50's, 60's and 70's. Now a cold spell is two to 3 days of -5 to -15 below.

02-05-2008, 01:29 PM
Now it is 50 deg and wet! Thunderstorms passed through last night! The temp inversion causes everything in my barn to "sweat".
I too remember when a kid they were claiming we were slipping into an ice age. I thought I was the only person remembered this as others I mention it to seem to have no recollection atall. I think we may still be warming from the ice age or whatever it was.